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Bisphenol A (BPA)

Health Problems of Bisphenol A (BPA)

webAlexandros G. Asimakopoulos, M...Environ Sci Technol2016-12-07
webAdam WernickLiving on Earth2016-08-21
webAmy Ellis NuttWashington Post2015-01-12
webDavid BraceyUniversity of Cincinnati2005-12-02
webJames MeikleThe Guardian2005-05-30
webMunoz-de-Toro M, Markey CMEndocrinology2005-09-01
webPatricia A. Hunt, Kara E. Koeh...Current Biology2003-04-01
webEmily MakowskiEnvironmental Health News2019-07-26
webMary KekatosDaily Mail2017-02-08
webOhlstein JF, Strong ALJ Mol Endocrinol2014-08-20
webSong Y, Hauser RInt J Obes (Lond)2014-04-11
webGenevra PittmanReuters Health2013-08-19
webTrasande L, Attina TMJAMA2012-09-19
webMichael KahnReuters2008-05-14
webBrian BienkowskiEnvironmental Health News2017-03-16
webRebecca WilliamsMichigan Radio2014-02-11
webJames MeikleThe Guardian2005-05-30
webMunoz-de-Toro M, Markey CMEndocrinology2005-09-01
webVishwam SankaranThe Independent2024-06-25
webLynne PeeplesEnvironmental Health News2018-09-13
webBrittany M. Anglea, Rylee Phuo...Reproductive Toxicology2013-12-01
webHugo ER, Brandebourg TDEnviron Health Perspect2008-08-14
webAgata Blaszczak-BoxeLiveScience2014-10-06
webHuanjia ZhangEnvironmental Health News2022-02-01
webLin CY, Shen FY, Lian GWAtherosclerosis2015-06-20
webSanghyuk Bae, Yun-Chul HongHypertension2014-12-08
webEndocrine SocietyNewswire2014-06-23
webPatricia A. Hunt, Crystal Laws...Proceedings of the National Ac...2012-08-24
webPatricia A. Hunt, Kara E. Koeh...Current Biology2003-04-01
webUniversity of BayreuthSciTechDaily2021-06-19
webBrian BienkowskiEnvironmental Health News2018-03-08
webC.J. JanovyKansas University Medical Cent...2013-11-12
webWei Bao, MD, PhD, Buyun LiuJAMA Netw Open2020-08-17
webBrian BienkowskiEnvironmental Health News2020-06-18
webLynne PeeplesEnvironmental Health News2019-11-12
webRezg R, El-Fazaa SEnviron Int2013-12-29
webBrian BienkowskiEnvironmental Health News 2014-02-13
webTrasande LHealth Aff (Millwood)2014-01-22
webJohanna R RochesterReprod Toxicol2013-08-30
webSharon LevyNational Wildlife2004-02-01