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Israel's 2023 War on Gaza, parts one through ten

Israel's 2023 War on Gaza, part seven

webStephanie KirchgaessnerThe Guardian2024-01-18
webEdward HuntForeign Policy In Focus2024-01-11
webJulia FrankelAssociated Press2024-01-11
webDaniel BoguslawThe Intercept2024-01-04
webAssociated Press2023-12-31
webEmma Graham-HarrisonThe Guardian2023-12-30
webCBS News2023-12-29
webNajib Jobain, Wafaa Shurafa an...Associated Press2023-12-26
webBethan McKernanThe Guardian2023-12-25
webTimes of Israel2023-12-25
webNajib Jobain and Samy MagdyAssociated Press2023-12-23