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The Government Controls Your Living Space

Laws Controlling the Use of One's Own Land

Subtopics and Documents:
webCharlie GoodyearSan Francisco Chronicle2006-06-28
webMegan GarberThe Atlantic2015-08-31
webMatt AgoristFree Thought Project2016-09-01
webCalifornia Legislature2014-03-01
webRichard BrennemanBerkeley Daily Planet2009-06-25
webNoaki SchwartzSan Francisco Chronicle2008-11-21
webJulia WickLos Angeles Times2021-08-03
webSammy RothLos Angeles Times2020-06-18
webWill ParrishEast Bay Express2015-07-15
webBettina BoxallLos Angeles Times2015-06-29
webDan CharlesNPR2015-04-12
webCarol LloydSan Francisco Chronicle2007-04-27