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Threats to Organic Agriculture
Anti-Environmentalism Propaganda

Anti-Organic Agriculture Propaganda

webStacy MalkanThe Ecologist2017-02-28
webStacy MalkanHuffington Post2016-06-30
webElizabeth GrossmanCivil Eats2015-07-02
webKari Hamerschlag, Anna Lappe a...Friends of the Earth2015-06-30
webKenneth ChangNew York Times2012-09-03
webCrystal Smith-Spangler, MD, MS...Ann Intern Med2012-09-04
webChuck BenbrookWashington State University2012-09-04
webDavid C. HolzmanEnviron Health Perspect2014-07-02
webLynne PeeplesHuffington Post2012-09-13