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Dairy Food Health Problems Miscellany

Dairy Food Health Problems through 2013

webDavid S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, Walt...JAMA Pediatrics2013-09-01
webDavid S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, Walt...JAMA Pediatrics2013-09-01
webAfeiche M, Williams PLHum Reprod2013-05-12
webMark Hyman, MDHuffington Post2013-09-10
webMelnik BC, John SMNutr J2013-07-25
webMelnik BC, John SMNutr J2013-07-25
webWiley ASAm J Hum Biol2011-11-28
webDomingo JLFood Chem Toxicol2011-11-12
webKyle S Burger and Eric SticeAm J Clin Nutr2012-01-05
webKyle S Burger and Eric SticeAm J Clin Nutr2012-02-15
webCaldwell DJ, Mastrocco FEnviron Health Perspect2010-03-01
webCaldwell DJ, Mastrocco FEnviron Health Perspect2010-03-01
webYolanda Jimenez-Gomez, Jose Lo...Atherosclerosis2009-06-01
webLesser LI, Ebbeling CBPLoS Med2007-01-01
webPark M, Ross GWNeurology2005-03-22
webShanti RangwaniColorLines2001-12-03