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Lack of Exercise
Causes of Obesity

Lack of Exercise as Cause of Obesity


Subtopics and Documents:
webStephan Pastis2023-01-22
webChase PurdyQuartz2018-03-15
webThomas DM, Bouchard CObes Rev2012-10-01
webSara FL Kirk, Tarra L PenneyPublic Health Nutrition2010-01-01
webSwinburn B, Sacks GAm J Clin Nutr2009-12-01
webWesterterp KR, Speakman JRInt J Obes (Lond)2008-05-27
webMaria I. Creatore, PhD; Richar...JAMA2016-05-24
webSteve MitchellMSNBC2008-07-29
webMike StobbeAssociated Press2007-09-07
webUri Ladabaum, M.D., M.S. Ajith...American Journal of Medicine2014-03-11