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Car Hegemony Miscellany

Car Hegemony 2016 to Now

webOliver MilmanThe Guardian2024-12-29
webHamilton NolanHow Things Work2024-09-05
webAnna ZivartsEnvironmental Health News2024-07-22
webAdam RogersBusiness Insider2024-03-07
webIndia BourkeBBC2024-01-22
webNicholas Dagen BloomThe Conversation2023-03-02
webDavid ZipperBloomberg2023-03-01
webNico SavidgeBerkeleyside2023-02-23
webGregory H. ShillThe Atlantic2019-07-09
webGeorge MonbiotThe Guardian2019-06-20
webHiroko TabuchiNew York Times2018-06-19