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Glyphosate by Date

Glyphosate 2013 through 2014

webRachael BaleCenter for Investigative Repor...2014-10-23
webBohn T, Cuhra M, Traavik TFood Chem2014-06-15
webW.A. Battaglin, M.T. MeyerJAWRA2014-04-01
webRobin Mesnage, Nicolas DefargeBiomed Res Int2014-02-26
webRobin Mesnage, Nicolas DefargeBioMed Research International2014-02-26
webJohn Peterson MyersEnvironmental Health News2014-02-11
webSayer Ji, FounderGreenMedinfo2014-04-14
webLouis SahagunLos Angeles Times2014-02-25
webMonika Kruger, Philipp Schledo...J Environ Anal Toxicol2014-01-01
webR. Mesnage, E. ClairJournal of Applied Toxicology2012-02-15
webAnthony Samsel and Stephanie S...Entropy2013-04-18
webAnthony Samsel and Stephanie S...Entropy2013-04-10
webPhreddy WischusenMichigan Citizen2013-04-25
webCrystal GammonScientific American2009-06-23