1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations     We are elder women and allies stepping up to the urgency of the climate crisis. We act in support of the rights of Native Americans and other frontline communities. We believe that we cannot address the climate crisis without addressing systemic racism. That is what climate justice means to us. 1000 Grandmothers allows us to augment our individual voices and impact by providing opportunities to act collectively. We find ways to use the particular influence of our being generational grandmothers to strengthen the Climate Justice Movement. Our Principles include collective nonviolent action, community building and kindness.     Address: 1438 Josephine Street, Berkeley CA 94703     Web: https://www.1000grandmothers.com/     [26 May 2024]
1000 Mothers to Prevent Violence     Mission is to ease the traumatic impact of violence on homicide and crime victim-survivors by providing ongoing compassionate support & services.     Voice: (510) 581-0100     Email: 1000mothers.cope@gmail.com     Web: https://1000mothers.org/     [01 Oct 2022]
100Reporters     A news organization dedicated to forging new frontiers in responsible journalism. It joins scores of award-winning reporters with whistle-blowers and citizen journalists across the globe to report on corruption in all its forms. The organization, spearheaded by veteran correspondents of top-tier news outlets, aims to raise the caliber, impact and visibility of citizen-driven investigative journalism, as a means of promoting transparency and good government.     Web: https://100r.org/     [19 Aug 2023]
2-1-1 Bay Area     The comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. We connect over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them. 2-1-1 phone and text services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 is available in 150 languages through phone interpretation services and English and Spanish for text services. All contacts are confidential. 2-1-1 connects callers with local community services, such as food, shelter, counseling, employment assistance, quality child care, senior services, and more.     Voice: 211     Web: https://www.211bayarea.org/     [21 May 2022]
350BayArea.org     Mission is to build a grassroots climate movement in the Bay Area and beyond to eliminate carbon pollution and achieve a clean energy future with racial, economic, and environmental justice. We are here for justice. The climate crisis magnifies systemic injustices: racial, economic and environmental. We mobilize people as climate activists, building the civic engagement & advocacy that are essential to solve the climate crisis. We organize, demonstrate, lobby, and educate, pushing policymakers to meet the urgency of the climate emergency.     Address: PO Box 18762, Oakland CA 94619     Email: info@350bayarea.org     Web: https://350bayarea.org/     [13 Apr 2023]
48 Hills     San Francisco’s largest daily, independent community news and culture site, launched by the editors of the legendary SF Bay Guardian alternative weekly newspaper. For almost a decade, 48 Hills has covered local and global music, arts, nightlife, and cultural events from a deep and fiercely independent point of view, as well as reporting on vital news stories and issues, with a diverse array of community voices. Launched in 2013 by Tim Redmond and updated daily, 48 Hills has grown to 35,000 readers a week and covers news, politics, arts, music, nightlife, and a vast array of cultural topics. 48 Hills is entirely community supported.     Web: https://48hills.org/     [13 Apr 2023]
A1 Sun, Inc.     A family owned, Berkeley based residential solar and energy storage design and installation company. Since 2007 we have been helping Bay Area homeowners incorporate solar and battery systems into their homes to meet their current and future energy needs. An Alameda County Certified Green Business since our first year in business, we install the same components for our clients that we use ourselves. Our commitment to the environment extends beyond what we do, to how we do it. We precycle, then recycle everything that is possible to recycle. We minimize waste and appropriately dispose of what we cannot recycle.     Address: 1455 Fourth Street, Berkeley CA 94710     Email: sales@a1suninc.com     Web: https://www.a1suninc.com/     [22 Jun 2024]
ABADA-Capoeira San Francisco Brazilian Arts Center (ACSF)     Works to preserve, develop, and share the martial art of capoeira with integrity, and to use capoeira and culture to build a healthy, just, and vibrant society in which people feel connected to and responsible for their community.     Address: 3221 22nd Street (at Mission), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 206-0650     Email: info@abada.org     Web: https://www.abada.org/     [20 Aug 2022]
AbilityPath     We provide a lifetime of support services for children, adults, and seniors with developmental disabilities and their families in the greater Bay Area. Celebrating neurodiversity and empowering individuals with developmental disabilities through innovative, inclusive programs and community partnerships.     Address: 350 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 123, Redwood City CA 94065     Voice: (650) 259-8500     Fax: (650) 697-5010     Email: info@abilitypath.org     Web: https://abilitypath.org/     [07 Dec 2024]
ABODE Services     Mission is to end homelessness by assisting low-income, un-housed people, including those with special needs, to secure stable, supportive housing; and to be advocates for the removal of the causes of homelessness. We develop and implement innovative programs to end homelessness. Our agency is built on the principles of Housing First, a proven approach that has yielded far superior results than those of past strategies for ending homelessness. Our results show how effective our work has been at ending homelessness for vulnerable children and adults in our community.     Address: 40849 Fremont Blvd, Fremont CA 94538     Voice: (510) 657-7409     Email: info@abodeservices.org     Web: https://www.abodeservices.org/     [13 Apr 2023]
Abolition 2000     An international network of organisations and individuals working for a global treaty to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons. Abolition 2000 is open to all organisations endorsing the Abolition 2000 Founding Statement. The Network provides a forum for the exchange of information and development of joint initiatives and campaigns. We meet once a year and communicate on an ongoing basis via a number of e-mail lists and through conferences, teleconferencing, and periodic mailings.     Web: https://www.abolition2000.org/en/     [19 Aug 2023]
Abortion Clinics OnLine (ACOL)     An online directory comprised of abortion providers and reproductive healthcare specialists. ACOL is a paid directory, therefore some clinics may not be listed.     Web: https://www.abortionclinics.com/     [16 Mar 2024]
About-Face     Equips teen girls with knowledge and tools to question media messages and support their mental health. Then, they take action in their own ways to push back against messages that don’t serve them. From unrealistic beauty ideals to narrow stereotypes, girls receive dangerous and limiting messages from social media, TV, movies, and real-life events every day. Our programs for teen girls range from our Education Into Action in-school programs to a weekend program, and our online resources for teens here on the site. We also support their adult advocates — parents, teachers, mentors, relatives, and group leaders — through adult-centered workshops as well as curriculum development and support.     Address: 1446 Market Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 448-6263     Web: https://about-face.org/     [16 Mar 2024]
Access Institute for Psychological Services     Provides high-quality psychological care to people of all ages with the greatest need and least access to care while training the next generation of mental health professionals through a model that values human complexity, supports socially-conscious practice, and promotes sustained human growth. We offer low and no-fee psychological services to those who want and need psychological support, but aren’t able to access it for any number of reasons including: income, cultural barriers, stigma around mental health, and lack of mobility.     Address: 110 Gough Street, Suite 301 (at Page), San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 861-5449     Email: info@accessinst.org     Web: https://www.accessinst.org/     [22 Jun 2024]
ACCION International     Since our founding in 1961, we have worked tirelessly to empower people who are underserved, revolutionizing financial services for people who are left out. Accion works to empower families, small businesses, and communities overlooked by the global financial system. We expand access to critical financial tools and open opportunities to build resilience, grow, and succeed. We find, fund, and grow companies creating new ways to meet the financial needs of the underserved. We advance inclusive financial services through rigorous research and advocacy for evidence-based change. We work with partners around the world who believe in the importance of creating a financially inclusive world.     Web: https://www.accion.org/     [04 Mar 2022]
Act for Love     Thinking about trying an online dating site? Use ActForLove.org! All ActForLove.org profits go towards supporting Left Action, a network of more than 1 million progressive activists. So just by using this site, you’re helping to support progressive causes.     Web: http://www.actforlove.org/     [16 Mar 2024]
Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project (ANV)     Elevates life in Oakland and beyond by challenging oppressive dynamics and environments through urban farming. Founded and led mainly by women of color from the surrounding neighborhood and larger community, ANV creates a safe and creative outdoor space for children, youth, and families in East Oakland, CA. ANV engages and strengthens young people’s understanding of nutrition, food production, the natural world and healthy living as well as strengthens their ties to the community. Located at 1001 83rd Avenue, Oakland, CA 94621.     Address: 1001 83rd Avenue, Mailbox #1, Oakland CA 94621     Voice: (510) 878-7235     Email: Info@anvfarm.org     Web: https://anvfarm.org/     [21 May 2022]
Acterra: Action for a Sustainable Earth     Brings people together to create local solutions for a healthy planet. We focus on what you can do locally to address current environmental problems. In the face of daunting environmental challenges, our science-based approach instills hope while building community. Acterra focuses its efforts on the most urgent issue of our time: climate change. We promote and support electrification, energy efficiency and renewable energy; transportation innovation; food sustainability; resilience and adaptation in the context of empowering underserved communities; and sustainable business practices in our region.     Address: 3921 East Bayshore Road, Suite 210, Palo Alto CA 94303     Voice: (650) 962-9876     Web: https://www.acterra.org/     [19 Aug 2023]
Action For Nature (AFN)     An international non-profit organization based in San Francisco, California, that encourages young people to take personal action to better their environments and to foster love and respect for nature.     Address: 2269 Chestnut Street #263, San Francisco CA 94123     Voice: (415) 922-6155     Email: mail@actionfornature.org     Web: https://actionfornature.org/     [27 Aug 2023]
The Action Network     We believe that teams fighting for progressive change need powerful, flexible tools to win on the issues that will build a more just and equitable world for all of us. Action Network tools are made for—and with—teams at people-powered organizations that want to build broad support and foster deeper relationships with supporters. Our tools are made to help you capture a moment, rally supporters to your cause, and sustain relationships with activists to build a stronger organization with lasting impacts. Since launching in 2012, Action Network tools have helped the Women’s March mobilize huge rallies across the globe, helped the DNC raised millions for candidates and organizations, and much more.     Web: https://actionnetwork.org/     [13 Apr 2023]
Active Voice Lab     A nonprofit network of seasoned strategists, led by Ellen Schneider. We help funders, advocates, media makers, and other leaders skillfully and collaboratively use story to advance social change. Based in San Francisco, we work with allies in the U.S. and beyond. Financial support comes from foundation grants, fee-for-service/consulting, and private donations. Active Voice Lab grew out of Active Voice, a leader in developing effective, story-fueled impact campaigns to spur progressive action. We’re now focused on big picture strategies and initiatives (see The Future of Public), so if you’re in search of an impact producer, please visit the Fledgling Fund or, if your project is funded, contact us for a referral.     Address: 1000 Broadway, Suite #480, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (415) 487-2000     Email: info@activevoice.net     Web: https://www.activevoice.net/     [20 Aug 2022]
Activist San Diego (ASD)     An information, communications and mobilization organization networking for social justice. Through the Activist Center, the Internet, media and educational programs, ASD links volunteers with community organizations and facilitates the growth of grassroots efforts to grow a progressive movement for social change.     Web: https://www.activistsandiego.org/     [04 Mar 2022]
Adams ESQ (Oakland office)     A special education law firm representing children with special education needs throughout California and Nevada. Our staff, paralegals, advocates and attorneys represent the interests of children and their parents in obtaining a free and appropriate public education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. As a service to our special needs community, we also organize and participate in workshops and seminars at no charge to parent and student oriented groups. ADAMS ESQ has published numerous articles in local periodicals to further educate the special needs community regarding their rights and responsibilities.     Address: 1300 Clay Street, Suite 600, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 832-6000     Email: oaklandadmin@adamsesq.com     Web: https://adamsesq.com/     [30 Jun 2024]
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Program (ASCA)     An innovative and effective support program designed specifically for adult survivors of physical, sexual, or emotional child abuse or neglect. The program was designed to support and assist survivors of child abuse, irrespective of their financial situation, in moving on with their lives. The two basic components of the ASCA program are: individually reading and working the Survivor to Thriver manual and participating in ASCA meetings. Meetings are the backbone of the ASCA recovery program.     Email: info@ascasupport.org     Web: http://www.ascasupport.org/     [11 Dec 2022]
Afghan Women's Mission     Started operations in January 2000 and is run by a small group of concerned Americans in support of the humanitarian and political work of RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan. Projects have included many programs run by Afghan women including Malalai Clinic, schools, orphanages, agricultural programs, demonstrations and functions in support of women’s and human rights. We are an all-volunteer organization based in the United States and are a project of the non-profit organization SEE.     Web: http://www.afghanwomensmission.org/     [04 Mar 2022]
African Advocacy Network (AAN)     A San Francisco-based nonprofit founded in 2009 to serve the growing Diaspora of African and Afro-Caribbean immigrants by providing immigration legal services. AAN provides services with experienced and trained linguistic capacity in more than ten languages that span the African continent including Amharic, Arabic, Berber, Dioula, Effutu, French, Haitian Creole, Kru, Senya, Sonufu, Spanish, Tigrinya, Wolof, and more.     Address: 3106 Folsom Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 503-1032     Web: https://www.aansf.org/     [30 Jun 2024]
African American Art and Culture Complex (AAACC)     Located in the historic Fillmore/Western Addition neighborhood, the African American Art & Culture Complex is one of the premier Black arts and cultural institutions in the San Francisco/Bay Area. We are one of seven cultural centers in the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Neighborhood Arts Program. We are dedicated to providing a wide variety of art and cultural programming for youth, adults and families, including visual, digital, and performance. In addition to programming, AAACC offers affordable space rentals for events in our 32,000+ square foot facility.     Address: 762 Fulton Street (between Webster and Buchanan), San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 426-1100     Email: info@aaacc.org     Web: https://aaacc.org/     [30 Jun 2024]
Against the Grain (ATG)     An award-winning radio and web media project whose aim is to provide in-depth analysis and commentary on a variety of matters — political, economic, social, and cultural — important to progressive and radical thinking and activism. ATG focuses on meaty theoretical and action-oriented issues that the mainstream media tends to ignore, matters like political economy, the global justice movement, philosophical and cultural ideas, and race and gender relations. We strive to bring these perspectives to the airwaves in a way that’s accessible, engaging, and, most of all, useful to people working for social change.     Web: https://kpfa.org/program/against-the-grain/     [04 Mar 2022]
Agrarian Trust     A national, 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to expanding community ownership of farmland, developing legal tools, and fundraising to help communities hold land and lease to next-generation farmers on a long term, affordable basis.     Web: https://www.agrariantrust.org/     [16 Mar 2024]
Agroecology in the Brazilian Landless Movement     This film examines a cooperative of the Brazilian Landless Movement (MST) in the South of Brazil, which struggled for access to land and then transitioned to ecological agriculture, or agroecology. This MST cooperative is demonstrating the possibility of an alternative model of flourishing rural life, which provides thriving livelihoods for farmers, produces high quality and low cost food for the region, and rehabilitates the earth.     Web: https://www.soilstruggleandjustice.org/     [30 Jun 2024]
Agua Para la Vida (APLV)     Helps communities in rural Nicaragua to build their own gravity-flow clean drinking water systems and sanitation. We develop sustainable local health education programs in the communities and also run a technical school which is providing the next generation of water technicians to Nicaragua. All APLV projects follow a community-driven process. The community requests the project, organizes itself to build, and does the manual labor of the building, resulting in a project which can maintain itself indefinitely. APLV provides technical leadership, community organization support, and materials.     Address: 2311 Webster Street (near Telegraph and Ashby), Berkeley CA 94705     Voice: (510) 914-1988     Email: charley@aplv.org     Web: https://aplv.org/     [03 Sep 2022]
AIDS Legal Referral Panel (ALRP)     Our mission is to advance and protect the rights, dignity, and health of people living with HIV/AIDS in the Bay Area. We accomplish this through direct legal representation by one of our Staff attorneys, by careful placement of clients with one of our 500 Volunteer Panel attorneys, and by connecting our clients to non-legal service providers to secure other vital resources. Every year, we help hundreds of clients stay in their homes, gain access to healthcare, become legal citizens, improve their finances, and connect to other community services.     Address: 1663 Mission Street, Suite 720, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 701-1100 (client line); (415) 701-1200 (office line)     Fax: (415) 701-1400     Email: info@alrp.org     Web: https://www.alrp.org/     [13 Sep 2024]
AK Press     Worker-run. Collectively-managed. Anarchist publishing and distribution since 1990.     Web: https://www.akpress.org/     [06 May 2023]
Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition     A broad-based, non-partisan, global, democratic association of grassroots activists and students. Al-Awda develops, coordinates, supports and guides, as needed, global and local grassroots initiatives for action related to the achievement and restoration of Palestinian rights in full. Our central advocacy is for the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and lands of origin, and to full restitution of all their confiscated and destroyed property in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International law and United Nations Resolutions which uphold these rights.     Web: https://al-awda.org/     [12 Mar 2022]
Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network     Launched in April 2010 as the first and only independent, transnational Palestinian think tank. We bring together over 200 analysts from across the globe to produce critical policy analysis and craft visions for a liberated, self-determined future. Al-Shabaka is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, registered in the State of California as the Middle East Policy Network.     Web: https://al-shabaka.org/en/     [31 Dec 2023]
Alameda County Community Food Bank     For over 35 years, we have stood by our unwavering belief that food is a basic human right. We distribute millions of healthy meals every year, and are on the forefront of new approaches to ending hunger and poverty. Located at 7900 Edgewater Drive in Oakland.     Address: PO Box 2599, Oakland CA 94614     Voice: (510) 635-FOOD (3663)      Fax: (510) 635-3773     Email: info@accfb.org     Web: https://www.accfb.org/     [13 Sep 2024]
Alameda Family Services     Fosters healing, resiliency, and growth through the delivery of progressive and comprehensive services to individuals and families at all stages of life. Our services can be accessed through the following program divisions: Early Childhood and Family Support Services School-Based Services Mental Health Clinic & Community Services     Address: 2325 Clement Avenue, Suite A, Alameda CA 94501     Voice: (510) 629-6300     Email: info@alamedafs.org     Web: https://www.alamedafs.org/     [27 Aug 2023]
Alameda Food Bank     A non-profit organization that offers assistance to the Alameda community by providing nourishing food in a compassionate and respectful manner with the support of dedicated volunteers and local partners. We do this by operating a food distribution center that allows individuals in need to obtain the food they need to feed themselves and their families. We also set up mobile pantries at Alameda Housing Authority facilities and donate food to Alameda organizations serving the unhoused. Our staff and volunteers strive to make the experience convenient and comfortable for all those who seek our help. Our generous community donates funds and food to help us meet the needs of our clients.     Address: PO Box 2167, Alameda CA 94501     Voice: (510) 523-5850     Web: https://www.alamedafoodbank.org/     [07 Dec 2024]
Alameda Green Parties     The web site of the City of Alameda Greens, Oakland Greens, and Campus Greens.     Web: http://cagreens.org/alameda/     [06 May 2023]
Alameda Point Collaborative (APC)     The largest supportive housing community in Alameda County. In 1999, APC transformed vacant military housing on the former Alameda Naval Air Station into a supportive housing community. APC now provides over 500 formerly homeless residents with the safety and stability of a place to call home. Coexisting with two partner non-profit agencies, over 500 residents have easy access to life and job skills training, substance abuse and mental health counseling provided by a team of highly skilled professionals. Residents work with on-site case managers and counselors to break down barriers to stability. Residents may participate in our workforce development program and take advantage of our on-the-job training opportunities through our social enterprises.     Address: 677 West Ranger Avenue, Alameda CA 94501     Voice: (510) 898-7800     Web: https://apcollaborative.org/     [21 May 2022]
Albany and El Cerrito for Palestine     El Cerrito and Albany Residents demand divestment from Israel, an arms embargo, and an end to the occupation. Free Palestine.      Web: https://www.instagram.com/albelc4palestine/     [24 Jan 2025]
Ali Shahrestani, Esq.     A recipient of multiple professional awards, seen on Fox and ABC News and in the LA Times and SF Chronicle, and honored by dozens of outstanding client testimonials, Attorney Ali Shahrestani is dedicated to providing aggressive, intelligent, and ethical legal representation in the areas of Business & Property Law, Divorce Law, and Education Law in California, New York, and Massachusetts. You can read more about him on his website.     Voice: (800) 510-3916     Email: Ali@aliesq.com     Web: https://AliEsq.com     [29 Jul 2023]
Alliance for Girls     We are a powerful, community-driven alliance of girl-serving organizations and leaders advancing gender equity and ensuring every girl can thrive. Creating a world where girls and gender-expansive youth, especially those of color, are valued, respected, and safe, through youth-led research and storytelling, leadership development, and advocacy. By supporting and connecting the leaders of girl-serving organizations, we are able to best support girls holistically and create lasting change.     Address: PO Box 27168, Oakland CA 94602     Voice: (510) 629-9464     Email: info@alliance4girls.org     Web: https://www.alliance4girls.org/     [16 Mar 2024]
Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility     Works to educate and protect the citizens of the State of California and future generations from the dangers of radioactive contamination. We support educating the public on options for energy generation, the dangers of aging nuclear plants and the increasing production and storage of high-level radioactive waste on California’s coastal zone. The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility Legal fund lobbies for California legislation to limit the production and storage of high-level radioactive waste on California’s coast to current license terms and to prohibit license renewals for California’s nuclear plants until there is a permanent safe and operating solution to the storage of high-level radioactive waste.     Web: https://a4nr.org/     [14 Jun 2024]
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (Oakland office) (ACCE Action)     A grassroots, member-led, statewide community organization working with more than 15,000 members across California. ACCE is dedicated to raising the voices of everyday Californians, neighborhood by neighborhood, to fight for the policies and programs we need to improve our communities and create a brighter future. Change from the bottom up: We take seriously our commitment to ground-up organizing to build a strong people’s movement that can create transformative community change. Our local neighborhood chapters and issue committees, led by ACCE Action member leaders, meet regularly to strategize and plan campaigns. Central to this work is the belief that there’s power in numbers and in collective action – ACCE Action members and their allies frequently “take to the streets” with rallies, town halls, and other actions to make their voices heard.     Address: 7200 Bancroft Ave, Suite 124, Oakland CA 94605     Voice: (510) 269-4692 x510     Email: oakland@calorganize.org     Web: https://www.acceaction.org/     [13 Sep 2024]
Alliance of South Asians Taking Action (ASATA)     A San Francisco Bay Area all-volunteer grassroots group working to educate, organize, and empower the Bay Area South Asian communities to end violence, oppression, racism and exploitation within and against our diverse communities.     Web: https://www.asata.org/     [14 Apr 2022]
Ally Electric and Solar     Mission is to promote the Renewable Energy in Bay Area, California. We do so by building quality Residential and Commercial Rooftop and Ground mount Solar Systems as well as installing EV Chargers. We install the most durable, powerful, and reliable systems on the market and we do so at a reasonable cost because we are direct installers and do not have any middle men between us and our customers.     Address: 855 Marina Bay Pkwy, Suite 280, Richmond CA 94804     Voice: (510) 559-7700     Email: Office@AllyElectricAndSolar.com     Web: http://www.allyelectricandsolar.com/     [06 May 2023]
Alternative Family Services, Inc. (AFS)     Provides thoughtful, informed foster care, adoption, and mental health services throughout Northern California. Mission is to support vulnerable children and families in need of stability, safety, and well-being in communities.     Address: 131B Stony Circle, Suite 1200, Santa Rosa CA 95401     Voice: (707) 576-7700     Fax: (707) 757-2929     Web: https://www.afs4kids.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
Alternative Radio     An award-winning weekly one-hour public affairs program offered free to all public radio stations in the U.S., Canada, Europe and beyond. AR provides information, analyses, and views that are frequently ignored or distorted in corporate media. With headquarters based in Boulder, Colorado and with only two full-time and two part-time paid staff, AR airs on almost 300 radio stations. Our project is sustained by donations and by listener purchases of season subscriptions, recordings, and transcripts.     Web: https://www.alternativeradio.org/     [03 Sep 2022]
AlterNet (Alternative News Network)     An award-winning news magazine and online community that creates original journalism and amplifies the best of hundreds of other independent media sources. AlterNet's aim is to inspire action and advocacy on the environment, human rights and civil liberties, social justice, media, health care issues, and more. Since its inception in 1998, AlterNet.org has grown dramatically to keep pace with the public demand for independent news. We provide free online content to millions of readers, serving as a reliable filter, keeping our vast audience well-informed and engaged, helping them to navigate a culture of information overload and providing an alternative to the commercial media onslaught.     Web: https://www.alternet.org/     [27 Aug 2023]
Amazigh Cultural Association in America     Organized and operated exclusively for cultural, educational, and scientific purposes to contribute to preserving, promoting, and enriching the Amazigh (Berber) language and culture. The Amazigh (Berber) people are the original inhabitants of North Africa, also known as Tamazgha, and they have been living in this part of the world for Millenia.     Web: https://www.tamazgha.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
Amazon Watch     Founded in 1996 to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of Indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. We partner with Indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability, and the preservation of the Amazon's ecological systems.     Web: https://amazonwatch.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
America Walks     Leading the way in advancing walkable, equitable, connected, and accessible places in every community across the U.S. We are the national voice for public spaces that allow people to safely walk and move. At the regional, state, and neighborhood levels, America Walks provides critical strategic support, training, and technical assistance to partner organizations and individuals to effectively advocate for change.     Web: https://americawalks.org/     [27 Aug 2023]
American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU-NC)     An enduring guardian of justice, fairness, equality, and freedom, working to protect and advance civil rights and civil liberties for all Californians. The ACLU has been at the forefront of advancing and protecting the individual civil rights and civil liberties enumerated in our Constitution. The ACLU stands up for these rights even when the cause is unpopular, and sometimes when few others will. We recognize that every person is ultimately at risk of having their rights and liberty taken away by an anti?democratic government, while also understanding that certain communities bear the brunt of government abuse today and will in the future.     Address: 39 Drumm Street (near 13th Street), San Francisco CA 94111     Voice: (415) 621-2493     Fax: (415) 255-1478     Web: https://www.aclunc.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
American Community Gardening Association (ACGA)     A grassroots non-profit advocacy organization focused on community gardening. Our mission is to build community by increasing and enhancing community gardening and greening across the United States and Canada. With over 1,000 individual and 252 organizational members, we link 2100 gardens across Canada and the US, ranging from family allotments to tiny pollinator pocket parks, and from school gardens to urban farms. Our proudly diverse membership includes active community gardeners, supportive volunteers, garden organizing and sponsoring organizations, governmental agencies, and horticultural professionals including teachers, horticultural therapists, Cooperative Extension agents, landscape architects, and academic researchers.      Web: https://www.communitygarden.org/     [03 Sep 2022]
American Farmland Trust (AFT)     Founded in 1980 to save America’s farms and ranches. We created the conservation agriculture movement, which speaks for the land—and for the people who grow our food. As the movement’s leaders, we have three priorities: protecting agricultural land, promoting environmentally sound farming practices, and keeping farmers on the land. AFT is the only national agricultural organization that approaches its work in this comprehensive, holistic manner. We recognize the connection between the land, forward-looking farming practices, and the farmers and ranchers who do the work. We also recognize the power of combining on-the-ground projects with objective research and effective advocacy.     Web: https://farmland.org/     [27 Aug 2023]
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, District Council 57 (AFSCME Council 57)     Comprised of 26 local unions representing 35,000 members throughout Northern California and the Central Valley. Established in 1963, the Council was formed as a progressive, member-driven labor organization dedicated to empowering and securing dignity and respect for all workers. We work together to improve wages, benefits and working conditions through organizing, collective bargaining and political action. We represent workers in schools and community colleges, transit agencies, public works and services, clinics and hospitals, and water and wastewater facilities. Our members are also the health and social service professionals in corrections facilities across California.     Address: 80 Swan Way, Suite 110, Oakland CA 94621     Voice: (510) 577-9694     Email: webmaster@ca.afscme57.org     Web: https://www.afscme57.org/     [27 Aug 2023]
American Friends Service Committee (Oakland office) (AFSC)     Coordinates programs in migrant youth, economic activism, and healing justice. By bringing together staff, volunteers, and resources, we are a part of efforts across the Bay Area, state, nation, and globe. In the Oakland office, we are doing important research on the militarization of our police forces, prison system, and Israeli occupation; we operate a vibrant youth leadership program for at-risk, migrant youth; and continue advocacy to end solitary confinement, and mass incarceration.     Address: 1730 Franklin Street, Suite 201, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (415) 565-0201     Web: https://www.afsc.org/office/oakland     [03 Sep 2022]
American Hiking Society (AHS)     We envision a world where everyone feels a sense of belonging in the hiking community and has lasting access to meaningful hiking experiences, be that in urban, frontcountry, or backcountry settings. At our core, we are a community of hikers, or more simply, a community of people who more broadly share a love of foot (or assisted) travel outside along paths, trails, sidewalks, and more.     Web: https://americanhiking.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
American Humanist Association (AHA)     We strive to bring about a progressive society where being good without a god is an accepted and respected way to live life. We are accomplishing this through our defense of civil liberties and secular governance, by our outreach to the growing number of people without traditional religious faith, and through a continued refinement and advancement of the humanist worldview.     Web: https://americanhumanist.org/     [03 Sep 2022]
American Indian Movement - West (AIM-WEST)     As an Inter-Tribal Treaty and Human Rights organization AIM-West raises awareness on the Right to Self-Determination and issues that concern or impact upon Indians of the Americas on a daily basis, including the implementation of the United Nations “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” adopted by the General Assembly on September 13, 2007. Through strategic use of multiple media channels, hosting cultural events and critical dialogues, AIM-West lifts the voice and visibility of Indigenous peoples, facilitates civic engagement and promotes the diversity of Indigenous peoples throughout the Americas and Pacific region.     Web: https://www.aim-west.org/     [11 Dec 2022]
American Muslim Voice Foundation (AMV Foundation)     Mission is to foster friendships among all Americans by bridging cultural and religious gaps. We also work towards protecting and preserving civil liberties and constitutional rights for ALL. The AMV Foundation is committed to connect people from all walks of life. Through education and social interaction we will erase our fears and will joyously accept each other so we can celebrate our diversity. We are taking the interfaith dialog to the next level by fostering life long friendships among all Americans. We work with all Muslim, multi-faith, and community organizations/groups and individuals who share our dedication and commitment to build an inclusive and beloved community.     Address: 120 Park Avenue, Palo Alto CA 94306     Voice: (650) 387-1994     Email: saminasundas@gmail.com     Web: http://www.amuslimvoice.org/     [27 Aug 2023]
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)     A grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the movement for justice in Palestine by educating the American public about Palestine and its rich cultural, historical and religious heritage and through grassroots mobilization and advocacy.     Web: https://www.ampalestine.org/     [17 Nov 2023]
American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation (ANRF)     Creates comprehensive programs to prevent the harmful effects of secondhand smoke and smoking among youth and adults. Incorporated in 1984, the organization has 39 years of experience promoting prevention and education about smoking, secondhand smoke, and exposing tobacco industry interference with public health policies. Our goals include educating the public about the health effects of secondhand smoke and the benefits of smokefree environments. Ultimately, our efforts are intended to create a smokefree generation of Americans that rejects tobacco use and is savvy to tobacco industry tactics.     Address: PO Box 2941, Berkeley CA 94702-9911     Web: https://no-smoke.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)     A civil rights organization committed to defending the rights of people of Arab descent and promoting their rich cultural heritage. ADC was founded by former U.S. Senator James Abourezk in 1980. Today, ADC is the largest Arab American grassroots organization in the U.S.     Web: https://adc.org/     [27 Aug 2023]
Americans for Safe Access (ASA)     Missioni is to ensure safe and legal access to cannabis (marijuana) for therapeutic use and research. ASA works to overcome political, social, and legal barriers by creating policies that improve access to medical cannabis for patients and researchers through legislation, education, litigation, research, grassroots empowerment, advocacy and services for patients, governments, medical professionals, and medical cannabis providers.     Web: https://www.safeaccessnow.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AUSV)     A nonpartisan, not-for-profit educational and advocacy organization that brings together people of all religions and none to protect the right of everyone to believe as they want — and stop anyone from using their beliefs to harm others. We fight in the courts, legislatures, and the public square for freedom without favor and equality without exception.     Web: http://www.au.org     [27 Aug 2023]
Amnesty International (AI)     A global movement of more than 10 million people who are committed to creating a future where human rights are enjoyed by everyone. United by our shared humanity, we know that the power to create positive change is within all of us. We are funded by members and people like you. We are independent of any political ideology, economic interest or religion. We stand with victims of human rights violations whoever they are, wherever they are. No government is beyond scrutiny. We uncover the truth. We hold human rights violators to account. Through our detailed research and determined campaigning, we help fight abuses of human rights worldwide. We bring torturers to justice. Change oppressive laws. And free people jailed just for voicing their opinion.     Web: https://www.amnesty.org/en/     [07 Dec 2024]
AnewAmerica Community Corporation     Changes lives through creating economic opportunities for targeted communities. Many women, minorities and immigrants face economic insecurity with no means to accumulate wealth. AnewAmerica leverages entrepreneurship to train and coach individuals to start their own business to support economic growth for themselves and their communities. Provides training and technical assistance to targeted communities for economic and social empowerment through a focus on green entrepreneurship, asset building, social responsibility and civic engagement.     Address: 360 14th Sreet, Fifth Floor, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 540-7785     Fax: (510) 540-7786     Web: https://www.anewamerica.org/     [06 May 2023]
Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)     Mission is to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system. The Animal Legal Defense Fund accomplishes this mission by filing high-impact lawsuits to protect animals from harm, providing free legal assistance and training to prosecutors to assure that animal abusers are held accountable for their crimes, supporting tough animal protection legislation and fighting legislation harmful to animals, and providing resources and opportunities to law students and professionals to advance the emerging field of animal law.     Address: 525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati CA 94931     Voice: (707) 795-2533     Fax: (707) 795-7280     Web: https://aldf.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
Animal Outlook     Working to end animal abuse since 1995, Animal Outlook exposes cruelty to farmed animals and promotes vegan eating. Our mission is to strategically challenge animal agribusiness through undercover investigations, legal advocacy, corporate and food system reform, and disseminate information about the many harms of animal agriculture, empowering everyone to choose vegan.     Web: https://animaloutlook.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
Animal Place     One of the oldest and largest sanctuaries for farmed animals in the country. Nestled on 600-acres in Grass Valley, CA, Animal Place provides refuge to hundreds of neglected farmed animals. In addition to permanent sanctuary, Animal Place’s new Rescue and Adoption Center in Petaluma is focused on placing needy farmed animals into permanent homes. Sanctuary is important work, but Animal Place strives to create meaningful change for farmed animals through advocacy and education. Thousands of visitors flock to the sanctuary each year to learn more about the animals and farming. Volunteer classes introduce folks to the more intense ways people can help. Internships are also available.     Address: PO Box 1118, Grass Valley CA 95945     Voice: (530) 477-1757     Email: info@animalplace.org     Web: https://animalplace.org/     [12 Mar 2022]
Animal Rights for Palestine     A collective of liberation activists within the animal rights movement dedicated to promoting Palestinian solidarity.     Web: https://www.instagram.com/animalrights4palestine_/   https://linktr.ee/animalrightsforpalestine     [02 Jun 2024]
Animals Voice     An independent online resource for helping animals and the people who defend them. We are an award-winning networking source of recent media coverage, timely information, and an incalculable volume of resources for animals and their defenders. We feature the latest news, multimedia, events, victories, thought-provoking and inspirational editorial, graphic and compelling photography, and in-depth investigative reports, as it relates to the plight of animals. Through our online database of hard-hitting editorial and photography, resources and networking, as well as our international award-winning animal rights magazine, we have already proven our potential among activists and adversaries as a powerful force in the changes necessary for the betterment in the living and dying conditions for animals worldwide.     Web: https://animalsvoice.com/     [11 Dec 2022]
Anti Police-Terror Project (APTP)     A Black-led, multi-racial, intergenerational coalition that seeks to build a replicable and sustainable model to eradicate police terror in communities of color. We support families surviving police terror in their fight for justice, documenting police abuses and connecting impacted families and community members with resources, legal referrals, and opportunities for healing. APTP began as a project of the ONYX Organizing Committee.     Web: https://www.antipoliceterrorproject.org/     [13 May 2023]
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)     The leading anti-hate organization in the world. Founded in 1913, its timeless mission is “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” Today, ADL continues to fight all forms of antisemitism and bias, using innovation and partnerships to drive impact. A global leader in combating antisemitism, countering extremism and battling bigotry wherever and whenever it happens, ADL works to protect democracy and ensure a just and inclusive society for all.     Web: https://www.adl.org/     [13 May 2023]
Anti-Eviction Mapping Project     A data-visualization, critical cartography, and multimedia storytelling collective documenting dispossession and resistance upon gentrifying landscapes. Primarily working in the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, and New York City, we are all volunteers producing digital maps, software and tools, narrative multimedia work, murals, reports, and community events. Working with a number of community partners and in solidarity with housing movements globally, we study and visualize entanglements of racial capitalism, technocapitalism, and political economy, while providing tools for resistance.     Web: https://antievictionmap.com/     [30 Jun 2024]
Anti-Slavery International     We are the oldest international human rights organisation in the world. Today, we draw on our experience to work to eliminate all forms of slavery and slavery like practices throughout the world. We are not interested in easy solutions. Instead, we deal with the root causes of slavery and its consequences to achieve sustainable change.     Web: https://www.antislavery.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
antiwar.com     This site is devoted to the cause of non-interventionism and is read by libertarians, pacifists, leftists, "greens," and independents alike, as well as many on the Right who agree with our opposition to imperialism. Our initial project was to fight against intervention in the Balkans under the Clinton presidency. We applied the same principles to Clinton's campaigns in Haiti and Kosovo and bombings of Sudan and Afghanistan. Our politics are libertarian: our opposition to war is rooted in Randolph Bourne's concept that "War is the health of the State." With every war, America has made a "great leap" into statism, and as Bourne emphasized, "it is during war that one best understands the nature of that institution [the State]." At its core, that nature includes an ever increasing threat to individual liberty and the centralization of political power.     Web: http://www.antiwar.com/     [03 Sep 2022]
Arab Cultural and Community Center (ACCC)     A non-profit, non-sectarian, charitable and educational corporation that provides community services. Its mission is to preserve, promote and strengthen Arab culture and the community through art, education and culturally relevant events and services in the San Francisco Bay Area.     Address: 2 Plaza Street, San Francisco CA 94116     Voice: (415) 664-2200     Email: info@arabculturalcenter.org     Web: https://www.arabculturecenter.org/     [07 Dec 2024]
Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC)     We organize to fight for racial and economic justice and the dignity and liberation of our Arab, and Muslim communities. We work towards the self-determination of our people under attack in Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and across the entire SWANA (South West Asia and and North African) region with the same breath that we fight for our freedoms here in the United States. We see our struggles here as a domestic manifestation of global militarism and racial capitalism, and as the root causes of the political, social and economic instability of our homelands. In that spirit, we see the liberation of our people as inextricably tied to the liberation of all oppressed people.     Web: http://www.araborganizing.org/     [11 Dec 2022]
Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility (Northern California Chapter) (ADPSR)     Works for peace, environmental protection, ecological building, social justice, and the development of healthy communities. ADPSR advocates for a society where investments are made in buildings that lift people up, and where willful human rights abuses are a thing of the past. We believe that the design professions can help provide leadership to achieve a just, peaceful, and equitable world.     Web: https://www.adpsr.org/     [23 Mar 2024]
Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)     The largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.     Web: https://anca.org/     [13 May 2023]
Art of Yoga Project     Mission is to bring mindfulness-based practices to system-involved and other marginalized youth for their healing and empowerment. We understand that youth require a predictable, safe, supportive environment to heal. Our model includes specially trained trauma-informed teachers who bring tools for self-awareness and self-regulation to move youth from vulnerability into resilience. We are leaders in the movement to ensure mindfulness-based practices are accessible to all creating innovative collaborations within systems that serve youth.     Address: 555 Bryant Street #232, Palo Alto CA 94301-1704     Web: https://theartofyogaproject.org/     [03 Sep 2022]
Artists' Television Access (ATA)     A San Francisco-based, artist-run, non-profit organization that cultivates and promotes culturally-aware, underground media and experimental art. We provide an accessible screening venue and gallery for the presentation of programmed and guest-curated screenings, exhibitions, performances, workshops and events. We believe in fostering a supportive community for the exhibition of innovative art and the exchange of non-conformist ideas.     Address: 992 Valencia Street (near 21st), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 824-3890     Email: ata@atasite.org     Web: http://www.atasite.org/     [21 May 2022]
ArtSpan     Believes in the power of art to enrich lives. ArtSpan champions an inclusive art experience and provides diverse audiences with an authentic connection to local art and artists. We support all levels of artists who contribute to San Francisco’s inimitable creative energy, while bolstering the next generation of artists and encouraging the public to engage in preserving and furthering the local art community.     Address: SOMArts Cultural Center, 934 Brannan Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 861-9838     Email: info@artspan.org     Web: https://www.artspan.org/home     [13 Sep 2024]
As You Sow     The nation’s non-profit leader in shareholder advocacy. Founded in 1992, we harness shareholder power to create lasting change and align investments with values. Our mission is to promote environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies. Corporations are responsible for most of the pressing social and environmental problems we face today — we believe corporations must be a willing part of the solutions. We make this happen. As shareholder advocates, we directly engage corporate CEOs, senior management, and institutional investors to change corporations from the inside out.     Address: PO Box 751, Berkeley CA 94701     Email: info@asyousow.org     Web: https://www.asyousow.org/     [17 Dec 2023]
Asexuality Visibility and Education Network (AVEN)     Hosts the world's largest online asexual community as well as a large archive of resources on asexuality. AVEN strives to create open, honest discussion about asexuality among sexual and asexual people alike. Unlike celibacy, which is a choice to abstain from sexual activity, asexuality is an intrinsic part of who we are, just like other sexual orientations. Asexual people have the same emotional needs as everybody else and are just as capable of forming intimate relationships.     Web: http://www.asexuality.org/     [03 Sep 2022]
Ashkenaz Music and Dance Community Center (Ashkenaz)     Mission is to build community and understanding of the world’s cultures by presenting concerts and classes in participatory dance and music rooted in traditional cultures from around the world. Ashkenaz is committed to supporting both established and emerging local, regional, national and international artists in a respectful, comfortable, and family-friendly atmosphere.     Address: 1317 San Pablo Avenue (near Gilman), Berkeley CA 94702     Voice: (510) 525-5099     Email: ashkenaz@ashkenaz.com     Web: https://www.ashkenaz.com/     [30 Mar 2024]
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus     We are committed to the pursuit of justice across society, with a specific focus on serving low-income, immigrant, and underserved Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. In California, with a special focus on the Bay Area, we bring together legal services, community empowerment, and policy advocacy to fight for immigrant justice, economic security, and a stronger democracy. As a founding member of the Asian Americans Advancing Justice affiliation, we also advance national policies and legal strategies on community-based solutions to racist hate and violence, the freedom to vote, and race-conscious college admission, and much more.     Address: 55 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco CA 94111     Voice: (415) 896-1701     Fax: (415) 896-1702     Web: https://www.advancingjustice-alc.org/     [02 Sep 2023]
Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI)     Founded in 1973, AACI serves individuals and families with cultural humility, sensitivity and respect, advocating for and serving the marginalized and ethnic communities in Santa Clara County. To strengthen the resilience and hope of our diverse community members by improving their health and well-being.     Address: 2400 Moorpark Avenue, Suite 300, San Jose CA 95128     Voice: (408) 975-2730     Email: info@aaci.org     Web: https://aaci.org/     [13 Sep 2024]
Asian Health Services (AHS)     Provides health, social, and advocacy services for all regardless of income, insurance status, immigration status, language, or culture. Our approach to wellbeing focuses on “whole patient health,” which is why we provide more than primary care services, including mental health, case management, nutrition, and dental care to more than 50,000 patients in English and 15 languages: Korean, Lao, Burmese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Mien, Karen, Mongolian, Karenni, Tagalog, Khmer, and Vietnamese.     Address: 101 8th Street, Suite 100, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 735-3100     Web: https://asianhealthservices.org/     [13 Sep 2024]
Asian Immigrant Women Advocates (AIWA)     Works with immigrant workers employed in the Bay Area’s garment, home care, hotel, restaurant, assembly and other low-wage industries, and low-income immigrant youth in Oakland. Our organization seeks to empower women and youth through education, leadership development and collective action, so that they can fight for dignity and justice in their daily lives and improve their working and living conditions.     Address: 310 Eighth Street #301 (near Harrison), Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 268-0192     Fax: (510) 268-0194     Email: info@aiwa.org     Web: https://www.aiwa.org/     [30 Mar 2024]
Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN)     All people have a right to a clean and healthy environment in which their communities can live, work, learn, play and thrive. Towards this vision, APEN brings together a collective voice to develop an alternative agenda for environmental, social and economic justice. Through building an organized movement, we strive to bring fundamental changes to economic and social institutions that will prioritize public good over profits and promote the right of every person to a decent, safe, affordable quality of life, and the right to participate in decisions affecting our lives. APEN holds this vision of environmental justice for all people. Our work focuses on Asian immigrant and refugee communities.     Address: 426 17th Street, Suite 500, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 834-8920     Fax: (510) 834-8926     Email: info@apen4ej.org     Web: https://apen4ej.org/     [02 Sep 2023]
Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach (API Legal Outreach)     Mission is to provide culturally competent and linguistically appropriate legal representation, social services, and advocacy for the most marginalized segments of the community including low-income women, seniors, recent immigrants, and youth. Through these community-based services, API Legal Outreach works to break the cycle of violence against women, youth and seniors, to advocate for the rights of immigrants and those with disabilities, to promote the dignity and independence of seniors and advocate for the basic rights such as affordable housing and the rights of tenants.     Address: 1121 Mission Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 567-6255     Fax: (415) 567-6248     Web: https://www.apilegaloutreach.org/     [02 Sep 2023]
Asian Women's Shelter (AWS)     Mission is to eliminate domestic violence by promoting the social, economic and political self-determination of women and all survivors of violence and oppression. AWS is committed to every person's right to live in a violence-free home, and has a specific focus towards addressing the cultural and language needs of immigrant, refugee, and U.S.-born Asian and Arab women and their children. This perspective is reflected in the organization's broad strategy, which integrates culturally grounded and language-accessible crisis lines, emergency shelter, transitional housing, community engagement and violence prevention programs, training and education programs, systems and policy advocacy, and cultural change initiatives.     Address: 3543 18th Street #19, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 751-7110     Fax: (415) 751-0806     Email: info@sfaws.org     Web: https://www.sfaws.org/     [17 Dec 2022]
Aspect Foundation     Building international goodwill, cross-cultural understanding and a peaceful future through educational and cultural exchange. Aspect Foundation was founded in 1985 as a small non-profit organization offering affordable study-abroad opportunities to students from around the world. We continue our mission today by providing a variety of outstanding educational and cultural exchange programs both in the United States and countries abroad. Students and host families alike have the opportunity to make lasting connections and meaningfully experience new cultures, traditions, and points of view.     Address: 870 Market Street, Suite 409, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (800) US-YOUTH (879-6884)     Fax: (415) 228-8051     Email: exchange@aspectfoundation.org     Web: https://aspectfoundation.org/     [14 Dec 2024]
Aspire Education Project     The Bay Area’s leader in effective supplemental education programming. For more than 15 years, we have promised - and delivered - real results to over 18,000 students by connecting them to a small community of educators and mentors stocked with content expertise and emotional intelligence. Our top priority is to empower students to grow in confidence, competence, and grit. We are driven by the conviction that although potential is equally distributed across lines of race and class, opportunity is not. Aspire is dedicated to interrupting patterns of inequity in our community, with the shared vision that all young people should have the opportunity for equally high outcomes without regard to where they start in life.     Address: 101 Broadway, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 658-7500     Email: info@aspireeducation.org     Web: https://aspireeducation.org/     [30 Mar 2024]
Association for India's Development (AID)     A volunteer movement promoting sustainable, equitable and just development. AID supports grassroots organizations in India and initiates efforts in various interconnected spheres such as education, livelihoods, natural resources including land, water and energy, agriculture, health, women’s empowerment and social justice.     Web: https://aidindia.org/     [13 May 2023]
Association of Feminists Fighting Fascism, Imperialism, Refeudalization, and Marginalization (AF3IRM)     An organization of women engaged in transnational feminist, anti-imperialist activism and dedicated to the fight against oppression in all its forms. AF3IRM’s diverse, multi-ethnic membership is committed to militant movement-building from the United States and effects change through grassroots organizing, trans-ethnic alliance building, education, advocacy and direct action. The SF Bay Area chapter participates in and plans International Women’s Day celebrations, 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, May Day, as well as anti-militarization rallies and forums, indigenous people’s ceremony, anti-colonial & anti-racist demonstrations, prison & police abolition protests, and immigrant rights actions.     Web: https://af3irm.org/af3irm/chapters/san-francisco-bay-area/     [02 Sep 2023]
Asylum Access     We are human rights advocates who support forcibly displaced individuals and communities as they reclaim their rights, agency and power. We aim to create a world where refugees everywhere can live safely, move freely, work, attend school and rebuild their lives. We advocate for a response to forced displacement that honors refugees’ freedom, dignity and autonomy, while also strengthening the communities that welcome them.     Address: C/O Port Workspaces, 344 Thomas L Berkley Way, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 891-8700     Email: info@asylumaccess.org     Web: https://asylumaccess.org/     [30 Jun 2024]
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights     An independent, human rights non-profit organization committed to defend and promote the rights of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons. Our vision, mission, programs and relationships are defined by our Palestinian identity and the principles of international humanitarian and human rights law. We seek to advance the individual and collective rights of the Palestinian people on this basis.     Web: https://www.badil.org/     [02 Sep 2023]
Bank Information Center (BiC)     An independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization that advocates for transparency, accountability, sustainability, and inclusion in development finance. BIC partners with civil society in developing and transition countries to monitor and influence the policies and operations of the World Bank Group and other international financial institutions (IFIs). In partnership with international, regional, and local CSOs, BIC conducts research and advocacy aimed at reforming and improving IFI policy and practices.     Web: http://www.bankinformationcenter.org/     [13 May 2023]
BAVC Media (Bay Area Video Coalition)     A community hub and resource for media makers in the Bay Area and across the country, serving several thousand freelancers, filmmakers, job-seekers, activists, and artists every year. BAVC Media provides access to media making technology, storytelling workshops, a diverse and engaged community of makers and producers, services and resources. BAVC Media advocates for those whose stories aren’t being told, and provides the resources for anyone to create and share, and amplify their stories and those of their communities. BAVC Media’s diverse, innovative programs lead the field in media training for youth and educators, technology and multimedia focused workforce development, visually-driven new media storytelling and audio-visual preservation.     Address: 145 Ninth Street, Suite 101, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 861-3282     Email: info@bavc.org     Web: https://www.bavc.org/     [17 Dec 2022]
Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirits (BAAITS)     A community-based volunteer organization offering culturally relevant activities for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Native Americans, their families and friends. Two-Spirit refers to the commonly shared notion among many Native American tribes that some individuals naturally possessed and manifested both a masculine and feminine spiritual qualities. American society commonly identifies Two-Spirit People as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender.     Web: https://www.baaits.org/     [30 Mar 2024]
Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors (BAADS)     Seeks to make all aspects of sailing accessible. To fulfill this mission, we offer weekly small boat sailing and keelboat sailing out of South Beach Marina, adjacent to Oracle Ball Park. BAADS hosts and participates in a variety of regattas and informal races both locally and internationally. BAADS serves approximately 15-50 participants each weekend who range in age, experience and disabilities. Some participants have never sailed before and some have been sailing all their lives. Through our weekend programs, participants learn to sail by themselves or with a partner in the small boat program and/or as part of a crew in the keelboat program.     Address: Pier 40, The Embarcadero, San Francisco CA 94107     Voice: (415) 281-0212     Web: https://www.baads.org/     [13 May 2023]
Bay Area Barns and Trails     Assists landowners and land managers with preservation and maintenance of publicly accessible barns, stables, pastures, staging areas, horse camps, and trails throughout Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Mateo, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma Counties.     Address: PO Box 2435, Mill Valley CA 94942-2435     Web: http://bayareabarnsandtrails.com/     [21 May 2022]
Bay Area Black Worker Center     Dedicated to improving the quality of life in the Black community by organizing around the workplace and non-workplace issues facing Black workers.     Address: 9006 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland CA 94605     Voice: (510) 330-5600     Web: https://www.facebook.com/BayAreaBWC/     [14 Jan 2025]
Bay Area Center for Nonviolent Communication (BayNVC)     Home to a number of projects and groups working under the same umbrella to apply and promote the principles and practices of Nonviolent Communication. Most of these are operated and run by BayNVC staff and trainers and include private sessions, classes, organizational services, retreats, and a variety of projects designed for social transformation. In addition, BayNVC provides fiscal sponsorship and financial services to other relevant projects by request.     Web: https://baynvc.org/   https://www.cnvc.org/     [02 Sep 2023]
Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters Forest (BACH)     Mission is to educate and build support in the Bay Area and other urban areas for the preservation of biologically viable redwood and other forests and forest habitats. BACH collaborates with grassroots activists and organizations in Northern California who use diverse tactics and strategies to advocate for ecologically sound solutions for the forest ecosystems of California’s north coast. BACH connects the dots to preserve forest ecosystems, looking to real solutions for forest workers, communities and Indigenous People of California’s North Coast.     Address: c/o Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley CA 94702     Voice: (510) 548-3113     Email: bach[at]headwaterspreserve[dot]org     Web: http://headwaterspreserve.org/     [03 Sep 2022]
Bay Area Community Exchange (BACE Timebank)     A free, online directory, communication, and time accounting system that facilitates distributions of needs and resources using a system of giving and receiving of time credit. Every hour a member uses doing something for someone is an hour earned that can be used to purchase services from another member. It's that simple. BACE’s Timebank is a community of more than 3500 members and organizations that offer and provide services and skills in 50 categories such as gardening/farming, childcare, education, home improvement, professional development, and personal development.     Web: https://timebank.sfbace.org/     [02 Sep 2023]
Bay Area Community Services (BACS)     A local leader in homelessness prevention programs, facing the housing crisis head on through rapid re-housing, targeted outreach for people experiencing homelessness and support navigating the web of services, purchasing housing across the Bay Area to house people who would otherwise be homeless, and much more. BACS also provides recovery-oriented behavioral health services across the spectrum of need.     Address: 390 40th Street, Oakland CA 94609     Voice: (510) 613-0330     Fax: (510) 569-4589     Email: bacs@bayareacs.org     Web: https://www.bayareacs.org/     [30 Mar 2024]
Bay Area Crisis Nursery (BACN)     A short term residential care facility for young children of families in a time of personal crisis. We service families with parents who care but temporarily can’t cope with overwhelming or stressful life emergencies. Our goal is to bridge the need for emergency childcare while providing a support network of resources and services to ensure both parents and children form a healthy family.     Address: 1506 Mendocino Drive, Concord CA 94521     Voice: (925) 685-8052     Web: https://bayareacrisisnursery.org/     [21 May 2022]
Bay Area Divest     We are a diverse group of Bay Area residents who believe public funds should be invested in our own communities' well-being by caring for our people and our planet. We are outraged that our governments are investing our tax dollars in Israel’s ongoing genocide and decades-long military occupation and apartheid in Palestine. Our goal with this petition is to demonstrate to our elected representatives at all levels of government that Bay Area residents support immediate divestment from such entities, and demand reinvestment in our communities’ well-being.     Web: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcBobgl_IBMNZqgtb9GBZpEDKuez-fmDx8v0AkEJeHHdcolQ/viewform?pli=1     [02 Jun 2024]
Bay Area Essential Workers Agenda     We are a coalition of seven worker centers representing immigrant working people and working people of color in the Bay Area. We surveyed over 1400 people working to make ends meet - earning less than $25 per hour - to find out how they have been impacted by the pandemic, and what they want in a good job. Survey respondents worked in restaurants, in-home patient care, house cleaning, janitorial work, construction, retail and more. Three quarters of those surveyed lost work, two-thirds could not access Unemployment Insurance, more than half could not access Paid Sick Leave, and more than a quarter said they would not report a violation by their employer. These results define our four-point platform for a true economic recovery.     Web: https://www.essentialworkersagenda.org/     [14 Jan 2025]
Bay Area Friends of Tibet (BAFoT)     Mission is to study, promote interest in, and actively preserve Tibetan culture in all its aspects; to educate the general public in matters pertaining to Tibet and the Tibetan people; and to provide assistance to Tibetans.     Address: 1310 Fillmore Street, Suite 401, San Francisco CA 94115     Voice: (415) 409-6353     Email: bafot@friends-of-tibet.org     Web: https://www.friends-of-tibet.org/     [02 Sep 2023]
Bay Area Girls Rock Camp (BAGRC)     Empowers young people through music, promoting an environment that fosters self-confidence, creativity and teamwork. Our camp centers the experiences of girls, trans and/or non-binary youth in our explicit commitment to gender justice and creating an inclusive environment that supports a wide range of marginalized gender identities and expressions. BAGRC challenges gender stereotypes, encourages collaboration and tolerance among peers, and provides a comfortable space for people of all backgrounds to express themselves. Through music lessons, workshops, group activities, and performances, rock campers acquire skills that help guide them throughout their lives.     Address: PO Box 72213, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 267-1808     Web: https://www.bayareagirlsrockcamp.org/     [09 Sep 2023]
Bay Area Green Tours     Our Mission is to inspire and educate youth and adults to build a more enduring, resilient and just future by creating interactive experiences that highlight the regenerative economy in action. Our Mission aligns with the values of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by highlighting breakthroughs for restoring people and the planet. We show you the inspiration models to encourage the urgent action needed to combat the Climate Crisis. Our volunteer-based non profit highlights innovative regenerative solutions of local organizations through engaging, education and hands-on learning experiences in collaboration with local organizations and leaders.     Web: https://www.bayareagreentours.org/     [09 Sep 2023]
Bay Area Iranian American Democrats (BAIAD)     A 100% volunteer-based organization that was founded in June 2004 on the basic principle that the time has come for Iranian Americans to develop a powerful political voice and influence by becoming active and responsible participants of American democracy.     Voice: (408) 599-2809     Email: sina-at-baiad-dot-org     Web: https://www.baiad.org/     [21 May 2022]
Bay Area Labor For Palestine     We are a coalition of Bay Area workers organizing to end the genocide in Gaza and for a free Palestine.      Web: https://www.instagram.com/bayarealabor4palestine/     [20 Jan 2025]
Bay Area Legal Aid (BayLegal)     Mission is to provide meaningful access to the civil justice system through quality legal assistance regardless of a client’s location, language or disability. BayLegal’s clients are low- and very low-income members of our communities. BayLegal’s clients are spread across our seven county service area, from San Francisco to Livermore, Gilroy to Napa. They include the working poor, seniors, veterans, people with disabilities.     Address: 1735 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 663-4755     Web: https://baylegal.org/     [17 Dec 2023]
Bay Area Literacy (BALIT)     Serves adults in the Bay Area who choose to improve their reading and writing skills. BALit’s 24 member programs are located in libraries from Marin County to Santa Clara County. Each year these programs serve some 6,500 adults, helping them to achieve their goals and expand their opportunities. Library-based literacy programs offer free, individualized and confidential tutoring with trained volunteer tutors from the community. Learners gain the skills they need to read to their children, complete job applications, pass the driver’s test, write a birthday card and achieve whatever goals they have set for themselves. Tutors are amazed by what they learn from their partners.     Web: https://www.balit.org/     [09 Sep 2023]
Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program (BORP)     Mission is to improve the health, independence and social integration of children, youth and adults with physical disabilities and visual impairments through sports, fitness, and recreation programs. BORP was founded in 1976 by people with disabilities and remains a leader in the field of adaptive sports, fitness and recreation. Based in Berkeley, CA, BORP is the only organization in the San Francisco Bay Area region that provides a comprehensive menu of adaptive sports, fitness and recreation programs for people with physical disabilities.     Address: 3075 Adeline Street, Suite 200, Berkeley CA 94703-2578     Voice: (510) 849-4663     Email: info@borp.org     Web: https://www.borp.org/     [31 Dec 2023]
Bay Area Palestine Solidarity (BAPS)     Web: https://www.instagram.com/bayarea4palestine/   https://linktr.ee/bayareapalestinesolidarity     [18 Aug 2024]
Bay Area Reporter (BAR)     America's longest continuously-published and highest circulation LGBTQ newspaper. Since 1971, we have been dedicated to serving as the undisputed publication of record for the San Francisco Bay Area LGBTQ community. The Bay Area Reporter is regarded for practicing advocacy journalism and producing original reporting on news and culture from an LGBTQ perspective -- from the birth of the LGBTQ rights movement all the way to achieving marriage equality and advocating for transgender rights.     Address: 44 Gough Street #302, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 861-5019     Email: keepintouch@ebar.com     Web: https://www.ebar.com/     [30 Mar 2024]
Bay Area Seed Interchange Library (BASIL)     Part of a growing network of concerned farmers and community gardeners dedicated to conserving the remaining genetic diversity of our planet’s seed stock. We have created a library of healthy vegetable, herb, and flower seeds that are available free to the public at the Ecology Center in Berkeley. BASIL hopes to encourage good growing techniques by offering seed saving classes, access to literature, and one-to-one help from experienced seed savers. We are a dynamic group that needs your support and involvement!     Address: 2530 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley CA 94720     Voice: (510) 548-2220 x233     Web: https://ecologycenter.org/basil/     [14 Dec 2024]
Bay Area United Against War Newsletter (BAUAW)     Anti-war news from Bay Area United Against War, an activist-oriented newsletter based in San Francisco, CA.     Web: https://www.bauaw.org/     [21 May 2022]
Bay Area Wilderness Training (BAWT)     Mission is to create equitable access to outdoor experiences for low-income and BIPOC youth. BAWT envisions a generation of social and environmental leaders, inspired by positive and meaningful experiences in nature, who reflect the diversity of our local community.     Address: 1100 57th Avenue, Oakland CA 94621     Email: info@bawt.org     Web: https://www.bawt.org/     [14 Dec 2024]
Bay Area Women Against Rape (BAWAR)     Founded in 1971, BAWAR was the first rape crisis center in the country. It was founded with the two-part goal of establishing a place where survivors of sexual violence could receive the quality counseling and advocacy they need, and to provide community education around these issues. Although our name is Bay Area Women Against Rape, we serve anyone affected by sexual violence. BAWAR defines sexual violence by the narratives of the survivors who experienced the violence. We are here to believe and validate the community we serve in a trauma-informed, culturally appropriate and accessible way.     Address: 470 27th Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 430-1298 (office); (510) 800-4247 (24-Hour Hotline)     Email: bawar@bawar.org     Web: https://bawar.org/     [17 Dec 2023]
Bay Area Women in Black     Since April 7, 2007, Bay Area Women in Black has been standing vigil in front of the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland every Saturday, with banners and signs, offering visible opposition to both the U.S. Occupation of Iraq and the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.     Web: https://womeninblack.org/vigils-arround-the-world/america/united-states-of-america/california/     [30 Dec 2023]
Bay Area Youth Climate Summit     A local environmental non-profit run entirely for youth by youth. Through solution-based climate justice organizing, we cultivate a community that empowers youth to become educators, activists, and leaders in the climate movement.     Web: https://www.baycs.org/     [14 Jan 2025]
Bay Nature Institute     Connects the people of the San Francisco Bay Area to our natural world and motivates people to solve problems with nature in mind. Our vision is that all people have a close relationship with their natural world. We are an independent nonprofit publication and website with a vision that all people have a close relationship with nature. Our writers, photographers and artists cover science and nature, conservation, and recreation.     Address: 1328 Sixth Street, Suite 2, Berkeley CA 94710     Voice: (510) 528-8550     Web: https://baynature.org/     [14 Dec 2024]
Bay Resistance     A powerful organization preparing to defend our communities, our movements, and our planet. The mission of Bay Resistance is to advance racial, economic, climate, and gender justice by activating individuals and families to build a just world for all of us. Some of us are targeted by Trump and his hateful policies. Many of us are immigrant, Muslim, South Asian, Black, Jewish, women, workers, queer, seniors & people with disabilities. All of us commit to loving, defending, and standing up for each other.     Web: https://www.bayresistance.org/     [20 Jan 2025]
Bay Rising     Three local alliances anchor Bay Rising: Oakland Rising, San Francisco Rising and Silicon Valley Rising. Grassroots, community groups that organize communities of color, led by people of color, drive each of our local anchors. Our collective constituencies include tens of thousands of low-income and working-class immigrant, Black, Latinx, Asian, and Pacific Islander communities. Together, we support each other to increase voter turnout within our communities, educate voters, build the capacity to run electoral campaigns, and develop local leaders.     Address: 1042 Grant Avenue, Suite 5, San Francisco CA 94133     Email: info@bayrising.org     Web: https://bayrising.org/     [13 May 2023]
Bay Trail     Welcomes hikers, joggers, bicyclists, skaters and wheelchair users to more than 350 miles of trails that circle the bay. Get outside and enjoy what this region is known for around the world — breathtaking and inspiring views that offer unique experiences for everyone. The vision? A total of 500 miles by foot or by wheel through 47 cities, across 7 toll bridges, along shorelines, BBQ spots, over 130 parks, remote locations and so much more.     Web: https://mtc.ca.gov/operations/regional-trails-parks/san-francisco-bay-trail     [30 Mar 2024]
BAY-Peace: Better Alternatives for Youth     Offers holistic leadership programs where we empower Bay Area youth to transform and heal from militarization, systemic violence and intergenerational trauma. We envision a world where youth voices are uplifted through creative expression and holistic education to promote their Transformation, Healing and Wellness. We encourage youth to use artistic expression as an essential tool for healing and transformation. We practice authenticity while engaging in vulnerable and educational conversations that help us collectively heal and build consciousness. We center youth leadership to ensure that programs and campaigns build their agency.     Address: 610 16th Street #322, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 863-1737     Email: baypeace@baypeace.org     Web: http://www.baypeace.org/     [17 Dec 2022]
The BayEcotarium     The largest watershed conservation organization in San Francisco and an amalgam of five institutions, united under one mission to protect and conserve the Bay Area ecosystems. Human impact and environmental changes have put a strain on the ecological balance, and the Bay Ecotarium works towards preserving the natural environment for future generations. We focus on changing the conversation about conservation from a position of scarcity to that of abundance and from fear to opportunity.     Address: Pier 39, The Embarcadero & Beach Street, San Francisco CA 94133     Voice: (415) 623-5300     Email: info@bayecotarium.org     Web: https://bayecotarium.org/     [30 Jun 2024]
BayRail Alliance     For more than 30 years, BayRail Alliance believes a World Class Caltrain will… Vastly improve travel experience Generate high ridership Reduce pollution Enhance our region’s economic vitality Become a better neighbor in our communities While we still have a way to go, without our education and advocacy efforts to preserve, sustain, and improve Caltrain, it would not have become one of the most productive commuter rail routes in the United States.     Address: 3921 East Bayshore Road, Palo Alto CA 94303     Email: media_request@bayrailalliance.org     Web: https://www.bayrailalliance.org/     [21 May 2022]
Bayview Hunter's Point Center for Arts & Technology (BAYCAT)     Addresses racial, gender and economic inequity by creating powerful, authentic media while diversifying the creative industry. Through the education and employment of low-income youth, young people of color, and young women in the Bay Area, and producing media for socially-minded clients, we are changing the stories that get shared with the world.     Address: 2415 Third Street, Suite 230, San Francisco CA 94107     Voice: (415) 701-8CAT (8228)     Email: info@baycat.org     Web: https://www.baycat.org/     [27 May 2022]
Bee Holistic Cat Rescue and Care     Has been saving lives for over 40 years. We became a registered non-profit in 2011. We focus on holistic medicine and food, working with some of the best doctors and communicators on earth! We have brought many cats back from 'the brink', often simply by switching them to an organic raw diet. The fat ones slim down, and gain back their vitality: clear eyes, lustrous skin...Cats in our care almost always avoid the urinary problems, skin problems, GI problems, etc., which are so common these days. Recently our focus has turned to end-of-life care, an area sadly neglected in veterinary education and practice. We do hospice counseling.     Voice: (510) 994-1704     Email: cynthia@beeholistic.com     Web: http://www.beeholistic.com/     [13 May 2023]
Ben Lomond Quaker Center     We are a self-service conference and retreat center in northern California offering simple, modestly priced, comfortable accommodations. We are located on 80 acres of redwood forest, an hour and a half south of San Francisco and 25 minutes outside of Santa Cruz. After more than 50 years of deliberate, careful development, Quaker Center now offers a place of retreat and contemplation, of renewal and growth, for individuals, families, Friends meetings and other organizations or groups who unite with the Quaker principles of simplicity, justice, peace and respect for “that of God” in every person.     Address: 250 Main Sreet #686, Ben Lomond CA 95005     Voice: (831) 336-8333     Email: mail@quakercenter.org     Web: http://www.quakercenter.org/     [27 May 2022]
Berkeley Animal Rights Center (ARC)     The first community center for animal rights in the US. And now we have two locations! We host community events and trainings for animal rights and social justice advocates and function as an office space, materials building shop, and more!     Address: 2414 Sixth Street, Berkeley CA 94710     Email: info@berkeleyarc.com     Web: https://www.berkeleyarc.com/     [09 Sep 2023]
Berkeley Climate Action Coalition (BCAC)     A strong and growing network of local organizations and community members joining together to help implement the City of Berkeley’s ambitious, forty-year Climate Action Plan. We include residents, non-profits, the City of Berkeley, neighborhood groups, faith based organizations, schools, businesses, UC Berkeley, and others! The BCAC initiates projects that address climate change on a wide variety of issues — energy, water, food, waste, the built environment, and transit. We are working toward a future that includes clean air and water, energy efficient housing, and food, energy and transportation that is local, affordable, accessible and safe.     Web: http://ecologycenter.org/climatecoalition/     [13 May 2023]
Berkeley Community Gardening Collaborative (BCGC)     BCGC is composed of diverse community garden members who share a common commitment to organic, urban agriculture and access to healthy food for all residents of Berkeley. By providing a forum for mutual support and the sharing of common resources, BCGC assists and protects existing gardens, facilitates the formation of new gardens, and advocates food security initiatives in our local schools and city.     Address: c/o Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite H, Berkeley CA 94702     Voice: (510) 883-9096     Email: corinnehaskins@yahoo.com     Web: https://ecologycenter.org/bcgc/     [05 Jul 2024]
Berkeley Community Media (BCM)     A media production haven for auteur and experienced filmmakers, television producers and students of all forms of life! We are a P.E.G. access television media center living right in the heart of Berkeley, California! BCM's primary goal is to provide residents of Berkeley and beyond a space to learn how to produce media as well as share it with their community! Our television channels are on the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week, cablecasting voices from all over the San Francisco Bay Area! Look for us on B-TV Channels 28 & 33 on Comcast Cable in Berkeley, and on Channel 99 via AT&T U-Verse, and on the web: WWW.BCMTV.ORG     Address: PO Box 2687, Berkeley CA 94702     Voice: (510) 848-2288     Email: admin@bcmtv.org     Web: http://www.betv.org/     [27 May 2022]
Berkeley Copwatch     Berkeley Copwatch is the original Copwatch group. We began in 1990 on Telegraph Ave. as an all-volunteer organization dedicated to monitoring police actions and non-violently asserting our rights. Since that time, many Copwatch-type organizations have sprung up across the nation, in various forms. Berkeley Copwatch is based on the idea that WATCHING the police is a crucial first step in the process of organizing. We do not attempt to interfere in police activity or to resist police misconduct physically. It is our hope that, one day, mass outrage at police and government violence will increase to a point where fundamental change in the nature of policing becomes inevitable.     Address: Grassroots House, 2022 Blake Street (near Shattuck), Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 548-0425     Email: berkeleycopwatch@yahoo.com     Web: https://www.berkeleycopwatch.org/     [17 Dec 2023]
Berkeley Daily Planet     An online newspaper covering Berkeley, California.     Address: PO Box 5534, Berkeley CA 94705     Voice: (510) 845-8440     Web: https://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com     [21 Sep 2024]
Berkeley Families for Collective Liberation     A grassroots organization based in Berkeley, California that formed in response to attacks by pro-Israel lobbyists and Zionist community members on our K-12 school district, teachers and students. We are bound by our commitment to our joint struggle for freedom, starting with the liberation of Palestine, and we recognize that no one is free until we are all free. We are not free in a world where we cannot talk about Palestinian freedom or teach real Palestinian history in our schools. We uphold that Jewish safety and Palestinian liberation are intertwined, and that the struggle for Palestinian freedom is interconnected with the struggles of all colonized and oppressed peoples, including our Black, Indigenous, Queer, Trans, Latine, Asian and Pacific Islander siblings.     Web: https://tinyurl.com/berkeleyfams4cl     [28 Sep 2024]
Berkeley Federation of Teachers (AFT Local #1078, AFL-CIO)     The BFT is made up of 900 teachers (K-12, Adult School, and Child Development), counselors, substitutes, school psychologists, Adaptive PE teachers, librarians and speech pathologists serving Berkeley public school students. Founded in 1950, the BFT works vigorously to improve working conditions for its members, and learning conditions for students. We believe that a strong union is good for the community, and for its children. Research continues to show that teacher quality is the most important factor in student achievement. The BFT strives to create working conditions that will attract and retain excellent teachers in Berkeley.     Address: 1432 University Avenue, Berkeley CA 94702-1509     Voice: (510) 549-2307     Email: president@berkeleyteachers.org     Web: https://berkeleyteachers.org/     [09 Sep 2023]
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (BFUU)     A dynamic Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregation that plays an important role as a progressive spiritual community in the heart of Berkeley. The Fellowship enriches the life of the surrounding community as a much-used and much-loved venue for social justice and cultural programs. Located at 1924 Cedar Street in Berkeley.     Address: 1606 Bonita Avenue, Berkeley CA 94709-2022     Voice: (510) 841-4824 x1     Email: office@bfuu.org     Web: https://bfuu.org/     [30 Mar 2024]
Berkeley Food Network (BFN)     Seeks to end hunger and poor nutrition by using innovative, community-centered solutions to build a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable food system. BFN was founded in 2016 to redesign hunger relief around grassroots partnerships. Before launching, BFN’s founders spent a year listening to community-based organizations in Berkeley and Albany to better understand the local landscape of food insecurity. These relationships laid the groundwork for our impact today; collaborating with partner agencies who are deeply engaged with communities in need to design and deliver services that maximize dignity, respect, and choice for the people we support.     Address: 1569 Solano Avenue, #243, Berkeley CA 94707     Voice: (510) 616-5383     Web: https://berkeleyfoodnetwork.org/     [07 Apr 2024]
Berkeley Food Pantry     The Berkeley Food Pantry provides emergency groceries to Berkeley and Albany residents in need. We currently serve over 2,000 people a month. The Berkeley Food Pantry operates under the fiscal sponsorship of the Berkeley Friends Church, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization and is governed by the church's Food Pantry Oversight Committee.     Address: 1600 Sacramento Street, Berkeley CA 94702     Voice: (510) 525-2280     Email: info@berkeleyfoodpantry.org     Web: https://www.berkeleyfoodpantry.org/     [13 May 2023]
Berkeley Free Clinic     Healthcare for people. Not profit. At Berkeley Free Clinic, we provide free medical care because we believe healthcare is a fundamental human right, not a profit-driven industry. Our mission is to ensure everyone has access to compassionate, dignified healthcare, regardless of their ability to pay. We empower our community with basic knowledge about their bodies, fostering informed decision-making and self-advocacy.     Address: 2339 Durant Avenue (between Dana and Ellsworth), Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 548-2570; (800) 6-CLINIC     Fax: (510) 548-1730     Email: info@berkeleyfreeclinic.org     Web: https://www.berkeleyfreeclinic.org/     [21 Sep 2024]
Berkeley Friends on Wheels     We are a coalition of friends, family, students, elderly, disabled people and pets. We found our way to park and live together at the Berkeley Marina, forming a community that protects and cares about each other: Berkeley Friends on Wheels.     Address: 901 Gilman Street, Berkeley CA 94710     Voice: (510) 978-8850     Email: berkeleyfriendsonwheels@gmail.com     Web: https://www.facebook.com/vehicledwellersofthebay     [17 Dec 2023]
Berkeley Information Network (The BIN)     A database of community resources: local organizations, agencies, services, non profits, clubs, in and around Berkeley. It also includes information on museums, disabled services, low-cost legal aid, recycling, schools, emergency dental referrals, parks, summer camps, senior resources, job lines, consumer groups and more.     Address: c/o Berkeley Public Library, 2090 Kittredge Street (at Shattuck), Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 981-6150     Web: https://services.berkeleypubliclibrary.org/databases/bplbin/     [07 Apr 2024]
Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project     An innovative, new way to fight hunger in our community. You want to help. We make it easy. EVERY 2 MONTHS—on the second Saturday of every even month—our Neighborhood Coordinators pick up bags of healthy nonperishable food that neighbors have left outside their front doors. They leave empty green bags for next time, and take all the food to local Food Banks. It’s that easy!     Web: https://berkeleyfoodproject.org/     [03 Jun 2023]
Berkeley Neighbors for Housing and Climate Action (BNHCA)     We know climate change is the foremost threat to the planet, and transportation is the single greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions in both Berkeley and California. We know Berkeley's housing shortage directly contributes to these high emissions by forcing middle- and low-income workers into increasingly long and miserable commutes. Therefore, we believe we must create more homes in Berkeley, for all income levels. This is the most environmentally sound and socially equitable solution to our shared housing and climate crises. Our common destiny is our shared opportunity. We believe that by creating transit-rich, diverse, and walkable neighborhoods, we can be a regional leader in tackling climate change while becoming a more affordable and equitable city for ourselves and future generations.     Web: https://bnhca.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
Berkeley Open Source Food (BOSF)     Interdisciplinary research & ecological literacy to build healthy, healthful food systems.     Web: https://forage.berkeley.edu/     [01 Jan 2022]
Berkeley Organization for Animal Advocacy (BOAA)     We are a student organization and animal activist group at UC Berkeley. We are dedicated to improving the condition of animals — especially at our university — through education, collaboration, and direct action. We also hope to build a community of people who love animals and want to work towards a better future.     Web: https://boaa.berkeley.edu/     [11 Sep 2022]
Berkeley Partners for Parks (BFPF)     Builds vibrant, healthy, ecologically sound communities by providing the infrastructure that volunteer groups need in order to improve the beauty and usefulness of public space and recreation in and around Berkeley, California. A citywide nonprofit organization that encourages volunteerism and community development for parks, community gardens, natural habitat, and open space, and recreation in our area. We help citizens form new groups, help those groups find needed financial and volunteer resources, provide voices of experience and help with publicity, and serve as a 501(c)3 nonprofit fiscal sponsor, providing bookkeeping, tax filing, insurance, and the ability to receive tax-free donations and grants.     Address: PO Box 12521, Berkeley CA 94712     Web: https://www.bpfp.org/     [24 Dec 2023]
Berkeley Path Wanderers Association (BPWA)     We are community volunteers who work to increase awareness of Berkeley's pathways through our programs and activities. We offer free guided walks, publish a map of Berkeley's path network, and build and maintain new paths on previously inaccessible city-owned rights of way.     Address: 1442A Walnut Street, Box 269, Berkeley CA 94709     Email: info@berkeleypaths.org     Web: https://www.berkeleypaths.org/     [13 May 2023]
Berkeley People's Alliance     A working class and community alliance. Advancing social, racial, economic, and environmental justice in the City of Berkeley.     Web: https://berkeleypeoplesalliance.org/     [09 Jul 2024]
Berkeley Student Food Collective (BSFC)     Works to provide healthy, sustainable, and affordable food for the East Bay community. Through our volunteer-run grocery collective, we operate as a local hub for both leadership development and food-related education for our members.     Address: 2440 Bancroft Way, Suite 102, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 845-1985     Email: director@foodcollective.org     Web: https://www.facebook.com/foodcollective     [09 Sep 2023]
Berkeley Youth Alternatives (BYA)     A community based organization. Our vision is to provide a secure and nurturing environment for all the children, youth, and families of our community. We desire to promote, to their fullest potential, the freedom to develop individual skills and visions of the world. Our mission is to help children, youth, and their families address issues and problems via Prevention by reaching youth before their problems become crises, and via Intervention through the provision of support services to youth entangled in the juvenile justice system. BYA helps to build capacity within individuals to reach their innate potential.     Address: 1255 Allston Way (at Bonar), Berkeley CA 94702     Voice: (510) 845-9010     Fax: (510) 849-1421     Web: https://www.byaonline.org/     [29 Sep 2024]
Between The Lines (BTL)     A weekly syndicated half-hour radio newsmagazine featuring progressive perspectives on national and international political, economic and social issues. Squeaky Wheel Productions is our 501(c)(3) nonprofit production company and distributor. Because Between The Lines is independent of all publications, media networks or political parties, we are able to bring a diversity of voices to the airwaves. This award-winning program provides a platform for individuals and organizations generally ignored or marginalized in corporate media.     Web: https://btlonline.org/     [05 Jul 2024]
Beyond Chron     We provide coverage of political and cultural issues often distorted or ignored by other media. Beyond Chron presents a critical look at the cutting edge issues of the day. Beyond Chron is published by the San Francisco-based Tenderloin Housing Clinic. Clinic Director Randy Shaw is the paper’s editor. For over a decade, Beyond Chron has provided a resource for progressives to access information, countered mainstream media distortions, and built support for progressive campaigns.     Address: 126 Hyde Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Email: feedback@beyondchron.org     Web: https://beyondchron.org/     [01 Jan 2022]
Beyond Pesticides     Works with allies in protecting public health and the environment to lead the transition to a world free of toxic pesticides. The founders, who established Beyond Pesticides (originally as National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides) as a nonprofit membership organization in 1981, felt that without the existence of such an organized, national network, local, state and national pesticide policy would become, under chemical industry pressure, increasingly unresponsive to public health and environmental concerns. Beyond Pesticides believes that people must have a voice in decisions that affect them directly. We believe decisions should not be made for us by chemical companies or by decision-makers who either do not have all of the facts or refuse to consider them.     Web: https://www.beyondpesticides.org/     [09 Sep 2023]
Big Livestock’s Big Greenwash     The total combined livestock emissions of 15 of the world’s largest meat and dairy companies exceed the individual emissions of ExxonMobil, BP and Shell. At a crucial time when the planet must dramatically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, these global animal protein giants are driving consumption of meat and dairy by ramping up production and exports. Many of these companies claim to have ambitious climate targets – but when you look beyond the rhetoric, much of it is greenwash. Here we expose the key tactics Big Meat and Dairy use for their Big Climate Greenwash.     Web: https://biglivestockgreenwash.com/     [28 Feb 2023]
Bike East Bay     Mobilizes by bike to build thriving communities that are joyful, safe, and inclusive. We are building a movement for safe streets and connected, thriving communities where people come first, not cars.     Address: PO Box 1736, Oakland CA 94604     Voice: (510) 845-RIDE (7433)     Web: https://bikeeastbay.org/     [05 Jul 2024]
The Bike Kitchen     A 501(c)(3) non-profit run by volunteers. We provide all the tools and parts you need to fix or build a bicycle. Our staff of volunteer mechanics is available to give advice and answer questions. The Bike Kitchen feels that our contributions to the greater SF community should go beyond empowerment through our bicycle services, and that we have a responsibility to aid and support other necessary community non-profit institutions in need.     Address: 650H Florida Street (between 18th and 19th, inside a courtyard), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 506-RIDE (7433)     Email: deming@bikekitchen.org     Web: https://bikekitchen.org/     [05 Jul 2024]
Bike Walk Alameda (BWA)     Mission is to make our city a safe and enjoyable place to walk and bike. We support an active and healthy citizenry by promoting everyday walking and biking in and around Alameda and seek to enhance our environment by removing barriers that restrict our ability to walk and bike comfortably and safely. Activities Bike Walk Alameda engages in to carry out our mission include: Help clarify safety issues and look for solutions. Examine traffic calming techniques and safety options and their effectiveness in other cities. Develop pedestrian/motorist education approaches in order to alert pedestrians, cyclists and drivers to their rights and their responsibilities. Build partnerships for community events such as Walk & Roll to School Day/Safe Routes to Schools and Bike to Work Day.     Address: PO Box 2732, Alameda CA 94501     Email: info@bikewalkalameda.org     Web: https://bikewalkalameda.org/     [07 Apr 2024]
Bill Wilson Center (BWC)     Provides services to more than 5,000 children, youth, young adults and families in Santa Clara County through our various programs. Additionally, we reach more than 100,000 clients through our street outreach and crisis line programs. Bill Wilson Center programs focus on housing, education, counseling, and advocacy. Bill Wilson Center is committed to working with the community to ensure that every youth has access to the range of services needed to grow to be healthy and self-sufficient adults; and that our behavioral health department is available to provide individual and family counseling sessions to a community facing a range of social and emotional challenges. Bill Wilson Center has been providing services to runaway and homeless youth since 1973.     Address: 3490 The Alameda, Santa Clara CA 95050     Voice: (408) 243-0222     Fax: (408) 246-5752     Email: bwcmail@billwilsoncenter.org     Web: https://www.billwilsoncenter.org/     [29 Sep 2024]
Billy DeFrank LGBTQ Community Center     Provides community, leadership, advocacy, services and support to the Silicon Valley’s LGBTQ+ People and their Allies. Strives to be the community's premier resource hub and a recognized leader in promoting health, strength, diversity and inclusiveness.     Address: 938 The Alameda, San Jose CA 95126     Voice: (408) 293-3040     Email: fabulous@defrank.org     Web: https://www.defrankcenter.org/     [20 May 2023]
Black Lives Matter     Founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.     Web: https://blacklivesmatter.com/     [20 May 2023]
Black Movement-Law Project (BMLP)     After working in Ferguson, Baltimore and Cleveland, lawyers and legal activists have come together to create the Black Movement-Law Project. BMLP provides legal support to local communities throughout the country as they demonstrate against police brutality and systemic racism. We believe in a community centered approach - providing holistic legal and technical service with an understanding that mass defense movement legal experience is often missing from the local equation.     Web: https://bmlp.org/     [27 May 2022]
Bolerium Books     We specialize in books and ephemeral materials related to the history of Labor and other social movements, including the struggles for Black and Chicano equality, the Gay liberation movement, Feminism, and Asian-American activism, as well as the Far Right. In recent years Bolerium has expanded into materials in non-western languages, and has also placed more emphasis on ephemera, with tens of thousands of original leaflets, pamphlets, and posters in stock. Bolerium is a member of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America (ABAA). Open by appointment only.     Address: 2141 Mission Street, Suite 300 (between 17th & 18th Streets, 3rd floor), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 863-6353; (800) 326-6353     Email: info@bolerium.com     Web: https://www.bolerium.com/     [05 Jul 2024]
Border Angels     Promotes a culture of love through advocacy, education, by creating a social consciousness, and engaging in direct action to defend the rights of migrants and refugees. Border Angels was established in 1986 and initially focused on helping farmworker migrants that were living in the canyons of North San Diego County. Since then, our work has expanded to include humanitarian work along the entire US-Mexico border. We conduct water drops in the desert, support migrant shelters in Tijuana, Mexico, reach out to day laborers, free asylum seekers from detention, provide legal representation to vulnerable children in order to obtain green cards, and coordinate educational programs and community presentations.     Web: https://www.borderangels.org/     [27 May 2022]
The Borneo Project     Brings international attention and support to community-led efforts to defend forests, sustainable livelihoods, and human rights. Protecting human rights and environmental integrity in Borneo is a critical component of the global movement for a just and peaceful world.     Address: c/o Earth Island Institute, 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley CA 94704     Email: info@borneoproject.org     Web: http://borneoproject.org/     [27 May 2022]
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)     A Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. Israel is occupying and colonising Palestinian land, discriminating against Palestinian citizens of Israel and denying Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes. Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the BDS call urges action to pressure Israel to comply with international law. BDS is now a vibrant global movement made up of unions, academic associations, churches and grassroots movements across the world. Since its launch in 2005, BDS is having a major impact and is effectively challenging international support for Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism.     Web: https://bdsmovement.net/     [03 Mar 2024]
Boys & Girls Clubs of North San Mateo County (BGCNSMC)     Our mission is to inspire and enable young people to realize their full potential and contribute to their communities. BGCNSMC is a dynamic and responsive non-profit organization in North San Mateo County. We partner with schools and the community to ensure that the youth of our community are provided with the opportunities, experiences, and support to redefine possibilities, and chart courses to great futures. BGCNSMC reinforces and enhances the skills and knowledge young people learn at school. Our programs are designed to ensure that all Club members graduate from high school on time, ready for post-secondary education, and a 21st-century career.     Address: 955 Yosemite Drive, Pacifica CA 94044     Voice: (650) 355-1334     Email: info@theclubs.org     Web: https://theclubs.org/     [20 May 2023]
Brass Liberation Orchestra (BLO)     Makes loud on the streets to inspire, instigate, agitate, mourn, celebrate, and communicate. We stand in solidarity with groups and movements who are working for a more just and equitable world. We are a work in progress. We work to build a multigender/multiracial/multigenerational group that enhances and strengthens the culture of the Left.     Web: http://brassliberation.org/     [01 Jan 2022]
Brave New Films     Our mission is to champion social justice issues by using a model of media, education, and grassroots volunteer involvement that inspires, empowers, motivates and teaches civic participation and makes a difference. Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films are creating a better America, and we want you to join us. Using media, films, volunteers and internet video campaigns, Brave New Films has created a quick-strike capability that informs the public, challenges mainstream media with the truth, and motivates people to take action on social issues nationwide.     Web: https://www.bravenewfilms.org/     [24 Dec 2023]
Bread & Roses     We produce free, live music and entertainment for Bay Area children, teens, adults, and elders— who don’t have the ability to easily experience the uplifting power of the arts in any other way. Our performances bring joy to children undergoing chemotherapy, teens battling substance abuse, families in homeless shelters, veterans recovering from trauma, seniors in hospice, and others facing challenging times alone.     Address: 233 Tamalpais Drive, Suite 100, Corte Madera CA 94925-1415     Voice: (415) 945-7120     Fax: (415) 945-7128     Email: info@breadandroses.org     Web: https://www.breadandroses.org/     [09 Sep 2023]
Breaking the Chains     A one-of-its-kind feminist, socialist magazine, deeply connected to the everyday experiences of working women from generations past to today. The magazine intervenes in the political landscape at a time when we desperately need a new militant women’s movement. The creators, who edit, write, design, draw and produce the magazine, are women workers and activists in our communities. We believe that capitalism is the basis for the oppression of women and socialism is a necessary step to overturn that oppression.     Web: https://www.breakingthechainsmag.org/     [22 May 2022]
Breast Cancer Action (BCAction)     Mission is to achieve health justice for all people at risk of and living with breast cancer by focusing on systemic interventions, which includes policies, institutions, and practices, and by centering people with the furthest relationships to power. The mainstream breast cancer movement remains squarely focused on pink ribbons, “awareness” campaigns, and mammography screening. This focus fails to address the systemic issues at the heart of this epidemic, instead emphasizing individual risk and individual solutions. But individual action alone, whether in terms of lifestyle or behavioral choices, is not sufficient to tackle the root causes of the breast cancer crisis.     Address: 548 Market Sreet, PMB 17179, San Francisco CA 94104-5401     Voice: (415) 243-9301     Email: info@bcaction.org     Web: https://bcaction.org/     [05 Jul 2024]
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP)     The leading science-based policy and advocacy organization working to eliminate our exposure to toxic chemicals and other environmental exposures linked to breast cancer.     Address: 1388 Sutter Street, Suite 400, San Francisco CA 94109-5400     Voice: (415) 346-8223     Email: contact@bcpp.org     Web: https://www.bcpp.org/     [17 Dec 2022]
Brush Fire Painting Workshops     Uses the power of the arts to heal hearts and transform lives. We teach Process Oriented Painting to unleash the therapeutic qualities of the creative process. We believe creativity is a basic human need; we strive to bring art to the lives of marginalized youth throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. The creative process helped these youth gain a sense of purpose and self-worth.     Web: https://www.paintbrushfire.org/     [24 Dec 2023]
Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF)     Purpose is to serve collective liberation through connecting Dharma to the current moment. We convene spiritually and politically engaged individuals from multiple lineages, Buddhist and otherwise, to explore practices to be in wise and compassionate relationship to ourselves, each other, and movements. Our convenings and programs are led by and lift up the voices and priorities of Black, Indigenous, heritage Buddhists, and people of color who share our commitment to ecological anti-capitalism, queer feminism, and racial justice.     Address: 2930 Domingo Avenue #1324, Berkeley CA 94705     Voice: (971) 801-0111     Email: info@bpf.org     Web: https://www.bpf.org/     [20 May 2023]
Build It Green     Every Californian deserves to live in a safe, affordable home in a resilient and thriving neighborhood. Build It Green’s mission is to help accomplish that by providing credible and accessible resources to develop regenerative communities. We envision, and are committed to creating, a healthy housing ecosystem that fosters the well-being of individuals, communities, and the natural world. We exist to support all those who share this commitment.     Address: 300 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 590-3360     Email: info@builditgreen.org     Web: https://www.builditgreen.org/     [01 Jan 2022]
Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS)     Our mission is to help homeless, poor, and disabled people achieve health and self-sufficiency, and to fight against the root causes of poverty and homelessness. BOSS was created in 1971 to help individuals with severe and persistent mental illness who had become displaced because of public hospital closures. Programs and services expanded over the past five decades to include services for unhoused, disabled, and low-income individuals, families, and neighborhoods in Alameda County. In 2013, executive leadership expanded the mission and began developing solutions for mass incarceration and violence in the community as unaddressed crises stemming from racially biased policies and systemic inequities.     Address: 1918 University Avenue, Suite 2A, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 649-1930     Fax: (510) 649-0627     Email: info@self-sufficiency.org     Web: https://self-sufficiency.org/     [05 Jul 2024]
Building REsources     San Francisco’s only source for reusable building and landscaping materials. Building Resources is a not for profit organization dedicated to providing our community with low cost high quality materials, in a friendly, clean and organized setting. Our 1 acre is full of wonderful finds and great values. Project ideas are demonstrated throughout our buildings and gardens, all of which are built using 100% reused materials.     Address: 701 Amador Street, San Francisco CA 94124     Voice: (415) 285-7814     Email: buildingresourcessf@gmail.com     Web: https://buildingresources.wordpress.com/     [20 May 2023]
Bullfrog Films     The leading US publisher of independently-produced documentaries on environmental and related social justice issues that point the way to living healthily, happily, and with greater concern for the other inhabitants of this planet, and for our descendants.     Web: http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/     [17 Dec 2022]
Bureau of Public Secrets     This website features "The Joy of Revolution" and other writings by Ken Knabb; Knabb's translations from Guy Debord and the Situationist International (the notorious group that helped trigger the May 1968 revolt in France); and a huge archive of material by and about the great writer and social critic, Kenneth Rexroth.     Address: PO Box 1044, Berkeley CA 94701     Email: knabb@bopsecrets.org     Web: https://www.bopsecrets.org/     [05 Jul 2024]
Burma Humanitarian Mission (BHM)     Seeks a healthy and vibrant Burma where the human rights of all people are protected and empowers people from around the world to exercise their health to support and advocate on behalf of the people of Burma. BHM supports community-based backpack medics who administer village healthcare services in Burma, grass-roots education projects that empower the youth of Burma and projects that promote cross-cultural sharing and collaboration for refugees from Burma living in the U.S.     Web: https://burmamission.org/     [20 Jul 2024]
Burmese American Democratic Alliance (BADA)     The primary objective of BADA is to help bring democracy, freedom and prosperity to the (60 million) people of Burma through advocacy, awareness, partnerships and corporations. We therefore strive to be an exemplar and a beacon of hope to the fellow citizens of Burma who has been seeking democracy and freedom for decades. We work, To highlight the social injustices and human rights abuses in Burma To provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Burma To inform, educate and raise awareness of the social, political, and economic situation in Burma to the American people To promote culture, education, and social activities in the Community     Address: 1453 Marin Avenue, Albany CA 94706     Voice: (510) 528-8175     Email: badaofusa@gmail.com     Web: http://www.badasf.org/     [27 May 2022]
California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (CANHR)     Dedicated to improving the choices, care and quality of life for California’s long term care consumers. Through direct advocacy, community education, legislation and litigation it has been CANHR’s goal to educate and support long term care consumers and advocates regarding the rights and remedies under the law, and to create a united voice for long term care reform and humane alternatives to institutionalization.     Address: 1803 Sixth Street, Berkeley CA 94710     Voice: (415) 974-5171; (800) 474-1116     Fax: (415) 777-2904     Web: https://canhr.org/     [20 Jul 2024]
California Anti-SLAPP Project (CASP)     A public interest law firm and policy organization dedicated to fighting Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) in California. Often these suits are filed in the form of claims of defamation, libel, slander, malicious prosecution and/or abuse of process, among others.     Web: https://www.casp.net/     [01 Jan 2022]
California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF)     Advances organic agriculture for a healthy world. We advocate on behalf of our members for organic policies, support the growth of organic through education and grants, and provide organic certification that is personal and accessible. CCOF is a nonprofit organization governed by the people who grow and make our food. Founded in California over half a century ago, today our roots span the breadth of North America and our presence is internationally recognized. We are supported by an organic family of farmers, ranchers, processors, retailers, consumers, and policymakers. Together, we work to realize a future where organic is the norm.     Email: ccof@ccof.org     Web: https://www.ccof.org/     [20 Jul 2024]
California Clean Money Action Fund     Fighting for legislation and ballot measures to limit the undue influence of Big Money in California politics since 2006. Vision is achieving an open and accountable government that is responsive to the needs of all Californians. We are a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to pursue that vision by using grassroots lobbying to pass legislation and ballot measures for full disclosure and full public funding of election campaigns.     Web: https://www.yesfairelections.org/     [29 Sep 2024]
California Climate and Agriculture Network (CalCAN)     A statewide coalition that advances state and federal policy to catalyze the powerful climate solutions offered by sustainable and organic agriculture. We use policy to move California agriculture towards a system that is increasingly resilient and just. We envision a California agriculture system that is resilient, is a sink for greenhouse gases rather than a source, and that supports wildlife habitat and biological diversity.     Address: PO Box 1366, Sebastopol CA 95473     Voice: (707) 329-6374     Web: https://calclimateag.org/     [20 May 2023]
California Coalition for Women Prisoners (CCWP)     A grassroots abolitionist organization—with members inside and outside prison—that challenges the institutional violence imposed on women, transgender people, and communities of color by the prison industrial complex (PIC). We see the struggle for racial and gender justice as central to dismantling the PIC and we prioritize the leadership of the people, families, and communities most impacted in building this movement.     Address: 4400 Market Street, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (415) 255-7036 x4     Email: info@womenprisoners.org     Web: https://womenprisoners.org/     [20 May 2023]
California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA)     A statewide coalition of grassroots, environmental justice organizations. We are working to achieve environmental justice by organizing in low-income communities and communities of color – those most impacted by environmental hazards – and by pushing for policies at the federal, state, regional and local levels that protect public health and the environment. CEJA unites the powerful local organizing efforts of members to create comprehensive opportunities for change at a statewide level. We combine grassroots organizing with strategic policy advocacy.     Address: 1820 Jefferson Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 808-5898 x105     Email: ceja@ceja.org     Web: https://ceja.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
California Environmental Voters     Focused on building the political power to solve the climate crisis, advancing justice, and creating a roadmap for global action. We are California’s voice, statewide and nationally, for bold climate action. We elect and cultivate environmental champions, turn election victories into policy wins, hold our lawmakers accountable, push climate solutions to the forefront of public discourse, and build political power to transform our political system and achieve climate justice.     Address: 350 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 1100, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (800) 755-3224     Web: https://envirovoters.org/     [27 May 2022]
California FarmLink     Works to create an inclusive farm and food economy with equitable access to opportunity for farmers, ranchers, and fishers. We connect the next-generation of sustainable farmers and ranchers with land and financing. We partner with farmers to build strong business skills, access fair financing, and establish secure land tenure. We strive to create economic and environmental resilience of farmers, ranchers, and fishers with limited access to financial resources.     Web: https://www.californiafarmlink.org/     [29 Sep 2024]
California First Amendment Coalition (CFAC (SEE-fak))     Protects and promotes a free press, freedom of expression and the people’s right to know. Nonpartisan and nonprofit, FAC believes that the broadest range of engaged and informed communities is essential to the health of our democracy – that the values expressed by the First Amendment provide a blueprint for an inclusive, equitable society and a responsive, accountable government. To that end, FAC educates, advocates and litigates to advance government transparency and First Amendment protections for all.     Address: 534 Fourth Street, Suite B, San Rafael CA 94901     Voice: (415) 460-5060     Email: fac@firstamendmentcoalition.org     Web: https://firstamendmentcoalition.org/     [17 Dec 2022]
California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act (CalCare)     CA A.B. 1690 sets in motion a single-payer health care coverage system in California, called CalCare, for all residents, regardless of citizenship status. By streamlining payments and lowering per-capita health care spending, CalCare guarantees quality health care and long-term care without creating barriers to care or out-of-pocket costs.     Web: https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/calcare     [02 Apr 2023]
California Immigrant Policy Center (Oakland office) (CIPC)     A constituent-based statewide immigrant rights organization with offices in Los Angeles, Sacramento and Oakland. It is a leading immigrant rights institution in the state. CIPC advocates for policies that uphold the humanity of immigrants and refugees while advancing racial, social and economic justice.     Voice: (510) 488-3544     Email: info@caimmigrant.org     Web: https://caimmigrant.org/     [17 Sep 2022]
California Indian Environmental Alliance (CIEA)     Our core programs are the Mercury Tribal Health, Tribal Self-Advocacy, and our Leadership programs. Together these empower California Indian communities to practice subsistence fishing cultures, avoid mercury and PCBs in fish, self-advocate for cleanup of California lands and waterways, and train the future generation to be environmental stewards. CIEA provides technical support for California Tribes to address environmental issues with a focus on water quality, collaboration among Tribes with agencies and community-driven strategy development. We facilitate an average of seven (7) Tribal environmental strategy meetings annually, wherein Tribes share best practices, resource opportunities and engage collaboratively with each other and with local, state, and federal government agencies.     Address: PO Box 2128, Berkeley CA 94702     Voice: (510) 848-2043     Email: itciea@cieaweb.org     Web: https://www.cieaweb.org/     [09 Sep 2023]
California Institute for Rural Studies (CIRS)     Works to radically transform rural California as systems of oppression and extraction give way to systems which are life-affirming, sensitive to many types of knowledge, equitable and reflective of the rich cultural landscape of rural California. CIRS creates research-based tools for action in partnership with rural communities of color who are working to eradicate white supremacy, take down colonial power structures and replace dysfunctional institutions.     Web: https://cirsinc.org/     [31 Dec 2022]
California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)     Facilitates radical transformation through unique and dynamic educational experiences in the service of self, society, and Earth. We also commit to living our seven cherished values, and in so doing lay the foundation for a strong and unified community built upon wisdom, trust, and collective spirit. For more than half a century, we have been providing transformative integral education, grounded in wellness, healing, social impact, and higher consciousness — and frankly, it is unlike most anything in higher education today.     Address: 1453 Mission Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 575-6100     Fax: (415) 575-1264     Web: https://www.ciis.edu/     [20 Jul 2024]
California Interfaith Power & Light (CIPL)     The originator of the Interfaith Power & Light movement that began in 2000 and now has 40 state affiliates. By signing the CIPL Congregational Covenant you become part of a diverse inter-religious network of climate-minded faith institutions across California committed to working together in protecting our common home.     Address: 685 14th Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 867-2031     Email: info@interfaithpower.org     Web: https://www.interfaithpower.org/     [29 Sep 2024]
California Labor Federation (Bay Area office)     Made up of more than 1,200 unions, representing 2.1 million union members in manufacturing, retail, construction, hospitality, public sector, health care, entertainment and other industries. The California Labor Federation is dedicated to promoting and defending the interests of working people and their families for the betterment of California’s communities. From legislative campaigns to grassroots organizing, our affiliates are actively engaged in every aspect of California’s economy and government.     Address: 7730 Pardee Lane, Suite 2010, Oakland CA 94621-1555     Voice: (510) 663-4000     Fax: (510) 663-4099     Email: info@calaborfed.org     Web: https://calaborfed.org/     [11 Sep 2022]
California Legislative Information     A web site containing the complete texts of California Codes, the California Constitution, and all statutes enacted on or after 1 Jan 1993, plus information on pending legislation.     Web: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/     [20 Jul 2024]
California Native Plant Society (CNPS)     Since its beginnings, the California Native Plant Society has been a leading voice in plant science and native plant appreciation, making it one of the foremost native plant organizations in the world. We are a 501(c) 3 non-profit dedicated to conserving California native plants and their natural habitats, while increasing the understanding, enjoyment, and horticultural use of native plants. We work closely with decision-makers, scientists, and local planners to advocate for well-informed and environmental friendly policies, regulations, and land management practices.     Web: https://www.cnps.org/     [01 Jan 2022]
California Newsreel     California Newsreel has produced and distributed cutting-edge social issue films for activists and educators since 1968. Today it is the oldest, independent non-profit documentary center in the country and the first systematically to integrate media production and distribution with the media needs of contemporary social change movements.     Address: 44 Gough Street, Suite 303, San Francisco CA 94103-5424     Voice: (415) 284-7800     Fax: (415) 284-7801     Email: contact@newsreel.org     Web: https://newsreel.org/     [07 Apr 2024]
California Nurses Association / National Nurses Organizing Committee (CNA)     A premiere organization of registered nurses and one of the nation’s fastest growing labor and professional organizations in the U.S. with more than 100,000 members in more than 200 facilities throughout California.     Web: https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/california-nurses-association     [14 Dec 2024]
California Physicians Alliance (CaPA)     A statewide, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that advocates, educates, and organizes physicians and other health professionals to support the creation of a just and universal healthcare system that ensures quality and accessible health care for all Californians. Under the IRS 501(c)(3) code, your contributions to CaPA are tax-deductible.     Web: https://caphysiciansalliance.org/     [31 Dec 2022]
California Pirate Party     For these values, we have been derided as “pirates”. For our hope that every person may be free to access all of human knowledge, we have been called “pirates”. For our belief that one need not ask permission to participate in governance, industry, culture, and other aspects of society, we have been called “pirates”. For our insistence that citizens should not be surveilled and distrusted as if they are criminals, we have been called “pirates”. For our rejection of authority and profit-seeking when it does not serve the common good of all people, we have been called “pirates”. We reclaim this label of “pirate” and abjure its derogatory, incendiary implication. We are Pirates. We stand for the liberty, equality, and solidarity of all human beings, and against all threats they may face.     Web: https://capirates.org/     [18 Aug 2024]
California Prison Focus (CPF)     A grassroots organization that works to abolish the California prison system in its present condition, with a focus on ending long-term solitary confinement. We are committed to honoring the voices and strategies of prisoners and join their efforts to foster solidarity and empowerment. We believe in public education and direct action to achieve these goals.     Address: 4408 Market Street, Suite A, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (510) 227-4181     Email: kimpollak@gmail.com     Web: https://www.facebook.com/californiaprisonfocus/   https://www.prisonactivist.org/resources/california-prison-focus     [29 Sep 2024]
California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG)     An advocate for the public interest. We speak out for a healthier, safer world in which we’re freer to pursue our own individual well-being and the common good. The problems we address aren’t progressive or conservative — they’re just problems that no one should tolerate in an age of great abundance and technological progress. That’s why, with your help, we’re working to find common ground around commonsense ideas.     Web: https://calpirg.org/     [27 May 2022]
California Straw Building Association (CASBA)     We are a non-profit organization whose members are designers,contractors, owner builders, and people interested in straw and natural building. We serve as a clearing house for information and as a network of resources. Since 1996, our members have worked to develop testing and to improve techniques and standards for building with straw, in order to gain its acceptance by municipalities, officials, lenders, and insurance companies throughout California, and beyond. There are now many fine examples of permitted straw bale homes throughout the state, as well as a number of commercial buildings, which stand as a testament to this pioneering work.     Address: 1101 8th Street, #180, Berkeley CA 94710     Voice: (510) 528-0206     Web: https://www.strawbuilding.org/     [11 Sep 2022]
California Trade Justice Coalition (CTJC)     A growing alliance of labor, environmental, public health, immigrant rights, human rights, and socially conscious business leaders — all committed to building a strong California economy that works for all. Founded in 2016, we’re an affiliate of the national Citizens Trade Campaign, and a fiscally-sponsored project of Earth Island Institute.     Address: c/o Earth Island Institute, 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley CA 94704     Email: Will@citizenstrade.org     Web: http://catradejustice.org/     [17 Sep 2023]
California Voter Foundation     A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working through research, oversight, outreach and demonstration projects to improve the election process so that it better serves the needs and interests of voters.     Web: https://www.calvoter.org/     [24 Dec 2023]
California Walks     The statewide voice for pedestrian safety & healthy, walkable communities for people of all ages & abilities. California Walks partners with state agencies, organizations and communities to establish and strengthen policies and practices that support pedestrian safety and healthy, walkable communities. California Walks works to expand and strengthen a network of community organizations working for pedestrian safety and community walkability through equity, engagement, education, advocacy and collaboration.     Address: 909 12th Street, Suite 122, Oakland CA 95814     Email: info@calwalks.org     Web: https://calwalks.org/     [20 Jul 2024]
Californians for Electoral Reform (CfER)     Working for Proportional Representation and Ranked Choice Voting. We are an action-oriented group, with chapters and contacts around the state, working in the State Legislature, and working in many local communities, promoting and educating about PR and RCV. We have led successful campaigns for RCV in San Leandro, Oakland, San Francisco, and Berkeley, and spoken to thousands of people. RCV is now much better known than it was 20 years ago and is being seriously considered in several jurisdictions around the state. We have twice got legislation through both houses of the legislature and to the governor’s desk. We are well known in Sacramento and in electoral reform circles, and have a lot of respect in Sacramento and statewide.     Web: https://cfer.org/     [31 Dec 2022]
Californians for Justice (CFJ)     A statewide youth-powered organization fighting to improve the lives of communities of color, immigrant, low-income, LGBTQ and other marginalized communities. The educational issues of today will have lasting effects for many generations. What happens to young people in our schools can either reinforce or interrupt racial bias and inequality in our country. Californians for Justice organizes marginalized youth, particularly young people of color, immigrant, low-income, and LGBTQ youth to create the healthy, just and vibrant schools all our communities deserve.     Address: 548 Market Street, PMB 41203, San Francisco CA 94104-5401     Voice: (510) 452-2728     Web: https://caljustice.org/     [14 Dec 2024]
Californians for Pesticide Reform (CPR)     A statewide coalition of more than 190 organizations, founded in 1996 to fundamentally shift the way pesticides are used in California. CPR has built a diverse, multi-interest coalition to challenge the powerful political and economic forces opposing change. Our member organizations include public health, children’s health, educational and environmental advocates, clean air and water organizations, health practitioners, environmental justice groups, labor organizations, farmers and sustainable agriculture advocates.     Web: https://www.pesticidereform.org/     [20 May 2023]
Californians United for A Responsible Budget (CURB)     A Black-led statewide coalition of more than 80 grassroots organizations. Our three point mission is to reduce the number of incarcerated people in California; reduce the number of prison and jails in our state; and shift wasteful spending away from incarceration and toward health community investments. Founded in 2003, our coalition amplifies the work of community leaders on issues like sentencing reform, justice reinvestment and prison closure. Our invest/divest framework bridges movements for environmental, social, racial, and economic justice in California and across the nation. CURB’s network of community organizers is a thriving, growing movement consisting of thousands of passionate people inside and outside of prisons and jails who believe in our mission.     Web: https://curbprisonspending.org/     [24 Dec 2023]
Calle 24 Latino Cultural District     Mission is to preserve, enhance and advocate for Latino cultural continuity, vitality, and community in San Francisco’s touchstone Latino Cultural District and the greater Mission neighborhood.     Address: 3250 24th Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Web: https://www.calle24sf.org/     [28 Jul 2024]
Campaign for Innocent Victims In Conflict (CIVIC)     Our mission is to work with armed actors and civilians in conflict to develop and implement solutions to prevent, mitigate and respond to civilian harm. We call on and advise international organizations, governments, militaries, and armed non-state actors to adopt and implement policies to prevent civilian harm. When civilians are harmed we advocate for the provision of amends and post-harm assistance. We bring the voices of civilians themselves to those making decisions affecting their lives.     Web: https://civiliansinconflict.org/     [11 Sep 2022]
Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry (CDC)     Goal is to phase out the use of amalgam, a 50% mercury product -- worldwide. The recently concluded draft mercury treaty requires each signing nation to phase down its use of amalgam, and it provides a road map how. We aim to: Educate consumers about the use of mercury in dentistry so they can make informed decisions Stop dental mercury pollution Protect consumers – especially vulnerable populations such as children and the unborn – from exposure to dental mercury Empower dental workers – dental assistants and hygienists – to protect themselves from mercury in the workplace Promote access to mercury-free alternatives to amalgam     Web: https://www.toxicteeth.org/     [13 Jan 2024]
Canal Alliance     Exists to break the generational cycle of poverty for Latino immigrants and their families by lifting barriers to their success. We are a nonprofit champion of immigrants who are challenged by a lack of resources and an unfamiliar environment. We believe that everyone has the right to achieve their dreams. Every day, we educate, empower, support, and partner with motivated immigrants and their families to best meet all their unique needs—from putting food on the table, to becoming U.S. citizens, to learning English, to graduating from college to gaining skills that lead to quality jobs with career-path employment opportunities.     Address: 91 Larkspur Street, San Rafael CA 94901     Voice: (415) 454-2640     Fax: (415) 454-3967     Web: https://canalalliance.org/     [07 Apr 2024]
CANFIT     When it comes to improving the health of today’s youth, CANFIT is a leader in building community leadership and stimulating change at multiple levels, from individual behavior to public policy. Our unique approach to partnering with communities builds capacity and leadership, while helping to advance sustainable change in low income communities and communities of color.     Address: PO Box 3989, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 644-1533     Fax: (510) 644-1535     Web: https://www.canfit.org/     [24 Dec 2023]
Carfree.com     The web site that goes with the books Carfree Cities and Carfree Design Manual, which propose a delightful solution to the vexing problem of urban automobiles.     Web: https://www.carfree.com/     [24 Dec 2023]
Cat Support Network     Adopts out hundreds of kittens a year. When trapping feral and free-roaming cats to spay and neuter, we inevitably come across litters of kittens. If there is room in our foster homes, we foster, socialize, spay/neuter, de-flea, de-worm and microchip the kittens, then make them available for adoption. It is our belief that these innocent little babies deserve a warm, safe, loving, life-long home. It is not fair that they be sentenced to a life of struggling to survive, struggling to find enough food to eat, struggling to find shelter from the cold and rain, struggling against disease and attack from other animals. The life expectancy of a feral cat is only 3-5 years.     Address: PO Box 3645, Walnut Creek CA 94598     Voice: (925) 252-5445     Email: info@catsupport.net     Web: https://www.catsupport.net/     [01 Jan 2022]
Catalyst Project     Believes that everyone in the world has the right to live with dignity, safety, and access to resources that are in balance with the earth. We believe that racism is one of the fundamental forces keeping systemic injustice in place, and as white people we believe we have a strategic role to play in ending it. Catalyst Project is committed to building the leadership of white people to be part of anti-racist social movements working for fundamental change.     Address: 522 Valencia Street #2, San Francisco CA 94110     Email: info@collectiveliberation.org     Web: https://collectiveliberation.org/     [24 Dec 2023]
Catholic Charities of San Jose (CCSJ)     We help people of all cultures and beliefs rise up out of poverty and overcome the barriers to self-sufficiency and wellness. We do this in three ways. First, we alleviate the conditions of chronic poverty through food, housing assistance, access to benefits, senior services, and mental health services. Second, we reduce the effects of situational poverty by providing jobs, immigration legal services, refugee foster care, financial literacy, and asset development. Third, we prevent the cycle of generational poverty through early childhood development, parenting support, after-school enhanced learning, and youth empowerment.     Address: 2625 Zanker Road, Suite 201 (near Trimble), San Jose CA 95134-2107     Voice: (408) 468-0100     Email: info@catholiccharitiesscc.org     Web: https://www.ccscc.org/     [20 Jul 2024]
Causa Justa :: Just Cause (CJJC)     A multi-racial, grassroots organization building community leadership to achieve justice for low-income San Francisco and Oakland residents. Causa Justa :: Just Cause has a multi-faceted approach to fighting for social justice. We provide tenant rights advocacy and information to tenants through our Housing Committee/Tenants’ Rights Clinic. We build our membership through recruitment in the tenants’ rights clinics and through neighborhood door knocking and outreach. We fight grassroots campaigns to win immigrant rights and housing rights and work toward building a larger movement for social transformation.     Address: PO Box 7737, Oakland CA 94601     Voice: (510) 763-5877     Fax: (510) 763-5824     Email: info@cjjc.org     Web: https://cjjc.org/   https://www.facebook.com/causajusta/     [26 May 2023]
Center for a New American Dream     Helps Americans to reduce and shift their consumption to improve quality of life, protect the environment, and promote social justice. New Dream wants to cultivate a new American dream—one that emphasizes community, ecological sustainability, and a celebration of non-material values, while upholding the spirit of the traditional American dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. New Dream envisions a society that pursues not just “more,” but more of what matters—and less of what doesn't.     Web: https://www.oneplanetnetwork.org/knowledge-centre/projects/center-new-american-dream     [04 Jun 2022]
Center for Accessible Technology (C4AT)     We work to increase access to technology, digital spaces, and services. We work directly with individuals, school districts, organizations, and policy makers. Our services include Assistive Technology Services, Digital Accessibility Services, Policy Work, and Community Engagement. C4AT's focus is on access to computers and technology for people with disabilities. We do this so children with disabilities can succeed in school, adults with disabilities can find (and keep) jobs and all people with disabilities can use their phones, personal computers, the internet, and email and benefit from the digital revolution.     Address: 3075 Adeline, Suite 220, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 841-3224     Email: info@c4at.org     Web: https://www.c4at.org/     [24 Dec 2023]
Center for ArtEsteem (AHC)     Empowers individuals to be self-aware and inspired through art, creativity, and education; making positive choices to break the cycle of violence for themselves and their communities. In all our work, ArtEsteem promotes the understanding that we can choose peace over conflict and love over fear. Through ArtEsteem’s educational programs, professional development workshops, annual exhibitions, and public art murals, and community-based arts engagement, we cultivate personal, collective, and environmental awareness, wellness, leadership and action.     Address: 3111 West Street, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (510) 652-5530     Email: info@ahc-oakland.org     Web: https://www.ahc-oakland.org/     [21 Sep 2024]
Center for Biological Diversity, SF Bay Area Office     We believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.     Address: 1212 Broadway, Street #800, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 844-7100     Fax: (510) 844-7150     Web: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/     [01 Jan 2022]
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)     Our mission is to advance strong policy and ambitious action to: reduce greenhouse gas emissions; promote and accelerate the clean energy transition; strengthen adaptation and resilience to climate impacts; and facilitate the necessary financial investments to do so. A range of solutions, including market-based approaches and other complementary policies will be critical to achieve each of these goals. We believe a sound climate strategy must reflect the urgent need for ambitious action. Solutions developed through inclusive stakeholder engagement, informed by the latest science focused on the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement, which are equitable and just leaving no one behind, and which create good jobs, are essential to ensure a strong, sustainable domestic and global economy.     Web: https://www.c2es.org/     [01 Jan 2022]
Center for Climate Integrity (CCI)     Helps communities hold oil and gas corporations accountable for the massive costs of climate change. Big oil and gas companies learned decades ago that burning fossil fuels would lead to "catastrophic" climate change. Instead of doing the right thing, they masterminded a decades-long, multimillion dollar climate denial, disinformation, and deception campaign to delay climate action and protect their profits. Now, communities are paying billions to adapt to and recover from the growing climate damages the fossil fuel industry knowingly caused.     Web: https://climateintegrity.org/     [16 Feb 2024]
Center for Community Change     A national organization that builds power from the ground up. We believe that effective and enduring social movements must be led by those most impacted by injustice themselves. Since our founding in 1968, we have built the power of people most marginalized by injustice — especially people of color, women, immigrants, people struggling to make ends meet — to envision and fight for a society where all communities thrive.     Web: https://communitychange.org/     [31 Dec 2023]
Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)     Dedicated to advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. CCR is committed to the creative use of law as a positive force for social change. We do that by combining cutting-edge litigation, advocacy and strategic communications in work on a broad range of civil and human rights issues.     Web: https://ccrjustice.org/     [31 Dec 2023]
Center for Creative Land Recyling (CCLR or "see clear")     Promotes the sustainable, equitable, and responsible reuse of underutilized and environmentally-impacted properties. We educate, advocate, assist, and convene stakeholders to revitalize communities through land recycling.     Web: https://www.cclr.org/     [13 Jan 2024]
Center for Democracy and Technology     The leading nonpartisan, nonprofit organization fighting to advance civil rights and civil liberties in the digital age. We shape technology policy, governance, and design with a focus on equity and democratic values. Established in 1994, CDT has been a trusted advocate for digital rights since the earliest days of the internet.     Web: https://cdt.org/     [20 Jul 2024]
Center for Digital Democracy (CDD)     Works to protect and expand digital rights and data justice through research-led initiatives designed to influence policymakers, corporate leaders, the news media, civil society, and the general public. The organization focuses on developing and advocating for rules and policies that : · foster privacy, justice, and non-discriminatory treatment in the digital marketplace; · safeguard young people against unfair, manipulative, and other harmful practices; · promote responsible commercial data and digital marketing operations in political campaigns and elections; · ensure that digital marketing practices contribute to fair and equitable public health outcomes.     Web: https://www.democraticmedia.org/     [31 Dec 2022]
Center for Ecoliteracy (CEL)     Creates original resources, collaborates on advocacy, and cultivates a growing network of leaders in our California Food for California Kids® initiative. California Food for California Kids supports school districts in providing students with fresh, local school meals and educational experiences that connect the classroom, cafeteria, and garden. With over 140 public school districts across the state, the California Food for California Kids Network reaches more than two million students and provides one-third of school meals served in California each year.     Address: The David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Suite 270, Berkeley CA 94704-1377     Voice: (510) 845-4595     Web: https://www.ecoliteracy.org/     [14 Dec 2024]
Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)     Promotes democratic debate on the most important economic and social issues that affect people’s lives. In order for citizens to effectively exercise their voices in a democracy, they should be informed about the problems and choices that they face. CEPR is committed to presenting issues in an accurate and understandable manner, so that the public is better prepared to choose among the various policy options. Toward this end, CEPR conducts both professional research and public education. The professional research is oriented towards filling important gaps in the understanding of particular economic and social problems, or the impact of specific policies.     Web: https://www.cepr.net/     [31 Dec 2023]
Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)     We work to improve the lives of everyone affected by the unequal distribution of resources and power around the world. Using an innovative research approach, grounded in the lived realities of different communities, we build compelling evidence to decode the economic structures that harm people’s rights, cultivate alliances to push for their transformation, and advocate to reform the policies that sustain them.     Web: https://www.cesr.org/     [28 Jul 2024]
Center for Elders' Independence (CEI)     Helps at-risk seniors live at home, instead of in nursing homes. Our not-for-profit organization works to improve the total environment of older adults in the East Bay. We support our participants’ medical, social, emotional and nutritional needs. Our care teams include 11 professional disciplines. Every week, they meet in one room to review our participants’ care plans and changes in medical conditions, social engagement and emotional well-being.     Address: 510 17th Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (866) 897-3109     Email: info@cei.elders.org     Web: https://cei.elders.org/     [17 Sep 2022]
Center for Empowered Politics     Our aim is to grow the power of our communities toward greater resilience and governing power through strategic partnerships and movement infrastructure. As our communities face the impacts of overlapping crises, including the rise of the far right in the U.S. and abroad, we remain rooted in the belief that anything we build must be grounded in grassroots organizing and movement needs. CEP builds movement ecosystem(s) of people of color-led grassroots organizations and community-based electoral organizations to deepen our experiments and sustain the long-term participation and leadership of working-class communities of color.     Web: https://empoweredpolitics.org/cepc4/     [20 Jan 2025]
Center for Empowering Refugees and Immigrants (CERI)     Culturally attuned and holistic mental health services for underserved refugee and immigrant communities. Founded in 2005 by bilingual/bicultural mental health professionals, CERI is an Oakland-based nonprofit organization offering mental health and other social services to refugees and immigrants affected by war, torture, genocide and other life-altering traumas.     Address: 554 Grand Avenue, Oakland CA 94610     Voice: (510) 444-1671     Fax: (510) 373-2495     Email: info@cerieastbay.org     Web: https://www.cerieastbay.org/     [20 Apr 2024]
Center for Environmental Health (CEH)     Keeps our world safe from toxic chemicals by changing the way that business does business. We believe everything we consume, from the water we drink to the toys our children handle, should put our health first. We insist laws and policies protect us from harm. We make communities more aware of risks and transform corporate behavior. We advance environmental health and justice for the greater good. We are the Center for Environmental Health. From the courtroom to the boardroom, together we can do great things.     Address: 2201 Broadway, Suite 508, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 655-3900     Email: info@ceh.org     Web: https://ceh.org/     [04 Jun 2022]
Center for Farmworker Families     Our mission is to promote awareness about the difficult life circumstances of farmworker families while proactively inspiring improvement in binational family life both in the United States and in Mexico. We realize this purpose by engaging in the following activities: Promoting the educational advancement of farm workers and their family members working in agriculture, as well as family members who are living on their farms of origin in the west central Mexico countryside. Supporting projects in both Mexico and California designed to sustainably promote financial and nutritional well-being and independence. Examining the federal and state legal structures that govern the lives and well-being of farmworkers and promoting the changes necessary for improved livelihood and well-being.     Web: https://farmworkerfamily.org/     [07 Apr 2024]
Center for Food Safety (West Coast Office) (CFS)     At the forefront of organizing a powerful food movement that is fighting the industrial model and promoting organic, ecological, and sustainable alternatives. Mission is to empower people, support farmers, and protect the earth from the harmful impacts of industrial agriculture. Through groundbreaking legal, scientific, and grassroots action, we protect and promote your right to safe food and the environment. CFS's successful legal cases collectively represent a landmark body of case law on food and agricultural issues.     Address: 600 California Street, Suite 12-013, San Francisco CA 94108     Voice: (415) 826-2770     Fax: (415) 826-0507     Web: https://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/     [14 Dec 2024]
Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ)     Helps build healthy communities nationwide. Since its founding in 1981, CHEJ has grown into the nation’s leading resource for grassroots environmental activism, a ground-breaking, progressive organization with a vision for clean, green neighborhoods built from hard-won experience fighting for environmental justice.     Web: https://chej.org/     [31 Dec 2023]
Center for Human Rights and Privacy (CeHRP)     Dedicated to the promotion of human rights and privacy in the United States. Our current project involves the use of surveillance technologies by local police and other government agencies. CeHRP was founded by Mike Katz-Lacabe and Margarita Lacabe and welcomes the collaboration of other human rights and privacy activists.     Web: https://www.cehrp.org/     [26 May 2023]
Center for Independence of the Disabled (CID)     A private, nonprofit corporation located in San Mateo, California. Incorporated in 1979, CID is a consumer-driven, community-based, services and advocacy organization serving San Mateo County and beyond. By federal mandate, the majority of our Staff, Management, and Board of Directors consists of people with disabilities. Annually, CID provides direct and indirect services to more than 2,000 individuals with disabilities.     Address: 2001 Winward Way, Suite 103, San Mateo CA 94404     Voice: (650) 645-1780; (650) 522-9313 (TTY)     Fax: (650) 645-1785     Web: https://www.cidsanmateo.org/     [31 Dec 2023]
Center for Independent Living (Berkeley) (The CIL)     For over fifty years, we have provided advocacy, programming, and services for people with diverse disabilities; who are non-ambulatory or have reduced mobility; visual and hearing impairment; cognitive, psychiatric, and neurological disabilities; chronic illness; and reduced capacity due to aging. CIL’s CORE Services are the programs that our organization was founded upon, including advocacy, counseling, housing assistance, assistive technology, mobility management and information and referral services. Today, our programs have expanded to include Residential Access, Emergency Preparedness and Resiliency, Benefits Counseling, Living Well (Peer Counseling for Seniors), Youth Programs, and more!     Address: 3075 Adeline St, Suite 100, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 841-4776     Web: https://thecil.org/     [28 Jul 2024]
Center for Interdisciplinary Environmental Justice (CIEJ)     A collective of activists, academics, scientists, and artists working for decolonial environmental justice efforts trans-locally. Our members are in San Diego, CA, San Francisco, CA, Santa Barbara, CA, Chicago,Illinois and Guerrero, MX. We align ourselves with Indigenous struggles for land, water, and life. These take many forms in many places but are connected through resistance to capitalist/colonial extractivism and restoration of land relations. We urge the climate movement to build genuine climate solutions that do not continue exploiting Indigenous land but rather heal our relationships with each other and with the planet.     Web: http://www.the-ciej.org/     [19 May 2024]
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)     Since 1989, CIEL has used the power of law to protect the environment, promote human rights, and ensure a just and sustainable society. With offices in Washington, DC, and Geneva, Switzerland, CIEL’s team of attorneys, policy experts, and support staff works to provide legal counsel and advocacy, policy research, and capacity building across our three program areas: Climate & Energy, Environmental Health, and People, Land, & Resources.     Web: https://www.ciel.org/     [31 Dec 2023]
Center for International Policy (CIP)     Works to make a peaceful, just, and sustainable world the central pursuit of U.S. foreign policy by promoting cooperation, transparency, and accountability. CIP seeks to broaden the conceptualization of security from the narrow scope of militarized national interests to address global challenges. Our programs offer solutions to address the most urgent threats to our planet: war, corruption, inequity, and climate change.     Web: https://www.internationalpolicy.org/     [17 Sep 2023]
Center for Investigative Reporting (Reveal)     We pour the necessary time and resources into unearthing original stories that hold people and institutions accountable for the problems they’ve caused or benefited from. Our investigative reporting consistently contributes to real-world impact, from civil and criminal investigations to new laws and policies, better-informed conversations and community-driven solutions. As a nonprofit, our bottom line is the public interest. We have the courage, freedom and independence to dedicate our entire newsroom to this work because we’re powered by support from foundations, individual donors, and readers and listeners like you.     Address: 1400 65th Street, Suite 200, Emeryville CA 94608     Voice: (510) 809-3160     Fax: (510) 849-6141     Web: https://revealnews.org/     [04 Jun 2022]
Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies (CLACS)     Mission is to foster and support new ideas and research by bringing together academics, artists and community members from Latin America and the Caribbean, the United States, and the world to engage with the Berkeley campus and larger Bay Area community. We do this through supporting Berkeley faculty and student research; hosting events that are free and open to the public, and creating a community of Latin American and Latin Americanist scholars, students, artists, and community members.      Address: 2334 Bowditch Street (between Durant and Haste), Berkeley CA 94720-2312     Voice: (510) 642-2088     Email: clacs@berkeley.edu     Web: https://clacs.berkeley.edu/     [17 Sep 2023]
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry (CLGS)     Our mission is to advance the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and transgender people and to transform faith communities and the wider society by taking a leading role in shaping a new public discourse on religion, gender identity, and sexuality through education, research, community building, and advocacy.     Address: Pacific School of Religion, 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley CA 94709     Voice: (510) 849-8206     Fax: (510) 849-8212     Email: info@clgs.org     Web: https://www.clgs.org/     [28 Jul 2024]
Center for Media & Democracy (PR Watch)     A nationally recognized watchdog that leads in-depth, award-winning investigations into the corruption that undermines our democracy, environment, and economic prosperity. CMD's investigations, public information requests, and lawsuits have ignited national conversations on money in politics and the distortion of U.S. law and democracy -- at every level of government and in every region of the country. We believe in the public's right to know how government operates and how corporations influence our democracy -- and the true motivations for their actions. When necessary, CMD litigates to defend that right and ensure those in power follow the law.     Web: https://www.prwatch.org/   https://www.sourcewatch.org     [17 Sep 2022]
Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT)     Committed to improving cities’ economic and environmental sustainability, resilience, and quality of life. We work to help all people access: • Shared prosperity through improving economic and job opportunities and reducing the cost of living. • Livable, connected, and equitable neighborhoods with better choices in transportation, energy, water, and other basic needs. • Resilient communities in the face of the changing climate and economy. • Innovative infrastructure that is efficient, cost-effective, environmentally friendly and, whenever possible, at a community scale.     Web: https://cnt.org/     [07 Apr 2024]
Center for Nonprofit Learning     A nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide the training, knowledge and resources to help nonprofit organizations succeed. We believe that the most important asset in an organization is its people, and our programs and services are designed with your most important asset in mind. Our offerings include: Workshops: ongoing educational programs that focus on interactive learning Mentoring: one-to-one support for busy nonprofit professionals who need some quick advice Consulting: services that cater to the unique needs of your nonprofit organization Research: an annual study of the nonprofit sector to determine areas in which the nonprofit sector needs to become more effective. Job Bank: online database of jobs in the nonprofit sector     Web: http://www.nonprofit-learn.org/     [04 Jun 2022]
Center for Political Education     A resource for political organizations on the left, progressive social movements, the working class and people of color. CPE’s approach is non-sectarian, democratic, and committed to a critical analysis of local, regional and global politics. We believe that movements are strongest when their organizing and activism are grounded in historical knowledge, strong theory and rigorous analysis.     Address: 522 Valencia Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Email: center-at-politicaleducation.org     Web: https://politicaleducation.org/     [31 Dec 2023]
Center for Popular Economics (CPE)     A nonprofit collective of political economists based in Amherst, MA. Since our founding in 1979, thousands of people have participated in our workshops and Institutes. Our programs and publications demystify the economy and put useful economic tools in the hands of people fighting for social and economic justice. We examine root causes of economic inequality and injustice including systems of oppression based on race, class, gender, nation and ethnicity.     Web: https://www.populareconomics.org/     [09 Jan 2022]
Center for Public Environmental Oversight (CPEO)     Promotes and facilitates public participation in the oversight of environmental activities at federal facilities, private "Superfund" sites, and Brownfields. CPEO educates public stakeholders on both the process and technologies for cleanup and environmental protection. CPEO conducts sites visits, convenes workshops and forums, publishes articles, and maintains the web-based "technology tree."     Address: c/o PSC, PO Box 998, Mountain View CA 94042     Voice: (650) 961-8918     Email: cpeo@cpeo.org     Web: http://www.cpeo.org/     [28 Jul 2024]
Center for Public Integrity (CPI)     Seeks to counter the corrosive effects of inequality by holding powerful interests accountable and equipping the public with knowledge to drive change. We are an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit news organization dedicated to investigating systems and circumstances that contribute to inequality in our country. Our reporters excel at investigating the systems and circumstances that contribute to inequality in labor, housing, health care, education and access to democracy. We also expose the far reaching implications of a history of unequal power, by examining disparities in environmental and criminal justice, transportation, technology and access to financial tools.     Web: https://publicintegrity.org/     [07 Apr 2024]
Center for Reproductive Rights     A global human rights organization of lawyers and advocates who ensure reproductive rights are protected in law as fundamental human rights for the dignity, equality, health, and well-being of every person. Since its founding in 1992, the Center’s game-changing litigation, legal policy, and advocacy work—combined with unparalleled expertise in constitutional, international, and comparative human rights law—has transformed how reproductive rights are understood by courts, governments, and human rights bodies.     Web: https://reproductiverights.org/     [28 Jul 2024]
Center for Story-based Strategy (CSS)     Cultivates imagination spaces where story, grassroots leadership, organizing, and democracy are interwoven strategies to build power.     Address: PO Box 71928, Oakland CA 94612     Email: info@storybasedstrategy.org     Web: https://www.storybasedstrategy.org/     [31 Dec 2023]
Center for Sustainable Economy (CSE)     Conducts peer-reviewed research on the full range of sustainable development challenges humanity faces, including climate change, deforestation, extinction, inequality and poverty. We develop innovative solutions such as new measures of progress and new policies to expedite the transition to renewable energy. We are also vocal advocates for change, using legislative and administrative processes, the courts, and grassroots mobilization to achieve our goals.     Web: https://www.sustainable-economy.org/     [31 Dec 2022]
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE)     Mission is to advance the steady state economy, with stabilized population and consumption, as a policy goal with widespread public support. We pursue this mission by: * educating citizens, organizations, and policy makers on the conflict between economic growth and (1) environmental protection, (2) ecological and economic sustainability, and (3) national security and international stability; * promoting the steady state economy as a desirable alternative to economic growth; * studying the means to establish a steady state economy.     Web: https://steadystate.org/     [03 Aug 2024]
Center for Third World Organizing (CTWO)     Mission is to help build and sustain a thriving racial justice movement led by communities of color. CTWO is a racial justice organization dedicated to building a social justice movement led by people of color. For nearly 40 years, CTWO has been at the forefront of training leaders of color to engage in social justice movements that are demanding and creating change for communities that sit at the margins. CTWO is a training organization, resource center, and an institutional pillar of community organizing in communities of color. At our core, we seek to make people fall in love with the movement and show up in the work with deep rigor and joy.     Address: 1714 Franklin Street, Oakland CA 94612     Email: trainings@ctwo.org     Web: https://ctwo.org/     [28 Jul 2024]
Center for Voting and Democracy (FairVote)     A nonpartisan organization seeking better elections for all. We research and advance voting reforms that make democracy more functional and representative for every American. FairVote has a proven record since 1992 as a nonpartisan trailblazer that advances and wins electoral reforms at the local, state and national level through strategic research, communications and collaboration. Today, we are the driving force behind advancing ranked choice voting and fair representation in multi-winner legislative districts that will open up our elections to better choices, fairer representation and more civil campaigns.     Web: https://www.fairvote.org/     [09 Jan 2022]
Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice (CJCJ)     A nonprofit nonpartisan organization whose mission is to reduce society’s reliance on incarceration as a solution to social problems. In pursuit of this mission, CJCJ provides direct community services, policy research and advocacy work, and public education efforts to promote justice. In unison our work promotes a balanced and humane criminal justice system designed to reduce incarceration and enhance long-term public safety.     Address: 424 Guerrero Street, Suite A, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 621-5661     Fax: (415) 621-5466     Email: cjcjmedia@cjcj.org     Web: https://www.cjcj.org/     [31 Dec 2023]
Central City S.R.O. Collaborative     Mission is to build community morale and to enhance the quality of life for low-income residents currently occupying Single-Room Occupancy hotels in the Tenderloin and South of Market (SoMA) neighborhoods. We accomplish this by organizing and empowering tenants to advocate for better living, sanitary, and habitable conditions within their hotels and around the community.     Address: 472 Ellis Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 775-7110     Web: https://ccsroc.net/     [28 Jul 2024]
Centro Legal de la Raza     A legal services agency protecting and advancing the rights of low-income, immigrant, Black, and Latinx communities through bilingual legal representation, education, and advocacy. By combining quality legal services with know-your-rights education and youth development, Centro Legal de la Raza ensures access to justice for thousands of individuals throughout Northern and Central California.     Address: 3400 East 12th Street, Oakland CA 94601     Voice: (510) 437-1554     Email: info@centrolegal.org     Web: https://www.centrolegal.org/     [17 Sep 2023]
ChangeLab Solutions     A nonpartisan nonprofit organization that uses the tools of law and policy to advance health equity. We partner with communities across the nation to improve health and opportunity by changing harmful laws, policies, and systems. Our interdisciplinary team works with community organizations, governments, and local institutions to design and implement equitable and practical policy solutions to complex health challenges.     Address: 2201 Broadway, Suite 701, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 302-3380     Web: https://www.changelabsolutions.org/     [07 Jan 2024]
The Charlotte Maxwell Clinic (CMC)     A free women’s clinic that specializes in offering life-enhancing complementary therapies for low-income, underserved, and immigrant San Francisco Bay Area women with cancer. Located in Oakland, California, our services are provided by a dedicated pool of volunteers who are licensed and certified practitioners of holistic modalities.     Address: 411 30th Street, Suite 508, Oakland CA 94609     Voice: (510) 601-7660     Email: mail@charlottemaxwell.org     Web: https://www.charlottemaxwell.org/     [04 Jun 2022]
Chelsea Green Publishing     Recognized as the leading publisher of books on the politics and practice of sustainable living. Our books bring in-depth, practical knowledge to life and give readers hands-on information related to organic and regenerative farming and gardening, ecology and the environment, healthy food, local economies and resilient communities, and integrative health and wellness. Chelsea Green publishes authors that inspire readers to become more effective environmental stewards.     Web: https://www.chelseagreen.com/     [29 Sep 2024]
Chiapas Support Committee (CSC)     A grassroots collective based in Oakland, California. The CSC serves as a center for education and information about Chiapas, the Zapatista communities and Mexico. We have worked with Indigenous Zapatista communities since 1998 to support and accompany their process of constructing autonomous (self-governing) institutions such as health care, education and economic production. We are a member collective of the Omni Commons, a collective of collectives that share work space and steward event space for community use. We organize forums and other events and activities to share and discuss ideas, analyses and human rights issues related to the Zapatista communities, Mexico and the U.S.     Address: PO Box 3421, Oakland CA 94609     Web: https://chiapas-support.org/     [04 Jun 2022]
Child Family Health International (CFHI)     Dedicated to transformative Global Health Education programs, research, and thought leadership emphasizing community leadership, global citizenship, and ethical engagement. CFHI is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations.     Address: 11135 San Pablo Avenue #929, El Cerrito CA 94530     Voice: (415) 957-9000     Email: robin@cfhi.org     Web: https://www.cfhi.org/     [26 May 2023]
Children's Defense Fund - California (CDF-CA)     A national child advocacy organization that has worked relentlessly over 40 years to ensure a level playing field for all children. Founded Marian Wright Edelman in 1973, CDF champion policies and programs that lift children out of poverty; protect them from abuse and neglect; and ensure their access to health care, quality education, and a moral and spiritual foundation. Supported by foundation and corporate grants and individual donations, CDF advocates nationwide on behalf of children to ensure children are always a priority.     Web: http://cdfca.org/     [09 Jan 2022]
Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA)     Founded in 1969 to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice.     Address: 17 Walter U Lum Place (near Portsmouth Square Park), San Francisco CA 94108     Voice: (415) 274-6750     Fax: (415) 397-8770     Email: info[at]caasf[dot]org     Web: https://caasf.org/     [17 Sep 2023]
Circle of Blue     Informing the world’s most important decisions about water, food, and energy in a changing climate. We face a profound moment in history that will define our water future. Across the world, intensifying water scarcity is disrupting populations, economies, and the environment — impacting every aspect of life as we know it. With societies and ecosystems experiencing climate change primarily through the lens of water, climate-driven shifts in the world’s hydrologic cycle have profound implications not just for health, food, and energy, but for the very planet itself.     Web: https://www.circleofblue.org/     [22 Dec 2024]
Citizens for Balanced Growth     A Tri-Valley (Livermore, Pleasanton, Sunol, Dublin) registered 501(c)(3) non-profit group in California. Donations are tax deductible. Founded in 1982, we strive to support activities which enhance the quality of life for residents of this beautiful convergence of valleys and hills. Such a special place is worth protecting.     Address: 661 South N Street, Livermore CA 94550     Email: info@citizensforbalancedgrowth.org     Web: https://www.citizensforbalancedgrowth.org/     [26 May 2023]
Citizens for Constitutional Local Government (CCLG)     A nonprofit organization formed to provide full and material disclosure of all the factors that can have profound effects on your decision to buy into an HOA controlled property. We believe that the regulation of planned communities must be under local government statutes to provide for the constitutional protection of homeowner rights. Our mission has been to enlighten the public, the media and state legislators as to the real nature of the HOA legal scheme. This enlightenment, this broad educational effort, will result in a more informed understanding 1) of the HOA legal structure that rejects our constitutional system of government, which far outweighs the public benefits, and (2) state legislative protection and cooperation with HOAs.     Web: http://pvtgov.org/pvtgov/     [13 Apr 2024]
Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ)     Advocates for federal, state, and local taxes that ensure the rich and corporations pay their fair share. This will make for stronger communities, a fairer economy, and more opportunity for all. Bringing unique insights to the tax debate and supporting the work of coalition partners, CTJ reinforces with lawmakers and the general public that 40-years of trickle-down economics has not worked for the average American, and we can no longer let the rich and corporations off the hook for paying their fair share.     Web: https://ctj.org/     [07 Jan 2023]
Citizens’ Climate Lobby (Alameda County chapter) (CCL Alameda County)     A climate change organization that exists to create the political will for a livable world by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power. Our consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation to drive climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations. By building upon shared values rather than partisan divides, and empowering our supporters to work in keeping with the concerns of their local communities, we work towards the adoption of fair, effective, and sustainable climate change solutions. We train and support volunteers to build relationships with elected officials, the media and their local community.     Web: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/chapters/CA_Alameda_County/   https://citizensclimatelobby.org/     [26 May 2023]
City Lights Bookstore     Founded in 1953 by poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Peter D. Martin, City Lights is one of the few truly great independent bookstores in the United States, a place where booklovers from across the country and around the world come to browse, read, and just soak in the ambiance of alternative culture’s only “Literary Landmark.” Although it has been more than sixty years since tour buses with passengers eager to sight “beatniks” began pulling up in front of City Lights, the Beats’ legacy of anti-authoritarian politics and unconstrained intellectual curiosity continues to be a strong influence in the store, most evident in the selection of titles.     Address: 261 Columbus Avenue (near Broadway), San Francisco CA 94133     Voice: (415) 362-8193     Email: staff@citylights.com     Web: https://citylights.com/     [17 Sep 2023]
City of Refuge United Church of Christ     We are intentionally radically inclusive, welcoming all persons, regardless of race, color, ancestry, age, ability, gender, sexual or affectional orientation. We celebrate the Creator’s Diversity! We worship Christ and welcome people from all faith paths that harmonize with the ministry of Jesus Christ.     Address: 8400 Enterprise Way, Oakland CA 94621     Voice: (510) 633-6316     Email: info@cityofrefugeucc.org     Web: https://cityofrefugeucc.org/     [29 Sep 2024]
City Repair     Facilitates artistic and ecologically-oriented placemaking through projects that honor the interconnection of human communities and the natural world. City Repair has accomplished many projects through a mostly volunteer staff and thousands of volunteer citizen activists. We provide support, resources, and opportunities to help diverse communities reclaim the culture, power, and joy that we all deserve.     Web: https://cityrepair.org/     [28 Jul 2024]
City Slicker Farms     Increases wellness and builds community through equitable access to healthy food, thriving gardens, and urban green space.     Address: 2847 Peralta Street, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (510) 763-4241     Email: info@cityslickerfarms.org     Web: https://www.facebook.com/CitySlickerFarms/     [09 Feb 2025]
Civicorps Schools     Mission is to re-engage young adults, age 18-26, to earn their high school diplomas, gain job skills, pursue college, and embark on family sustaining careers. See how we are accomplishing our mission in an archive of annual reports.     Address: 101 Myrtle Street, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 992-7800     Fax: (510) 992-7950     Email: info@cvcorps.org     Web: https://cvcorps.org/     [17 Sep 2022]
Civil Liberties Defense Center (CLDC)     Supports movements that seek to dismantle the political and economic structures at the root of social inequality and environmental destruction. We provide litigation, education, legal and strategic resources to strengthen and embolden their success. CLDC defends front line activists, pursues civil rights litigation, and educates people about their rights and how to use them in order to expose and confront the persistent erosion of our civil liberties and the Bill of Rights. We believe knowledge is power, and that when people have the tools and understanding to take action and demand that the government honor all their rights, grassroots activism has a stronger chance of exacting the change necessary for building a more sustainable and just world.     Web: https://cldc.org/     [13 Apr 2024]
Class Action     Inspires action to end classism and extreme inequality by providing tools, training, and inspiration to raise awareness, understand the relationship of class and race, shift cultural beliefs about social class, build cross-class solidarity, and transform institutions and systems. Life within US capitalism, with its myths of meritocracy and strong individualist bent, has not only led to extreme wealth inequality but also stoked false divisions among us, creating stubborn barriers to change. Many people in the US believe we are a “classless” society or that “people get what they deserve,” blind to the structural inequality and racism that have defined the limits of our lives.     Web: https://classism.org/     [26 May 2023]
Clean Energy Action     A Colorado-based, grassroots organization dedicated to accelerating the equitable transition to a post-fossil fuel world. We commit to applying anti-racist principles to protect and empower Colorado communities through public education, nonprofit collaboration, and policy advocacy.     Web: https://www.cleanenergyaction.org/     [13 Apr 2024]
Clean Water Action (California office) (CWA)     Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. Our mission is to protect our environment, health, economic well-being and community quality of life. Clean Water Action organizes strong grassroots groups and coalitions, and campaigns to elect environmental candidates and to solve environmental and community problems.     Address: 350 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 200, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (415) 369-9160     Fax: (415) 369-9180     Email: cacwa@cleanwater.org     Web: https://www.cleanwateraction.org/     [04 Jun 2022]
Climate Access     Builds political and public support for climate solutions by creating and sharing effective communication and engagement strategies. We partner with stakeholders and train leaders in climate communications and outreach best practices to advance action at the pace and scale the climate emergency requires.     Web: https://climateaccess.org/     [22 Dec 2024]
Climate Alliance for Palestine     We are an international alliance of climate activists unified against ecocide and human rights violations tied to natural resource exploitation and militarization.     Web: https://climate-alliance-for-palestine.square.site/     [26 May 2024]
The Climate Center     We’re working to rapidly reduce climate pollution at scale, starting in California. Since 2001, The Climate Center has been a leader in making climate solutions a reality in California at speed and scale. We are a think-tank, do-tank working to turn bold ideas into action for a climate-safe future.     Address: 1275 Fourth Street #191, Santa Rosa CA 95404     Voice: (707) 525-1665     Email: info@theclimatecenter.org     Web: https://theclimatecenter.org/     [22 Dec 2024]
Climate Defiance     We do not do petitions. We do direct action. If people in power will not save us we will save ourselves. there is no choice. We need consistent, mass-turnout, nonviolent disruption to stop business as usual and compel politicians to act. When we engage in direct action—whether through a strike, a blockade, or a mass occupation—we break through.     Web: https://www.climatedefiance.org/     [29 Dec 2023]
Climate Disobedience Center     Exists to support a growing community of climate dissidents who take the risk of acting commensurate with the scale and urgency of the crisis. Brings together an experienced team to provide logistical, legal and spiritual resources, on the ground assistance, and advice to climate activists engaged in civil disobedience across the country. The Center will deploy those assets to nurture strong, grounded communities of resistance willing to take risks of moral imagination, and is committed to supporting those who hold allegiance to a higher moral law through the legal process and consequences of action.     Web: https://www.climatedisobedience.org/     [26 May 2023]
Climate Emergency Fund     We support the brave activists waking up the public to the climate emergency. We raise funds for and make grants to the disruptive nonviolent climate movement.     Web: https://www.climateemergencyfund.org/     [26 May 2024]
Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force (CEMTF)     A regional coalition to organize the Bay Area’s nine counties and 101 cities into a regional organization initiating climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. The CEMTF brings together city and county staff and elected officials, community based organizations, activists, and climate champions to identify what can be done on the local level and beyond to confront the climate crisis and to push for needed local actions. The climate threat is here. We have an opportunity to build unity and seek justice.     Web: https://www.cemtf.org/     [22 Dec 2024]
Climate Health Now     We organize and mobilize the California health community to advocate for equitable systems-level climate action. We are all part of the Health Community across California. Our Theory of Change: If we organize and enable California’s health community to work in collaboration with the wider climate justice community and put pressure on policy makers and decision-makers, then we will see bold, urgent systems-level climate solutions because of the social trust and influence our professions can lend to the climate movement.     Address: PO Box 6382, Albany CA 94706     Email: connect@climatehealthnow.org     Web: https://www.climatehealthnow.org/     [22 Dec 2024]
Climate Justice Alliance     We build “local living economies” models focused on clean community energy, regional food systems, zero waste, efficient, affordable, and durable housing, public transportation, ecosystem restoration and stewardship within scientific planetary boundaries. We promote community resilience, economic equity and climate stability by creating new climate jobs with equitable relationships, good-paying salaries, and that put workers formerly employed by extreme energy industries to work in ecosystems that reduce the cost and pollution burden for present and future generations. Climate Justice Alliance member groups are taking action in solidarity with Palestine.     Web: https://climatejusticealliance.org/     [26 May 2024]
The Climate Mobilization     Building power for a national transformation that rapidly restores a safe climate and creates a just and democratic society. We are in a Climate Emergency. We need a whole-society mobilization to prevent climate catastrophe. Let’s build the movement that can get us there.      Web: https://www.theclimatemobilization.org/     [04 Jun 2022]
Climate Organizing Hub     Founded in 2022 as a climate action center to run campaigns against the fossil fuel industry by partnering with frontline community groups and individual activists. Our work is rooted in the belief that those most impacted by the effects of climate change need to be centered in the fight, and that the most meaningful way to stop the devastating impacts of climate change is to dismantle the fossil fuel industry.     Web: https://www.climateorganizinghub.org/     [19 Sep 2023]
Climate Reality Project     Former US Vice President Al Gore founded The Climate Reality Project to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every sector of society. We recruit, train, and mobilize people of all walks of life to work for just climate solutions that speed energy transition worldwide and open the door to a better tomorrow for us all.     Web: https://www.climaterealityproject.org/     [23 Apr 2023]
ClimateAlliance4Pal     An international coalition of climate organizers against Israeli greenwashing amidst colonialism, resource theft, apartheid, occupation and genocide.     Web: https://www.instagram.com/climatealliance4pal/?hl=en     [18 May 2024]
ClimateMusic Project     We connect people to climate science and action through the emotional power of music. For many of us, climate change seems like an overwhelming issue. How do you put your head around something that’s as big as the Planet and is coming at us fast? Did you know that we have the knowledge and tools to address climate change? And that you can contribute to the solution? We created The ClimateMusic Project to help answer these questions, using music to tell the urgent story of climate change to broad and diverse audiences in a way that resonates, educates, and motivates. Our music ranges from classical to hip-hop, rock, jazz and more.     Address: 26 7th Street, Box 4, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 753-5515     Email: info@climatemusic.org     Web: https://climatemusic.org/     [27 May 2024]
Clinic by the Bay     The safety net for those who have no affordable option for high-quality, compassionate primary, acute, chronic or preventative medical care. We believe our patients have a right to comprehensive healthcare. Our services are for uninsured adults living or working in the Bay Area. All Clinic services are free. Even with the Affordable Care Act, nearly 90,000 people remain uninsured in San Francisco and San Mateo counties — 25% of this population is in our neighborhood … Mission District, Excelsior and northern San Mateo County.     Address: 35 Onondaga Avenue, San Francisco CA 94112     Voice: (415) 405-0222 (patient line); (415) 405-0207 (all others)     Fax: (415) 405-0223     Email: info@clinicbythebay.org     Web: https://www.clinicbythebay.org/     [07 Jan 2024]
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email (CAUCE)     An all-volunteer Internet end-user advocacy organization. CAUCE has moved beyond its original mission of advocating for anti-spam laws, to a broader stance of defending the interests all users in the areas of privacy and abuse in all its forms on the Internet. CAUCE is led by a Board of Directors with a cumulative century of experience in the field of Internet advocacy who are active in consulting with governments, law enforcement agencies, and Industry associations. See some of the papers and talks they have given.     Web: https://www.cauce.org/     [07 Jan 2023]
San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness     Organizes homeless people and front line service providers to create permanent solutions to homelessness, while working to protect the human rights of those forced to remain on the streets. For decades, the Coalition on Homelessness has developed the leadership skills of homeless San Franciscans to forge true solutions to the housing crisis and beat back mean-spirited attacks against them.     Address: 280 Turk Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 346-3740     Web: https://www.cohsf.org/     [09 Jan 2022]
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL)     Deepens and broadens the Jewish community’s commitment to stewardship and protection of the Earth through outreach, activism, and Jewish learning. Through a network of Jewish leaders, institutions, and individuals, COEJL mobilizes the Jewish community to advocate for policies that support environmental protection while building core Jewish environmental knowledge. COEJL has been an initiative at the Jewish Council for Public Affairs since 1993 and serves as the Jewish partner in the National Religious Partnership on the Environment.     Web: https://www.coejl.org/     [07 Jan 2024]
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)     We are an integrated, youth-led civil rights/immigrant rights organization committed to building the new civil rights movement. This moment in history calls for bold leaders who are prepared to stand on the truth and lead through action. BAMN exists to develop the conscious political method needed to turn our struggles into fights that can win, learning both from the successes and mistakes of our own struggles, and from the most successful leaders of mass movements like Martin Luther King and Frederick Douglass. Our movement is integrated and international, and we are fighting for fundamental equality and freedom for all of humanity, for a new kind of society.     Voice: (855) ASK-BAMN (855-275-2266)     Email: email@bamn.com     Web: https://www.bamn.com/     [04 Jun 2022]
CODEPINK Women for Peace     A women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs. Founded in fall 2002 as a grassroots effort to prevent the US war on Iraq, we continue to organize for justice for Iraqis, to hold war criminals accountable, and to end and prevent other U.S. wars and regime change efforts. We actively oppose U.S. sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, N. Korea, Cuba, and more, the continuing U.S. war in Afghanistan, torture, the detention center at Guantanamo, weaponized and spy drones, and the prosecution of whistle-blowers. We support Palestinian rights, diplomacy, and growing local peace economies. Our flagship campaign is Divest from the War Machine to divest from companies that derive their profits from U.S. military interventions, the global arms trade, and the militarization of our streets.     Web: https://www.codepink.org/   https://www.facebook.com/CodepinkSFBayArea/     [17 Sep 2022]
Codornices Creek Watershed Council (CCWC)     A local, volunteer organization made up of stakeholders who live and work in the watershed. The purpose of the Council is to protect and restore watershed processes and function, and to promote awareness and stewardship through collaborative partnerships with agencies, businesses, organizations, and the community.     Web: http://www.codornicescreekwatershed.org/     [11 Jun 2022]
Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth     A member-led, multi-racial, intergenerational community organization building the leadership and power of Black and Brown children, youth, community college students, and families in San Francisco to advance racial and economic justice in our schools and our city. Through grassroots organizing, budget and policy advocacy, and voter engagement, we are building a city of hope, justice, and opportunity, a San Francisco where all children and families have access to high-quality education, living wage jobs, family-supporting benefits, affordable housing, and a voice in the decisions that affect us.     Address: 459 Vienna Street, San Francisco CA 94112     Voice: (415) 239-0161     Email: info@colemanadvocates.org     Web: https://colemanadvocates.org/     [22 Dec 2024]
ColorLines Magazine     The leading source for accessible media on race, power and democracy. We offer analysis, collective meaning-making, and opportunities to engage in power-building moments and movements.     Web: https://colorlines.com/     [22 Dec 2024]
Commercial Alert     Mission is to keep the commercial culture within its proper sphere, and to prevent it from exploiting children and subverting the higher values of family, community, environmental integrity and democracy. A project of Public Citizen.     Web: https://commercialalert.org/     [26 May 2023]
San Francisco Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (SFCHRP)     A San Francisco based human rights advocacy group. Latest news and views on human rights in the Philippines. CHRP educates, activates, and organizes Bay Area communities to promote human rights of the Filipino people as well as supports the human rights struggles of all people.     Web: https://sanfranchrp.wordpress.com/     [13 Apr 2024]
Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)     A grassroots solidarity organization that has been supporting the Salvadoran people’s struggle for social and economic justice since 1980. We organize strategic campaigns against US government and corporate intervention in El Salvador and accompany the Salvadoran popular movement in its work to realize an inspiring vision of participatory democracy and economic justice. Our work is coordinated through the CISPES National Office in Washington, DC, and carried out by local CISPES chapters and supporters across the country.     Web: https://www.cispes.org/     [28 Jul 2024]
Committee of 100 for Tibet (C100)     A unique organization in its composition, strategy and uncompromising support of the Tibetan people in their peaceful struggle. In addition to pursuing its own projects, the C100 actively endorses and contributes to the work of other key organizations supporting Tibet and the Tibetan people. The C100 is dedicated to educating people throughout the world on the tragic situation in Tibet today. Tibetans continue to be deprived of their basic human rights and freedoms, are marginalized and impoverished by unjust and discriminatory policies, and their unique culture and Buddhist religion - an ancient heritage of inestimable value to all humanity - is in peril.     Web: http://www.c100tibet.org     [03 Jun 2023]
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)     An independent, nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide. We defend the right of journalists to report the news safely and without fear of reprisal. CPJ protects the free flow of news and commentary by taking action wherever journalists are under threat. CPJ reports on violations in repressive countries, conflict zones, and established democracies alike. A board of prominent journalists from around the world helps guide CPJ’s activities.     Web: https://cpj.org/     [09 Feb 2024]
Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)     nationwide organization with deep roots in many social movements. We are active in labor and community groups, in peace and justice coalitions, among students and youth, in the women’s and LGBT movements, and in environmental, immigrant rights and electoral campaigns.     Address: 522 Valencia Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 863-6637     Email: national@cc-ds.org     Web: https://www.cc-ds.org/     [07 Jan 2024]
Common Cause     A nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to upholding the core values of American democracy. We work to create open, honest, and accountable government that serves the public interest; promote equal rights, opportunity, and representation for all; and empower all people to make their voices heard in the political process.     Web: https://www.commoncause.org/     [29 Sep 2024]
Common Dreams News Center     A reader-supported independent news outlet created in 1997 as a new media model. Our nonprofit newsroom covers the most important news stories of the moment. Common Dreams free online journalism keeps our millions of readers well-informed, inspired, and engaged. We are optimists. We believe real change is possible. But only if enough well-informed, well-intentioned—and just plain fed up and fired-up—people demand it. We believe that together we can attain our common dreams.     Web: https://www.commondreams.org/     [07 Jan 2023]
Common Future     We make an equitable economy possible by uplifting and investing in solutions that advance racial equity. Here's how we do it: Community Credit Lab: We invest capital and provide back-office support to economic justice organizations. Capacity Building: We equip community-rooted organizations with the resources they need to create systemic justice. Narrative & Influence: We develop stories and campaigns that build public support for economic justice values and strategies.     Address: 2261 Market St., Suite #10410, San Francisco CA 94114     Voice: (510) 587-9417     Email: hello@commonfuture.co     Web: https://www.commonfuture.co/     [05 Oct 2024]
Common Humanity Collective (CHC)     We help ordinary people come together to create and redistribute the things our communities need in the face of deprivation and disaster. We developed a grassroots network of production and distribution through which over 60,000 N95-style nanofiber masks were assembled and distributed, along with enough hand sanitizer to supply over 100,000 people in the Bay Area within our first few years. We continue distributing masks alongside thousands of DIY air purifiers in response to the wildfires ravaging California, as well as persistent industrial pollution, which continually make our air unhealthy to breathe.     Web: https://www.commonhumanitycollective.org     [20 Dec 2024]
The Commons San Francisco     We produce low cost seminars presenting an overview of the principles upon which all economies function. These seminars are distinguished by their robust consideration of the commons. We also produce walking tours, as well as occasional events highlighting the prominence of The Commons in nearly every aspect of human experience.     Address: 189 Ellsworth Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 948-4265     Email: info@thecommonssf.org     Web: https://www.thecommonssf.org/     [07 Jan 2024]
Commonweal     A center for learning and research, transformation, and discovery. Our programs work in the areas of health and healing; education and the arts; and environment and justice. Incubates and supports almost 50 different programs including programs in cancer, health professional education, environmental health, healing arts, art education, yoga, permaculture gardening, and juvenile justice.     Address: PO Box 316, Bolinas CA 94924     Voice: (415) 868-0970     Web: https://www.commonweal.org/     [09 Jan 2022]
The Commonwealth Fund     Mission is to promote a high-performing, equitable health care system that achieves better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly for society’s most vulnerable, including people of color, people with low income, and those who are uninsured. The Fund carries out this mandate by supporting independent research on health care issues and making grants to improve health care practice and policy. An international program in health policy is designed to stimulate innovative policies and practices in the United States and other industrialized countries.     Web: https://www.commonwealthfund.org/     [07 Jan 2024]
Communities for a Better Environment (CBE)     One of the preeminent environmental justice organizations in the nation. The mission of CBE is to build people’s power in California’s communities of color and low income communities to achieve environmental health and justice by preventing and reducing pollution and building green, healthy and sustainable communities and environments. CBE provides residents in heavily polluted urban communities in California with organizing skills, leadership training and legal, scientific and technical assistance, so that they can successfully confront threats to their health and well-being.     Address: 120 Broadway, Suite 2, Richmond CA 94804     Voice: (510) 302-0430     Web: https://www.cbecal.org/     [09 Jan 2022]
Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ)     CURYJ (pronounced 'courage') unlocks the leadership of young people to dream beyond bars. We look to young people to lead the way in transforming our communities by investing in their healing, aspirations, and activism. By 2030, we aim to end youth incarceration in California. Every young person is sacred and every young person is a gift. But too many are silenced and disempowered by the impacts of the criminal, immigration, foster care, police, and education systems. We work for transformation and liberation through a combination of individual and collective healing and significant shifts in policy.     Address: 490 Lake Park Avenue #16086, Oakland CA 94610     Voice: (501) 232-7230     Email: help@curyj.org     Web: https://curyj.org/     [03 Jun 2023]
Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF)     A California-based nonprofit that builds sustainable food and farming systems through local and statewide policy advocacy and on-the-ground programs in an effort to initiate institutionalized change. Our programs address current problems and challenges in food and farming systems, creating more resilient family farms, communities, and ecosystems. We work to support family farmers and serve community members throughout the state, including consumers, food service directors, schoolchildren and low-income populations with the aim of growing a more resilient, just and abundant food system for all Californians. This timeline highlights some of our accomplishments and efforts to support California family farmers.     Web: https://caff.org/     [11 Jun 2022]
Community Boards     Operates the longest-running nonprofit conflict resolution center in the United States. We have an excellent reputation for supplying high quality programs in the community since 1976. We offer a range of affordable conflict resolution and restorative justice programs and services to residents, businesses, schools and communities throughout San Francisco. Our mediation services are offered in Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, and English through our corps of 450+ highly skilled volunteer Community Mediators.     Address: Opera Plaza, 601 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 2040, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 920-3820     Email: Learn_More@communityboards.org     Web: http://www.communityboards.org     [11 Jun 2022]
Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto (CLSEPA)     Our goal is to support individuals and communities in effecting significant, positive changes. In order to have a transformative impact, our direct services will be coupled with other legal strategies, including community education, technical assistance, policy advocacy, and impact litigation. In addition, we will be developing new strategic partnerships and strengthening our capacity-building efforts in the community to maximize our impact. We recognize that transformative change comes from the community itself. Over three decades ago, East Palo Alto was established as an independent city by its residents in a transformative act of self-determination. Our role as legal advocates is to promote community empowerment and support communities in determining their own futures.     Address: 1861 Bay Road, East Palo Alto CA 94303     Voice: (650) 326-6440     Fax: (866) 688-5204     Web: https://clsepa.org/     [05 Oct 2024]
Community Technology Alliance (CTA)     Founded in 1991 to design and construct the technical infrastructure necessary to support the work to end homelessness in Santa Clara County. CTA has since evolved into a nonprofit focusing on ways for databases and other tools to communicate and exchange data, and on ways to integrate and centrally store data for reporting and data visualization purposes.     Address: 75 E Santa Clara Street, Suite 900, San Jose CA 95113     Voice: (408) 437-8800     Fax: (408) 437-9169     Email: info@ctagroup.org     Web: https://ctagroup.org/     [22 Dec 2024]
Community United Against Violence (CUAV)     Works to build the power of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) communities to transform violence and oppression. We support the healing and leadership of those impacted by abuse and mobilize our broader communities to replace cycles of trauma with cycles of safety and liberation. As part of the larger social justice movement, CUAV works to create truly safe communities where everyone can thrive.     Address: 427 South Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 777-5500     Email: info@cuav.org     Web: https://www.cuav.org/     [07 Jan 2024]
Community Vision     We promote economic justice and alleviate poverty by increasing the financial resilience and sustainability of community-based nonprofits and enterprises. Through flexible financial products and sound advice, we create opportunities to make socially responsible investments that revitalize Northern and Central California communities.     Address: 870 Market Street, Suite 677, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 392-8215     Email: info@communityvisionca.org     Web: https://communityvisionca.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Community Works (CW)     Seeks to transform justice through programs and policy rooted in humanity and healing. We honor as expertise the lived experience of survivors, incarcerated people, and their communities. Our programs are culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and rooted in Restorative Justice and the Arts. Our services are designed to meet the needs of people at any stage of justice system involvement.     Address: 110 Broadway, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 268-8116     Email: info@communityworkswest.org     Web: https://communityworkswest.org/     [07 Jan 2024]
Community Youth Center (CYC)     Our mission is to encourage a diverse population of high-need young people to explore their full potential through academic, career, family, and community life. CYC serves over 8,000 youth each year and is one of only a few agencies in the city addressing the needs of a diverse population of low-income, high-need, and at-risk Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), Latinx, and African American youth. We believe in opening doors of opportunity based on individual interests and needs, always with multiple entry points and multiple potential paths.     Address: 1038 Post Street, San Francisco CA 94109     Voice: (415) 775-2636     Email: hello@cycsf.org     Web: https://www.cycsf.org/     [13 Jan 2024]
CommunityGrows     Our mission is to cultivate healthy youth through growing gardens in low-income, diverse communities. Our vision is that all youth are able to benefit from the joy and healing of nature-based outdoor education, and develop the tools, confidence and resources to navigate and challenge structural injustices. CommunityGrows’ youth development programs provide a continuum of garden-based, hands-on environmental and health education programs at no cost to participants. Our curriculum focuses on environmental and garden lessons, nutrition education, civic involvement, leadership development, and job training for neighborhood youth.     Address: 762 Fulton Sreet, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 731-1837     Email: info@communitygrows.org     Web: https://www.communitygrows.org/     [11 Jun 2022]
Compass Family Services     We help homeless families and those at imminent risk to achieve housing stability, economic self-sufficiency, and well-being. Compass Family Services leads the way in helping San Francisco families facing homelessness secure stable housing and attain economic self-sufficiency and family well-being. We have been service innovators for more than 100 years, and more than 95% of the families who complete our housing programs achieve lasting success.     Address: 37 Grove Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 644-0504     Email: info@compass-sf.org     Web: https://www.compass-sf.org/     [22 Dec 2024]
Compassion & Choices     Improves care, expands options and empowers everyone to chart their end-of-life journey. We envision a society that affirms life and accepts the inevitability of death, embraces expanded options for compassionate dying, and empowers everyone to choose end-of-life care that reflects their values, priorities, and beliefs.     Web: https://www.compassionandchoices.org/     [11 Jun 2022]
CompassPoint Nonprofit Services     Helps leaders, nonprofit organizations, and movements committed to social justice realize their full power. We are a 50-year-old nonprofit leadership development practice based in Oakland, CA. We believe that nonprofits are powerful vehicles for positive social change and that creating a world free of oppression means practicing liberation inside and out.     Address: 548 Market Street, PMB 25158, San Francisco CA 94104-5401     Voice: (510) 318-3755     Email: info@compasspoint.org     Web: https://www.compasspoint.org/     [13 Jan 2024]
Congregation Sha'ar Zahav     Founded in 1977 and rooted in our history as San Francisco’s gay and lesbian synagogue, we offer the warmth and comfort of chosen family. To that end, we embrace a diversity of individuals of all sexualities, genders, races and abilities. We welcome a diversity of families, including single members, interfaith, single-parent, and multicultural families. Join us as we come together with open hearts to learn and grow with each other, lifting each other up to do what we never thought possible.     Address: 290 Dolores Street (at 16th Street), San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 861-6932     Web: https://www.shaarzahav.org/     [09 Jan 2022]
Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU)     Envisions a world where cities, towns, and neighborhoods are intentionally designed and managed to foster community, preserve the natural environment, and improve the lives of all people. CNU is dedicated to making the design of cities, towns, and neighborhoods a part of how we respond to complex societal challenges, realizing their full potential to expand the social, economic, and environmental opportunities available to all members of each community. By highlighting effective design principles and lowering barriers to change, CNU amplifies the grassroots power of our thousands of members to build and rebuild their communities in ways that improve sustainability, increase accessibility, and promote equity.     Web: https://www.cnu.org/     [13 Apr 2024]
congress.gov     The official website for U.S. federal legislative information. The site provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies, and the public. It is presented by the Library of Congress (LOC) using data from the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, the Government Publishing Office, Congressional Budget Office, and the LOC’s Congressional Research Service. This Technology Timeline highlights similar and complementary legislative branch agency efforts.     Web: https://www.congress.gov/     [03 Jun 2023]
Connect Oakland     A bold vision to reconnect Oakland neighborhoods into the fabric of the City and reposition Oakland as the transportation hub for the Bay Area region. At the heart of ConnectOakland is the transformation of the Interstate 980 freeway into a boulevard. Similar to the relocation of the Cypress Freeway after the Loma Prieta earthquake, the transformation of I-980 will reintegrate West Oakland and its residents back into the fabric of the City of Oakland and mend an enduring wound that severed – both literally and figuratively – one of Oakland’s most historic neighborhoods from the City as a whole. The transformation of I-980 will also create new public land for housing, jobs, and open space, and can serve as a catalyst for future transportation connections throughout the region.     Web: http://www.connectoakland.org/     [05 Oct 2024]
Conservation Corps North Bay     Has one simple goal: to develop youth and conserve natural resources for a resilient, sustainable, and equitable community. Here in the North Bay we are lucky to be surrounded by nature—whether you hike in the hills, enjoy the beaches, or even just lounge in your neighborhood park, you are benefiting from the work of our corpsmembers and crews. We partner with local agencies, landowners, business owners, and community organizations to ensure our outdoor spaces are safe, accessible, and well-maintained.     Address: 11 Pimentel Court, Novato CA 94949     Voice: (415) 454-4554     Web: https://www.ccnorthbay.org/     [13 Jan 2024]
Conservation Sense and Nonsense     We use scientific studies and observation to explain why native plant “restorations” in California are rarely successful. Began in 2010 as the Million Trees blog to defend urban forests in the San Francisco Bay Area that were being destroyed because they are predominantly non-native. In renaming the Million Trees blog to Conservation Sense and Nonsense, we shift the focus away from specific projects toward the science that informed our opposition to those projects.     Web: https://milliontrees.me/     [03 Jun 2023]
Consider The Homeless     We have no agenda or affiliations other than to serve Berkeley’s homeless with dignity and respect. We are a grassroots community based group of like-minded neighbors and friends who want to help those less fortunate than ourselves! Unlike most other services for the homeless we do not expect them to come to us. We deliver dinner and supplies to whomever needs them by driving slowly around downtown and calling out to those huddled in doorways, on sidewalks and in parks – “Sir/Ma’am, would you like some hot homemade soup?”     Address: PO Box 2771, Berkeley CA 94702     Voice: (510) 560-4CTH (4286)     Email: info@ConsiderTheHomeless.org     Web: http://www.considerthehomeless.org/     [03 Jun 2023]
Consortium For Independent Journalism (05 Oct 2024 )     Tackles tough, important stories that the mainstream media either ignored or failed to cover accurately. Founding editor Robert Parry broke many of the stories now known as the Iran-contra scandal, including the first stories on contra cocaine smuggling.     Web: https://consortiumnews.com/     [05 Oct 2024]
Consumer Action (CA)     Through multilingual financial education materials, community outreach, and issue-focused advocacy, Consumer Action, a 510(c)(3) nonprofit organization, empowers underrepresented consumers nationwide to assert their rights in the marketplace and financially prosper. Consumer Action advances consumer rights, nation-wide, by referring complaints, publishing educational materials in multiple languages, advocating for consumers in the media and before lawmakers, and comparing prices on credit cards, bank accounts and long distance services.     Address: 57 Post Street, Suite 708, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 777-9648     Web: https://www.consumer-action.org/     [05 Oct 2024]
Consumer Federation of America (CFA)     An association of non-profit consumer organizations that was established in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy, and education. Today, nearly 300 of these groups participate in the federation and govern it through their representatives on the organization’s Board of Directors. CFA is a research, advocacy, education, and service organization.     Web: https://consumerfed.org/     [24 Sep 2022]
Consumers International     The membership organisation for consumer groups around the world. We believe in a world where everyone has access to safe and sustainable products and services. We bring together over 200 member organisations in more than 100 countries to empower and champion the rights of consumers everywhere. We are their voice in international policy-making forums and the global marketplace to ensure they are treated safely, fairly and honestly. We are resolutely independent, unconstrained by businesses or political parties. We work in partnership and exercise our influence with integrity, tenacity and passion to deliver tangible results.     Web: https://www.consumersinternational.org/     [05 Oct 2024]
Cool Effect Inc.     If you’re looking to fight climate change while also making an impact for the planet and its people, we have the perfect recipe. A high quality carbon project, powered by clean cookstove technology, and fueled by carbon credits from people just like you. When you buy carbon offsets from Cool Effect, your donation makes an impact in the fight against climate change. Each of our projects are 100% additional and scientifically verified. Best of all, over 90% of every dollar goes directly to our project partners.     Address: 100 Drakes Landing Road, Suite 260, Greenbrae CA 94904     Email: info@cooleffect.org     Web: https://www.cooleffect.org/     [28 Dec 2024]
Cooperation Richmond     A nonprofit cooperative developer dedicated to empowering low-income communities of color in Richmond and surrounding areas to build wealth. Since our founding in October 2017, we provide cooperative business education, training, mentorship, and financial support. As part of a national movement focusing on cooperative initiatives, our goal is to enable Richmond's marginalized residents to create community-controlled wealth and wellbeing. We help workers set up businesses they own and operate, offering support within a network committed to economic democracy and facilitating a just transition.     Address: 402 Harbour Way, Richmond CA 84801     Email: info@cooperationrichmond.org     Web: https://www.cooperationrichmond.org/     [26 May 2024]
Cooperative Community Energy (CCEnergy)     Founded in 2001 to make the purchase and installation of renewable energy systems easy and affordable. As a co-op, our customers are part owners of the business, keeping our focus on the benefits we deliver to our members. This philosophy guides everything we do, from initial site evaluations to the long-run efficiency and productivity of each renewable energy system. Since our founding, we have helped nearly 1,000 homeowners and business owners move to clean and cost-effective solar energy. We use our buying power to secure discounted prices from the top equipment providers, and pass those savings on to our members. We don’t push pre-fabricated systems, but design systems to match the objectives of each of our members.     Address: 534 Fourth Street, Suite C, San Rafael CA 94901-3360     Voice: (877) 228-8700; (415) 457-0215     Fax: (415) 457-0216     Email: solar@ccenergy.com     Web: http://www.ccenergy.com/     [09 Jan 2022]
The Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL)     Our mission is to save the world’s coral reefs. We work at local, regional, and global levels to keep coral reefs healthy, so they can adapt to climate change and survive for generations to come. As one of the largest global NGOs focused exclusively on protecting coral reefs, the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) has used cutting-edge science and community engagement for nearly 30 years to reduce direct threats to reefs and to promote scalable and effective solutions for their protection.     Address: 548 Market Street, Suite 29802, San Francisco CA 94104-5401     Voice: (510) 370-0500     Email: info@coral.org     Web: https://coral.org/     [13 Jan 2024]
Corporate Accountability International     Stops transnational corporations from devastating democracy, trampling human rights, and destroying our planet. We are building a world rooted in justice where corporations answer to people, not the other way around—a world where every person has access to clean water, healthy food, a safe place to live, and the opportunity to reach their full human potential.     Web: https://corporateaccountability.org/     [03 Jun 2023]
Corporate Watch     A research group that helps people stand up against corporations and capitalism. We investigate exploitative bosses, landlords and property developers, companies profiting from prisons, deportation flights, animal exploitation and more, as well as the mega-corporations devastating our planet – and the wider systems of power and profit they work within. At the heart of everything we do is our idea of “information for action”. We know that people can fight and win, even against powerful enemies like corporations and governments. Good information helps to understand the forces we’re up against, spot their weaknesses, and so campaign effectively.     Web: https://corporatewatch.org/     [07 Jan 2023]
The Corporation (the film)     A film that explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Part film and part movement, The Corporation has been transforming audiences and dazzling critics with its insightful and compelling analysis for over 10 years. Taking its status as a legal "person" to the logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" The Corporation includes interviews with 40 corporate insiders and critics - including Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change. The film is based on the book The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power by Joel Bakan.     Web: https://www.thecorporation.com/     [09 Jan 2022]
CorpWatch     Works to promote environmental, social and human rights at the local, national and global levels by holding multinational corporations accountable for their actions. We employ investigative research and journalism to provide critical information on corporate malfeasance and profiteering around the world to foster a more informed public and an effective democracy.     Address: 1958 University Avenue, Berkeley CA 94704     Web: https://www.corpwatch.org/     [05 Oct 2024]
Costs of War Project     Conducts and publishes research about the ongoing consequences of the United States post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere; the costs of global U.S. military operations; and the domestic effects of U.S. military spending. Created in 2010 and housed at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, the Costs of War project builds on the work of over 60 scholars, experts, human rights advocates, and physicians from around the world. We aim to raise awareness and foster public debate by providing the fullest possible account of the human, economic, political, and environmental costs of U.S. militarism, laying the foundation for better informed U.S. foreign and domestic policies.     Web: https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/     [05 Oct 2024]
COTS Committee on the Shelterless     Our mission is to assist those experiencing homelessness in finding and keeping housing, increasing self-sufficiency, and improving well-being. We envision a community where everyone has a place to call home. According to the 2022 Point in Time Count, there are some 3,000 individuals experiencing homelessness in Sonoma County. For 35 years, COTS has been working to combat this crisis, providing hot and nutritious meals daily to anyone in need and a range of services to support people in reaching their short- and long-term housing, healthcare and employment goals.     Address: PO Box 2744, Petaluma CA 94953     Voice: (707) 765-6530     Email: info@cots.org     Web: https://cots.org/     [03 Jun 2023]
Council of Community Housing Organizations (CCHO)     A nonprofit coalition of 22 community-based housing developers and tenant advocates. Our collective longstanding mission is to foster the development of permanently affordable low-income housing in San Francisco, under community control and through non-speculative means of ownership, with adequate provisions for tenant services and empowerment.     Address: 325 Clementina Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415)-882-0901     Email: ccho@sfccho.org     Web: https://www.sfccho.org/     [03 Aug 2024]
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)     A nonprofit, grassroots civil rights and advocacy organization. CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties organization, with affiliate offices nationwide. Its national headquarters is located on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Since its establishment in 1994, CAIR has worked to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America. Through media relations, lobbying, education and advocacy, CAIR works to make sure a Muslim voice is represented. Through our work, CAIR seeks to empower American Muslims and encourage their participation in political and social activism.     Web: https://www.cair.com/     [05 Oct 2024]
Countercurrents.org     Brings news, views and analysis on Climate Change, Peak oil, Palestine, Iraq, Syria…… with an in depth and insightful analysis on all the important issues threatening the very existence of life systems on our mother earth. We relentlessly question the vertical and non-inclusive growth-based economy driven by capitalism that is destroying not only dignified human existence and the right to life of future generations but also the lives of all other species on earth. We stand for a sustainable ecological economy and equitable distribution of wealth!     Web: https://countercurrents.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
CounterPulse     A dynamic movement of experimental art that sparks personal transformation and builds enduring community. We provide space and resources for emerging artists and cultural innovators, serving as an incubator for the creation of socially relevant, community-based art and culture. CounterPulse acts as a catalyst for art and action; creating a forum for the open exchange of art and ideas, sparking transformation in our communities and our society. We work towards a world that celebrates diversity of race, class, cultural heritage, artistic expression, ability, gender identity, and sexual orientation. We strive to create an environment that is physically and economically accessible to everyone.     Address: 80 Turk Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 626-2060     Email: info@counterpulse.org     Web: https://counterpulse.org/     [03 Aug 2024]
CounterVortex     A blog and news service that provides concise, comprehensive daily reportage and analysis on US military operations and the “War on Terrorism”; resource wars and autonomy struggles; and dissident-left perspectives from the Middle East, Latin America and around the world.     Web: https://countervortex.org/     [02 Feb 2022]
Courage California     Believes that California must be a beacon of progressive, equitable, and truly representative democracy. As the 5th largest economy in the world — and the United States’ largest and most diverse state — California is uniquely positioned to serve as a model for the country. By providing the information, resources and infrastructure Californians need to hold their elected officials accountable, Courage California is fighting for a California that works for all of us. To achieve this, State and local representatives must be accountable to and reflective of the Californians they seek to serve, and work for the public’s benefit — as opposed to prioritizing the will of corporate lobbyists and campaign contributors.     Web: https://couragecalifornia.org/     [07 Jan 2023]
Courage to Resist     Supports the troops who refuse to fight, or who face consequences for acting on conscience, in opposition to illegal wars, occupations, the policies of empire abroad and martial law at home. Our People Power strategy weakens the pillars that perpetuate these causes of immense violence. By supporting military resistance, counter-recruitment, and draft resistance, we intend to cut off the supply of troops for war, while pledging resistance to the policies of hate, repression, and the militarization of policing domestically. We are autonomous from and independent of any political organization or party.     Address: 484 Lakepark Avenue # 41, Oakland CA 94610     Voice: (510) 488-3559     Web: https://couragetoresist.org/     [15 Jan 2022]
Covenant House California     A non-profit youth shelter that provides sanctuary and support for youth experiencing homelessness, ages 18-24. We believe that no young person deserves to be homeless; that every young person in California deserves shelter, food, clothing, education … and most importantly, to be loved. CHC provides a full continuum of services to meet the physical, emotional, educational, vocational, and spiritual well-being of young people, in order to provide them with the best chance for success in independence.     Address: 200 Harrison Street, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 379-1010     Fax: (510) 379-1036     Email: info@covenanthousecalifornia.org     Web: https://covenanthousecalifornia.org/     [11 Jun 2022]
Coworker.org     The leading global peer-based platform designed specifically to support workers of all kinds to spark true change in the workplace. Our team of advocacy experts and organizers back workers and groups alike by offering proven education and training, strategic support, research, data analysis, and a range of advocacy tools.     Web: https://home.coworker.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret     A groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean “dead zones,” and virtually every other environmental ill. Yet it goes on, almost entirely unchallenged.     Web: https://www.cowspiracy.com/     [03 Aug 2024]
Creative Action Theater (CAT)     Seeks to uplift the call for care not cops, culture not cops, and well, just about anything but cops! Inspired by the work of Berkeley Copwatch and the many other amazing community organizations in Berkeley, CAT brings a playful and satirical lens to an otherwise serious struggle. Join us to get creative with your action! "If I can't dance I don't want to be in your revolution." -Emma Goldman     Web: https://www.berkeleycopwatch.org/cat     [28 Dec 2024]
Creativity Explored     We are a studio in San Francisco that partners with artists with developmental disablities to celebrate and nurture the creative potential in all of us.     Address: 3245 16th Street (at Guerrero), San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 863-2108     Fax: (415) 863-1655     Email: info@creativityexplored.org     Web: https://www.creativityexplored.org/     [13 Jan 2024]
Crisis Support Services of Alameda County (CSS)     Mission is to reach out and offer support to people of all ages and backgrounds during times of crisis, to work to prevent the suicide of those who are actively suicidal, and to offer hope and caring during times of hopelessness. Offers a broad range of counseling, education and prevention services in a safe environment. CSS’ 24-hour crisis hotline responds to more than 65,000 calls each year. Services include on-going therapy groups, school-based counseling, supportive services for seniors, suicide prevention for youth; and community education.     Address: PO Box 3120, Oakland CA 94609     Voice: (510) 420-2460     Fax: (510) 420-2461     Web: https://www.crisissupport.org/     [28 Dec 2024]
Crissy Field Center     A dynamic hub of youth engagement for the Golden Gate National Parks, the Center is a model program of the National Park Service, the Presidio Trust, and the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy. Crissy Field Center programs encourage new generations to become bold leaders for thriving parks, healthy communities, and a more environmentally just society. The Center’s state of the art, green education facility consists of classrooms, labs, and gathering spaces for youth enrolled in the Center’s camps, field trips, and programs. With a focus on engaging people who traditionally have had little—if any—access to national parks, the Center has developed strong partnerships with schools and community centers in underserved areas, providing a majority of its programming for free or at low cost.     Address: 201 Fort Mason, San Francisco CA 94123     Voice: (415) 561-3000     Fax: (415) 561-3003     Web: https://www.parksconservancy.org/programs/crissy-field-center     [24 Sep 2022]
Critical Resistance     Seeks to build an international movement to end the prison industrial complex (PIC) by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe. We believe that basic necessities such as food, shelter, and freedom are what really make our communities secure. As such, our work is part of global struggles against inequality and powerlessness. The success of the movement requires that it reflect communities most affected by the PIC. Because we seek to abolish the PIC, we cannot support any work that extends its life or scope.     Address: P Box 22780, Oakland CA 94609-2301     Voice: (510) 984-2106     Email: crnational@criticalresistance.org     Web: https://criticalresistance.org/     [28 Dec 2024]
The Crucible     A nonprofit organization and art school dedicated to making the fine and industrial arts accessible for all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Our work is centered in Oakland and the East Bay, where we provide high-quality, fun classes and workshops to thousands of people each year. Our staff, students, and faculty share what makes The Crucible in West Oakland different from other art schools. With eighteen departments, including welding, blacksmithing, glass flameworking, ceramics, and more, there is a class and medium for every interest and level of experience. We also offer free programming, scholarships, and paid leadership opportunities for youth and adults who live locally and otherwise could not participate.     Address: 1260 7th Street, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 444-0919     Email: info@thecrucible.org     Web: https://www.thecrucible.org/     [28 Dec 2024]
Cultural Heritage Imaging (CHI)     We build innovative digital tools and practices that save world heritage. Cultural Heritage Imaging (CHI) drives development and adoption of practical digital imaging and preservation solutions for people passionate about saving humanity's treasures today, before they are lost. Our vision at CHI is to democratize technology, empowering people all over the world to document their own cultural heritage, helping to preserve and protect it for future generations. The technologies and principles that guide our work are leading to new and easy-to-learn imaging techniques that can be made available and accessible to people all over the world.     Address: 2325 3rd Street, Suite 337, San Francisco CA 94107     Voice: (415) 558-8672     Email: info@c-h-i.org     Web: https://culturalheritageimaging.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
Culture and Animals Foundation (CAF)     Mission is to advance animal advocacy and the intrinsic rights of our nonhuman fellow creatures by supporting artists and scholars whose work demonstrates a strong commitment to this aim. CAF stands uniquely at the intersection of creativity and scholarship, dedicated to transforming society’s relationship with nonhuman animals. CAF’s hundreds of funded projects have explored the entire cultural language of animal rights—in the humanities and social sciences; in lectures, dissertations, books, and presentations; and through painting, music, dance, film, photography, spoken word, poetry, and drama.     Web: https://cultureandanimals.org/     [03 Aug 2024]
Cycles of Change     Our mission is to improve the health and sustainability of East Oakland neighborhoods by increasing the use of bicycles as transportation. We broaden access to biking in low-income communities of color through education programs and low cost or free resources, connecting youth with the extraordinary living ecosystems of our local area and building a diverse community of visionary young leaders.     Address: 1246 23rd Avenue, Oakland CA 94606     Voice: (510) 842-1006     Email: info@cyclesofchange.org     Web: https://www.cyclesofchange.org/     [13 Jan 2024]
Daily Acts     We are a holistic education nonprofit that takes a heart-centered approach to inspiring transformative actions that create connected, equitable, and climate resilient communities. We believe in the power of our daily actions to reconnect people to self, community, and place, which helps to heal our society and planet. To survive climate change, we must focus on the solutions that help reduce it as well as adapt to changes that are already happening. Daily Acts connects people and builds community through education, action, and policy change that address the climate crisis to create a livable future for all.     Address: PO Box 293, Petaluma CA 94953     Voice: (707) 789-9664     Web: https://dailyacts.org/     [17 Sep 2023]
Dark Mountain Project     In 2009, two English writers published a manifesto. Out of that manifesto grew a cultural movement: a rooted and branching network of creative activity, centred on the Dark Mountain journal, sustained by the work of a growing gang of collaborators and contributors, as well as the support of thousands of readers around the world. Together, we are walking away from the stories that our societies like to tell themselves, the stories that prevent us seeing clearly the extent of the ecological, social and cultural unravelling that is now underway. We are making art that doesn’t take the centrality of humans for granted. We are tracing the deep cultural roots of the mess the world is in. And we are looking for other stories, ones that can help us make sense of a time of disruption and uncertainty.     Web: https://dark-mountain.net/     [03 Aug 2024]
David Brower Center     A public center in Downtown Berkeley uniting art, activism, and the environment in a LEED platinum-rated building. By advocating for the beauty, diversity and ecological integrity of our planet and people, we accomplish our mission—through permanent infrastructure and ongoing programs: * Inform the public about environmental challenges we all face and bold actions we must take to remain a living planet * Inspire people to recognize their own power and responsibility to act on behalf of the Earth * Connect individuals and organizations dedicated to social equity and ecological sustainability     Address: 2150 Allston Way, Suite 100, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 809-0900     Fax: (510) 809-0909     Email: contact@browercenter.org     Web: https://browercenter.org/     [23 Sep 2023]
DCARA (Deaf, Counseling, Advocacy & Referral Agency)     Mission is to promote and advocate for the rights of full access to American Sign Language and English, education, employment, and cultural identity of, by, for, and with Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened, and DeafBlind people.     Address: 14895 East 14th Street, Suite 200, San Leandro CA 94578-2926     Voice: (510) 343-6670     Email: info@dcara.org     Web: http://dcara.org/     [11 Jun 2022]
Death Penalty Focus     Committed to the abolition of the death penalty through public education, grassroots and political organizing, media outreach, and domestic and international coalition building. Death Penalty Focus was founded in 1988 by a group of California death penalty abolitionists. Since then, DPF has led protests, supported vigils, engaged people of faith, and worked with community leaders to end the death penalty. From the start, DPF has educated, mobilized and organized the anti-death penalty movement in California.     Web: https://deathpenalty.org/     [13 Jan 2024]
Death with Dignity National Center (DDNC)     Mission is to promote death with dignity laws based on our model legislation, the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, both to provide an option for dying individuals and to stimulate nationwide improvements in end-of-life care.     Web: https://deathwithdignity.org/     [15 Jan 2022]
Defending Rights & Dissent (BORDC/DDF)     Strengthens our participatory democracy by protecting the right to political expression. Freedom to dissent is essential to a functioning democracy, and every person under U.S. jurisdiction or control is entitled to Bill of Rights protections. At all times and especially when federal, state, or local governments propose or enact laws or policies that threaten or deny those rights, the people organize, exercising those same rights in the service of protecting them. Most people understand that the country cannot be made safer by sacrificing some rights for all or part of its population. When the people know and exercise their rights, the liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights hold firm and remain self-sustaining.     Web: https://rightsanddissent.org/     [03 Jun 2023]
Demand Progress     We amplify the voice of the people — and wield it to make government accountable and contest concentrated corporate power. Addresses Internet freedom, surveillance, corporate powe, militarism, democracy reform, and financial reform.     Web: https://demandprogress.org/     [03 Jun 2023]
Democracy at Work Institute     Created by the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives (USFWC) to ensure that worker cooperative development in economically and socially marginalized communities is adequately supported, effective, and strategically directed. It is the only national organization dedicated to building the field of worker cooperative development. Through research, education and relationship-building, it meets the need for coordination of: existing resources development of standards and leaders critical discussion of models and best practices, and advocacy for worker cooperatives as a community economic development strategy     Address: 57 Post Street, Suite 602, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 379-9201     Email: info@institute.coop     Web: https://institute.coop/     [20 Jan 2024]
Democratic Socialists of America, San Francisco chapter     Seeks to create a system based on justice and equality for all people. We believe everyone deserves to live their own life with dignity. We work to equalize political and economic power, because true democracy cannot coexist with inequality. We urgently fight to stop the many crises facing our most powerless members of society. We are not a political party. We are a coalition of people, united to create a more powerful front against the worst that capitalism has to offer.     Web: https://dsasf.org/     [19 May 2024]
Depave     Empowers disenfranchised communities to overcome social and environmental injustices and adapt to climate change through urban re-greening. Depave transforms over-paved places, creates resilient community greenspaces, promotes workforce development and education, and advocates for policy change to undo manifestations of systemic racism. Depave envisions an empowered society living within sustainable cities, built on a foundation of justice, equity, diversity, practicing inclusion and actively undoing systemic discrimination, social and environmental injustice of every kind. Depave imagines a sustainable city as a place where people and wildlife coexist and prosper amidst clean air, clean water, robust urban forests, thriving local agriculture, and healthy communities.     Web: https://www.depave.org/     [13 Apr 2024]
Desert Survivors     An affiliation of desert lovers committed to experiencing, sharing and protecting desert wilderness wherever we find it. We recognize the places we love to explore will not remain wild unless we give others the opportunity to experience them as we do and unless we remain vigilant and active in our efforts to monitor and preserve them.     Web: https://desert-survivors.org/     [15 Jan 2022]
Design Action Collective     Provides graphic design and visual communications for progressive, non-profit, and social change organizations. By providing high-quality professional graphic design and web development services, we aim to help build and strengthen progressive movements fighting for economic and social justice. Our members are social justice activists and organizers who offer our skills as graphic designers and web developers to progressive movements. Design Action is a worker-owned and managed cooperative and a union shop, affiliated with the Pacific Media Guild, Local 39521.     Address: 1730 Franklin Street #103, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 452-1912     Email: info@designaction.org     Web: https://designaction.org/     [15 Jan 2022]
Destiny Arts (De-Escalation Skills Training Inspiring Nonviolence in Youth)     Believes that art and movement gives young people a vehicle for self and community expression. Founded by Black and Queer dance and martial artists in 1988, Destiny uses movement-based arts to uplift youth voice, supporting pathways for young people to express themselves, advocate for justice and equity, fight against the systemic racism that continues to impact Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), and build a community where everyone feels seen, valued, and free.     Address: 970 Grace Avenue, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (510) 597-1619     Email: info@destinyarts.org     Web: https://destinyarts.org/     [24 Sep 2022]
The Development Group for Alternative Policies (Development GAP)     Founded in 1976 to assist in the promotion of economic justice across the South, or Third World, by helping to maximize control by poor communities and sectors over their own development in the face of impositions from the North. It was founded on the principle of the right to self-determination and on the belief that local knowledge is indispensable to the shaping of sound development policies, programs and projects relevant to local needs and conditions.     Web: https://www.developmentgap.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
Diablo Rising Tide     Works towards climate and environmental justice in the Bay Area — while confronting the root causes of climate change. We take the lead from local communities and believe that direct action gets the goods. We confront the root causes of climate change with direct action and people-powered grassroots organizing. We are the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of Rising Tide North America. Rising Tide is an international, all-volunteer, grassroots network of groups and individuals who organize locally, promote community-based solutions to the climate crisis and take direct action to confront the root causes of climate change. In Canada, the United States and Mexico the network is facilitated by Rising Tide North America.     Web: http://diablorisingtide.org/     [11 Jun 2022]
Direct Action Everywhere     We will achieve revolutionary social and political change for animals in one generation We reject the speciesism that enables the mass torture and killing of nonhuman animals and the blatant disregard for their home - our planet - as well as the unjust and oppressive institutions and ideologies that harm all animals including humans.     Address: PO Box 4782, Berkeley CA 94704     Web: https://www.directactioneverywhere.com/     [25 Jan 2025]
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF)     A leading national civil rights law and policy center directed by individuals with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities. Americans with disabilities make up one of the United States’ largest minorities. More than 25% live in poverty and only about 20% have gone to college. Seventy–five percent are unemployed. Such economic and social disenfranchisement is not an inevitable consequence of the physical and mental limitations imposed by disability; it is the result of society’s historic response to those limitations: lack of accessibility in the built environment and policies that encourage or even require exclusion, segregation, and institutionalization. The result is a legacy of prejudice and paternalism that is deeply embedded in the social consciousness.     Address: 3075 Adeline Street, Suite 210, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 644-2555     Fax: (510) 841-8645     Email: info@dredf.org     Web: https://dredf.org/     [23 Sep 2023]
Disability Services & Legal Center (DSLC)     The primary resource for adults, children, veterans and seniors with disabilities and their families in Sonoma County since 1976. DSLC is one of California's 28 Centers for Independent Living (CIL/ILC) that promotes the Independent Living philosophy through education, community partnerships and advocacy. Headquartered in Santa Rosa (with branch offices in Napa and Ukiah), the organization serves people with disabilities in Sonoma, Napa, Lake and Mendocino Counties. DSLC serves over 2,000 people annually, providing information, advice and assistance on a wide range of disability-related matters. At DSLC, people with any type of disability, and/or their families are eligible to receive help free of charge. Legal fees are contingent upon winning your case.     Address: 521 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa CA 95401     Voice: (707) 528-2745     Fax: (707) 528-9477     Web: https://mydslc.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
Dissident Voice (DV)     An internet newsletter dedicated to challenging the distortions and lies of the corporate press and the privileged classes it serves. The goal of Dissident Voice is to provide hard hitting, thought provoking and even entertaining news and commentaries on politics and culture that can serve as ammunition in struggles for peace and social justice.     Web: https://dissidentvoice.org/     [15 Jan 2022]
Dollars and Sense     A non-profit, non-hierarchical, collectively-run organization that publishes economic news and analysis, with the mission of explaining essential economic concepts by placing them in their real-world context. We publish a bi-monthly magazine, as well as economics books that are used in college social science courses, study groups and other educational settings. D&S publications question the assumptions of traditional academic theories and empower people to think about alternatives to the prevailing system. We cover issues that are ignored by mainstream media and misunderstood by orthodox economic analysts. The magazine includes regular reports on economic justice activism, primers on economic topics, and critiques of the corporate media's coverage of the economy.     Web: https://www.dollarsandsense.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
Donnelly / Colt Progressive Resources Catalog     A family-owned and operated mailorder business that has been designing and distributing union-made progressive materials promoting peace, social and environmental justice, and human rights since 1975. We also offer a full range of custom printing services, prompt, inexpensive, highest-quality, digital full-color union printing.     Web: https://www.donnellycolt.com/     [20 Jan 2024]
Dorothy Day House     We provide shelter, services and resources to our unhoused Berkeley neighbors to facilitate ending homelessness in our community.     Address: PO Box 12701, Berkeley CA 94712     Voice: (510) 705-1325 (day); (510) 705-1516 (after hours)     Email: info@dorothydayhouse.org     Web: https://www.dorothydayhouseberkeley.org/     [28 Dec 2024]
The Dossier     This site contains a library of video, articles and related content from a wide range of sources where you can find information, including in-depth investigations, on current and past events. Some of the issues covered on this site include: the war on terrorism, the exploitation of developing nations, the financial crisis, the spread of propaganda through social media, the rise of fascism, the struggle and conflict across the Middle East, the impact of austerity and the growth of precarious employment.     Web: https://www.thedossier.info/     [23 Sep 2023]
DrawBridge: An Arts Program     Provides children with the opportunity to tap into their creativity and build self-confidence through expressive art. Since 1989, DrawBridge has served more than 40,000 families through free expressive arts programs offered in shelters, affordable housing facilities, and community centers throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Children ages five and up are given the opportunity to connect with their community and explore playful creativity that is essential to healthy development.     Address: PO Box 2698, San Rafael CA 94912     Voice: (415) 444-0930     Email: info@drawbridge.org     Web: https://www.drawbridge.org/     [28 Dec 2024]
Drop Site     Independent news on politics and war. Founded by Ryan Grim, Jeremy Scahill, and veterans of The Intercept. A non-aligned, investigative news organization dedicated to exposing the crimes of the powerful — particularly in overt and secret conflicts where the U.S. government is playing a key role.     Web: https://www.dropsitenews.com/     [31 Aug 2024]
Drug Policy Alliance (DPA Network)     The leading organization in the U.S. promoting alternatives to the war on drugs. We envision a just society in which the use and regulation of drugs are grounded in science, compassion, health, and human rights; in which people are no longer punished for what they put into their own bodies; and in which the fears, prejudices, and punitive prohibitions of today are no more. Since 2000, we led the way on creating cutting-edge policies that have fundamentally transformed the direction of drug policy in the U.S. and beyond. This includes a successful and growing marijuana reform movement across the nation. We are leading the movement to treat drug use as a health issue, not a criminal problem.     Web: https://drugpolicy.org/     [10 Jun 2023]
Earth Island Institute     An international environmental organization and fiscal sponsor to more than seventy-five projects working in the areas of conservation, wildlife protection, climate change solutions, women’s environmental leadership, Indigenous communities, sustainable agriculture and food systems, community resilience, environmental justice, and more. The organization also includes a legal division, Earth Island Advocates; a youth leadership program, New Leaders Initiative; and an award-winning magazine, Earth Island Journal. Founded in 1982 by legendary environmentalist David Brower, Earth Island Institute is one of the leading environmental activist organizations in the United States.     Address: 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley CA 94704-1375     Voice: (510) 859-9100     Web: https://www.earthisland.org/     [10 Jun 2023]
Earthjustice     The premier nonprofit public interest environmental law organization. We wield the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people’s health, to preserve magnificent places and wildlife, to advance clean energy, and to combat climate change. We are here because the earth needs a good lawyer.     Address: 50 California Street, Suite 500, San Francisco CA 94111     Voice: (800) 584-6460     Fax: (415) 217-2040     Email: info@earthjustice.org     Web: https://earthjustice.org/     [20 Jan 2024]
EarthLight     Mission is to live, communicate, and celebrate a story that vitalizes our sacred relationship with the living Earth. The EarthLight Library is a seedbed and greenhouse of eco-spiritual writing, artwork and video brought to you by the EarthLight Community in Oakland, California featuring original work and links to the evolving world of earth-inclusive spirituality.     Address: 111 Fairmount Avenue, Oakland CA 94611     Voice: (510) 451-4926     Email: Admin@EarthLight.org     Web: https://earthlight.org/     [28 Dec 2024]
EarthRights International (ERI)     A non-governmental, non-profit organization that combines the power of law with the power of people in defense of human rights and the environment, which we define as “earth rights.” We take legal action against perpetrators of earth rights abuses, train activists, and work with communities to demand meaningful and lasting change. We are a team of community leaders, campaigners, and legal strategists who challenge the powerful corporations, governments, and financial institutions that violate peoples’ rights and destroy our planet for profit. We rise in defense of communities and the planet, using the power of law and the power of people in pursuit of justice.     Web: https://earthrights.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
EarthSave Foundation     A California non-profit agency committed to serving individuals and families in need. Through our Meals For Health program, EarthSave drastically improves the health of underserved populations. Hunger and obesity are often flip sides of the same malnutrition coin. Both hunger and obesity can be symptoms of poverty. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, bowel diseases, arthritis and a host of other degenerative conditions are rampant in communities experiencing food insecurity. Being poor and having serious health problems create nearly insurmountable obstacles to success. The central health problem plaguing the underprivileged is the same one plaguing much of the modern world: it's the food.     Web: https://www.earthsave.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
EarthShare California (Northern California office)     Coordinates workplace giving for over eighty carefully selected environmental charities. Part of the national Earth Share network, EarthShare California offers business partners the opportunity to connect with the most respected organizations, offering solutions to environmental business questions, volunteer opportunities and networking. Our member organizations have been instrumental in maintaining the California landscape, and many have influenced eco-friendly legislation, including the tax credit for energy efficient vehicles.     Address: 870 Market Street, Suite 703, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 981-1999     Fax: (415) 800-6592     Email: esca@earthshareca.org     Web: https://earthshareca.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
East Bay Agency for Children (EBAC)     Healthy conditions are not distributed equally across our communities. Poverty, racism, and policies and laws that don’t support all families create barriers to wellness for many Bay Area families. EBAC’s transformational programs help children, youth, and families recover from trauma; build upon existing resilience to protect against long-term harm from past or future exposure to adversity; and when possible, prevent exposure to adverse childhood experiences. Guided by a trauma-informed approach, EBAC’s eight distinct, direct service programs include two counseling programs; intervention services for pre-schoolers; six Family Resource Centers; a health and wellness center, and grief support, afterschool, and youth empowerment programs.     Address: 2828 Ford Street, Oakland CA 94601     Voice: (510) 268-3770     Fax: (510) 268-1073     Email: info@ebac.org     Web: https://www.ebac.org/     [13 Apr 2024]
East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE)     Advances economic, racial, and social justice by building a just economy based on good jobs and healthy communities. We address the root causes of economic injustice by developing strategic alliances among community, labor, and people of faith to build power and create change with low–income workers and communities of color.     Address: 360 14th Street, 4th Floor, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 893-7106     Email: info@workingeastbay.org     Web: https://workingeastbay.org/     [13 Apr 2024]
East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC)     A non-profit community development organization with over 48 years of experience in building healthy, vibrant and safe neighborhoods in Oakland and East Bay. We address the specific needs of individual neighborhoods by connecting the essential elements of health and wellbeing through our Healthy Neighborhoods Approach. EBALDC is known for developing and managing diverse, mixed-income complexes and communities, while providing vital social and financial services, to help give long-time, low-income residents the ability to stay in their neighborhoods. We know Oakland well and invest deeply in our neighborhoods.     Address: 1825 San Pablo Avenue, Suite 200, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 287-5353     Email: communications@ebaldc.org     Web: https://ebaldc.org/     [20 Jan 2024]
East Bay Bicycle Coalition (EBBC)     Promotes healthy, sustainable communities by making bicycling safe, fun and accessible. The East Bay is a leader for innovative and accessible bikeways and streets that meet the needs of all users. Bicycling is a mainstream, comfortable and safe choice for people of all cultures, ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Bicycles are well integrated into the transportation system and are a key part of our thriving communities.     Address: PO Box 1736, Oakland CA 94604     Voice: (510) 845-RIDE (7433)     Web: https://bikeeastbay.org/     [24 Sep 2022]
East Bay Bike Party (EBBP)     A mobile party for riders of all ages, experience levels, and types to meet, ride, and play together in the streets. EBBP is a 100% volunteer organized event for and by bike enthusiasts to celebrate community and human power. Rides are casual, with party stops at public spaces along a 10-15 mile route that changes every month. Attendees are encouraged to express themselves by participating in each ride’s theme, and music bikes are welcome to help shape a positive experience right here in our own community.     Web: https://eastbaybikeparty.wordpress.com/     [28 Dec 2024]
East Bay Cohousing (EBCOHO)     For people interested in intentional communities and creating ways of meeting our daily needs for shelter and livelihood through cooperative long-term relationships among peers. We are a big tent for all manner of self-governing member-led "collaborative housing" communities, including housing cooperatives, student coops, collective and co-living households, as well as co-housing neighborhoods, urban and rural eco-villages, faith-based or service oriented, moshads, kibbutzes and income sharing communes! EBCOHO Members come from every county in the Bay Area, and other parts of the US and the world.     Web: https://www.meetup.com/ebcoho/     [03 Aug 2024]
East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC)     Mission is to promote justice and build a community that is more secure, productive, healthy, and hopeful by providing: Legal services and policy advocacy that are responsive to the needs of low-income communities Law training that prepares future attorneys to be skilled and principled advocates who are committed to addressing the causes and conditions of racial and economic injustice and poverty.     Address: 1950 University Avenue, Suite 200, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 548-4040     Email: info@ebclc.org     Web: https://ebclc.org/     [18 Jun 2022]
East Bay Community Space     A beautiful and inclusive venue available for public and private events, co-working, and community building. Located at the corner of Telegraph Avenue and 55th Street in the historic Temescal district of North Oakland.     Address: 507 55th Street, Oakland CA 94609     Email: ebcommunityspace@gmail.com     Web: https://eastbaycommunityspace.org/     [21 Jan 2024]
East Bay Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)     DSA is the country's largest socialist organization, and East Bay DSA is the fifth-largest chapter in the US. We are working for both an economy and society in Oakland, Berkeley, and throughout the East Bay that are run democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few. We are a political and activist organization, not a party; through campus and community-based chapters, DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action, to fight for reforms that empower working people.     Web: https://www.eastbaydsa.org/   https://www.dsausa.org/     [02 Feb 2024]
East Bay Food Not Bombs (EBFNB)     We are an all-volunteer collective that serves vegan food in Oakland and Berkeley six days a week. In addition to the seven hot meals we serve each week, we distribute bagged lunches and dinners out of our truck and bicycle across the East Bay. East Bay Food Not Bombs is passionate about food justice and supporting our community. We can always use volunteers and donations!     Web: https://eastbayfoodnotbombs.org/     [20 Dec 2024]
East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO)     Brings together community members, public officials, nonprofit housing developers, residents, service providers, planners, professionals, and advocates. Collectively, we’re building a movement to ensure everyone has a safe, healthy, and affordable place to call home. Since 1984, East Bay Housing Organizations has been the leading affordable housing advocacy coalition serving Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. EBHO is a member-driven organization working to preserve, protect, and create affordable housing opportunities for low-income communities in the East Bay by educating, advocating, organizing, and building coalitions.     Address: 538 9th Street, Suite 200, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 663-3830     Email: staff@ebho.org     Web: https://ebho.org/     [03 Jan 2025]
East Bay Pesticide Alert (Don't Spray California)     Do not compromise around health. We advocate NO use of pesticides. Our work is specifically aimed at providing essential day-to-day services to individuals and communities affected by pesticides and other toxic chemicals, in the form of resources, research, and other vital information, and local actions to prevent further injuries. The government is not adequately furnishing proper care for those injured, nor information to prevent injury, are in fact actively complicit in keeping vital information secret. Our goal particularly is to provide information identifying the root causes, and to mobilize a movement of activists seeking to make changes at the core of the problem, which we believe lies in the ruthless exploitation of others for profit. Located in Berkeley, California.     Voice: (510) 900-1160     Email: beneficialbug@sonic.net     Web: http://www.eastbaypesticidealert.org/     [12 Mar 2022]
East Bay Sanctuary Covenant (EBSC)     Provides legal services, community organizing, and transformative education to support low-income immigrants and people fleeing violence and persecution. EBSC’s legal, social, and advocacy programs address the many challenges that immigrants face. Together, we help to create a pathway to citizenship and more compassionate immigration policies.     Address: 2362 Bancroft Way, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 540-5296     Email: info@eastbaysanctuary.org     Web: https://eastbaysanctuary.org/     [10 Jun 2023]
East Oakland Collective (EOC)     Supports residents of East Oakland, prioritizing Black residents, to navigate challenges and barriers to inequities through resource distribution and advocacy. We work towards racial and economic justice and equitable access. Our work includes homeless services and solutions, economic empowerment and community action. A membership cohort of millennials-plus invested in the state of deep East Oakland. We are community members comprised of natives, homeowners, residents of East Oakland/greater Oakland and allies. We are invested in working towards a better future for the underserved populations and communities of deep East Oakland.     Address: PO Box 5382, Oakland CA 94605     Voice: (510) 990-0775     Email: info@eastoaklandcollective.com     Web: https://www.eastoaklandcollective.com/     [10 Jun 2023]
East Point Peace Academy     Founded in the fall of 2013 as an organization dedicated to spreading the teachings of Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation. Over the years, our programmatic offerings have continued to expand. In addition to our public trainings, we have teams of incarcerated nonviolence trainers in several prisons and county jails across the state of California, and are building a powerful direct action movement addressing climate change and racial healing.     Address: PO Box 30652, Oakland CA 94604     Voice: (510) 371-4539     Email: info@eastpointpeace.org     Web: https://www.eastpointpeace.org/     [03 Jan 2025]
East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)     A U.S.-based grassroots organization working in solidarity with the peoples of Timor-Leste (East Timor), West Papua and Indonesia. ETAN provides information about, and ways to help, Timor-Leste, which was invaded and subjugated by U.S. ally Indonesia in 1975. Timor-Leste finally became independent on May 20, 2002. ETAN educates, organizes, and advocates for justice for historic and ongoing crimes against humanity, war crimes, and human rights violations in East Timor, West Papua, and Indonesia. ETAN supports democratic development of Timor-Leste. ETAN supports genuine self-determination for West Papua and restrictions on secuirty assistance to Indonesia to support democracy and justice.     Web: http://www.etan.org/     [18 Jun 2022]
Ecocity Builders     We develop and implement policy, design and educational tools and strategies to build thriving urban centers based on “access by proximity” and to reverse patterns of sprawl and excessive consumption. Ecocity Builders and associates’ definition of “ecocity” is conditional upon a healthy relationship of the city’s parts and functions, similar to the relationship of organs in living complex organism. We are concerned with city design, planning, building, and operations in an integral way and in relation to the surrounding environment and natural resources of the region, utilizing organic, ecological and whole-systems lessons to actually reverse the negative impacts of climate change, species extinction and the destruction of the biosphere.     Address: 1423 Broadway #1015, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 452-9522     Email: info@ecocitybuilders.org     Web: https://ecocitybuilders.org/     [23 Sep 2023]
EcoEquity     A small, activist think tank that has had an outsized impact on the global climate equity debate. It has done this primarily, but not exclusively, by way of its fair shares campaign, in the context of a global emergency climate mobilization. This campaign has been pursued, first, via the Greenhouse Development Rights project and, more recently, by way of its successors the Climate Equity Reference Project and the Civil Society Equity Review.     Address: c/o Earth Island Institute, 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley CA 94704-1302     Voice: (510) 859-4864     Email: toma@ecoequity.org     Web: https://www.ecoequity.org/     [03 Jan 2025]
Ecological Building Network     An open group of engineers, builders, and architects developing and disseminating low-carbon and carbon-absorbing technologies. Our vision is to transform the global built environment within a generation, from a climate-polluter to a carbon absorbing climate healer by making it easier for everyone in the design and construction industry to make climate-friendly choices.     Address: PO Box 6397, San Rafael CA 94903     Voice: (415) 987-7271     Email: bruce@ecobuildnetwork.org     Web: https://www.ecobuildnetwork.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
Ecological Farming Association (EcoFarm)     A non-profit organization facilitating an exchange of knowledge among a diversity of stakeholders and grassroots leadership through its connective educational events. EcoFarm's goal is to transform the food system from the ground up by nurturing safe, healthy, just, and ecologically sustainable farms and communities. Founded in 1981, the annual EcoFarm Conference is the oldest and largest organic farming conference West of the Mississippi, supplemented by its year-round Dirt First Conversation Series, the Hoes Down Harvest Festival and other events.     Web: https://eco-farm.org/     [18 Jun 2022]
Ecology Action     Mission is to train people worldwide to better feed themselves while conserving resources. Aware of intensifying world challenges and the basic need of people to feed themselves, we have been working for 50 years to develop an elegant, small-scale agricultural system — GROW BIOINTENSIVE® Sustainable Mini-Farming — that when practiced correctly, nurtures healthy soil fertility, produces high yields, conserves resources and can be used successfully by almost everyone. Our goal is to help this system be known and used locally...on a worldwide basis.     Address: 5798 Ridgewood Road, Willits CA 95490     Email: contact@growbiointensive.org     Web: http://www.growbiointensive.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
Ecology Center     A nonprofit organization located in Berkeley, California that focuses on improving the health and the environmental impacts of urban residents. We address critical issues through a model of education, demonstration, replication, and advocacy. We envision a world where human activity nurtures the ecosystems that we all depend on — a world of sustainable cities; empowered, resilient communities; zero waste and zero toxics; equal access to healthy food; sustainable resource use; and a safe and stable climate.     Address: 2530 San Pablo Avenue, Suite H (at Blake), Berkeley CA 94702-2000     Voice: (510) 548-2220; (510) 548-3402 (store); (510) 527-5555 (recycling program); (510) 548-3333 (farmers markets)     Fax: (510) 548-2240     Email: info@ecologycenter.org     Web: https://ecologycenter.org/     [15 Jan 2022]
Economic Policy Institute (EPI)     A nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank working for the last 30 years to counter rising inequality, low wages and weak benefits for working people, slower economic growth, unacceptable employment conditions, and a widening racial wage gap. We intentionally center low- and middle-income working families in economic policy discussions at the federal, state, and local levels as we fight for a world where every worker has access to a good job with fair pay, affordable health care, retirement security, and a union. We also know that research on its own is not enough—that’s why we intentionally pair our research with effective outreach and advocacy efforts as we fight to make concrete change in everyday people’s lives.     Web: https://www.epi.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
EcoVillage Farm Learning Center     Our mission is to create a healthy sustainable environment and socially/economically just society for present and future generations. EcoVillage Farm Learning Center is a place where urban residents of all cultural backgrounds feel welcome and come to learn through (participatory) “mind/hands on” activities how to restore and protect Mother Earth and her people. EcoVillage Farm Learning Center is an “Oasis of Connectivity” in the City of Richmond, a city that is often perceived of as a food, safety and environment desert. Yes! A Farm in Richmond! We offer “kids” of all ages (8-80) the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills needed to become environmental and social change agents and/or just engage with nature for the “fun of it.”     Address: 21 Laurel Lane, Richmond CA 94803     Voice: (510) 223-1693     Email: sms@ecovillagefarm.org     Web: https://ecovillagefarm.org/     [13 Apr 2024]
Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP)     Mission is to provide compassionate, dignified and practical assistance to families and individuals experiencing economic and personal hardship. We offer material help, support services, and advocacy for our neighbors in need, in a challenging and rapidly changing environment. As a community, EHP works to meet the needs of its neighbors, both material and intangible. Our goal is to be more than just a social service agency that connects people to resources. We strive to build relationships that allow us to encourage, support and nourish individuals and families through difficult times. We fully understand the importance of providing life's essentials but aspire to a wider focus: the creation of a community of support that can provide hope to replace despair.?     Address: 2411 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto CA 94303     Voice: (650) 323-7781     Email: info@ehpcares.org     Web: https://www.ehpcares.org/     [10 Jun 2023]
Edible East Bay     A quarterly magazine that celebrates the abundant local foods of Alameda and Contra Costa counties (or the EastBay, as we call it here in the San Francisco Bay Area). At Edible East Bay, we believe that our food choices do make a difference – to our health, to the health of our planet, and to our enjoyment of life. With that in mind, we bring you news of our region’s family farmers, fishermen, food artisans, chefs, home gardeners, and others who have a dedication to producing and using sustainably produced, local, seasonal foods. In this magazine’s stories and images, we will let you know about great dining, day trips, food events, and festivals; great books to read; and great products to try.     Address: 1791 Solano Ave #D14, Berkeley CA 94707     Email: editor@edibleeastbay.com     Web: https://edibleeastbay.com/     [23 Jan 2022]
Edible Schoolyard Berkeley     The Edible Schoolyard at Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School in Berkeley, California serves as the Edible Schoolyard Project's demonstration site and innovation hub. We have been gardening and cooking with sixth, seventh, and eighth graders – and working closely with the school community – since 1995. Long story short, we've learned a lot along the way. That's why all of our work, and the reasoning behind it, is posted online and shared in our Edible Schoolyard training programs.     Address: Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School, 1781 Rose Street, Berkeley CA 94703     Web: https://edibleschoolyard.org/berkeley     [07 Jan 2023]
Edible Schoolyard Project     A nonprofit organization dedicated to the transformation of public education by using organic school gardens, kitchens, and cafeterias to teach both academic subjects and the values of nourishment, stewardship, and community. Edible education provides hands-on experiences that connect students to food, nature, and each other; and it systematically addresses the crises of climate change, public health, and social inequality. At its heart is a dynamic and joyful learning experience for every child.     Address: 1517 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley CA 94709     Voice: (510) 843-3811     Web: https://edibleschoolyard.org/     [07 Jan 2023]
Electric Embers     A worker-owned cooperative business providing top-notch hosting services and unparalleled support to people working to make the world a better place. Principles: The internet can and should serve the public good, not just corporate profit. Your data belongs to you, not to your providers, their partners or advertisers, or any government or law enforcement agency. (See Privacy Policy.) We believe in democratic and progressive values and select clients who share them. Our success is measured by how well we support our clients in doing the hard work to advance those values. (See Who We Serve.) Tech support is not an afterthought. You should always hear back within a reasonable time from a knowledgeable, friendly human being who is fully empowered to resolve the issue.     Voice: (800) 843-6197     Email: help@electricembers.coop     Web: https://electricembers.coop/     [18 Jun 2022]
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)     The leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. EFF's mission is to ensure that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for all people of the world.     Address: 815 Eddy Street, San Francisco CA 94109     Voice: (415) 436-9333     Fax: (415) 436-9993     Email: info@eff.org     Web: https://www.eff.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
The Electronic Intifada (EI)     An independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world. Founded in 2001, The Electronic Intifada has won awards and earned widespread recognition for publishing original, high-quality news and analysis, and first-person accounts and reviews. The Electronic Intifada’s writers and reporters include Palestinians and others living inside Palestine and everywhere else that news about Palestine and Palestinians is made. Our reporting is built on a foundation of documented evidence and fact-checking. We also publish news from leading human rights organizations, activists and news agencies with strong records.     Web: https://electronicintifada.net/     [16 Jan 2025]
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)     Established in 1994 to protect privacy, freedom of expression, and democratic values in the information age. EPIC works at the intersection of policy, advocacy, and litigation. We pursue a variety of activities, including litigating cases on emerging privacy issues, obtaining and publishing records to lift the veil on government data collection, providing expert advice to policymakers and lawmakers, and facilitating dialogue between advocates, experts, and decisionmakers. EPIC is an independent organization guided by its Board of Directors and Advisory Board, which are composed of experts in law, technology, and public policy.     Web: https://www.epic.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights     Oorganizes to shift resources away from prisons and punishment towards opportunities that make our communities safe, healthy, and strong. Named after civil rights hero Ella Baker, we mobilize Black, Brown, and low-income people to build power and prosperity in our communities. For over twenty-five years, we’ve been working to advance people-powered campaigns for racial and economic justice – and we are winning. Everyone wants to live in a healthy and strong community that they have the opportunity to help shape. But prisons, policing, and punishment-based approaches make us less safe, and prevent people of color and low-income communities from influencing policies that impact our lives. Communities face struggling schools, family separation, and a lack of opportunities as a direct result of being disproportionately policed and punished.     Address: 1419 34th Avenue, Suite 202, Oakland CA 94601     Voice: (510) 428-3939     Web: https://ellabakercenter.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
Emerald Earth     An intentional community in the hills above Anderson Valley. With 6 -8 full time residents, we care for the land, grow a good portion of our own food, maintain and develop earthen dwellings, and sustain a community designed to benefit rather than deplete the planet. You are welcome to join us for a variety of workshops, internship positions, farm stays, work parties, scheduled tours, or even overnight visits. Our purpose is to honor the sacredness of the Earth and the interconnectedness of all things, to celebrate the rhythms and cycles of the natural world, and to live in a creative and engaged community.     Address: PO Box 764, Boonville CA 95415     Voice: (707) 972-3096     Web: https://www.emeraldearth.org/     [10 Jun 2023]
Enabling Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC)     A non-profit organization that supports Iraqis working toward a just and peaceful Iraq where all citizens live a safe, free and dignified life. We carry out programs in Iraq, conduct crucial research, and push for change through advocacy. You can support our work by receiving our newsletter, making a donation, participating in periodic campaigns, and joining our conversation on social media.     Web: https://enablingpeace.org/     [20 Jan 2024]
EnCorps     We are STEM professionals providing high quality education to close achievement gaps for students in low income communities. To address the STEM teacher shortage, EnCorps has been working earnestly since 2007 to recruit the best and brightest science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professionals to teaching, providing meaningful opportunities to impact students in low-income communities. We believe all students deserve access to a great STEM teacher, a great STEM education and all the opportunities that those can provide. We’re here to address the conditions limiting under-resourced student opportunities.     Web: https://encorps.org/     [18 Jun 2022]
Energy Justice Network     The grassroots energy agenda, supporting communities threatened by polluting energy and waste technologies. Taking direction from our grassroots base and the Principles of Environmental Justice, we advocate a clean energy, zero-emission, zero-waste future for all. We empower the grassroots through various tools including community organizing support and advice, student organizing, network-building, research on corporations, policies and technologies, limited legal and technical guidance, and our mapping project.     Web: http://www.energyjustice.net/     [24 Sep 2022]
EnviroLink Network     A grassroots online community that unites hundreds of organizations and volunteers around the world with millions of people in almost every country in the world. EnviroLink is dedicated to providing comprehensive, up-to-date environmental information and news. At EnviroLink we’re committed to promoting a just and sustainable society by connecting individuals and organizations through communications technologies. We recognize that our technologies are just tools, and that the solutions to our ecological challenges lie within our communities and their connection to the Earth itself.     Web: https://www.envirolink.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
Environment America Research & Policy Center     Clean water to drink and clean air to breathe; healthy lakes, rivers and forests; sources of energy that don’t pollute and never run out — all this should be the heritage we leave to future generations. Our staff research the issues, educate the public, and win tangible results for a greener future. We endeavor to unite people from all across the political spectrum, whether they are farmers in Iowa who benefit from wind turbines on their land, or urban Californians who want to store and share the solar energy generated on their rooftops, or restaurant owners who are finding alternatives to foam containers and straws to reduce single-use plastics.     Web: https://environmentamericacenter.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
Environment and Human Health, Inc. (EHHI)     A ten-member, science-based organization composed of physicians, public health professionals and policy experts dedicated to protecting human health from environmental harms through research, education and the promotion of sound public policy. EHHI is not a membership organization and therefore all of its support comes from foundations and committed individuals. EHHI does not receive any funds from businesses or corporations. EHHI's website receives over 180,000 visitors a month which enables EHHI to reach people and governmental agencies all over the country and the world. EHHI also maintains an eJournal that contains up-to-date articles and studies that concern environment and human health issues.     Web: https://www.ehhi.org/     [23 Sep 2023]
Environment California     Action for a greener, healthier California. With Environment California, you protect the places that all of us love and promote core environmental values, such as clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and clean energy to power our lives. We focus on timely, targeted action that wins tangible improvements in the quality of our environment and our lives. We research the challenges confronting our environment and advocate for solutions. Through research reports, news conferences, interviews with reporters, op-ed pieces, letters to the editor and more, we educate the public about what’s at stake and what can be done.     Web: https://environmentcalifornia.org/     [18 Jun 2022]
Environment News Service     The original international daily wire service of the environment. Established in 1990 by Editor in Chief Sunny Lewis, the company is independently owned and operated under the direction of the founder. Jim Crabtree joined as Executive Editor in 1991. Environment News Service exists to provide late-breaking news of the environment from across the United States and around the world. Because ignorance leads to degradation of Earth’s ecosystems and because knowledge can result in planetary health, ENS staff and correspondents provide fact-based news presented without bias.     Web: https://ens-newswire.com/     [03 Jan 2025]
Environmental Health News (EHN)     We are a publication of Environmental Health Sciences, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to driving science into public discussion and policy on environmental health issues, including climate change. We are reader- and foundation-funded organization that reports, publishes and curates journalism on environmental topics.     Web: https://www.ehn.org/     [03 Jan 2025]
Environmental Integrity Project     A nonpartisan, nonprofit watchdog organization that advocates for effective enforcement of environmental laws. Comprised of former EPA enforcement attorneys, public interest lawyers, analysts, investigators, and community organizers, EIP has three goals: To illustrate through objective facts and figures how the failure to enforce or implement environmental laws increases pollution and harms public health; To hold federal and state agencies, as well as individual corporations, accountable for failing to enforce or comply with environmental laws; and To help local communities obtain the protections of environmental laws.     Web: https://environmentalintegrity.org/     [12 Mar 2022]
Environmental Justice Coalition for Water     A statewide coalition of grassroots groups and intermediary organizations building a collective, community-based movement for democratic water allocation, management, and policy in California. EJCW empowers the most under-served communities, including those of low-income and communities of color throughout California to advocate for clean, safe, and affordable water.     Web: https://ejcw.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
Environmental Law Foundation (ELF)     Purpose is to improve environmental quality for those most at risk by providing access to information, strategies, and enforcement of environmental, toxics, and community right-to-know laws. ELF complements the approach of other environmental law groups by enforcing existing environmental regulations, providing a bridge of direct service to people in need, and serving as the critical link between at-risk communities and the legal, scientific, financial, and other resources they need to effectively address environmental problems.     Address: 1222 Preservation Park Way, Suite 200, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 208-4555     Fax: (510) 208-4562     Web: https://www.envirolaw.org/     [23 Jan 2022]
Environmental News Network (ENN)     ENN has a serious editorial mission. Our mission is to inform, educate, enable and create a platform for global environmental action. As a result, our readers are top environmental leaders from government, business and educators, as well as a broad spectrum of "intellectually curious" citizens. While in the past we were mainly aggregators of environmental news, ENN has become more than just a collection of content. It is rapidly becoming a collection of resources, teachers, experts and tools that provide objective information and knowledge about the increasingly complex field of environmental science.     Web: https://www.enn.com/     [26 Oct 2024]
Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC)     At the forefront of forest protection, ensuring that state and federal agencies follow their mandate to uphold environmental laws and protect endangered species. EPIC uses an integrated, science-based approach that combines public education, citizen advocacy and strategic litigation. We protect and restore areas within our bioregion. We implement strategies that will strengthen the way conservation laws are interpreted and implemented throughout the state and nation. We work with diverse stakeholders including rural communities, tribes, regulatory agencies, and activists to monitor public lands, enforce environmental regulations, engage decision-makers and develop natural resource policies to protect biodiversity and habitat connectivity.     Address: 145 G Street, Suite A, Arcata CA 95521     Voice: (707) 822-7711     Fax: (707) 822-7712     Email: epic@wildcalifornia.org     Web: https://www.wildcalifornia.org/     [24 Sep 2022]
Environmental Volunteers     Mission is to promote the understanding of and responsibility for the environment through hands-on science education. We provide science and nature programming for schools and the community through nature field trips, classroom programs, homeschool programs, public programs and community programs. Please visit our resources page for a variety of resources for parents and teachers who are working to continue their kids’ science education at home. There are links to kits that adapt well to distance learning, the Sprout Up Explores video collection and guides for guiding nature exploration.     Address: 2560 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto CA 94303     Voice: (650) 493-8000     Fax: (650) 644-0583     Web: https://www.environmentalvolunteers.org/     [03 Jan 2025]
Environmental Working Group (EWG)     Mission is to empower us with breakthrough research to make informed choices and live a healthy life in a healthy environment. Shines a spotlight on outdated legislation, harmful agricultural practices and industry loopholes that pose a risk to our health and the health of our environment.     Voice:      Web: https://www.ewg.org/     [24 Sep 2022]
Environmentalists Against War (EAW)     As organizations and individuals working for the environment and environmental justice, we raised our voices in opposition to the US war on Iraq and domestic attacks on immigrants and our civil liberties. We are continuing to find new ways to save the planet by working for peace and against militarism. We invite you to join us. Through this web site we are disseminating information on the disastrous human and environmental consequences of war and militarism.     Address: PO Box 27, Berkeley CA 94701     Email: info@envirosagainstwar.org     Web: http://www.envirosagainstwar.org/     [26 Oct 2024]
EnviroVideo     Produces environmental and social justice programs for television - including interview and news shows, specials, and documentaries. The underlying premise of EnviroVideo is that there are critical environmental issues at hand that can best be communicated to large numbers of people through the media most favored for news and information - television and now on-line. When there is broad public awareness, pressing environmental matters can be dealt with and action taken to truly resolve them. Our goal is to provide information people can use to make informed decisions and take positive action to create a sustainable future.     Web: https://www.envirovideo.com/     [03 Jan 2025]
Episcopal Community Services (ECS)     Helps homeless and very low-income people every day and every night obtain the housing, jobs, shelter, and essential services each person needs to prevent and end homelessness. ECS has provided essential services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in San Francisco since 1983, utilizing a holistic approach that addresses the multiple causes leading to homelessness.     Address: 165 8th Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 487-3300     Fax: (833) 989-0148     Email: info@ecs-sf.org     Web: https://ecs-sf.org/     [18 Jun 2022]
Equal Justice Society (EJS)     Transforming the nation’s consciousness on race through law, social science, and the arts. Our legal strategy aims to broaden conceptions of present-day discrimination to include unconscious and structural bias by using social science, structural analysis, and real-life experience. Currently, EJS targets its advocacy efforts on school discipline, special education, and the school-to-prison pipeline, race-conscious remedies, and inequities in the criminal justice system. The Oakland, Calif.-based nonprofit also engages the arts and artists in creating work and performances that allow wider audiences to understand social justice issues and struggles.     Address: 1939 Harrison Street, Suite 818, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (415) 288-8700     Fax: (415) 484-1530     Email: info@equaljusticesociety.org     Web: https://equaljusticesociety.org/     [24 Sep 2022]
Equal Rights Advocates (ERA)     Fights for gender justice in workplaces and schools across the country. Since 1974, we’ve been fighting on the front lines of social justice to protect and advance rights and opportunities for women, girls, and people of all gender identities through groundbreaking legal cases and bold legislation that sets the stage for the rest of the nation.     Web: https://www.equalrights.org/     [20 Jan 2024]
The Equality Trust     UK income inequality is among the highest in the developed world and evidence shows that this is bad for almost everyone. The Equality Trust works to improve the quality of life in the UK by reducing economic and social inequality. People in more equal societies live longer, have better mental health and have better chances for a good education regardless of their background. Community life is stronger where the income gap is narrower, children do better at school and they are less likely to become teenage parents. When inequality is reduced people trust each other more, there is less violence and rates of imprisonment are lower.     Web: https://equalitytrust.org.uk/     [23 Sep 2023]
Ethical Traveler     A nonprofit organization founded to “empower travelers to change the world.” We seek to use the economic clout of tourism to protect human rights and the environment. Ethical Traveler is a project of the Earth Island Institute, based in San Francisco. We maintain our own staff, and a Board of Advisors possessing a broad range of expertise in the fields of travel, environment, economy, health and world policy.     Address: PO Box 5883, Berkeley CA 94705     Voice: (510) 653-6911     Email: info@ethicaltraveler.org     Web: https://ethicaltraveler.org/     [01 Oct 2022]
EveryOne Home     Stewarding the movement to end homelessness in Alameda County. A collective impact initiative and Alameda County’s Continuum of Care that unites the efforts of city and county government partners, nonprofit service providers, individuals with lived experience, community members, and more. We bring everyone together, using the power of people to end homelessness in Alameda County.     Web: https://everyonehome.org/     [23 Sep 2023]
Eviction Defense Collaborative     The principal organization in San Francisco helping low-income tenants respond to eviction lawsuits. Each year we provide emergency legal services and rental assistance to over 5,000 tenants in San Francisco. Because of the high cost of housing in San Francisco, thousands of families and individuals struggle every day to meet this most basic human need. Each time someone loses the struggle against eviction and becomes homeless or is forced to leave the City, San Francisco loses a little more of the dignity and diversity that gives it its cherished spirit.     Address: 976 Mission Street, 1st Floor, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 947 0797     Web: https://evictiondefense.org/     [03 Jan 2025]
ewasteCollective (ACCRC)     We are a non-profit, environmental charity committed to household electronics and computer recycling. We give away refurbished computers to those in need. Since 1994, we have given away thousands of computers to schools, non?profit organizations and economically and/or physically disadvantaged individuals. Our electronics and computer recycling efforts support our training program, where volunteers learn to reclaim, refurbish, and restore computers for home, school, and office applications.     Address: 42 Digital Drive #3, Novato CA 94949     Voice: (415) 883-1428     Email: info@ewastecollective.org     Web: https://ewastecollective.org/     [03 Aug 2024]
Exhale Pro-Voice     The premier organization supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of people after their abortions and their loved ones. Founded in 2000 by and for people who have had abortions, we provide – and train others in providing – nonjudgmental after-abortion support. Our Pro-Voice approach centers each individual’s unique context, family, culture, and abortion experiences. We follow your lead, hold nuance for you, and support you in tending to your wellbeing in a way that feels best for you. Through this Pro-Voice, abortion-positive approach, we have supported thousands of people over the years!     Address: PO Box 14562, San Francisco CA 94114     Voice: (617) 749-2948     Email: rachel.dyer@exhaleprovoice.org     Web: https://exhaleprovoice.org/     [18 Jun 2022]
Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area (XRSFBAY)     A decentralized, international and politically non-partisan movement using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Rebels can establish XR chapters anywhere in the world. The XR SF Bay Area chapter (XRSFBay) brings action to San Francisco, California and surrounding areas. XRSFBay works alongside other local campaigns and ally organizations.     Web: https://extinctionrebellionsfbay.org/     [03 Jan 2025]
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)     Promotes the open and accountable management of oil, gas and mineral resources. We believe that a country’s natural resources belong to its citizens. Our mission is to promote understanding of natural resource management, strengthen public and corporate governance and accountability, and provide the data to inform policymaking and multi-stakeholder dialogue in the extractive sector.     Web: https://eiti.org/     [10 Jun 2023]
F.U.N. Progressives     Leading the Progressive movement in Fremont, Union City, & Newark, California. Our mission is for a coalition of progressives in this community to come together to run, support, endorse, and volunteer for our local progressive candidates to make change happen from the bottom up!     Web: https://www.funprogressives.com/     [14 May 2022]
Face The World Foundation (FTW)     Mission is to create and promote global acceptance and understanding. We aim to inspire and encourage cultural exchanges for international high school students- bridging the gap of understanding by providing students with the opportunity to learn about America and establish lasting friendships. Our goal is to close the cultural gaps one exchange at a time. This cultural exchange does not just influence a year, it effects a lifetime!     Address: 755 Baywood Drive, Suite 109, Petaluma CA 94954     Voice: (707) 559-5800; (800) 216-3223     Web: http://www.facetheworld.org/     [01 Oct 2022]
FACES SF     Provides critical assistance to low-income families citywide, with a focus in the Haight Ashbury, Western Addition, Visitacion Valley, and Bayview Hunters Point neighborhoods in the following areas: early childhood development, workforce training, school-age enrichment programs, and family support services. Over 80% of the families we serve survive beneath the Extremely Low Income Line in San Francisco as determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. FACES SF’s whole-family, whole-child model includes four interconnected program areas: early childhood development (ages 0–5), elementary-age enrichment (TK–6th grade), family support, and workforce development.     Address: 1101 Masonic Avenue, San Francisco CA 94117     Voice: (415) 567-2357     Fax: (415) 649-0846     Web: https://facessf.org/     [26 Oct 2024]
Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM)     A national network made up of state-based membership organizations that has fought for immigrant rights for over 20 years, building out the power of immigrant communities across the country at the local, state, and federal levels and fighting against anti-immigrant policies pushing our communities into the shadows. We stand together to transform our immigration system, defend our democracy, and fight for justice. We believe in a vision of a country that values and respects the contributions of immigrants. We are committed to ensuring that those most impacted have a voice at the table and to delivering the changes they want to see through a multifaceted approach that prioritizes collaboration, organizing, advocacy, and action.     Web: https://www.firmmovement.org     [12 Jan 2025]
Fair Trade Federation (FTF)     A trade association of fair trade enterprises fully committed to equitable and sustainable trading partnerships. We strengthen and support our members in order to grow the global movement of trade that values the health of the planet, and the labor, dignity, and equality of all people.     Web: https://www.fairtradefederation.org/     [20 Jan 2024]
Fair Trade USA     We are building an innovative model of responsible business, conscious consumerism, and shared value to eliminate poverty and enable sustainable development for farmers, workers, their families, and their communities around the world.     Address: 360 Grand Avenue #311, Oakland CA 94610-4840     Voice: (510) 663-5260     Web: https://www.fairtradecertified.org/     [23 Jan 2022]
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)     FAIR, the national media watch group, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. As an anti-censorship organization, we expose neglected news stories and defend working journalists when they are muzzled. As a progressive group, FAIR believes that structural reform is ultimately needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of information.     Web: https://fair.org/     [10 Jun 2023]
Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM)     Seeks to create a more fair and effective justice system that respects our American values of individual accountability and dignity while keeping communities safe. Decades of evidence show that lengthy, mandatory sentences do not reduce crime, but impose high economic and social costs on taxpayers and families. Mandatory minimum sentencing laws also tend to create unwarranted disparities by treating similar offenders differently and different offenders the same.     Web: https://famm.org/     [12 Jan 2025]
Family & Children Services (FCS)     Since 1948, FCS, a division of Caminar, has been empowering individuals and families to move toward greater wellness, resilience, and independence. We are here for the entire community and dedicated to offering safe, inclusive, and affirming programs for all.     Address: 375 Cambridge Avenue, Palo Alto CA 94306     Voice: (408) 292.9353; (650) 326-6576     Fax: (650) 326-1340     Email: info@caminar.org     Web: https://www.fcservices.org/     [28 Jan 2024]
Family Agriculture Resource Management Services (F.A.R.M.S.)     A legal non-profit, committed to assisting farmers and landowners retain land for future use of next generation farmer. Land loss is an epidemic that has plagued Black farmers and landowners. Every month, 30,000 acres of Black landownership is lost primarily due to non-payment of property tax, eminent domain, unprofitable business models, discrimination, generational out-migration, and lack of estate planning.     Web: https://30000acres.org/     [18 Jun 2023]
Family Connections Centers     Mission is to support the development of strong, healthy families and thriving communities. We create opportunities for people of different backgrounds to work together cooperatively, sharing cultures, values, knowledge, and resources. Through programming at our centers in the Excelsior and Portola neighborhoods of San Francisco and virtual meetings and workshops, we offer community-based, culturally humble, multilingual programming that adapts to the needs of families.     Address: 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco CA 94112     Voice: (415) 333-3845     Email: info@fccenters.org     Web: https://fccenters.org/     [01 Oct 2022]
Family Support Services of the Bay Area (FSSBA)     Assists families who face serious challenges in successfully caring for their children. These include families with children who have mental or physical disabilities; families taking care of children who are substance exposed, medically fragile, or are HIV+; and families in which grandparents or other relatives have had to step in to care for children. Family Support Services also works with families in which children are at risk of abuse or neglect to help parents improve their parenting skills and ensure that these children are raised in safe, healthy, and nurturing environments. Our mission is to nurture children, youth, and caregivers to keep families healthy and intact.     Address: 303 Hegenberger, Suite 400, Oakland CA 94621     Voice: (510) 834-2443     Fax: (510) 834-1548     Email: info@fssba.org     Web: https://fssba.org/     [01 Oct 2022]
Family Violence Law Center (FVLC)     Helps diverse communities in Alameda County heal from domestic violence and sexual assault, advocating for justice and healthy relationships. We provide survivor-centered legal and crisis intervention services, offer prevention education for youth and other community members, and engage in policy work to create systemic change.     Address: 470 27th Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 208-0220 (office); (800) 947-8301 (24-hour crisis line)     Fax: (510) 208-3557     Email: info@fvlc.org     Web: https://fvlc.org/     [28 Jan 2024]
Farm Sanctuary     Fights the disastrous effects of animal agriculture on animals, the environment, social justice, and public health through rescue, education, and advocacy. Founded in 1986 to combat the abuses of factory farming, advocate for institutional reforms, and encourage a new awareness and understanding of farm animals and the benefits of plant-based living. In recent years, science has confirmed the inhumane and destructive impact of animal agriculture — a food system based on interrelated oppression and injustice. As the founding farm animal Sanctuary in the U.S., Farm Sanctuary has rescued and provided refuge for countless survivors of the animal agriculture system.     Web: https://www.farmsanctuary.org     [28 Jan 2024]
Farmland LP     A leading investment fund that generates returns by converting conventional commercial farmland to sustainable. Founded in 2009, we manage over 15,000 acres and more than $200 million in assets. Our approach to acquiring and converting farmland relies on our unique operational expertise to enhance value in each of our farmland investments. We focus on generating competitive risk-adjusted returns while accruing benefits to stakeholders across the ecosystems in which we operate.     Address: 80 Eat Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Suite 3B, Larkspur CA 94939     Voice: (415) 677-7055     Web: https://www.farmlandlp.com/     [20 Apr 2024]
Fast Haul     A San Francisco junk hauling business that provides the San Francisco Bay Area with inexpensive, professional trash hauling and junk removal services. Fast Haul has a wide range of equipment, from small pickups to large dump tricks, even Bobcats (“earthmovers”) for excavation and demolition. Fast haul has been supporting Green Charities such as the National Resources Defense Council, the Rainforest Foundation, and Rainforest Concern. We have been a fervent advocate of Green Hauling since 1993 and regularly donate to Good Will Industries, Salvation Army, local homeless shelters, Habitat for Humanity, and Urban Ore.     Voice: (510) 232-2977; (415) 665 0800; (925) 686 2492     Email: david@fasthaul.com     Web: https://www.fasthaul.com/     [03 Aug 2024]
FEED Sonoma (Farmers Exchange of Earthly Delights)     A food hub network of over 50 North Bay farms, supporting ecologically sustainable practices. We are a farmer & employee-owned fresh produce cooperative, building a local food system that empowers our farms, ensuring a future in which they can thrive. Supporting FEED is one of the most impactful ways to directly support farms in your North Bay community.     Address: 5400 Old Redwood Hwy N, Petaluma CA 94954     Voice: (707) 508-7702     Email: feedbin@feedsonoma.com     Web: https://www.feedsonoma.com/     [20 Apr 2024]
Felton Institute (FSA)     Responds to human needs by providing cutting edge, evidence-based ?mental health and social services and treatments that transform lives. We place special emphasis on the needs of underserved communities including families with income below the poverty line, children, the elderly and people living with disabilities.     Address: 1500 Franklin Street, San Francisco CA 94109     Voice: (415) 474-7310     Fax: (415) 931-3773     Web: https://felton.org/     [23 Jan 2022]
Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF)     A cutting edge organization dedicated to women’s equality, reproductive health, and non-violence. In all spheres, FMF utilizes research and action to empower women economically, socially, and politically. Our organization believes that feminists of all genders are the majority, but this majority must be empowered.     Web: https://feminist.org/     [12 Jan 2025]
Fenton Communications (San Francisco office)     We are communications strategists for social change. Our clients are the nonprofits, foundations, advocates and brands championing today’s important progressive issues. Fenton helps clients achieve their goals by raising awareness that sparks movements, changes behavior, and generates support for a more just, equitable and sustainable world. Our experts combine tactical experience and creative ingenuity with a deep well of passion and energy. Our strategic work shapes national health care policy, combats voter suppression, protects reproductive rights, promotes racial equity, works for a fairer education system, expands economic opportunity, demands climate action and much more.     Address: 595 Pacific Avenue, 4th floor, San Francisco CA 94133     Voice: (415) 901-0111     Web: https://fenton.com/     [25 Jun 2022]
Filipino Advocates for Justice (FAJ)     Since 1973, FAJ (formerly known as FAA, Filipinos for Affirmative Action) has been an advocate for immigrant and civil rights by providing direct services, developing leaders, and organizing and advocating on issues important to the Filipino community as a historically underserved ethnic minority. We serve at-risk middle and high school-age youth, low-wage workers vulnerable to exploitation, and the newly arrived immigrants and undocumented, by helping them navigate the challenges of life in the US.     Address: 310 8th Street, Suite 309, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 465-9876     Email: info@filipinos4justice.org     Web: https://filipinos4justice.org/     [03 Aug 2024]
Mark Fiore     Pulitzer Prize-winner, Mark Fiore, who the Wall Street Journal has called “the undisputed guru of the form,” creates cartoons in San Francisco, one of the most fertile regions for creating observational and satirical cartoons. His work has appeared on the San Francisco Chronicle’s website, Newsweek.com, Slate.com, CBSNews.com, MotherJones.com, NPR’s web site and is currently being featured by KQED. Fiore’s political animation has appeared on CNN, Frontline, Bill Moyers Journal, Salon.com and cable and broadcast outlets across the globe.     Web: https://www.markfiore.com/     [03 Aug 2024]
Fire John Yoo     Web: http://www.firejohnyoo.net/     [07 Jan 2023]
First Amendment Project (FAP)     Dedicated to vindicating important First Amendment rights for individuals and groups that do not have the financial resources to hire private counsel. We specialize in representing journalists, documentarians, artists, activists, nonprofit organizations, and others who are sued for what they say or write, contesting governmental noncompliance with open records and open meetings laws, and challenging laws, practices, and policies that infringe on First Amendment rights. To that end, FAP also has expertise in, and routinely advises its clients on, matters related to copyright/Fair Use, privacy, and a variety of issues arising out of newsgathering.     Address: 1222 Preservation Park Way, Suite 200 (near 19th Street), Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 208-7744     Fax: (510) 208-4562     Email: wheaton@thefirstamendment.org     Web: https://www.thefirstamendment.org/     [23 Jan 2022]
First Community Housing (FCH)     We design, develop and manage affordable housing for low-income households. Each of our developments is specifically designed to complement its unique neighborhood. The purpose of this website is to introduce you to a few of our properties and to highlight our commitment to quality design and long term sustainability. FCH is an award-winning, California 501(c)(3) Nonprofit, Public Benefit Housing Development Corporation, located in San Jose, California. Since 1986, FCH has created housing for more than 3,300 low-income residents in 20 affordable rental housing developments (over 1,400 units) throughout the San Francisco Bay region.     Voice: (408) 291-8650     Web: https://www.firstcommunityhousing.org/     [18 Jun 2023]
First Congregational Church of San Francisco (FCC)     An inclusive community of faith in the heart of the city - where Lower Nob Hill meets the Tenderloin and Little Saigon. We believe that spirituality and faith are less about fear and control, and more about connection and compassion and hope and love. We are an Open and Affirming congregation. What does that mean? It means that we believe in the sacred worth of every human being! We celebrate, affirm, empower, honor and welcome the glorious diversity of lived experience, gender identities, sexual orientations, cultures, abilities, races and ages of humanity! Everyone is welcome to participate in communion, leadership, membership and worship!     Address: 1300 Polk Street, San Francisco CA 94109     Voice: (415) 441-8901     Email: office@sanfranciscoucc.org     Web: https://www.fccsf.org/     [07 Oct 2023]
First Run Features     Founded in 1979 by a group of filmmakers to advance the distribution of independent film. Under the leadership of the late Fran Spielman, First Run Features quickly gained a reputation for its controversial catalog of daring documentaries and fiction films. Seymour Wishman continued her legacy over the next 38 years. Today First Run remains one of the largest independent distributors in North America, releasing 10 films a year in theaters nationwide and an additional 20 films annually to educational institutions, on home video, to television broadcasters, and online through a diverse mix of digital platforms.     Web: https://www.firstrunfeatures.com/     [28 Jan 2024]
Fleet Farming     A non-profit urban agriculture program of IDEAS For Us that transforms the average American lawn into a bio-verse, productive micro farms and edible gardens. Our mission is to empower all generations to grow food to increase local food accessibility.     Web: https://fleetfarming.org/     [07 Jan 2023]
Floodlight (The Environmental News Collaborative)     A nonprofit newsroom that investigates the powerful interests stalling climate action.     Web: https://www.floodlightnews.org/     [21 Mar 2024]
FOCUS on the Global South (FOCUS)     An activist think tank in Asia providing analysis and building alternatives for just social, economic and political change.     Web: https://focusweb.org/     [28 Jan 2024]
The Food & Environment Reporting Network (The FERN)     The first independent, non-profit news organization that produces in-depth and investigative journalism in the critically under-reported areas of food, agriculture, and environmental health. Through partnerships with local and national mainstream media outlets, we seek to tell stories that will inspire, inform, and have lasting impact.     Web: https://thefern.org/     [25 Jun 2023]
Food & Water Watch     To protect our food, water, and climate, we organize people around the country to build political power. We mobilize at the local, state, and federal levels to win the fights others are afraid to even take on. From banning fracking, to shutting down factory farms, to making sure communities across the country have access to clean water, we’ve fought against greedy corporations and reckless government agencies and we’ve won time after time. We fight — and win — in the courts, in the halls of Congress, and on the ground in every state. Corporations may have the money, but we believe people have the power to make real change. That’s why we win.     Web: https://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/     [18 Jun 2023]
Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano     Leading the fight to end hunger, in partnership with our community and in service of our neighbors in need. The Food Bank receives perishable and nonperishable food from manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, brokers, food drives, farmers and individuals. Regular donations of fresh, local and seasonal fruits and vegetables are provided by the produce industry in partnership with the California Association of Food Banks. We distribute food into the community by operating our own free food programs each week within Contra Costa and Solano counties and by partnering with 260 local nonprofit agencies to support their hunger-fighting efforts.     Address: 4010 Nelson Avenue, Concord CA 94520     Voice: (925) 676-7543     Email: info@foodbankccs.org     Web: https://www.foodbankccs.org/     [01 Oct 2022]
Food Chain Workers Alliance (FCWA)     We are workers in the food system, employed on farms, in factories, warehouses, trucks, supermarkets, restaurants, cafeterias, selling food on the streets and much more. We are organizing locally and globally to improve our working conditions and have a say in our workplaces and in our communities.     Web: https://foodchainworkers.org/     [18 Jun 2023]
Food First / Institute for Food and Development Policy     Works to end the injustices that cause hunger through research, education and action. Informed by a vast network of activist-researchers, Food First’s analysis and educational resources support communities and social movements fighting for food justice and food sovereignty around the world. Food First gives you the tools to understand our global food system, and to build your local food movement from the ground up.     Address: 195 41st Street, PO Box 20550, Oakland CA 94620     Voice: (510) 654-4400     Email: info@foodfirst.org     Web: https://foodfirst.org/     [23 Jan 2022]
San Francisco Food Not Bombs (FNB)     A non-violent, direct action group that provides free, hot vegetarian community meals in San Francisco. Get involved in their consensus-based, grassroots organizing by calling, sending email, and / or coming to one of their cook houses or servings . Check their web site for current serving locations and times.     Voice: (415) 484-3288     Email: sffnbvolunteers@riseup.net     Web: https://sffnb.org/     [28 Jan 2024]
San Jose Food Not Bombs     We are a volunteer organization in San Jose serving free vegetarian meals or fresh produce to the hungry and at various political demonstrations and events. We believe that food should be a right not a privilege. The U.S. produces enough food to feed the starving countries in the world, but people still go hungry even within the U.S.     Web: https://www.facebook.com/groups/145979125439185/     [25 Feb 2023]
Food Not Lawns     Using friendship-based community organizing and principles of permaculture, gift economy, and mutual aid, Food Not Lawns has been turning yards into gardens and neighborhoods into communities since 1999, when we were conceived by the Food Not Bombs family in Eugene, Oregon. For more than twenty years small, self-organized groups of grassroots gardeners have been organizing local seed swaps, joining together for garden work parties, and making lots of friends while learning more about the simple act of growing food can radically improve your home, your community, and your life.     Web: https://www.foodnotlawns.com/     [23 Jan 2022]
The Food Pantry     Provides literally tons of free, healthy groceries to about 400 hungry families each week. We offer fresh food without conditions, in a safe and beautiful space. The food we give helps families prepare meals in their own homes with dignity. The Food Pantry isn’t funded by the church or by grants, but is supported by an all-volunteer staff and donations from individuals. We're proud of the way that our community has responded in these hard times.     Address: St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, 500 De Haro Street (at Mariposa), San Francisco CA 94107     Voice: (415) 654-3456     Email: thepantrystg@gmail.com     Web: https://www.thefoodpantry.org/     [28 Jan 2024]
Food Runners     Picks up excess perishable and prepared food from businesses such as restaurants, caterers, bakeries, hospitals, event planners, corporate cafeterias, and hotels and delivers it directly to neighborhood food programs. Mission is to help alleviate hunger in San Francisco, to help prevent waste and to help create community. Food Runners is currently delivering over 17 tons of food a week that would otherwise be thrown away. With help from our volunteer coordinator, our paid truck driver and people like you, we can provide enough food for over 20,000 meals every week in San Francisco.     Voice: (415) 890-5432     Email: dispatcher@foodrunners.org     Web: https://www.foodrunners.org/     [18 Jun 2023]
FoodCorps     Partners with schools and communities to nourish kids’ health, education, and sense of belonging. Our AmeriCorps members serve alongside educators and school nutrition leaders to provide kids with nourishing meals, food education, and culturally affirming experiences with food that celebrate and nurture the whole child. Building on our service program, FoodCorps develops leaders, grows networks, and advocates for policy change in service of every kid’s health and wellbeing.     Web: https://foodcorps.org/     [26 Oct 2024]
FoodPrint     Develops innovative strategies to increase public awareness of the critical environmental and public health issues created by our current industrial food system, and to advocate for more sustainable alternatives. Whether it’s a salad, a hamburger or your morning egg sandwich, your meal has an impact on the environment and on the welfare of animals, food/farm workers and on public health.     Web: https://foodprint.org/     [28 Jan 2024]
Foodwise     Since 1994, Foodwise (formerly CUESA) has operated world-class farmers markets and education programs to connect the Bay Area community with fresh, local food and sustainable family farms.     Address: One Ferry Building, Suite 50, San Francisco CA 94111     Voice: (415) 291-3276 (291-FARM)     Fax: (415) 291-3275     Email: info@foodwise.org     Web: https://foodwise.org/     [21 Sep 2024]
Forage Oakland     A fruit barter network founded in 2008 by Asiya Wadud. We harvest and redistribute North Oakland residents' backyard fruit, and through the Forage City platform, leverage the potential of technology to connect Oakland residents. Oaklanders with surplus fruit and residents and community organizations who'd like to receive surplus fruit join Forage Oakland to partake in the exchange.     Web: https://forageoakland.wordpress.com/     [07 Jan 2023]
Foreign Policy In Focus (FPIF)     A “Think Tank Without Walls” connecting the research and action of scholars, advocates, and activists seeking to make the United States a more responsible global partner. It is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies. FPIF provides timely analysis of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs and recommends policy alternatives on a broad range of global issues — from war and peace to trade and from climate to public health. From its launch as a print journal in 1996 to its digital presence today, FPIF has served as a unique resource for progressive foreign policy perspectives for decades.     Web: https://fpif.org/     [02 Feb 2024]
Forests Forever (FoFo)     Mission is to protect and enhance the forests and wildlife habitat of California through educational, legislative, and electoral activities. For over 30 years we have been rallying Californians in defense of the state’s 17 million acres of woodland ecosystems and watersheds. We accomplish this through year-round education, grassroots organizing, occasional litigation and work in elections, and executive-branch and legislative advocacy.     Address: 2001 Addison Street, Suite 320, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (415) 974-3636 (974-FOFO)     Email: mail@forestsforever.org     Web: https://www.forestsforever.org/     [02 Feb 2024]
Fossil Free Berkeley     Sponsoring Berkeley's 2024 Measure GG that would create a special carbon tax on emissions from the City’s largest methane polluters (owners of buildings 15,000 square feet or larger). It would create an estimated $26.7 million per year Just Transition Fund to help all residents fight climate change and improve their quality of life. The tax would only be applied to the owners of the largest Berkeley buildings who use methane gas. The tax accounts for the societal damages from burning and leaking methane gas.     Web: https://fossilfreeberkeley.org/     [04 Oct 2024]
Fossil Free California     Works to end financial support for climate-damaging fossil fuels and promotes the transition to a socially just and environmentally sustainable society. We are concerned California residents who care about the future of our state and our planet. Fossil fuels put that future in peril. Some of us are members of the two largest public pension funds in the country, CalPERS and CalSTRS, which both invest in fossil fuels. We challenge such investments and work to end the injustices, inequities, and destruction intrinsic to the fossil fuel economy.     Address: PO Box 21022, Oakland CA 94620     Email: info@fossilfreeca.org     Web: https://fossilfreeca.org/     [21 Sep 2024]
Foundation Aiding The Elderly (FATE)     A Sacramento, California based 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation whose objective is to serve as a voice for patients and to bring about national reforms and enforcement of the laws governing the long-term care industry and its regulatory agencies in order to assure proper care, civil rights and meaningful, dignified life for the elderly in long-term care facilities. FATE's Mission is to assure our elders are treated with care, dignity and the utmost respect during their final years when they can no longer take care of themselves.     Web: https://www.4fate.org/     [21 Sep 2024]
Foundation for a College Education (FCE)     Mission is to increase the number of first-generation, low-income students of color from East Palo Alto and similar communities who graduate from a four-year college or university. The vision of FCE is to create a community where higher education is attainable. By engaging both students and parents in our work, we aim to create a community of learners who are armed with the right tools and information. Together, they play a pivotal role in sharing this information with other families about how best to take advantage of school resources and navigate the college admissions process, thus catalyzing change in the larger community.     Address: PO Box 50518, Palo Alto CA 94303     Voice: (650) 322-5048     Email: info@collegefoundation.org     Web: https://collegefoundation.org/     [02 Feb 2024]
Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC)     Your resource hub for the intentional communities movement. We believe human society has the potential to support the wellbeing of all people and the ecosystems of which we are a part, recognizing that the wellbeing of one depends on the wellbeing of all.     Web: https://www.ic.org/     [23 Sep 2023]
Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA)     Our clients around the world tell us they seek improved livelihoods, resilience against future shocks, and access to education for themselves and their children. FINCA is supporting their pathway out of poverty through financial empowerment and impact investing. We enable small and micro-business owners and farmers with scarce resources to receive financing to grow their enterprises. Our partners provide education, healthcare, and other critical services for families on the margin. As we’ve always known, investing in women is good business. FINCA empowers women—who are routinely denied opportunity—to access the resources they need to keep food on their tables, pay for their children’s education, and pursue their aspirations.     Web: https://finca.org/     [21 Sep 2024]
Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights (FTCR)     A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing an effective voice for taxpayers and consumers in an era when special interests dominate public discourse, government and politics. We deploy an in-house team of public interest lawyers, policy experts, strategists, and grassroots activists to expose, confront, and change corporate and political injustice every day, saving Americans billions of dollars and improving countless lives. For decades Consumer Watchdog has been the nation’s most aggressive consumer advocate, taking on politicians of both parties and the special interests that fund them.     Web: https://consumerwatchdog.org/     [21 Sep 2024]
Fred Finch Youth Center (FFYC)     Partners with individuals and communities to deliver culturally responsive services, fostering mental and physical resiliency and wellness. We serve children, adolescents, young adults, and families facing complex life challenges. Many have experienced trauma and abuse, live at or below the poverty line, have been institutionalized or incarcerated, have a family member that has been involved in the criminal justice system, have a history of substance abuse, or have experienced discrimination or stigma.     Address: 3800 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland CA 94602-3311     Voice: (510) 482-2244 x5200     Web: https://www.fredfinch.org/     [12 Jan 2025]
Free Farm Stand     An all-volunteer run project of the No Penny Opera about sharing the wealth of urban farms and gardens. We grow as much food as can in San Francisco and distribute it for free at our Free Farm Stand. We mostly give out what is in season. We act as a gathering place in the Mission to encourage community growth and involvement. This effort revolves mostly around gathering surplus food from neighborhood gardens, various farmer’s markets, community gardens, public and private fruit trees, and hosting a space where this bounty can be shared with all. Right now because of COVID we are bagging produce and giving the bags away every Sunday rain or shine from noon to 1 PM in the park (Parque Ninos Unidos) at 23rd Street and Treat Avenue in San Francisco.     Voice: (415) 684-8493 (Tree)     Email: iamtree99@gmail.com     Web: https://freefarmstand.org/     [07 Jan 2023]
Free Press     Created to give people a voice in the crucial decisions that shape our media. We believe that positive social change, racial justice and meaningful engagement in public life require equitable access to technology, diverse and independent ownership of media platforms, and journalism that holds leaders accountable and tells people what’s actually happening in their communities.     Web: https://www.freepress.net/     [01 Oct 2022]
Free Radio Berkeley (FRB)     Has two somewhat distinct entities - Free Radio Berkeley 104.1 FM, a silenced broadcast station that was operating with 100 volunteer programmers, and - Free Radio Berkeley IRATE (International Radio Action Training, Education), which provides transmitter kits, technical support and training and is involved in national and international outreach and organizing efforts. Our web storefront is also available offering the latest in micropower broadcasting kits, accessories, complete station packages, audio equipment and antennas. Also, check out the Micropower Broadcasting section containing information and links to help you start your own community micropower radio station.     Address: 206 Parker Avenue, Rodeo CA 94572     Voice: (510) 799-1779     Email: freeradioberkeley@gmail.com     Web: https://freeradio.org/     [18 Jan 2025]
Free Radio Santa Cruz (FRSC 101.3 FM)     Has been on the air for over twelve years without a license. We broadcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, in defiance of federal regulations. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is charged with regulating the airwaves in the public interest. We believe that it has failed to do so and has proved itself to be controlled by monied interests. We go on the air to protest corporate control of the airwaves, to bring local control and local accountability to our community media, to produce and broadcast a diversity of programs that are simply unavailable on corporate controlled stations. We do not air advertisements, we do not do pledge drives, we do not have sponsors or underwriters.     Address: PO Box 7811, Santa Cruz CA 95061     Voice: (831) 427-3772 (studio line)     Email: frsc@freakradio.org     Web: http://www.freakradio.org/     [18 Jun 2023]
Free Speech TV (FSTV)     One of the last standing national, independent news networks committed to advancing progressive social change. As the alternative to television networks owned by billionaires, governments and corporations, our network amplifies underrepresented voices and those working on the front lines of social, economic and environmental justice.     Web: https://freespeech.org/     [23 Jan 2022]
Free the Slaves     At the core of our approach is a simple, elegant idea—slavery is defeated when at-risk communities acquire the knowledge, tools and resources they need to overcome vulnerability and secure freedom. Slavery has been outlawed everywhere, but it has not been eradicated. Free the Slaves exists to help finish the work that earlier generations of abolitionists started. We help those in slavery escape the brutality of bondage. We help prevent others from becoming trapped by traffickers. We help officials bring slave holders to justice. We help survivors restore their dignity, rebuild their lives, and reclaim the future for themselves, their families, and their communities.     Web: https://www.freetheslaves.net/     [01 Oct 2022]
Free Tibet     We stand with Tibetans around the world. For their homeland, for their future and against China’s brutal occupation. We keep the eyes of the world on the atrocities being committed in Tibet. We share evidence that makes them impossible to deny. We lead campaigns that make them impossible to ignore. And together, we will build a global movement that’s impossible to resist.     Web: https://freetibet.org/     [01 Oct 2022]
Freecycle Network     Made up of more than 5,000 local Town groups with over 11 million members across the globe. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Membership is free, and everything posted must be free, legal and appropriate for all ages. Here's how it works: When you sign up with Freecycle.org, you join one or more local Town groups and/or invite some local friends to form a Friends Circle. You make posts about things you want to gift or receive. Other members reply and then you arrange a pickup time and location. Just like that, you've saved something from going to a landfill and given it a new life.     Web: https://www.freecycle.org/     [18 Jan 2025]
The Freedom Archives     A non-profit educational archive located in Berkeley dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of historical audio, video, and print materials documenting progressive movements and culture from the 1960s to the 1990s. Offering a youth development program focused on engagement with these historical materials and providing media production training, we also produce original documentaries and educational resources for use by schools and organizations as tools for community building and social justice work.     Address: 1615 Hopkins Street, Berkeley CA 94707     Voice: (415) 863-9977     Email: info[at]freedomarchives[dot]org     Web: https://freedomarchives.org/     [02 Feb 2024]
Freedom Socialist Party (FSP)     A feminist, working-class organization made up of people of many races, nationalities, genders, sexual orientations and ages. We are activists and educators fighting for an end to all capitalist exploitation and oppression. We work in labor unions, join in social-movement struggles, and take electoral positions and run candidates. Works to replace the ugliness and unsustainability of capitalist rule with international workers’ democracy. We fight as one for all who are exploited and oppressed and for a healthy future for the planet.     Address: 747 Polk Street, San Francisco CA 94109     Voice: (415) 864-1278     Email: bayareaFSP@socialism.com     Web: https://socialism.com/     [18 Jun 2023]
Freedom to Marry     A film that documents the stunning celebration which began on February 12th, 2004 in the city of San Francisco when new, straight, married Mayor Gavin Newsom felt compelled to recognize the rights of same-sex couples to be treated equally. Included in the film are passionate comments by comedian Margaret Cho. This courageous act of compassion has caused an explosion of emotion on both sides and if you were not fortunate enough to be in San Francisco for this, don't miss this chance to experience one of the most important events in the historic fight for civil rights for gays and lesbians everywhere!     Web: http://www.freedomtomarry.tv/     [01 Oct 2022]
Fresh Juice Party (FJP)     We are politically conscious and active artists who write, record and perform music, design visuals, and create happenings. While we relish in collaborating with artists of multi media, we are currently focusing on music and video projects.     Web: http://www.freshjuiceparty.com/     [07 Jan 2023]
Fridays for Future (FFF)     A youth-led and -organised movement that began in August 2018, after 15-year-old Greta Thunberg and other young activists sat in front of the Swedish parliament every schoolday for three weeks, to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis. We are fighting for our future and our lives because they are directly threatened by the climate crisis and the ecological breakdown. We are taking action against it because we want to protect the beauty of the earth, the diversity of species and the lives of all beings. Our goal is to overcome the climate crisis and to create a society that lives in harmony with its fellow beings and its environment.     Web: https://fridaysforfuture.org/     [18 Jan 2025]
Friends of Adeline     A diverse group of caring South Berkeley residents working in partnership with local businesses, nonprofits, and others to affect change so that our neighborhood is an inclusive and just place for all people. Join us to build a more equitable South Berkeley and a better Berkeley for all!     Web: https://www.friendsofadeline.org/     [18 Jan 2025]
Friends of Alemany Farm     A group that manages the horticulture, apprentice, volunteer, and educational programs at Alemany Farm, a 3.5 acre organic farm ecosystem in southeast San Francisco. The farm sits on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone peoples who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco Peninsula, and the original stewards of this land. Friends of Alemany Farm grows food security, offers work experience to apprentices, and educates local residents about how they can become their own food producers. We strive to increase ecological knowledge and habitat value, and to sow the seeds for economic and environmental justice. All of the food we grow is given away for free to neighbors, volunteers, The Free Farm Stand, and other groups.     Address: Earth Island Institute / FOAF, 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley CA 94704     Email: community.gardeners@gmail.com     Web: https://alemanyfarm.org/     [07 Jan 2023]
Friends of Falun Gong USA     A U.S.-based nonprofit organization founded in the year 2000 by concerned Americans. Our mission is to support the freedom of belief of persons who practice Falun Gong. FoFG believes that people everywhere should have the right to practice Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa), a spiritual path that includes nonviolence. FoFG is focused on preventing and ending violations of the right to practice Falun Gong openly, freely, and with dignity, worldwide.     Web: https://fofg.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
Friends of Five Creeks     Mobilizes volunteers of all ages to restore, maintain, understand, and enjoy the creeks and watersheds of the East Bay from North Berkeley to Richmond. In year-round hands-on volunteering, we help revitalize creeks, improve habitat and water quality, eliminate invasive plant species, and increase public access, knowledge, understanding, and stewardship.     Address: 1236 Oxford Street, Berkeley CA 94709     Voice: (510) 848-9358     Email: f5creeks@gmail.com     Web: http://www.fivecreeks.org/     [11 Jun 2022]
Friends of Silicon Valley Animal Control Authority (Friends of SVACA)     Our mission is to raise funds for SVACA, and to engage with the community to promote awareness of the programs and services SVACA provides. Our vision is that every animal that comes into the care of SVACA is lovingly cared for and then placed in a welcoming home with a forever family. Each year, Friends of SVACA raises money, provides volunteers, socializes and transports animals, represents SVACA at community events, supports the SVACA staff, and much more.     Address: PO Box 132, Santa Clara CA 95052     Email: contact@friendsofsvaca.org     Web: http://www.friendsofsvaca.org     [17 Feb 2024]
Friends of the Eel River (FOER)     Works for the recovery of the Wild and Scenic Eel River, its fisheries, and communities. The Eel River, one of California’s major waterways, is known for its scenic beauty, biodiversity, and recreational opportunities. It faces environmental challenges, yet efforts by Friends of the Eel River aim to restore and protect its vibrant ecosystem for future generations. Friends of the Eel River’s commitment to decommissioning PG&E’s Potter Valley Project, advocating for the Great Redwood Trail, and ensuring sustainable land use, including effective cannabis regulation, is vital for restoring salmon habitat across 250 miles and safeguarding the Eel River ecosystem.     Address: PO Box 4945, Arcata CA 95518-4945     Voice: (707) 798-6345     Email: foer@eelriver.org     Web: https://eelriver.org/     [21 Sep 2024]
Friends of the Mission Greenway     Working with the Mission community to transform Parcel 36, a historic railroad throughway in the heart of the Mission, into a collaborative, visionary hub for pollinator gardens, small scale food production, education, connection, and environmental stewardship. It is up to us all to reshape one of the few remaining pieces of open land in San Francisco into a green space for the young and old alike and the greater ecosystems in which we reside—let us seize this opportunity!     Web: https://missiongreenway.org/     [15 Jan 2023]
Friends of the MST (FMST)     A network of individuals and organizations that support the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (MST) in the struggle for social and economic justice while securing respect for human rights. The FMST works to build solidarity and educate the public in the US and English-speaking world in order to raise the international profile of the MST. The FMST has a direct relationship to the MST and is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.     Web: https://mstbrazil.org/     [15 Jan 2023]
Friends of the River (FOR)     Protects and restores California rivers by influencing public policy and inspiring citizen action. Dedicated to preserving and restoring California's rivers, streams, and their watersheds as well as advocating for sustainable water management. Nationally recognized as an authority on the adverse impacts of dams on rivers and ecosystems and is the most effective grassroots organization working on behalf of rivers.     Web: https://www.friendsoftheriver.org/     [18 Jan 2025]
Friends of the Urban Forest (FUF)     We plant and care for community trees and gardens. We make neighborhoods thrive by connecting residents with nature and each other. Since 1981, we have grown more than 60,000 street trees, almost half of San Francisco’s street tree canopy. We water 750 to 1,000 trees every week, plant and care for 200 trees every month, and replace 12,000 sq ft. of concrete with drought-tolerant and native gardens every year. Committed to revitalizing San Francisco’s urban forest, building community, and taking a local leadership role in mitigating global environmental problems through the simple act of planting and caring for trees and sidewalk gardens.     Address: Presidio of San Francisco, 1007 General Kennedy Avenue, Suite 1, San Francisco CA 94129-1405     Voice: (415) 561-6890     Fax: (415) 561-6899     Web: https://www.friendsoftheurbanforest.org/     [02 Feb 2024]
Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA)     Empowers jurors to uphold individual rights and liberty by instilling in them a rich understanding of their protective role, including jurors’ right to refuse to enforce unjust law. Each year, FIJA works with individuals and other organizations to target educational efforts in key areas with the goal of ensuring that everyone has access to fully informed jurors when they need them. As FIJA outreach efforts expand across the nation, more and more defendants consider jury nullification as their hope of salvation from the corrupt incarceration system.     Web: https://fija.org/     [18 Jan 2025]
Funny Times     A monthly magazine of humor and satire in a world gone totally insane. For many years we have searched out the most hilarious minds in America and beyond. They supply us with delightfully funny, intelligent, left leaning humor which we guarantee will make you laugh.     Web: https://funnytimes.com/     [18 Jun 2023]
Furry Friends Rescue     An all-volunteer non-profit Bay Area companion animal rescue organization, comprised entirely of experienced volunteers who collectively have rescued thousands of companion animals and placed them in forever loving homes.     Address: PO Box 7270, Fremont CA 94537-7270     Voice: (510) 794-4703     Email: info@furryfriendsrescue.org     Web: http://www.furryfriendsrescue.org/     [24 Jun 2023]
Further The Work: Advancing Social Justice     Designs effective, progressive criminal justice policies, programs, and practices across sectors and settings. We design effective multi-agency initiatives that forge new solutions to old problems. We work with cities, counties, community-based organizations, and public agencies to design highly-regarded, progressive, and effective multi-partner public/private initiatives to advance local juvenile and adult criminal systems. Our expertise includes developing policies and programs to improve diversion, pretrial, in-custody, reentry, community-based, restorative justice, and post-conviction approaches for both young people and adults.     Voice: (510) 243-0122     Email: info@furtherthework.com     Web: https://furtherthework.com/     [20 Apr 2024]
The Future of Food     A film that distills the complex technology and consumer issues surrounding major changes in the food system today -- genetically engineered foods, patenting, and the corporatization of food -- into terms the average person can understand. It empowers consumers to realize the consequences of their food choices on our future.     Web: https://www.thefutureoffood.com/     [20 Apr 2024]
Future of Music Coalition (FMC)     Supports a musical ecosystem where artists flourish and are compensated fairly and transparently for their work. FMC works with musicians, composers and industry stakeholders to identify solutions to shared challenges. We promote strategies, policies, technologies and educational initiatives that always put artists first while recognizing the role music fans play in shaping the future. FMC works to ensure that diversity, equality and creativity drives artist engagement with the global music community, and that these values are reflected in laws, licenses, and policies that govern any industry that uses music as raw material for its business.     Web: https://www.futureofmusic.org/     [18 Jan 2025]
Gallinas Watershed Council (GWC)     A group of concerned citizens who live and work in Las Gallinas Valley, North San Rafael, Marin County. From the headwaters in the hills of Terra Linda to the wetlands of Santa Venetia, we are committed to using the WATERSHED APPROACH to protect and manage our environment.     Address: PO Box 4284, San Rafael CA 94913     Web: https://www.gallinaswatershed.org/     [10 Aug 2024]
Garden for the Environment (GFE)     A 1/2 acre education and demonstration garden in the Inner Sunset neighborhood of San Francisco. Since 1990, we have been teaching regenerative gardening practices and are the only garden in San Francisco solely dedicated to this goal. The garden is located at 1590 7th Avenue (at Lawton), in the Inner Sunset District of San Francisco. Our garden is our classroom, designed to get your hands in the dirt. Welcome to San Francisco’s teaching garden!     Address: 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley CA 94704     Email: info@gardenfortheenvironment.org     Web: https://www.gardenfortheenvironment.org/     [18 Jan 2025]
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)     Leading the conversation. Shaping the media narrative. Changing the culture. That’s GLAAD at work. Founded in 1985, GLAAD is a non-profit organization focused on LGBTQ advocacy and cultural change. GLAAD works to ensure fair, accurate, and inclusive representation and creates national and local programs that advance LGBTQ acceptance. Serving as a storyteller, media force, resource, and advocate, GLAAD tackles tough issues and provokes dialogue so that authentic LGBTQ stories are seen, heard, and actualized. GLAAD strives to protect all that has been accomplished and helps create a world where everyone can live the life they love.     Web: https://glaad.org/     [24 Jun 2023]
Gaylesta: The Psychotherapist Association for Gender and Sexual Diversity     We work to promote awareness of the special skills our members have to offer the LGBTQ communities and the general public. We do this through an online referral service through which our members can market their practices, as well as through community outreach; advertising; and public speaking. Gaylesta has grown to include over 300 mental health professionals. To our knowledge, we are the oldest and largest collection of individuals focused on LGBTQ mental health. Our membership collectively offers a range of services, experience, specializations, and expertise.     Address: 584 Castro Street #230, San Francisco CA 94114-2512     Voice: (415) 649-0727     Web: https://gaylesta.wildapricot.org/     [24 Jun 2023]
GI Rights Hotline     Since 1994, the GI Rights Hotline has been providing free, confidential, and accurate information on US military regulations and practices to servicemembers, veterans, potential recruits, and their families. We are a consortium of nearly twenty non-governmental, non-profit organizations located in eleven states and in Germany. Some of our counselors are veterans, some are lawyers and some have decades of military counseling experience. We are in constant contact with each other to stay up-to-date on the latest military regulations and practices. We provide resources and counseling options. Many of us are not lawyers and therefore cannot give legal advice, but, in cases in which an attorney might be useful, we may be able to help you find one.     Voice: (877) 447-4487     Web: https://girightshotline.org/     [26 Oct 2024]
Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence     Our country is in the grip of a gun violence epidemic. Every American will know a victim of gun violence in their lifetime—this is not normal, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Giffords is fighting to end the gun lobby’s stranglehold on our political system. We’re daring to dream what a future free from gun violence looks like. We’re going to end this crisis, and we’re going to do it together.      Address: 268 Bush Street, Suite 555, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 433-2062     Email: info@giffords.org     Web: https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/     [24 Jun 2023]
Girls on the Run of the Bay Area     We inspire girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. Trained volunteer coaches lead small teams using our research-based curriculum which combines fun running games with activities designed to encourage social-emotional growth. Over the course of the 8-week program, girls in 3rd-8th grade develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime of appreciation for health and fitness. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being completing a celebratory 5K event.     Address: The Women's Building, 3543 18th Street #31 (near Valencia), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 863-8942     Email: info@gotrbayarea.org     Web: https://www.gotrbayarea.org/     [10 Aug 2024]
GirlVentures     Inspires girls and gender expansive youth to lead through outdoor adventure, inner discovery, and collective action. The only nonprofit of its kind, GirlVentures combines outdoor adventure with social emotional learning for adolescent youth at a critical time in their lives. Starting at age 11, our youth follow the GirlVentures’ Leadership Progression Model, building confidence, leadership and life skills as they backpack, hike, kayak and rock climb in the Northern California wilderness. They learn from experiential educators and mentors while gaining knowledge and tools that empower them reach their full potential. Located at 119 Filbert Street, Oakland Ca 94607.     Address: PO Box 22076, Oakland CA 94623     Voice: (415) 864-0780     Email: info@girlventures.org     Web: https://www.girlventures.org/     [26 Oct 2024]
GLBT Historical Society     Collects, preserves, exhibits and makes accessible to the public materials and knowledge to support and promote understanding of LGBTQ history, culture and arts in all their diversity. Recognized internationally as a leader in the field of LGBTQ public history. Our operations are centered around two sites: our GLBT Historical Society Museum, located since 2011 in the heart of San Francisco’s Castro neighborhood; and our Dr. John P. De Cecco Archives and Research Center, open to researchers in the Mid-Market district.     Address: 989 Market Street, Lower Level, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 777-5455     Email: info@glbthistory.org     Web: https://www.glbthistory.org/     [08 Oct 2022]
GLIDE     A nationally recognized center for social justice, dedicated to fighting systemic injustices, creating pathways out of poverty and crisis, and transforming lives. Through our integrated comprehensive services, advocacy initiatives, and inclusive community, we empower individuals, families and children to achieve stability and thrive. GLIDE is on the forefront of addressing some of society’s most pressing issues, including poverty, housing and homelessness, and racial and social justice.     Address: 330 Ellis Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 674-6000     Email: info@glide.org     Web: https://www.glide.org/     [30 Sep 2023]
GLMA (Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality)     A national organization committed to ensuring health equity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) and all sexual and gender minority (SGM) individuals, and equality for LGBTQ/SGM health professionals in their work and learning environments. To achieve this mission, GLMA utilizes the scientific expertise of its diverse multidisciplinary membership to inform and drive advocacy, education, and research.     Web: https://www.glma.org/     [15 Jan 2023]
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)     From community organizers to frontline waste pickers to policymakers, GAIA unites and supports local environmental justice efforts around the world to end waste pollution and implement regenerative zero waste solutions. Going Zero Waste — fundamentally restructuring a system that sends billions of tons of waste a year into our land, oceans, and air — is about regeneration, respect for nature, and environmental and social justice. Implementing zero waste strategies such as waste reduction, composting, recycling, and industrial redesign leads to more resilient cities and communities, social equity, and healthier environments.     Address: 1958 University Avenue, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 883-9490     Web: https://www.no-burn.org/     [26 Oct 2024]
Global Energy Monitor (GEM)     Develops and analyzes data on energy infrastructure, resources, and uses. We provide open access to information that is essential to building a sustainable energy future. In a world confronting climate change, data that informs strategies and solutions is more important than ever. Global Energy Monitor studies the evolving international energy landscape, creating databases, reports, and interactive tools that enhance understanding. Our work transforms complexity into clarity, enhancing the quality of public discourse on energy and the environment.     Web: https://globalenergymonitor.org/     [24 Jan 2025]
Global Exchange (GX)     An international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic, and environmental justice around the world. Defending workers, small farmers, vulnerable communities and the natural environment is at the heart of our mission. Raising voices from the frontlines and building people-to-people ties here at home and with communities around the world is what Global Exchange has always done. And that work is more important, today, than ever.     Address: 1446 Market Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 255-7296     Email: action@globalexchange.org     Web: https://globalexchange.org/     [26 Oct 2024]
Global Forest Watch (GFW)     An online platform that provides data and tools for monitoring forests. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, GFW allows anyone to access near real-time information about where and how forests are changing around the world.     Web: https://www.globalforestwatch.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
The Global Fund for Women     We fund bold, ambitious, and expansive gender justice movements to create meaningful change that will last beyond our lifetimes.     Address: 800 Market Street, Seventh Floor, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 248-4800     Fax: (415) 248-4801     Web: https://www.globalfundforwomen.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP)     For 20 years, GJEP has protected forests and communities from the dangerous and irreversible impacts of genetically engineered trees; exposed climate false solutions that devastate communities and ecosystems while enabling ongoing pollution; and supported the struggles for justice of indigenous peoples, impacted communities and others by documenting and sharing their stories through photography, video and audio interviews, and other media outreach.     Web: https://globaljusticeecology.org/     [02 Feb 2024]
Global Policy Forum (GPF)     An independent policy watchdog that monitors and reports on United Nations activities and developments in multilateral affairs. GPF is convinced that active civic participation is needed to defend and strengthen rights-based multilateralism and international governance institutions. It scrutinizes global policymaking and promotes accountability and civic participation in areas related to social justice, sustainability, human rights, peace and security, and international law. Human rights and justice-based global agreements are amongst the primary tools to address xenophobia, authoritarianism and unilateralist trends that threaten peace, development and sustainability.     Web: https://www.globalpolicy.org     [08 Oct 2022]
Global Security Institute (GSI)     Dedicated to strengthening international peace and security based on co-operation, diplomacy, shared interests, the rule of law and universal values. Our efforts are guided by the skills and commitment of our team of former heads of state, distinguished diplomats and politicians, celebrities, religious leaders, Nobel Peace Laureates, disarmament and legal experts, and concerned informed citizens. Our focus is on controlling and eliminating humanity’s greatest threat – nuclear weapons.     Web: https://gsinstitute.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
Global Women Power     A nonprofit organization committed to supporting women globally. Our mission is to provide women with the tools and resources they need to thrive in entrepreneurship, achieve financial independence, and advocate for gender equality. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to raise awareness, build partnerships, and create opportunities for women from all walks of life to succeed and make their voices heard.     Address: 39159 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite 115, Fremont CA 94538     Voice: (510) 449-7690     Email: info@globalwomenpower.com     Web: https://globalwomenpower.com/     [24 Jan 2025]
Go Vegan! Radio     Bob Linden, vegan for over 29 years, animal lover and dog-spoiler, is the host and executive producer of the listener-supported non-profit production GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN (www.GoVeganRadio.com) – the first-ever mainstream-media vegan animal liberation, health, and environmental program, now broadcasting for 12 years, having been heard on the Air America radio network, CBS and Clear Channel radio stations, XM, iTunes, TalkStreamLive, www.stitcher.com/GOVEGAN), with archives at www.GoVeganRadio.com and syndication starting soon on the Genesis Communications Network, the fastest growing radio talk network in the world – where Bob’s program will become its first “food” show.     Address: PO Box 475414, San Francisco CA 94147     Voice: (310) 571-8623     Email: goveganradio@gmail.com     Web: https://www.goveganradio.com/     [08 Oct 2022]
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy     The nonprofit membership organization created to preserve the Golden Gate national parks, enhance the experiences of park visitors, and build a community dedicated to conserving the parks for the future. The Golden Gate National Recreation Area stretches across three Bay Area counties, north and south of the Golden Gate Bridge, and includes iconic places such as Muir Woods National Monument, Fort Point National Historic Site, Alcatraz Island, Crissy Field, Mori Point, Lands End, and the Presidio of San Francisco.     Address: 201 Fort Mason, San Francisco CA 94123     Voice: (415) 561-3000     Fax: (415) 561-3003     Web: https://www.parksconservancy.org/     [02 Feb 2024]
Golden State Greyhound Adoption (GSGA)     An all-volunteer nonprofit organization that places retired racing greyhounds in adoptive homes in Northern California, including the San Francisco Bay Area, greater Sacramento area and beyond. Our ex-racing greyhounds come primarily from Florida racetracks. They are trucked from Florida to Colorado where Dr. Heather Weir DVM vets them and takes care of them until she transports them to California. When racing greyhounds are deemed no longer profitable–either because they aren’t winners or have sustained an injury–kennels often try to adopt out these dogs, but sadly, many are destroyed, often before they reach the age of four or five.     Address: PMB 182, 2872 Ygnacio Valley Road, Walnut Creek CA 94598     Voice: (925) 457-4450     Email: gsga@astound.net     Web: http://www.goldengreyhounds.com/     [12 Mar 2022]
Good Shepherd Gracenter     Helps women without resources break free from drug and alcohol addiction and create a hopeful future for themselves and others. We do this by offering: Transitional housing for women that provides a safe, supportive community incorporating the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous in order to promote peace and harmony in their lives. Recovery mentoring and the promotion of whole-person wellness. Paths to higher education, skill-building and sustainable employment. Opportunities to practice the principles of Restorative Justice by taking responsibility for one’s actions and making amends that can lead to a transformation of people, relationships and community.     Address: 1310 Bacon Street, San Francisco CA 94134     Voice: (415) 337-1938     Fax: (415) 586-0355     Email: inquiry@gsgracenter.org     Web: https://gsgracenter.org/     [10 Aug 2024]
GRAIN     A small international non-profit organisation that works to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems. Our support takes the form of independent research and analysis, networking at local, regional and international levels, and fostering new forms of cooperation and alliance-building. Most of our work is oriented towards, and carried out in, Africa, Asia and Latin America.     Web: https://grain.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO)     A decentralized collective of educators, researchers and grassroots activists working to promote an economy based on democratic participation, worker and community ownership, social and economic justice, and ecological sustainability--a "solidarity economy"--through grassroots journalism, organizing support, cross-sector networking and movement-building, and the publication of educational and organizational resources.     Web: https://geo.coop/     [12 Mar 2022]
Grassroots Global Justice (GGJ)     An alliance of over 60 US-based grassroots organizing (GRO) groups comprised of working and poor people and communities of color. GGJ brings GRO groups into a long-term process of relationship building, political alignment and transformational leadership development. We weave and bridge together US-based GRO groups and global social movements working for climate justice, gender justice, an end to war, and a just transition to the next economy.     Web: https://ggjalliance.org/     [03 Jun 2023]
Grassroots House Collective     A non-profit that collectively owns and operates an office building in Berkeley. This building at 2022 Blake Street houses important local organizations such as Copwatch, the Green Party, the Prisoner's Literature Project, The International Solidarity Movement and the Industrial Workers of the World. It has also had a historic role in many of the progressive struggles coming out of the East Bay. Currently Grassroots House is a cooperative partnership of several progressive organizations. Managing the space as an independent non-profit ensures greater autonomy of progressive groups and connects activists the world over, here in the Bay Area.     Address: 2022 Blake Street,, Berkeley CA 94704     Email: grassroots.house.inc@gmail.com     Web: https://grassrootshouse.org/     [30 Sep 2023]
San Francisco Gray Panthers     We stand for age and youth working together to make the world a place where the young can look forward to growing old. We believe all people are entitled to certain fundamental rights. * Meaningful employment. * A country free from racism. * Economic security. * Decent and affordable housing. * A world in peace. * A life of dignity from birth to death, free from fear and abuse. We are: * Progressive. * Environmentalist. * Anti-racist. * Anti-war. We advocate, organize, and endorse positions and actions for peace and social justice, universal health care, electoral reform, non-privatization of public resources, civil rights, human rights, and civil liberties.     Web: https://sfgraypanthers.wordpress.com/     [08 Oct 2022]
Greater Good Magazine     Tturns scientific research into stories, tips, and tools for a happier life and a more compassionate society. Through articles, videos, quizzes, and podcasts, we bridge the gap between scientific journals and people’s daily lives, particularly for parents, educators, business leaders, and health care professionals. Greater Good magazine is published by the Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) at the University of California, Berkeley. Since 2001, the GGSC has been at the fore of a new scientific movement to explore the roots of happy and compassionate individuals, strong social bonds, and altruistic behavior—the science of a meaningful life.     Address: University of California, Berkeley, MC 6070, Berkeley CA 94720-6070     Voice: (510) 642-2490     Email: greater@berkeley.edu     Web: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/     [30 Jan 2022]
Green Aid: The Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.     In response to attacks on state-legal patients and providers, key leadership from the medical marijuana and law reform movements came together in 2002 to form Green Aid: The Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.– a 501(c)(3) charitable corporation that provides groundbreaking services designed to protect the civil rights of medical marijuana stakeholders in our local communities.     Address: 484 Lake Park Avenue #172, Oakland CA 94610     Email: contact@green-aid.com     Web: http://green-aid.com/     [12 Mar 2022]
Green and Red Media Collective     We create original content in the form of podcasts, YouTube videos, articles, blogs, lectures and more on issues related to radical environmental and anti-capitalist politics. Our podcast and YouTube channels discusses environmental and climate politics, social justice, street organizing, etc. with organizers, academics, authors, journalists, artists and more. Bob Buzzanco and Scott Parkin co-host a regular podcast to discuss radical environmental and anti-capitalist politics with organizers, academics, artists and more.     Web: https://greenandredpodcast.org/   https://actionnetwork.org/groups/green-and-red-podcast     [16 Jan 2025]
Green City Project (GCP)     Dedicated to increasing the compatibility of cities with their local natural systems by providing resources to link individuals and group with each other and community-based ecological activities. Green City is a project of the Planet Drum Foundation, a non-profit ecological education organization that promotes the concepts of bioregions and emphasizes sustainability, community self-determination and regional self-reliance.     Address: PO Box 31251, San Francisco CA 94131     Voice: (415) 285-6556     Fax: (415) 285-6563     Email: planetdrum@igc.apc.org     Web: http://sustainablecity.org/orgs/gcp.htm     [08 Oct 2022]
Green Foothills     Since 1962, we’ve been protecting open space, farmland, and natural resources in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties for the benefit of all through advocacy, education, and grassroots action. We are your local champion for the environment.     Address: 3921 East Bayshore Road, Palo Alto CA 94303     Voice: (650) 968-7243     Email: info@GreenFoothills.org     Web: https://www.greenfoothills.org/     [24 Jun 2023]
San Francisco Green Party     Part of a large and growing grassroots electoral movement, which is attempting to restore the democratic process and put people in office who truly are working in the best interests of the majority. Only by doing this can we solidify progress, and prevent the rollback of the gains made by society. We are a part of the Green Party of California, which is part of the Green Party of the United States, one of many Green Parties around the world.     Address: c/o David Fairley, 25 Fair Oaks Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 480-GPSF (480-4773)     Email: cc@sfgreens.org     Web: https://www.sfgreenparty.org/     [10 Aug 2024]
Green Party of Alameda County     Has over 6,900 registered members here in Alameda county. We have been active for over 20 years, hold monthly meetings and “Green Sundays” on the second Sunday evening of each month at Niebyl Proctor Library in Oakland, and host conferences, public events, and gatherings for up to 1000 people in the Bay Area.     Voice: (510) 644-2293     Web: https://acgreens.wordpress.com/     [20 Apr 2024]
Green Planet Films, Inc.     We advocate environmental education, with an emphasis on film, to an evolving global and local community audiences. We connect and engage viewers with filmmakers dedicated to documenting the precarious relationships between nature and humanity. We view the need for humanity to meaningfully engage with its living environment has reached a tipping point. We support this advocacy by developing and maintaining a media library for distribution to educational and public institutions, non-profits, businesses and individuals. Our perspective on environmental ecology, also includes human ecology.     Web: https://greenplanetfilms.org/     [15 Jan 2023]
Green Science Policy Institute (GSP)     Our mission is to facilitate safer use of chemicals to protect human and ecological health. We educate and build partnerships among government, business, academia, and public interest groups to develop innovative solutions for reducing harmful chemicals in products. We collaborate with leading scientists on policy-relevant research projects and translate scientific information to educate decision makers, the press, and the public. We promote safer use of chemicals and chemical policies that protect public health.     Address: PO Box 9127, Berkeley CA 94709     Voice: (510) 898-1739     Web: https://greensciencepolicy.org/     [15 Jan 2023]
Green-Collar Communities Clinic (GC3)     The community economic justice practice of the East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC). Our mission is to advance green jobs and resilient communities through cooperative ownership. We have a three-pronged approach to our work- Inspire, Inform and Incubate- transformative ventures through community-based workshops, clinics and direct representation. We are the first legal clinic in the country focused on incubating cooperative enterprises through the lens of racial justice.     Address: 3130 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 548-4064 x611     Email: jpoyaoan@ebclc.org     Web: https://greencollarcommunities.wordpress.com/     [02 Feb 2024]
Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice     We are a multiracial grassroots organization founded by, led by, and working with low-income and working-class urban, rural, and indigenous communities to fight for environmental, social, racial, economic, and climate justice and build a clean, healthy, and just future for all. We believe we can achieve environmental and social justice by working with frontline communities and building a strong grassroots movement to create real solutions that ensure our human right to a healthy and livable environment with justice for generations to come.     Address: 466 Geary Street, Suite 300, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 447-3904     Fax: (415) 447-3905     Email: greenaction@greenaction.org     Web: https://greenaction.org/   https://www.facebook.com/Greenaction4EJ/     [30 Sep 2023]
Greenbelt Alliance     Our mission is to educate, advocate, and collaborate to ensure the Bay Area’s lands and communities are resilient to a changing climate. We envision a Bay Area of healthy, thriving, resilient communities made up of lands and people that are safe during climate disasters and recover quickly from wildfire, floods, and drought, where everyone is living with nature in new and powerful ways for generations to come.     Address: 827 Broadway, Suite 310, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (415) 543-6771     Web: https://www.greenbelt.org/     [26 Oct 2024]
Greenlining Institute     Works towards a future where communities of color can build wealth, live in healthy places filled with economic opportunity, and are ready to meet the challenges posed by climate change. Greenlining is building an abundant future that brings investments and opportunities into our communities – what we call Greenlining. Since 1993, we have successfully advocated and negotiated initiatives directing more than $800 billion in corporate and public investments into communities of color in California and across the nation.     Address: 360 14th Street, Second Floor, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 926-4001     Email: info@greenlining.org     Web: https://greenlining.org/     [24 Jun 2023]
Greywater Action     A collaborative of educators who teach residents and tradespeople about affordable and simple household water systems that dramatically reduce water use and foster sustainable cultures of water. Through hands-on workshops and presentations, we've led thousands of people through greywater system design and construction and work with policymakers and water districts to develop codes and incentives for greywater, rainwater harvesting, and composting toilets. We believe that decentralized conservation measures can play a critical role in drought resilience, climate adaptation, and the return of healthy stream ecosystems.     Web: https://greywateraction.org/     [20 Apr 2024]
GRID Alternatives     We believe that a rapid, equitable transition to a world powered by renewable energy needs to benefit everyone. We are working across the United States and internationally to build community-powered solutions to advance economic and environmental justice through renewable energy. Renewable energy can drive economic growth and environmental benefits in communities most impacted by underemployment, pollution and climate change. GRID Alternatives is a national leader in helping economic and environmental justice communities nationwide get clean, affordable renewable energy, transportation, and jobs. Internationally, our energy access work is lighting up off-grid communities in Nepal, Nicaragua, and Mexico.     Address: 1171 Ocean Avenue, Suite 200, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (510) 731-1310     Fax: (510) 225-2585     Email: infoba@gridalternatives.org     Web: https://gridalternatives.org/     [02 Nov 2024]
Groundplay     Works with ordinary San Franciscans to build temporary installations that turn underused public spaces into joyful community places.     Web: https://groundplaysf.org/     [24 Jan 2025]
GroundSpark     Mission is to create visionary films and dynamic educational campaigns that move individuals and communities to take action for a more just world. We specialize in crafting strategic documentary films and distribution campaigns with ambitious social, economic, and environmental justice goals. We helped stop a multinational corporation from producing the trigger to neutron bombs, catalyzed a national movement to create community land trusts, and uplifting the voices of lesbian and gay individuals who redefine the definition of “family”.     Address: 4104 24th Street, Suite 2013, San Francisco CA 94114     Email: info@groundspark.org     Web: https://groundspark.org/     [24 Jun 2023]
GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth     Water shortages, hunger, peak oil, species extinction, and even increasing depression are all symptoms of a deeper problem – addiction to unending growth in a world that has limits. GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth goes way beyond prescribing Band-Aids to slow the bleeding. This film examines the cultural barriers that prevent us from reacting rationally to the evidence current levels of population and consumption are unsustainable.     Web: https://www.growthbusters.org/     [02 Nov 2024]
Habitat for Humanity East Bay / Silicon Valley     We build strength, stability and self-reliance through homeownership because when you empower families, an entire community can thrive. Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.     Address: 2619 Broadway, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (866) 450-4432     Email: info@habitatEBSV.org     Web: https://www.habitatebsv.org/     [30 Sep 2023]
Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco     Builds homes and sustains affordable homeownership opportunities for families in Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo counties. Our values focus on building partnerships, equity, stability, and legacy.     Address: 300 Montgomery Street, Suite 450, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 625-1000     Email: info@HabitatGSF.org     Web: https://habitatgsf.org/     [02 Nov 2024]
Haiti Action Committee (HAC)     A Bay-Area based network of activists who have supported the Haitian struggle for democracy since 1991. Our members travel frequently to Haiti and are in close touch with Haitian grassroots activists, legal and human rights workers, and victims of repression. Through demonstrations and civil disobedience, Congressional lobbying and educational events, publications and community organizing, we are working to build a strong Haiti solidarity movement.     Address: PO Box 2040, Berkeley CA 94702     Voice: (510) 483-7481     Email: action.haiti@gmail.com     Web: https://haitisolidarity.net/   https://www.facebook.com/HaitiActionCommittee/   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjujXAgb681TkRNdEo1hh5Q     [10 Aug 2024]
Hamilton Families     Mission is to end family homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our pioneering homelessness prevention and housing subsidy programs are nationally recognized. In addition, we provide shelter and stability, and support the well-being of children experiencing homelessness.     Address: 273 9th Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 321-2612     Email: contact-us@hamiltonfamilies.org     Web: https://www.hamiltonfamilies.org/     [15 Jan 2023]
HandsOn Bay Area (HOBA)     We connect companies and people with high-quality volunteer projects through our extensive network of local nonprofits and schools in need. We help companies — including Google, Salesforce, Levi’s and many others — create customized volunteer events to make their employees happier and better serve society. And we offer volunteer projects each month to anyone who wants to help, covering all the causes people care about.     Address: 275 6th Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 541-9616     Email: info@handsonbayarea.org     Web: https://www.handsonbayarea.org/     [24 Jan 2025]
HappyCow's Vegetarian Guide (California Section)     A directory of vegetarian restaurants & health food stores in California. (The general site is worldwide.)     Web: https://www.happycow.net/north_america/usa/california/     [08 Oct 2022]
Harm Reduction Coalition (HRC)     Creates spaces for dialogue and action that help heal the harms caused by racialized drug policies. Builds evidence-based strategies with and for people who use drugs.     Web: https://harmreduction.org/     [24 Jun 2023]
Harvey Milk Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Democratic Club     One of San Francisco's largest Democratic clubs. Respected for its progressive history, political actions, empowering activists and members of marginalized backgrounds, and bolstering the resistance to status quo politics, changing rather than obeying power dynamics that leave members of our community out in the cold. The Milk Club is a place for people to be political, left, and queer. It is also a Club founded to keep the LGBTQ community free of anointed gatekeepers and machine politics.     Address: S.E. Owens & Company, 312 Clay Street, Suite 300, Oakland CA 94607     Email: correspondent@milkclub.org     Web: https://www.milkclub.org/     [24 Jan 2025]
Haymarket Books     A radical, independent, nonprofit book publisher based in Chicago. Our mission is to publish books that contribute to struggles for social and economic justice. We strive to make our books a vibrant and organic part of social movements and the education and development of a critical, engaged, and internationalist Left. We take inspiration and courage from our namesakes, the Haymarket Martyrs, who gave their lives fighting for a better world. Their 1886 struggle for the eight-hour day—which gave us May Day, the international workers’ holiday—reminds workers around the world that ordinary people can organize and struggle for their own liberation. These struggles—against oppression, exploitation, environmental devastation, and war—continue today across the globe.     Web: https://www.haymarketbooks.org/     [02 Feb 2024]
HEAL Food Alliance (HEAL)     A multi-sector, multi-racial coalition building collective power to transform our food and farm systems. We are led by our member organizations, who represent over 2 million rural and urban farmers, fishers, farm and food chain workers, indigenous groups, scientists, public health advocates, policy experts, community organizers, and activists. Together, these groups are building a movement to transform our food and farm systems from the current extractive economic model towards community control, care for the land, local economies, meaningful labor, and healthful communities nationwide, while supporting the sovereignty of all living beings.     Web: https://healfoodalliance.org/     [02 Jul 2023]
Health Access California (Oakland office)     The statewide health care consumer advocacy coalition, undertakes direct advocacy towards the goal of quality, affordable, equitable health care for all Californians. Health Access works with a broad coalition of dozens of member organizations representing communities of color, immigrants, people with disabilities, children, seniors, people of faith, labor, LGBTQ, and working families. Co-equal to our policy goals, Health Access seeks to build our coalition member’s ability to engage effectively in advocacy and leverage our collective power, using a strategic combination of industry oversight, administrative advocacy around various state agencies, legislative advocacy, and public education, giving consumers confidence in their care and coverage.     Address: 2000 Franklin Street, 3rd Floor, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 271-4300     Web: https://health-access.org/     [30 Sep 2023]
Health Care for All California (HCA)     Dedicated to achieving universal health care through single-payer public financing. Our goal is for all California residents to have guaranteed, high quality, comprehensive health care. HCA is a statewide non-partisan, non-profit organization of volunteers. The HCA board of directors is made up of elected representatives from regional chapters. We are supported by donations and fundraising activities. We encourage all single-payer supporters to become HCA members and to get involved! We welcome creation of new chapters in under-represented areas of California.     Address: PO Box 5833, Novato CA 94948     Email: info@healthcareforall.org     Web: https://healthcareforall.org/     [02 Nov 2024]
Health Initiative of the Americas (HIA)     Missiong is to coordinate and optimize resources to reduce health disparities of the Latino-origin population living and working in the United States. At the University of California Berkeley, School of Public Health, HIA is considered one of the world’s leading programs on health and migration. Established in 2001, HIA works binationally with Latin American governments and public and private institutions, and agencies, as well as with grassroots organizations in the U.S. to improve health outcomes, address health inequities, enhance the cultural competency of healthcare personnel, and put innovative strategies into action to address unmet health needs of the migrant population through its diverse programs.     Address: 50 University Hall - MC 7360, Berkeley CA 94720     Email: hia.ucb@gmail.com     Web: https://hia.berkeley.edu/     [30 Sep 2023]
HealthWrights (Workgroup for People's Health and Rights)     Committed to advancing the health, basic rights, social equality, and self-determination of disadvantaged persons and groups. We believe that health for all people is only possible in a global society where the guiding principles are sharing, mutual assistance, and respect for cultural and individual differences.     Web: http://www.healthwrights.org/     [10 Aug 2024]
The Heat is Online     A web site based on the book 'The Heat Is On' by Ross Gelbspan (Perseus Books, 1997). It continues to document the evidence for global warming and the pervasive debunking campaign of the fossil fuel industry.     Web: https://www.heatisonline.org     [07 Oct 2023]
Richard Heinberg     Richard is Senior Fellow of Post Carbon Institute, and is regarded as one of the world’s foremost advocates for a shift away from our current reliance on fossil fuels. He is the author of fourteen books, including some of the seminal works on society’s current energy and environmental sustainability crisis.     Web: https://richardheinberg.com/     [25 Jun 2022]
Hesperian Health Guides     Strives for a world in which people and communities are equipped to achieve health for all. Our mission is to provide information and educational tools that help all people take greater control over their health and work to eliminate the underlying causes of poor health. Hesperian produces and shares easy-to-understand health information for people worldwide.     Address: 1919 Addison Street, Suite 304, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 845-1447     Fax: (510) 845-9141     Email: hesperian@hesperian.org     Web: https://hesperian.org/     [19 Mar 2022]
Heyday     An independent, nonprofit publisher founded in 1974 in Berkeley, California. We are a diverse community of writers and readers, activists and thinkers. Heyday promotes civic engagement and social justice, celebrates nature’s beauty, supports California Indian cultural renewal, and explores the state’s rich history, culture, and influence. Heyday works to realize the California dream of equity and enfranchisement.     Address: PO Box 9145, Berkeley CA 94709     Voice: (510) 549-3564     Web: https://www.heydaybooks.com/     [19 Mar 2022]
Hidden Villa     An educational nonprofit stretching over 1600 acres of open space in the foothills of the Santa Cruz mountains, Hidden Villa offers unique Experiential Education and Responsible Agriculture programs in a setting that promotes engagement, connection and understanding. Every year, 30,000 people participate in one of our programs and an additional 20,000 visitors come to explore our organic farm and gardens, greet our farm animals and hike our beautiful trails. We welcome school groups, summer campers, family gatherings, corporate volunteers and anyone looking for an escape and a respite.     Address: 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills CA 94022     Voice: (650) 949-8650     Email: info@hiddenvilla.org     Web: https://www.hiddenvilla.org/     [21 Jan 2023]
Jim Hightower     National radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and New York Times best-selling author, Jim Hightower has spent four decades battling the Powers That Be on behalf of the Powers That Ought To Be – consumers, working families, environmentalists, small businesses, and just-plain-folks. He broadcasts daily radio commentaries that are carried in more than 150 commercial and public stations, on the web, and on Radio for Peace International.     Web: https://jimhightower.com/     [19 Mar 2022]
Hills Conservation Network (HCN)     A San Francisco Bay Area community organization committed to fire safety, forest preservation and environmental protection. Founded in 2007 by residents of the East Bay hills to reduce wildfire danger while preserving the unique, precious woodlands we call home. We work with local agencies to implement effective, species-neutral risk mitigation strategies. Since its inception, HCN has filed multiple lawsuits, all of which were settled with terms favorable to our environmental goals. We don't consider litigation the preferred means to resolve deforestation and vegetation management conflicts — it's expensive and time-consuming — but we resort to it after exhausting all other means.     Address: PO Box 5426, Berkeley CA 94705     Email: inquiries@hillsconservationnetwork.org     Web: https://www.hillsconservationnetwork.org/     [24 Jan 2025]
HipHopForChange     Uses grassroots activism to educate people about socio-economic injustices and advocate solutions through Hip Hop culture. We raise funds for local causes that enrich marginalized and historically oppressed communities. To enhance opportunities for marginalized people in the Bay Area, HipHopForChange Inc (HH4C) is reclaiming Hip Hop culture as a vehicle for education, empowerment, and cultural innovation. Out of displacement and neglect, inner-city neighborhoods birthed Hip Hop as an outlet for oppressed people to address socio-economic injustices and validate their experiences through music, artistic expression, and storytelling; however, this beautiful cultural art form has been co-opted.     Address: 515 55th Street, Suite A, Oakland CA 94609     Voice: (510) 350-7730     Email: Roots@hiphopforchange.org     Web: https://www.hiphopforchange.org/     [30 Sep 2023]
Hire-Ability, Inc.     A non-profit vocational services program partnered with San Francisco Department of Public Health and California State Department of Rehabilitation which serves the San Francisco Bay Area community by connecting employers with trained, assessed and pre-qualified employees. We specialize in providing employers with a pool of employees that reflect the diverse and multicultural population of the region. Specifically, we assist employers in achieving their diversity goals by matching them with qualified individuals with disabilities.     Address: 1234 Indiana Street, San Francisco CA 94107     Voice: (415) 282-9675     Fax: (415) 920-6877     Email: office@hire-ability.org     Web: https://www.hire-ability.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
Hively     We believe that everyone should have the resources and support they need to feel supported, cared for, and able to thrive. We help parents find and pay for quality child care, we provide parent education and support to ensure that children get the best start possible, we provide guidance and training for people interested in building sustainable, high quality child care businesses and we help adults and children through challenging life situations. By providing counseling and other resources, we ensure that children and families throughout Alameda County have the resources they need to thrive.     Address: 7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 150, Pleasanton CA 94588     Voice: (925) 417-8733     Email: hello@behively.org     Web: https://behively.org/     [25 Jun 2022]
Homecooked Care for Liberation     Mutual aid! Homecooked meals to lessen the load for people actively organizing for and committed to Palestinian liberation.     Web: https://www.instagram.com/homecooked_care_for_liberation/     [20 Dec 2024]
Homeless Action Center (HAC)     Provides high-quality public benefits advocacy for free to homeless and disabled residents of Alameda County. With legal representation, people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless are able to access the maze of social safety net programs that provide a pathway to a better life. Provides free legal assistance with a range of public benefits programs, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Medi-Cal, CalWorks, Cal-Fresh (food stamps) General Assistance (GA) and Cash Assistance Programs for Immigrants (CAPI). HAC also provides informal advice and referrals for non-benefits related legal issues.     Address: 3126 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley CA 94705     Voice: (510) 540-0878     Fax: (510) 540-0403     Email: info@homelessactioncenter.org     Web: http://homelessactioncenter.org/     [08 Oct 2022]
Homeless Veterans Emergency Housing Facility (HVEHF)     Uniquely combines emergency/treatment beds, transitional housing, and supportive services (such as case management, vocational rehabilitation, mental health and addiction treatment services and housing assistance) in order to serve homeless veterans throughout the Silicon Valley. We are a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization that receives partial funding from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as charitable funding from community organizations and corporations.     Address: 10 Kirk Avenue, San Jose CA 95127     Voice: (408) 533-0226     Fax: (408) 937-1402     Web: http://veteranshousingfacility.org/     [02 Nov 2024]
HomeRise (CHP)     Mission is to help people experiencing homelessness secure housing and become self-sufficient. An outcomes-focused nonprofit that fulfills its mission by developing and managing high quality supportive housing and providing services to individuals, seniors and families experiencing homelessness to help them rise up and rebuild their lives and break the cycle of homelessness.     Address: PO Box 237, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 852-5300     Fax: (415) 749-2791     Email: info@homerisesf.org     Web: https://homerisesf.org/     [17 Sep 2022]
HOMEY ( Homies Organizing the Mission to Empower Youth)     A grassroots, non-profit organization rooted in San Francisco, California. For 23 years, HOMEY has identified community issues adversely affecting the youth, young adults and families in our city and we are dedicated to empowering community members in making transformative change through individual and community success. We do this by supporting youth and families with educational enrichment programming, social services, resource referrals, leadership development and cultural activities, educational workshops, advocacy efforts, but most importantly with love. At HOMEY we say, “This is a place where dreams come true.”     Address: 2221 Mission Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 861-1600     Email: info@homey-sf.org     Web: https://www.homey-sf.org/     [21 Jan 2023]
HOPE Collaborative (Health for Oakland’s People and Environment)     A community collaborative working towards policy and systems change to promote the health and well-being of families and youth in the most vulnerable communities of East and West Oakland. Our mission is to advance racial, economic, and health equity in Oakland through community-driven food and neighborhood initiatives. We envision a vibrant Oakland where historically marginalized communities shape their neighborhoods’ future, have equitable opportunities for healthy food and safe community spaces, and build community wealth.     Address: 2000 Franklin Street, Third Floor, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 817-4069     Web: https://www.hopecollaborative.net/     [21 Jan 2023]
Horizons Foundation     The world’s first community foundation of, by, and for LGBTQ people, Horizons invests in LGBTQ nonprofits, strengthens a culture of LGBTQ giving, and builds a permanent endowment to secure our community’s future for generations to come.     Address: 155 Sansome Street, Suite 650, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 398-2333     Fax: (415) 398-4733     Email: info@horizonsfoundation.org     Web: https://www.horizonsfoundation.org/     [17 Sep 2022]
Hospitality House     A progressive, community-based organization located in San Francisco’s Tenderloin Neighborhood, Sixth Street Corridor, and Mid-Market Area that provides opportunities and resources for personal growth and self-determination to homeless people and neighborhood residents. Our mission is to build community strength by advocating policies and rendering services which foster self-sufficiency and cultural enrichment.     Address: 290 Turk Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 749-2100     Fax: (415) 749-2136     Email: info@hospitalityhouse.org     Web: https://www.hospitalityhouse.org/     [21 Jan 2023]
Housing California (HCA)     Shaping narrative, building power, and changing policy to end homelessness and create affordable homes for all. We work to address housing affordability and homelessness through two primary policy approaches: * Land Use: Promoting affordable housing production and influencing where affordable homes are built by regulating how land can be developed. * Finance: Increasing and protecting public investment in affordable homes and supportive services. We also partner with our allies on supporting tenant protections by strengthening laws that help keep people in their homes.     Web: https://www.housingca.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
Housing Consortium of the East Bay (HCEB)     We create inclusive communities for individuals with developmental disabilities or other special needs through quality affordable housing and unhoused interventions in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. HCEB fulfills our mission by providing programs and services for the unhoused; resident service coordination; developing and operating permanent supportive housing and partnering with other developers to secure set-asides within larger rental communities.     Address: 1204 Preservation Park Way, Suite 200, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 832-1382     Email: info@hceb.org     Web: https://hceb.org/     [02 Nov 2024]
Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco (HRCSF)     Has fought for tenants rights since 1979, when a group of seniors at Old St. Mary’s Church came together to organize against condo conversions displacing the elderly. We offer both call-in and drop-in counseling. Our dedicated staff of volunteer counselors are trained to help tenants identify their options for problems with evictions, illegal rent increases, repair problems, security deposit returns, and more.     Address: 11 Grove Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 703-8634     Fax: (415) 703-8639     Web: https://hrcsf.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
Human Rights Watch     Investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world. We are roughly 450 people of 70-plus nationalities who are country experts, lawyers, journalists, and others who work to protect the most at risk, from vulnerable minorities and civilians in wartime, to refugees and children in need. We direct our advocacy towards governments, armed groups and businesses, pushing them to change or enforce their laws, policies and practices. To ensure our independence, we refuse government funding and carefully review all donations to ensure that they are consistent with our policies, mission, and values. We partner with organizations large and small across the globe to protect embattled activists and to help hold abusers to account and bring justice to victims.     Web: https://www.hrw.org/     [19 Mar 2022]
The Humane Farming Association (HFA)     Dedicated to the protection of farm animals. Founded in 1985, and over 270,000 members strong, HFA has garnered worldwide recognition and respect for its landmark anti-cruelty campaigns including, most notably, its successful National Veal Boycott. HFA is particularly well known for its unparalleled track record of credibility, accuracy, and integrity in addressing legislative issues pertaining to farm animals.     Address: PO Box 3577, San Rafael CA 94912     Voice: (415) 485-1495     Fax: (415) 485-0106     Email: hfa@hfa.org     Web: https://www.hfa.org/     [19 Mar 2022]
Humane Society Silicon Valley (HSSV)     The world’s first model shelter, accomplished by meeting the guidelines put forth by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians. Established in 1929, the organization offers quality adoptions, affordable spaying/neutering, vaccinations and microchipping services, pet care services and education programs to enhance the human-animal bond. HSSV operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are also the first animal community center in the nation to receive Gold LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.     Address: 901 Ames Avenue, Milpitas CA 95035     Voice: (408) 262-2133     Email: comments@hssv.org     Web: https://www.hssv.org/     [07 Oct 2023]
Humanimal Connection, Inc. (HAC)     Rescues homeless, unwanted, abandoned and sometimes abused and neglected, kittens and cats. Humanimal Connection also rescues kittens and cats from other shelters (for instance, other shelters who euthanize). Humanimal Connection provides these kittens and cats with medical care, human affection, and then works non-stop to find them the forever homes they deserve. Also provides assistance and guidance to those with a feral cat situation (through humane trapping, socialization, and/or colony management).     Voice: (888) 538-9402     Email: info@humanimalconnection.com     Web: http://www.humanimalconnection.com/     [24 Jan 2025]
Humanist Mutual Aid Network (HuMAN)     We work toward a world with humanist values, that respects science, secular education, sustainability, community, kindness, peace & democracy. We support humanists at-risk internationally, via educational opportunities, technological solutions, health assistance and small business grants. We fund mutual aid groups that support secular schools, orphans, refugees, safe houses, grocery stores, community gardens, and humanist libraries. We deliver $150-$300 grants exclusively to our mutual aid partners in Uganda, Nigeria, Chad, Zambia, Sudan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, The Philippines, Peru, and USA + we provide $100 grants to African humanist students, entrepreneurs & humanitarians.     Address: 99 Pinehurst Road, PO Box 6, Canyon CA 94516     Voice: (415) 309-3505     Email: HumanistMutualAid@gmail.com     Web: https://www.thehuman.team/     [02 Jul 2023]
IBON Foundation, Inc.     Seeks to promote an understanding of socioeconomics that serves the interests and aspirations of the Filipino people. We study the most urgent social, economic and political issues confronting Philippine society and the world. We explain issues in a popular and understandable manner. We provide information and education services especially to people’s organizations. We publish and distribute progressive materials and have an increasing presence in the formal education sector through textbooks, journals and seminars.     Web: https://www.ibon.org/     [19 Mar 2022]
ICA Fund Good Jobs (ICA)     Provides coaching, connections, and capital to grow Bay Area businesses and close the gender and racial wealth gap. ICA Fund provides two program tracks to help you scale your business, build a great team, and get ready for investment. Our 12-week accelerator programs give you the knowledge, mentorship, and community you need to build the business you envision.     Address: 1714 Franklin Street #100-174, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 271-0142     Email: info@ica.fund     Web: https://www.ica.fund/     [10 Aug 2024]
Idle No More SF Bay     A grassroots all-volunteer organization composed of Native and non-Native allies dedicated to climate change activism. We are Native women-led and multi-generational. Founded in 2013, our mission is to creatively do all we can to ensure the future of coming generations by addressing environmental harms caused by corporate extreme energy. We stand for clean air, water and soil, safe jobs and a sustainable future for the generations beyond. Our beliefs and conduct are rooted in Native tradition and we bring an indigenous perspective to climate work. We understand that our enemies are not other human beings but the thought forms that create separation, colonization and capitalism. We know that we are all related in the sacred system of life. We pray, conduct teach-ins, coordinate local nonviolent direct actions, encourage people to envision the future they want to help create, offer indigenous leadership, and work with other groups who resist the fossil fuel industry.     Web: http://www.idlenomoresfbay.org/     [02 Jul 2023]
If Americans Knew     The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world's major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation. It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power – and duty – to bring a resolution.     Web: https://ifamericansknew.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
IfNotNow     A movement of American Jews organizing our community for equality, justice, and a thriving future for all: our neighbors, ourselves, Palestinians, and Israelis. We are Jews of all ages, with ancestors from across the world and Jewish backgrounds as diverse as the ways we practice our Judaism.     Web: https://www.ifnotnowmovement.org/     [17 Nov 2023]
Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)     Working with and educating immigrants, community organizations, and the legal sector to help build a democratic society that values diversity and the rights of all people. The ILRC trains attorneys, paralegals, and community-based advocates who work with immigrants around the country. We inform the media, elected officials, and public to shape effective and just immigration policy and law. Our staff works with grassroots immigrant organizations to promote civic engagement and social change.     Web: https://www.ilrc.org/     [10 Aug 2024]
Immigration Institute of the Bay Area (IIBA)     Helps immigrants, refugees, and their families join and contribute to the community. IIBA provides high-quality, affordable immigration legal services, education, and civic engagement opportunities.     Address: 58 2nd Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco CA 94105     Voice: (415) 538-8100 x206     Fax: (415) 538-8111     Email: sfinfo@iibayarea.org     Web: https://iibayarea.org/     [20 Apr 2024]
IMPACT Bay Area     Teaches full force self-defense in a safe and empowering environment. Since 1985, we've taught people effective boundary setting, personal safety, and physical self-defense skills. We believe that everyone has the right to safety - our classes accommodate various ages and body types.     Address: PO Box 23831, Oakland CA 94623     Voice: (510) 208-0474     Email: info@impactbayarea.org     Web: https://www.impactbayarea.org/     [02 Nov 2024]
The Impact Fund     Mission is to provide grants, advocacy, and education to support impact litigation on behalf of communities seeking economic, environmental, racial, and social justice. We do this by (1) making grants to support cases that affect large numbers of people and aim to change a larger system or lead to significant legal reform; (2) providing training for public interest law practitioners on a wide range of issues relating to public interest litigation including in-person presentations, brown bag lunches, webinars, our annual Class Action Conference, and our three-day intensive Class Action Training Institute; and (3) pursuing an active and diverse docket of impact civil rights cases, maintaining an active amicus program, and providing consulting to civil rights practitioner on a range of complex issues, free of charge.     Address: 2080 Addison Street, Suite 5, Berkeley CA 94704-1692     Voice: (510) 845-3473     Email: impactfund@impactfund.org     Web: https://www.impactfund.org/     [07 Oct 2023]
In Defense of Animals (IDA)     Mission is to defend animals, humans and the environment from abuses and exploitation, and to foster peace between all life. We advocate for changes in laws, human behavior, and enlightenment in the need to protect lives, advance rights, improve welfare, and steward environmental protection. We accomplish our mission through education and campaigns, as well as sanctuaries and hands-on animal rescue facilities in India, Korea, and rural Mississippi. Our main headquarters are established in Marin County, California.     Address: 3010 Kerner Blvd, San Rafael CA 94901     Voice: (415) 448-0048     Fax: (415) 454-1031     Web: https://www.idausa.org/     [19 Mar 2022]
In Search of Good Food     This blog chronicles the making of the movie "In Search of Good Food", as well as events and topics relating to the movie. In Search of Good Food follows Antonio Roman-Alcalá, an urban farming activist from San Francisco, on his search for the "sustainable" food system in California. The film attempts to answer the question: does the sustainable food system actually exist? And if it doesn't, what is preventing it from becoming reality?     Web: http://insearchofgoodfood.blogspot.com/     [21 Jan 2023]
In These Times     An independent, nonprofit magazine dedicated to advancing democracy and economic justice, informing movements for a more humane world, and providing an accessible forum for debate about the policies that shape our future.     Web: https://inthesetimes.com/     [20 Apr 2024]
Independent Arts & Media (IAM)     Believes that diverse voices and free expression are a cultural necessity. Through a combination of personalized attention, professional expertise, and an active network, we provide fiscal sponsorship services to support our Affiliate Projects. To independent artists, journalists, and media producers, we offer fundraising, accounting, and professional development services, delivered with flexibility and personalized attention. With our support you can focus on your vision rather than administrative tasks. To foundations and donors, we match your dedication to creative expression and critical thought by connecting you with our community of dynamic artists and meaningful voices. Working together, we help democratize the world of art and media when it is needed most.     Address: PO Box 420442, San Francisco CA 94142     Voice: (415) 738-4975     Email: admin[at]artsandmedia.net     Web: https://www.artsandmedia.net/   http://newsdesk.org/     [07 Oct 2023]
San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center     A non-commercial, democratic collective of bay area independent media makers and media outlets, and serves as the local organizing unit of the global Indymedia network. Principles of Unity: San Francisco Bay Area Indymedia We strive to provide an information infrastructure for people and opinions who do not have access to the airwaves, tools and resources of corporate media. This includes audio, video, photography, internet distribution and any other communication medium. We support local, regional and global struggles against exploitation and oppression. We function as a non-commercial, non-corporate, anti-capitalist collective.     Web: https://www.indybay.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
Independent Television Service (ITVS)     We partner with filmmakers who bring untold stories to public broadcasting to make a difference in the world.     Address: 1435 Folsom Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 356-8383     Email: itvs@itvs.org     Web: https://itvs.org/     [07 Oct 2023]
India Resource Center     Works to support movements against corporate globalization in India. We provide timely information on transnational corporations to Indian movements. We also educate and mobilize key constituencies in the US and other countries to take action in support of campaigns in India. India Resource Center is a project of Global Resistance. Global Resistance works to strengthen the movement against corporate globalization by supporting and linking local, grassroots struggles against globalization around the world. Our goal is to ensure that those most impacted by globalization are engaged in and at the forefront of the movement against corporate globalization.     Web: http://www.indiaresource.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
Indigenous Environmental Network     An alliance of Indigenous Peoples whose Shared Mission is to Protect the Sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination & exploitation by Respecting and Adhering to Indigenous Knowledge and Natural Law.     Web: https://www.ienearth.org/     [17 Sep 2022]
Indivisible East Bay     A grassroots community group founded in 2017, inspired by the 2016 Indivisible Guide. We are working to expand and protect our democracy and enact a progressive legislative agenda. We do this by influencing our representatives in government, advocating for policies that advance economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice, participating in electoral work, and allying with groups across the country to protect our rights and build a vibrant, participatory democracy and a better future for all. We cover the East Bay Area, spanning California’s 11th, 13th, and 15th congressional districts.     Web: https://indivisibleeb.org/   https://www.facebook.com/indivisibleeb/     [02 Jul 2023]
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW / The Wobblies)     A labor union representing nearly 9000 workers across North America. Established in 1905, the IWW is known for its high standards of democracy, transparency, multinationalism, and active use of the right to strike. The IWW is a general union that is open to workers from all industries and companies, rather than just one organization or particular sector. The IWW promotes the creation of "One Big Union" and contends that all workers should be united as a social class to supplant capitalism and wage labor with industrial democracy.     Web: https://www.iww.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
inequality.org     Your online portal to data, analysis, and commentary on income and wealth inequality. You'll find on these pages information and insights that can help you better understand our deeply unequal world — and how we can work to change it. Inequality.org comes to you as a project of the Washington, D.C.-based Institute for Policy Studies.     Web: https://inequality.org/     [19 Mar 2022]
Insight Housing     Passionately committed to a single goal: Ensuring everyone in our community has a home through supportive, equitable, and sustainable housing solutions. Insight Housing services can include: Emergency and temporary housing, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing Fresh and nutritious meals, water, and snacks Wellness checks and links to medical providers Life skills and vocational counseling Family reunification support Formerly Berkeley Food & Housing Project.     Address: 2855 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 601, Berkeley CA 94705     Voice: (510) 649-4965     Email: info@insighthousing.org     Web: https://insighthousing.org/     [30 Mar 2024]
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)     Works locally and globally at the intersection of policy and practice to ensure fair and sustainable food, farm and trade systems. Envisions agriculture, trade and food systems that are good for people, farmers and food system workers, ecosystems and social justice globally. With our partners, we advocate for policy in the public interest at the state, federal and international level.     Web: https://www.iatp.org/     [10 Aug 2024]
Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH)     A U.S.-based human rights non-profit organization. Established in 2004, it is a partnership of human rights advocates in Haiti and the U.S., dedicated to tackling the root causes of injustice that impacts basic human rights in Haiti. In partnership with our Haiti-based sister organization, the law firm Bureau des Avocats Internationaux (BAI), we advocate, litigate, build constituencies, and nurture networks to create systemic pathways to justice for marginalized communities in Haiti.     Web: https://www.ijdh.org/     [02 Nov 2024]
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR)     Has a vision of thriving, diverse, equitable communities. To reach this vision, we build local power to fight corporate control. We are a national research and advocacy organization that partners with allies across the country to build an American economy driven by local priorities and accountable to people and the planet. We recognize the biggest challenges in the U.S. today are corporate control and diminishing community power which undermines the strength of our democracy and local economies. For us, local self-reliance is the best answer to these challenges.     Web: https://ilsr.org/     [07 Oct 2023]
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)     A progressive organization dedicated to building a more equitable, ecologically sustainable, and peaceful society. In partnership with dynamic social movements, we turn transformative policy ideas into action.     Web: https://ips-dc.org/     [26 Mar 2022]
Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)     IPA increases the reach and capacity of progressive and grassroots organizations (at no cost to them) to address public policy by getting them and their ideas into the mainstream media. IPA gains media access for those whose voices are commonly excluded or drowned out by government or corporate-backed institutions. As a national consortium of independent public-policy researchers, analysts and activists, IPA widens media exposure for progressive perspectives on many issues including the environment, human rights, foreign policy, and economic justice.     Address: 1714 Franklin Street #100-133, Oakland CA 94612-3409     Voice: (510) 788-4541     Email: ipa[at]accuracy.org     Web: https://accuracy.org/     [26 Mar 2022]
Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights (IREHR)     Since 1983, IREHR has served as a social justice organization dedicated to standing against bigotry and defending democracy and human rights. We unmask movements, organizations, and individuals that threaten democracy and human rights. We support movements advancing human rights. We use investigative research and strategic organizing to counter racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, nativism, homophobia, and other forms of bigotry.     Web: https://irehr.org/     [16 Aug 2024]
Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT)     Mission is to protect the genetic integrity and nature’s biological evolution by preventing the outdoor release of genetically modified organisms, and to protect human and animal health by preventing the use of GMOs in the food and feed supply. In addition, we seek to stop the use of toxic agricultural chemicals associated with GMOs, such as Roundup.     Web: https://responsibletechnology.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)     A global organization at the forefront of innovation, using technical expertise, direct advocacy, and policy guidance to mitigate the impacts of climate change, improve air quality, and support prosperous, sustainable, and equitable cities. We have worked with over 100 cities in more than 40 nations to design and implement transport and urban development systems and policy solutions that make cities more viable, fair, and livable.     Web: https://www.itdp.org/     [26 Mar 2022]
Institute of Urban Homesteading     A Home Grown Folk School of Urban Sustainability Our mission is to: Offer affordable classes in the art of living sustainably and self-sufficiently in an urban environment Help students forge connections with their food supply, their community, and the natural environment Inspire and enable a slower, more intentional, more sustainable lifestyle Empower students and communities by promoting self-determination, self-learning, and self-reliance Revive the lost arts of the garden, the kitchen, and things done by hand through the teaching of heirloom skills and traditional homesteading crafts     Web: https://iuhoakland.com/     [16 Aug 2024]
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP)     A non-profit, non-partisan tax policy organization. We conduct rigorous analyses of tax and economic proposals and provide data-driven recommendations to shape equitable and sustainable tax systems. ITEP’s expertise and data uniquely enhance federal, state, and local policy debates by revealing how taxes affect people at various levels of income and wealth, and people of different races and ethnicities. We also help make the case for raising enough revenue to truly meet all our societal needs. Our work is designed to provide the best possible information and to put forth a vision of a more racially and economically equitable tax system at all levels of government.     Web: https://itep.org/     [16 Aug 2024]
Instituto Laboral de La Raza     Serves low income families of California as a nonprofit advocacy and workers' resource center. Headquartered in the Mission District of San Francisco, the Instituto provides legal services, peer counseling, financial education and access to a network of services to the unorganized working poor. Most of our clients are unorganized working poor immigrants from Mexico, Central America and South America.     Address: 2947 16th Street (near Capp, between Mission and South Van Ness), San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 431-7522     Fax: (415) 431-4846     Web: http://www.ilaboral.org/     [20 Apr 2024]
Intact America     Male child genital cutting (MCGC, a.k.a. circumcision) of baby boys is still widespread in America, despite rising evidence of real harm to boys and the men they will become. Stopping baby circumcision is a nascent cause, and is gaining strength as more people speak out. Intact America is an intactivist advocacy organization seeking to end MCGC in America, and to ensure healthy sexual futures for all people. Intact America envisions a world where children are free from medically unnecessary surgeries carried out on them without their consent in the name of culture, religion, profit, parental preference, or false benefit.     Web: https://intactamerica.org/     [25 Jun 2022]
Inter Press Service (IPS)     Information is an agent of change. Since its inception, back in 1964, IPS has believed in the role of information as a precondition for lifting communities out of poverty and marginalization. This belief is reflected in our historic mission: “giving a voice to the voiceless”– acting as a communication channel that privileges the voices and the concerns of the poorest and creates a climate of understanding, accountability and participation around development, promoting a new international information order between the South and the North.     Web: https://www.ipsnews.net/     [17 Sep 2022]
The Intercept     An award-winning news organization dedicated to holding the powerful accountable through fearless, adversarial journalism. Its in-depth investigations and unflinching analysis focus on politics, war, surveillance, corruption, the environment, technology, criminal justice, the media, and more. The Intercept gives its journalists the editorial freedom and legal support they need to expose corruption and injustice wherever they find it.     Web: https://theintercept.com/     [14 May 2022]
Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity     A statewide California organization that connects clergy and people of faith to the work of social justice. We work to make the criminal justice system more just, and the immigration system more fair and humane. Working at the intersection of spirituality and social movements, we mobilize congregations to take a stand on issues of social justice like immigration and mass incarceration, and we engage people of faith to develop their own leadership so they can stand up against racism, discrimination and the political challenges of the day. We bring a faith voice to social movement coalitions, providing a compassionate religious perspective amidst the clamor of angry political actors.     Address: 310 Eighth Street, Suite 310, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 948-7899     Email: office@im4humanintegrity.org     Web: https://www.im4humanintegrity.org/     [17 Sep 2022]
International Action Center (IAC)     Information, activism & resistance to U.S. militarism, war & corporate greed, linking with struggles against racism & oppression within the United States Committed to building broad-based grassroots actions opposing U.S. wars abroad while fighting racism and economic exploitation of workers at home. With every mobilization or campaign, the IAC strives to connect struggles and bring together communities of color, women, lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, youth and students, immigrant and workers’ organizations in order to build a progressive movement for social justice and change. Our goal: work toward the liberation of all peoples living in the U.S. and around the world. The IAC is “anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist.”     Web: https://iacenter.org/     [08 Oct 2022]
International ANSWER Coalition (San Francisco chapter) (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)     Connecting the flight for social justice at home and in opposition to war and occupation abroad. We are actively fighting against the ongoing occupation of Afghanistan, the renewed assaults on Iraq and Syria, the drone attacks on Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia, among others. We have mobilized across the country to stop the repeated assaults against and massacres of the people of Gaza. We fight against racist and religious profiling, in support of immigrant and workers’ rights, and for economic and social justice for all.     Address: 2969 Mission Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 821-6545     Email: answer@answersf.org     Web: https://www.answercoalition.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
International Bicycle Fund (IBF)     A non-governmental, nonprofit, advocacy organization, providing information and resources promoting sustainable transport and international understanding to make this planet a healthier and happier place to live. Major areas of activity are non-motorized urban planning, economic development, bike safety education, responsible travel and bicycle tourism, and cross-cultural, educational programs.     Web: http://www.ibike.org/     [26 Mar 2022]
International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC)     A global conservation organization for birds in a changing world. Since 1971, Bird Rescue has responded to over 250 oil spills and other wildlife emergencies, caring for more than 160,000 birds on six continents. With crisis response centers in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Anchorage, the organization specializes in emergency preparedness and response, day-to-day aquatic bird care, and scientific research. Innovations are shared worldwide to inspire the next generation of wildlife specialists. Bird Rescue aims to give a voice to waterbirds through conservation, advocacy, and wildlife literacy that builds empathy and encourages action. Our mission is to inspire people to act toward balance with the natural world by? ?rescuing waterbirds in crisis.?     Address: 4369 Cordelia Road, Fairfield CA 94534     Voice: (707) 207-0380     Web: https://www.birdrescue.org/     [02 Jul 2023]
International Campaign for Justice In Bhopal (ICJB)     A coalition that is comprised of survivors of the disaster, international volunteers, and environmental, social justice and human rights groups. Using education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action, ICJB works to hold Dow Chemical and the Indian Government accountable for the ongoing chemical disaster in Bhopal, India.     Web: https://www.bhopal.net/     [09 Nov 2024]
International Campaign for Tibet (ICT)     Promotes human rights, democratic freedoms and self-determination for the Tibetan people.     Web: https://savetibet.org/     [26 Mar 2022]
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)     A coalition of non-governmental organizations promoting adherence to and implementation of the United Nations nuclear weapon ban treaty. A broad, inclusive campaign, focused on mobilizing civil society around the world to support the specific objective of prohibiting and eliminating nuclear weapons. The ICAN international structure consists of partner organizations, an international steering group and an international staff team.     Web: https://www.icanw.org/     [07 Oct 2023]
International Campaign to Ban Landmines     A global network of non-governmental organizations, active in some 100 countries, that works for a world free of antipersonnel landmines, where landmine survivors can lead fulfilling lives.     Web: http://www.icbl.org/     [13 Oct 2023]
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)     Sets the global agenda for gender equity, inclusion, and shared prosperity with action-oriented research and solutions. Our Research and Programs, Advocacy and Policy, and Private Sector teams focus on economic opportunity and security, health and reproductive rights, gender norms, and climate action.     Web: https://www.icrw.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)     Provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries. Together with our partners, we generate needed evidence for country- and region-led policies that contribute to poverty reduction and help ensure that all people have access to safe, sufficient, nutritious, and sustainably produced food. Through multisectoral research and engagement with stakeholders, IFPRI informs effective policies, programs, and investments that contribute to productive livelihoods and sustainable, resilient, and equitable agriculture and food systems.     Web: https://www.ifpri.org/     [09 Nov 2024]
International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)     An organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, South America, the Arctic, Caribbean and Pacific working for the sovereignty and self-determination of Indigenous Peoples and the recognition and protection of Indigenous rights, Treaties, traditional cultures and sacred lands.     Address: The Redstone Building, 2940 16th Street, Suite 305, San Francisco CA 94103-3664     Voice: (415) 641-4482     Web: https://www.iitc.org/     [26 Mar 2022]
International Institute of Bengal and Himalayan Basins (IIBHB)     Our mission is to develop and implement models for proper watershed management, the remediation of toxic ground and surface waters in California and on the Indian subcontinent, and to deploy this knowledge throughout the world. As pure water for hydration, sanitation, and agriculture becomes increasingly scarce as a result of climate change and other environmental crises, such efforts will become increasingly urgent.     Address: PO Box 11553, Berkeley CA 94712     Voice: (510) 870-4988     Email: info@iibhb.org     Web: https://iibhb.org/     [21 Jan 2023]
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)     An international network of Jews who are uncompromisingly committed to struggles for human survival and emancipation, of which the liberation of the Palestinian people and land is an indispensable part. We are committed to the right of return for Palestinian refugees and to ending Israeli colonization of historic Palestine, which is reinforced by US economic and military power. We support full Palestinian self-determination and the right to resist occupation. We look to the Palestinian grassroots and Palestinian-led organizations as our primary points of reference in this struggle.     Web: http://www.ijan.org/     [17 Jan 2024]
International Labor Organization (ILO)     The only tripartite U.N. agency, since 1919 the ILO brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 Member States , to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men. The unique tripartite structure of the ILO gives an equal voice to workers, employers and governments to ensure that the views of the social partners are closely reflected in labour standards and in shaping policies and programmes. The main aims of the ILO are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues.     Web: https://www.ilo.org/global/lang--en/index.htm     [10 Feb 2024]
International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF)     A human rights organization that advances dignity and justice for workers in the global economy. Our core work is three-fold: 1. We hold global corporations accountable for labor rights violations in their supply chains. 2. We advance policies and laws that protect workers. 3. We strengthen workers’ ability to advocate for their rights.     Web: https://laborrights.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
International NGO Campaign on Export Credit Agencies (ECA Watch)     Export credit agences provide government-backed loans, guarantees and insurance to corporations working internationally in some of the most volatile, controversial and damaging industries on the planet. Shrouded in mystery, ECAs provide financial backing for risky projects that might never otherwise get off the ground. They are a major source of national debt in developing countries. ECA Watch is a network of NGOs from around the world. We come together to campaign for ECA reform - better transparency, accountability, and respect for environmental standards and human rights.     Web: https://www.eca-watch.org/     [26 Mar 2022]
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)     A non-partisan federation of national medical groups in over 60 countries, representing tens of thousands of doctors, medical students, other health workers, and concerned citizens who share the common goal of creating a more peaceful and secure world freed from the threat of nuclear annihilation and armed violence.     Web: https://www.ippnw.org/     [17 Feb 2024]
International Rivers     Strengthens movements of communities and civil society at the forefront of defending rivers by: Undertaking investigative research to generate robust data and evidence to inform policies and campaigns. Remaining independent and fearless in campaigning to expose and resist destructive projects. Developing a vision that protects rivers and the communities that depend upon them.     Address: 344 20th Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 848-1155     Email: contact@internationalrivers.org     Web: https://www.internationalrivers.org/     [27 Apr 2024]
International Solidarity Movement (ISM)     A Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the long-entrenched and systematic oppression and dispossession of the Palestinian population, using non-violent, direct-action methods and principles. Founded in August 2001, ISM aims to support and strengthen the Palestinian popular resistance by being immediately alongside Palestinians in olive groves, on school runs, at demonstrations, within villages being attacked, by houses being demolished or where Palestinians are subject to consistent harassment or attacks from soldiers and settlers as well as numerous other situations.     Web: https://palsolidarity.org/     [13 Oct 2023]
Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO, Pastors for Peace)     Has assisted hundreds of community organizations and public policy groups - by providing technical assistance, training organizers, making and administering grants, and using our global network of grassroots organizers, clergy, and other professionals to advance the struggles of oppressed people for justice and self-determination. IFCO's mission is to support the poor and disenfranchised in developing and sustaining community organizations to fight human and civil rights injustices. In pursuit of this mission, IFCO promotes funds and coordinates domestic and international community development efforts - programs designed to improve people's own communities.     Web: https://ifconews.org/     [16 Oct 2022]
Intersection for the Arts     A bedrock Bay Area arts nonprofit that’s dedicated to helping artists grow. Through vital resources, including fiscal sponsorship, low-cost coworking and event space, and professional development programs, we empower people to continue creating, thinking big, and taking weird and wonderful risks. We believe art and culture are necessary elements of wellbeing. That’s why we serve people working in the arts—from artists to educators to administrators to funders. We take the stance that artists should be at the top of the systems that were originally created to support their work.     Address: 1446 Market Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 626-2787     Web: https://theintersection.org/     [02 Jul 2023]
Intertribal Friendship House (IFH)     One of the first urban American Indian community centers in the nation. It was founded by the American Friends Service Committee to serve the needs of American Indian people relocated from reservations to the San Francisco Bay Area. The Bay Area American Indian community is multi-tribal, made of Native people and their descendants—those who originate here and those who have come to the Bay region from all over the United States and from other parts of this hemisphere.     Address: 523 International Blvd, Oakland CA 94606     Voice: (510) 836-1955     Email: ifhoakland@gmail.com     Web: https://www.ifhurbanrez.org/     [21 Jan 2023]
Island Press     Began with a simple idea: knowledge is power—the power to imagine a better future and find ways for getting us there. Founded in 1978, Island Press’ mission is to provide the best ideas and information to those seeking to understand and protect the environment and create solutions to its complex problems. We elevate voices of change, shine a spotlight on crucial issues, and focus attention on sustainable solutions. Our network of authors includes E.O. Wilson, Paul Ehrlich, Sylvia Earle, Gretchen Daily, Jan Gehl, Daniel Pauly, and many others. By working closely with experts like these, Island Press has developed a comprehensive and growing body of knowledge—vital resources for all those working to protect the environment and create healthy communities.     Web: https://islandpress.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
It Takes Roots (ITR)     A multiracial, multicultural, intergenerational alliance of alliances representing over 200 organizations and affiliates in over 50 states, provinces, territories and Native lands on Turtle Island; and is led by women, gender non-conforming people, people of color, Black and Indigenous Peoples. It is an outcome of years of organizing and relationship building across the membership of Climate Justice Alliance, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Indigenous Environmental Network and Right to the City Alliance. Our four alliances are led by communities on the frontlines fighting for racial, housing and climate justice, and Indigenous sovereignty.     Web: https://ittakesroots.org/     [11 Jun 2022]
It's Going Down     A digital community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements across so-called North America. Our mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action. What We Do: We publish original content alongside anonymous submissions as well as repost articles from websites which share our perspectives. We host a weekly radio show every Friday at 12 PM (PST) on KPFA, 94.1FM across Berkeley, Oakland, and San Francisco, 88.1 in Fresno, and 97.5 in Santa Cruz and 94.3 Monterrey.     Web: https://itsgoingdown.org/     [13 Oct 2023]
Jane Goodall Institute (JGI)     We are a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, we improve the lives of people, animals and the environment. Everything is connected—everyone can make a difference. We’re using science and technology in ways that were impossible only a decade ago to hone in on locations for conservation, assess the state of habitat, and track our progress in restoring viable chimpanzee habitat, and to amplify the reach of our conservation work.     Web: https://janegoodall.org/     [02 Jul 2023]
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay (JCCEB)     Creates healthy communities inspired by Jewish values, culture, and tradition. Our vision is to be a geographically accessible home that provides high-quality programs and gathering spaces throughout the East Bay to advance, nurture, and evolve Jewish communal life and contribute to the vitality of the broader community. What We Do Explore Jewish culture and tradition Foster learning and inspiration Build interpersonal relationships and connections Provide gathering spaces for community needs Inspire civic engagement and leadership Nurture physical health and wellness     Address: 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley CA 94709     Voice: (510) 848-0237     Email: info@jcceastbay.org     Web: https://jcceastbay.org/     [24 Jan 2025]
Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC)     A public affairs organization working on behalf of the Bay Area Jewish community. It represents synagogues and Jewish organizations on critical issues affecting Jews as individuals and as a community. JCRC creates consensus and leads advocacy efforts in the organized Jewish community, ensuring that our voices are amplified and heard. We build bridges with other faith, interest and ethnic based groups that share our passion for social justice, forging relationships based on the issues our community cares about most.     Address: 121 Steuart Street, #301, San Francisco CA 94105     Voice: (415) 957-1551     Fax: (415) 979-0981     Email: info@jcrc.org     Web: https://jcrc.org/     [16 Oct 2022]
Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)     The largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world. We’re organizing a grassroots, multiracial, cross-class, intergenerational movement of U.S. Jews into solidarity with the Palestinian freedom struggle, guided by a vision of justice, equality, and dignity for all people. If you’ve been looking for a political home for Jews on the left in this perilous moment; if you’ve been wanting a Jewish community with justice at the center; if you’ve been looking to turn your rage and grief into meaningful, strategic action: Join us. You belong here.     Address: PO Box 589, Berkeley CA 94701     Voice: (510) 465-1777     Web: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/     [09 Nov 2024]
Jewish Youth for Community Action (JYCA)     Engages Jewish youth in movements for social justice by creating a joyous, multiracial community where young people develop innovative leadership and organizing skills, facilitate socio-political learning, and run action campaigns. We envision a Jewish community that recognizes the importance of investing in youth leadership. We envision interconnected networks of Jewish youth who experience their Judaism and their social justice values as one and the same. We envision youth who have the tangible skills to participate in movements for justice. We envision a world in which Jews mobilize towards justice from a place of joy, pride and connection instead of a place of fear.     Address: 1300 Grand Avenue, Piedmont CA 94610     Voice: (510) 570-9934     Email: Info@jycajustice.org     Web: https://jycajustice.org/     [30 Jan 2022]
Jobs with Justice (JwJ)     Believes that all workers should have collective bargaining rights, employment security, and a decent standard of living within an economy that works for everyone. We bring together labor, community, student, and faith voices at the national and local levels to win improvements in people’s lives and shape the public discourse on workers’ rights and the economy.     Web: https://www.jwj.org/     [16 Oct 2022]
JoinCalifornia Elections Archive     The largest online database for California legislator biographies and election results. The JoinCalifornia database currently contains more than thirteen thousand candidate biographies. Purpose is is to educate policymakers and the public about the political history of the Golden State. Looking to the past gives us a reference point from which to view current events and reminds us that there is a precedent for almost everything.     Web: https://www.joincalifornia.com/     [27 Apr 2024]
Journey Free - Recovery from Harmful Religion     Dedicated to helping people transition out of harmful religions, recover from trauma, and rebuild their lives. We are here to help! Journey Free has developed programs for both individuals and groups. If you are recovering from religious harm, we have great respect for your strength and courage. Please know that you are not alone and things can get better. Our founder and director is Marlene Winell, Ph.D., psychologist and author of Leaving the Fold: A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving Their Religion. She has been working in religious recovery for over 30 years and originated the term, Religious Trauma Syndrome.     Web: https://journeyfree.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Joybound People & Pets (ARF)     Committed to forming, supporting, elevating, and celebrating the human-animal bond through cat and dog rescue and adoption and services such as training and veterinary care, food and supply assistance, therapy and service-animal programs, and rich learning resources for all pet families. Our goal is for every adoption story to become a lasting tale of friendship, love, and mutual happiness. Formerly the Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF).     Address: 2890 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek CA 94598     Voice: (925) 256-1273 (1ARF)     Web: https://joybound.org/     [13 Sep 2024]
Juma Ventures     A nonprofit social enterprise that operates businesses with the purpose of employing young people. We make sure they EARN a paycheck, LEARN to manage their money and gain essential skills like responsibility, teamwork and how to communicate in the workplace. Ultimately, we CONNECT them to their next job or educational opportunity. Our YouthConnect program focuses on low-income transition-aged youth (ages 16-24), who are at risk of disconnection from school and work. Referred to as Opportunity Youth, many of these young people grew up in poverty, have a history with foster care or juvenile justice, and have experienced significant trauma. As a result, they face a multitude of barriers to employment.     Address: 131 Steuart Street, Suite 201, San Francisco CA 94105     Voice: (415) 371-0727     Fax: (415) 371-1634     Web: https://www.juma.org/     [27 Apr 2024]
Justice Reinvestment Coalition of Alameda County (JRC)     Committed to creating a fair and just public safety system based on effective practices that invest in our communities, our families, and our people. JRC is comprised of community-based groups committed to reimagining public safety in Alameda County. The JRC activates member organizations to lead initiatives that increase Alameda County’s investments in Black and Brown criminalized communities. JRC partners believe that increasing community investments are urgently needed to end incarceration in Alameda County. The JRC does this by following the leadership of organizations led by Black, Indigenous, & People of Color who are directly impacted by incarceration.     Address: 2323 Broadway, Suite 103, Oakland CA 94612     Email: JRCofAC@gmail.com     Web: https://www.jrcofac.org/     [03 Jun 2023]
JVS (Jewish Vocational Service)     A nonprofit working to close opportunity gaps in employment by supporting jobseekers with the skills and confidence to secure quality careers with family-sustaining wages. We believe that everyone, regardless of their background, deserves access to quality jobs and economic mobility. Every day, we invest in skills training, employer engagement, and systems-level change across California, because when we work towards equitable paths to opportunity, individuals, families, employers, and communities can thrive.     Address: 548 Market Street, PMB 37733, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 391-3600     Email: info@jvs.org     Web: https://jvs.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
KALX     Broadcasts freeform radio 24 hours a day at 90.7 FM to a large portion of the San Francisco Bay Area. You can catch all stripes of underground music accented with news, sports and alternative informational programming. KALX has a wonderfully dedicated staff of student and community volunteers who are willing to explore with and educate their listeners. KALX is regular folks doing wild, unpredictable, extraordinary radio. All of our programs are homespun, we don’t depend on satellite feeds. Rather we create programs from, and for our community (a community that includes both the University of California, Berkeley student population AND the surrounding area).     Address: 26 Social Sciences Building # 5650, Berkeley CA 94720-5650     Voice: (510) 642-1111 (office); (510) 642-KALX (on-air DJ)     Email: mail@kalx.berkeley.edu     Web: https://www.kalx.berkeley.edu/     [09 Nov 2024]
Keep Alta Bates Open     A campaign spearheaded by National Nurses United to stop Sutter Health from closing Alta Bates hospital in Berkeley, California.     Web: https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/keep-alta-bates-open     [02 Jul 2023]
Keep Oakland Housed (KOH)     Committed to preventing Bay Area residents from losing their housing by providing legal representation, emergency financial assistance, and supportive services.     Web: https://www.keepoaklandhoused.org/     [27 Apr 2024]
Kehilla Community Synagogue     Started in 1984 by people who wanted a synagogue that would be a spiritual home for politically progressive people who felt no connection with traditional synagogues. The core of this vision, and central to Judaism, is a spiritual mandate to heal and repair the world by increasing social justice, eschewing war and all forms of violence and aggression, caring for the planet, and exhibiting loving kindness to all.     Address: 1300 Grand Avenue, Piedmont CA 94610     Voice: (510) 547-2424     Web: http://kehillasynagogue.org/     [16 Oct 2022]
Kidango     We want every child to reach their full potential. That’s why we are so passionate about providing high quality early learning services to the children who need it most. Both research and common sense tells us that a child’s early life experiences have a huge impact on their future well being. But the high cost of preschool and child care leaves many families without a quality option. With many parents working multiple jobs with long commutes just to get by, the stress on Bay Area families has never been higher. Kidango is the place that 4,000 Bay Area families trust to take care of their youngest children. This trust is the foundation upon which we build a partnership with parents, one that will help prepare their children for success in school and life.     Address: 44000 Old Warm Springs Blvd, Fremont CA 94538     Voice: (510) 897-6900; (855) 757-5437     Email: hello@kidango.org     Web: https://www.kidango.org/     [25 Jun 2022]
KIDS for the BAY     Connects children with nature, turns children on to science, and inspires environmental action.     Address: 1771 Alcatraz Avenue, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 734-3835     Email: info@kidsforthebay.org     Web: https://kidsforthebay.org/     [26 Mar 2022]
Kiva     More than 1.7 billion people around the world are unbanked and can’t access the financial services they need. Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 in San Francisco, with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive. We do this by crowdfunding loans and unlocking capital for the underserved, improving the quality and cost of financial services, and addressing the underlying barriers to financial access around the world. Through Kiva's work, students can pay for tuition, women can start businesses, farmers are able to invest in equipment and families can afford needed emergency care. By lending as little as $25 on Kiva, you can be part of the solution and make a real difference in someone’s life.     Web: https://www.kiva.org/     [27 Apr 2024]
KKUP     A non-commercial radio station broadcasting at 91.5 MHz. Staffed completely by volunteers and supported 100% by our listeners, we have provided an alternate source for music and information not readily available on other stations for over 40 years. By maintaining a separation from corporate backing, underwriting or any other source of funding that would place demands on our programming, we’re free to entertain and educate the listening community within our coverage area in a unique manner. Every day we offer music ranging from comical to classical, reggae to barbershop, new age to oldies, world music to bluegrass, blues to gospel, jazz to philosophy, vintage radio to poetry and much more. It’s all here!     Address: 1275 Franklin Mall, PMB 9150, Santa Clara CA 95050     Voice: (408) 260-2999 (request line)     Web: https://kkup.org/     [01 Apr 2022]
Koret Family House (501(c))     Serves as a home away from home for families of children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses by providing physical comfort and emotional support, free from financial concerns. Provides temporary housing to families of seriously ill children receiving treatment at the University of California San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital. Qualifying families live more than 50 miles from UCSF, and many live at or below the low-income status as determined by UCSF. Our location sustains nearly a 100% occupancy rate and can accommodate 250 people per night. Over the course of a year we serve more than 4,500 guests.     Address: 540 Mission Bay Blvd North, San Francisco CA 94158     Voice: (415) 476-8321     Email: info@familyhouseinc.org     Web: https://familyhouseinc.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
KPFA (94.1 FM)     A community powered radio station that creates and curates a unique mix of music, informed public affairs, culture, and news. Since 1949, KPFA has investigated the contemporary intersections of class, race, distribution of wealth and it’s affects on the citizens of our Northern and Central California coverage area. Over the years we’ve advanced the discussions and told the truth about historical moments of political impasse, racial tensions and economic inequality. Our mission and hope is to provide diverse programming that provokes thought and reaction on a complexity of issues for our community of listeners.     Address: 1929 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Berkeley CA 94704-1067     Voice: (510) 848-6767; (510) 848-4425 (studio)     Email: comments@kpfa.org     Web: https://kpfa.org/     [01 Apr 2022]
KQED, Inc.     Serves the people of Northern California with a community-supported alternative to commercial media. We provide citizens with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions; convene community dialogue; bring the arts to everyone; and engage audiences to share their stories. We help students and teachers thrive in 21st century classrooms, and take people of all ages on journeys of exploration—exposing them to new people, places and ideas.     Address: 2601 Mariposa Street (between Bryant and York Streets), San Francisco CA 94110-1426     Voice: (415) 864-2000     Web: https://www.kqed.org/     [01 Apr 2022]
KZSU     Stanford University's FM radio station, broadcasting across the Bay Area on 90.1 FM and across the world at kzsulive.stanford.edu. We exist to serve the Stanford community with quality radio broadcasts, including music, sports, news, and public affairs programming. KZSU is a non-commercial station funded mainly by Stanford student fees, in addition to underwriting and listener donations. KZSU's staff is all volunteer, made up of Stanford students, staff, alumni, and community affiliates.     Address: PO Box 20190, Stanford CA 94309-0190     Voice: (650) 725-4868     Email: info@kzsu.stanford.edu     Web: https://kzsu.stanford.edu/   http://kzsulive.stanford.edu     [09 Nov 2024]
La Casa de las Madres     Acts boldly to create a community where violence against women and children is not tolerated. We envision a society in which all individuals and families have equal access to basic resources and asset-building opportunities. We envision a future where safety and respect in intimate relationships are the norm. To achieve this future, La Casa offers a continuum of comprehensive and empowering services to women, teens, and children exposed to and at risk of abuse. We provide access, tools and support—clinical and peer-based—that strengthen their ability to affect change and break the cycle of violence.     Address: 1269 Howard Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 503-0500 (office); (877) 503-1850 (adult crisis line); (877) 923-0700 (teen crisis line)     Email: info@lacasa.org     Web: https://www.lacasa.org/     [02 Jul 2023]
La Cocina     Mission is to cultivate low-income food entrepreneurs as they formalize and grow their businesses. La Cocina was born out of a belief that a community of naturally talented entrepreneurs, given the right resources, can create self-sufficient businesses that benefit themselves, their families, their community, and the whole city. The food that has come out of our kitchen since 2005 reflects that aspiration and, quite simply, tastes amazing.     Address: 2948 Folsom Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 824-2729     Web: https://lacocinasf.org/     [16 Oct 2022]
La Pena Cultural Center (La Pena)     Rooted in the Latin American and Caribbean diaspora, La Peña Cultural Center collaborates with and unites communities by preserving and celebrating cultural traditions; producing creative new works; and nurturing global grassroots social justice movements with artists, activists and allies. With the community’s support, La Peña presents over 100 special events per year, including concerts, community gatherings, panel discussions, theatre performances, film screenings, art exhibits, fundraisers and more.     Address: 3105 Shattuck (near Ashby, 2 blocks from Ashby BART), Berkeley CA 94705     Voice: (510) 849-2568     Web: https://lapena.org/     [01 Apr 2022]
Labor Archives and Research Center (LARC)     Few regions can rival the rich, lively labor history of the San Francisco Bay Area. This history is preserved in primary source and vintage history materials at the Labor Archives and Research Center (LARC). Founded in 1985 by trade union leaders, historians, labor activists and university administrators, the Labor Archives is a unit of the J. Paul Leonard Library at San Francisco State University. The Labor Archives has an Advisory Board drawn from the labor, academic and community leaders of the Bay Area.     Address: J. Paul Leonard Library, Room 460 - 4th floor, SFSU, 1630 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco CA 94132     Voice: (415) 405-5571     Email: larc@sfsu.edu     Web: https://library.sfsu.edu/larc     [22 Oct 2023]
Labor Notes     A media and organizing project that has been the voice of union activists who want to put the movement back in the labor movement since 1979. Through our magazine, website, books, conferences, and workshops, we promote organizing, aggressive strategies to fight concessions, alliances with worker centers, and unions that are run by their members. Labor Notes is also a network of rank-and-file members, local union leaders, and labor activists who know the labor movement is worth fighting for. We encourage connections between workers in different unions, worker centers, communities, industries, and countries to strengthen the movement—from the bottom up.     Web: https://www.labornotes.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
Labor Rise Climate Jobs Action Group     A grassroots organization of rank-and-file union members working to amplify labor’s voice in the climate struggle. The fight for climate jobs is a key strategy for building power to bring about a Just Transition for workers, communities, and the world. We are affiliated with Labor Rise for Climate, Jobs, Justice, and Peace, a coalition of union activists that grew out of 2018’s 35,000-person Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice march in San Francisco.     Web: https://laborrise.org/     [23 Apr 2023]
Labor Video Project (LVP)     Labor Video Project has been producing labor TV shows and documentaries since 1983.     Address: PO Box 720027, San Francisco CA 94172     Voice: (415) 867-0628     Email: labormedia1@gmail.com     Web: http://www.laborvideo.org/     [01 Apr 2022]
Land Stewardship Project (LSP)     A private, nonprofit organization founded in 1982 to foster an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to promote sustainable agriculture, and to develop healthy communities. LSP is dedicated to creating transformational change in our food and farming system. LSP’s work has a broad and deep impact, from new farmer training and local organizing, to federal policy and community based food systems development. At the core of all our work are the values of stewardship, justice, and democracy.     Web: https://landstewardshipproject.org/     [08 Jul 2023]
Lao Family Community Development, Inc.     Mission is to advance the economic mobility and well-being of diverse communities through culturally-informed specialized employment, housing, education and support services. Lao Family Community Development (Lao Family) values a comprehensive, integrated service model that engages individuals and family participation to achieve self-sufficiency and stability goals. Lao Family’s comprehensive approach strives to meet the immediate basic, long-term, and special needs of affected community members. Customized and holistic service plans incorporate workforce, education, housing and support services, including health, income and savings, to foster positive outcomes.     Address: 2325 East 12th Street, Oakland CA 94601     Voice: (510) 533-8850     Web: https://lfcd.org/     [08 Jul 2023]
Lava Mae     A nonprofit that teaches and funds organizations around the world to bring mobile showers and other services that promote well-being to people experiencing homelessness. We also deliver services on the streets of San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles, where our Radical Hospitality® approach—meeting people wherever they are with extraordinary care—helps restore dignity, rekindle optimism and fuel a sense of opportunity.     Address: 1701 Monarch Street, Suite 200, Alameda CA 94501     Voice: (415) 872-6950     Web: https://lavamaex.org/     [25 Jun 2022]
Lavender Phoenix     Builds queer and transgender Asian and Pacific Islander power to amplify our voices and increase the visibility of our communities. Through organizing in the Bay Area, we inspire and train grassroots leaders, transform our values from scarcity to abundance, and partner with organizations to sustain a vibrant movement ecosystem. We are a political home for QTAPI people to transform. Together, we learn and practice organizing skills, unlearn ancestral and collective traumas, and relearn values of abundance and interdependence. Our organizing is centered on the transformative potential of relationships and organizing.     Address: 17 Walter U. Lum Place, San Francisco CA 94108     Voice: (415) 274-6760     Email: info@lavenderphoenix.org     Web: https://lavenderphoenix.org/     [11 Dec 2022]
Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center (LYRIC)     Mission is to build community and inspire positive social change through education enhancement, career trainings, health promotion, and leadership development with LGBTQQ youth, their families, and allies of all races, classes, genders, and abilities. LYRIC envisions a diverse society where LGBTQQ youth are embraced for who they are and encouraged to be who they want to be. By working towards social justice and supporting young leaders, their families and allies, LYRIC is building a world that honors, respects and appreciates LGBTQQ youth and their contributions.     Address: 127 Collingwood Street (one block west of Castro between 18th & 19th Streets), San Francisco CA 94114     Voice: (415) 703-6150 x100     Fax: (415) 703-6153     Email: lyricinfo@lyric.org     Web: https://lyric.org/     [13 Oct 2023]
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (LCCRSF)     The leading civil rights organization on the West Coast that works on groundbreaking impact litigation and provides direct services to low-income communities of color. As one of the oldest civil rights institutions on the West Coast, we work to dismantle systems of oppression and racism, and build an equitable and just society.     Address: 131 Steuart Street, Suite 400, San Francisco CA 94105     Voice: (415) 543-9444     Fax: (415) 543-0296     Email: info@lccrsf.org     Web: https://lccrsf.org/     [09 Nov 2024]
League of Creative Minds (LCM)     Provides an entry way for high-ability middle school and high school students into public policy, international world affairs, leadership roles, public advocacy, diplomacy, investigative journalism, and the inner workings of governments, international organizations, and the United Nations. The tools we utilize to accomplish these goals are the year-round League classes where our approach creates deep conversations and powerful human connections. In addition to the regular League classes, we host intra-league debates, the LCM Field Study program and professional experts. Finally LCM delegates attend national and international debate conferences, participate in UN Briefings or U.S. Commissions, and research in the field at the local, national, and international level.     Voice: (650) 255-5944     Email: admissions@Lcmmun.org     Web: https://creativedelegates.org/     [29 Jul 2023]
League of Women Voters of San Francisco (LWVSF)     A nonpartisan political nonprofit that defends democracy. We provide education to encourage people to vote in elections and participate in government. We also engage in advocacy to influence public policy that benefits the community. People of all genders are welcome. We do not support or oppose candidates or political parties.     Address: 582 Market Street, Suite 615 (near the Montgomery BART station), San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 989-VOTE (8683)     Web: https://lwvsf.org/   https://votersedge.org/ca/page/smartvoter     [25 Jun 2022]
Learning for Action (LFA)     We partner with social sector organizations to advance knowledge, capacity, and culture of learning in the service of equity and justice. Learning for Action supports individuals and organizations working on systemic, structural, and policy changes that address the underlying root causes of inequities so that all members of our communities have access to the opportunities they deserve for productive, healthy, and meaningful lives. We provide consulting services to social sector organizations so that they may effectively design, implement, assess, and improve strategies to achieve impact.      Address: PO Box 411490, San Francisco CA 94141-1490     Voice: (415) 392-2850     Fax: (415) 392-2856     Email: info@learningforaction.com     Web: http://learningforaction.com/     [02 Jul 2022]
Left Turn     A national network of activists engaged in exposing and fighting the consequences of global capitalism and imperialism. Rooted in a variety of social movements, we are anti-capitalists, radical feminists, anti-racists, queer and trans- liberationists, and anti-imperialists working to build resistance and alternatives to corporate power and empire. Through our publication, Left Turn Magazine, our website and other forums, we seek to create spaces for our various movements to reflect and strategize. The magazine serves as a resource to grassroots movements by reporting on and analyzing local and global struggles for justice. It is an all volunteer publication written by activists for activists.     Web: http://leftturn.org/     [16 Oct 2022]
Legal Aid of Marin     Mission is to create an equitable Marin by empowering the community through legal representation, advocacy and education. Our vision is for an inclusive Marin with equal justice and opportunity for all.     Address: 1401 Los Gamos Drive, Suite 101, San Rafael CA 94903     Voice: (415) 492-0230     Fax: (415) 492-0947     Web: https://legalaidmarin.org/     [10 Feb 2024]
Legal Aid Society - Employment Law Center (LAS-ELC)     A nonprofit legal services organization that has been assisting low-income, working families for more than 100 years. We use four main strategies to enforce and strengthen workers’ rights: free clinics and helplines, free legal info, litigation, and policy advocacy.     Address: 180 Montgomery Street, Suite 600, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 864-8848     Fax: (415) 593-0096     Web: https://legalaidatwork.org/     [02 Jul 2022]
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children (LSPC)     Organizes communities impacted by the criminal justice system and advocates to release incarcerated people, to restore human and civil rights, and to reunify families and communities. We build public awareness of structural racism in policing, the courts, and the prison system, and we advance racial and gender justice in all our work.     Address: 4400 Market Street, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (415) 255-7036     Email: info@prisonerswithchildren.org     Web: https://prisonerswithchildren.org/     [22 Oct 2022]
LevelBar     A San Francisco Bay Area non-profit dedicated to increasing opportunity in legal education. We currently provide a year-long pre-law preparation program--LevelBar Scholars--to motivated students in the Bay Area who are preparing to apply to law school. The program includes a scholarship for LSAT study. Our support extends beyond just a grant; we are committed to helping Scholars all the way through the admissions process, and to setting them up for success in their school and ultimately in their field. We provide a series of workshops, writing classes, and ongoing mentorship to support our Scholars.     Address: PO Box 23094, Oakland CA 94623     Voice: (510) 214-2694     Email: info@levelbar.org     Web: https://www.levelbar.org/     [08 Jul 2023]
The Lever     A nonpartisan, reader-supported investigative news outlet that holds accountable the people and corporations manipulating the levers of power. The organization was founded in 2020 by David Sirota, an award-winning journalist and Oscar-nominated writer who served as the presidential campaign speechwriter for Bernie Sanders. The Lever’s reporting, podcasts, videos, and live events focus on politics, business, and corruption. We expose how money shapes and distorts public policy. We report inconvenient truths without regard for which powerbrokers, politicians, or political parties such reporting might offend.     Web: https://www.levernews.com/     [23 Jun 2024]
LGBTQ Youth Space     We are a community drop-in center and mental health program for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and ally youth and young adults ages 13-25 who live in Santa Clara County. Our space is open 3pm-9pm Monday through Friday. A Program of Family & Children Services and Caminar.     Voice: (408) 343-7940     Email: YouthSpace@FCServices.org     Web: https://youthspace.org/     [22 Oct 2022]
The Liberation Institute     A grassroots non-profit mental health organization based in San Francisco. We are co-created by counselors, psychotherapists, mindfulness teachers, artists and activists from the community we serve. The aim is to fill what we see as gaps in the availability of easily accessible professional support for issues related to mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We strive daily to meet that mission with a fresh, open minded, compassionate, inclusive, and creative approach.     Address: PO Box 411502, San Francisco CA 94141-1502     Voice: (415) 606-5296 x102     Email: info@liberationinstitute.org     Web: http://www.liberationinstitute.org/     [01 Apr 2022]
LifeMoves     Dedicated to helping individuals and families experiencing homelessness to return to stable housing and self-sufficiency. LifeMoves meets people where they are in their life’s journey, provides supportive services to address their needs, and creates a new kind of interim housing designed to build self-sufficiency. With 26 shelter and service sites from Daly City to San José, we give our neighbors experiencing homelessness a temporary place to call home while providing intensive, customized case management through both shelter programs and community outreach.     Web: https://www.lifemoves.org/     [17 Feb 2024]
LinkTV     Broadcasts programs that engage, educate and activate viewers to become involved in the world. Founded in 1999, Link TV provides a unique perspective on international news, current events, and diverse cultures, presenting issues not often covered in the US media. We connect American viewers with people at the heart of breaking events, organizations in the forefront of social change and the cultures of an increasingly global community.     Web: https://www.linktv.org/     [08 Jul 2023]
Dave Lippman     Post-corporate song-maker Dave Lippman provides a passionate, comedic, participatory, multi-media romp through society’s ills and thrills. Known if not feared on many coasts and in some interiors for his sharp send-ups of topical subjects and the banksters and politicians who rule those subjects, Lippman has toured widely in the United States, Europe, Australia, and Central America in a 50-year musical career that has brought him respect, laughter, and occasional plaudits as a top-notch serio-comic documentary songmaker. His specialty genres range from torrential tirades, often accompanied by his handcrafted videos, to unsingable singalongs, with lyrics projected for all to attempt.     Web: http://www.davelippman.com/     [01 Apr 2022]
Literacy for Environmental Justice (LEJ)     Promotes ecological health, environmental stewardship, and community development in Southeast San Francisco by creating urban greening, eco-literacy, community stewardship and workforce development opportunities that directly engage and support local residents in securing a healthier future. We are a multi-generational and multi-cultural cohort of youth, volunteers, supporters, environmental educators, habitat restoration specialists, community organizers and social justice advocates dedicated to connecting people to local urban open spaces to restore ecology, improve environmental health and strengthen community.     Address: PO Box 882403, San Francisco CA 94188     Email: staff@lejyouth.org     Web: https://www.lejyouth.org/     [09 Nov 2024]
Little People of America (LPA)     A national nonprofit organization that provides support and information to people of short stature and their families. Short stature is generally caused by one of more than 300 medical conditions known as dwarfism. LPA welcomes all forms of dwarfism. LPA has more than 7500 members across the United States and internationally. We have 13 districts and 70 chapters. LPA provides social interaction, parent and peer support, medical support and education, scholarships and grants. Our members range from newborns to senior citizens, both little people and average height. Dwarfism spans all religions, ethnicities, and economic levels. All are welcome!     Web: https://www.lpaonline.org/     [21 Jan 2023]
Living Liberally (DL)     A national network of progressive social clubs. Since 2003, we've provided liberals across the country a way to wed their social and political lives, make friends, dream and scheme, get more involved locally, and have fun along the way. We believe that our political identity should be part of our regular lives. We take our politics where we gather, socialize, learn, love and live. We create easy entryways into progressive political involvement, where you can find a community that shares your values.     Web: https://livingliberally.org/     [18 Jun 2022]
Local Clean Energy Alliance of the East Bay     The Bay Area's foremost membership organization working at the local, state, and national level to promote a clean energy future through the development and democratization of local renewable energy resources. We see these resources as key to addressing climate change, advancing social and racial justice, and building sustainable and resilient communities. We partner with environmental, social justice, business, and community groups in advancing our work. The Alliance recognizes the importance of all communities, especially those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, benefiting from a clean energy economy.     Address: 339 15th Street, Suite 208, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 284-3838     Email: info@localcleanenergy.org     Web: http://www.localcleanenergy.org/     [02 Jul 2022]
Local Harvest     Connects people looking for good food with the farmers who produce it. Buying local is about enjoying real food, grown yourself or purchased from people you trust. It's about developing strong local economies and producing food on a human scale. It's about eating seasonally, practicing the art of cooking, and sitting down to enjoy meals together. It requires ample local and regional producers, processors, and distributors. As we see it, the goal of the local food movement is to create thriving community-based food systems that will make high quality local food available to everyone.     Web: https://www.localharvest.org/     [17 Feb 2024]
Long Haul Infoshop     An anarchist resource center and community space. We provide an office/meeting space and a non-profit umbrella for a variety of projects/collectives, as well as hosting for numerous social and political events. The Infoshop is a combination of a lending library, computer room, zine making space, activist reading room, and a social gathering space. But the Infoshop is primarily an information distribution center. Much of literature, (including our own newspaper, Slingshot), is available for free. Flyers regarding current political events and radical/alternative news sources are always posted on our front bulletin board and are on the front desk.     Address: 3124 Shattuck Avenue (near Woolsey; three blocks from Ashby BART), Berkeley CA 94705     Voice: (510) 540-0751     Web: https://thelonghaul.org/     [01 Apr 2022]
Love the Bulb     The Albany Bulb is a former construction debris landfill on San Francisco Bay where people have been making informal outdoor sculptures and paintings for decades. It's home to 150 species of birds, huge trees, wildflowers, amazing views, and lots of walking trails. Love the Bulb is a community-based non-profit organization devoted to protecting the spirit and stories of this unique pile of rubble. We present workshops and events including theater, dance, music and participatory art, as well as stewardship and environmental education activities. We advocate to protect this very necessary space for the imagination and to preserve it as a uniquely Bay Area cultural zone. Please join us!     Web: https://www.albanybulb.org/     [17 Feb 2024]
Lyon-Martin Health Services     Mission is to provide high quality, compassionate and trauma-informed medical, gynecological, and mental health care services to trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and intersex (TGI) communities and cis-gender women with specific sensitivity to LGBQA sexual orientation, disability, size, race, ethnicity, and language regardless of immigration status or ability to pay. We aim to eliminate health inequities for our communities by rooting our clinical practice in core foundational frameworks of intersectionality, anti-racism, reproductive and disability justice, self-determination, and harm reduction.     Address: 1735 Mission Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 565-7667     Fax: (415) 252-7512     Email: info@lyon-martin.org     Web: https://lyon-martin.org/     [22 Oct 2022]
Making Contact (International Media Project)     An independent, non-profit organization committed to investigative journalism, in-depth critical analysis, the promotion of civic participation and the dissemination of educational material. Its core focus is Making Contact. Foundations know us as International Media Project, but you can just call us Making Contact. Making Contact produces media that analyses critical social and environmental issues and showcases grassroots solutions in order to inform and inspire audiences to action. Our work heightens public consciousness, broadens debate on critical social issues and encourages civic participation, by giving voice to diverse perspectives and opinions underrepresented in corporate media. Our goal is to produce media that informs, inspires, and moves people to take action. Making Contact, is an award-winning, 29-minute weekly magazine/documentary-style public affairs program heard on 151 radio stations in the USA, Canada, South Africa and Ireland.     Address: 1714 Franklin Street #100-251, Oakland CA 94612     Email: makingcontact@radioproject.org     Web: https://www.radioproject.org/     [29 Jan 2023]
Mandela Foods Cooperative     Nourishing our West Oakland neighborhood with healthy food, wellness resources, and collective ownership. Unlike conventional supermarkets and grocery stores, Mandela is operated, centrally governed, and democratically controlled by our worker-owners. Our structure and operations are guided by cooperative principles and a strong community centered mission. We source with intention from local farmers and food purveyors. Why? Because it keeps money circulating within our local economy longer, providing more jobs to people who live in our area. We intentionally support businesses run by people of color because we are deeply committed to creating opportunity for interdependence in the food space, where POC entrepreneurs generate livable incomes that support their families.     Address: 1430 Seventh Street, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 452-1133     Web: https://www.mandelagrocery.coop/     [29 Jan 2023]
Mandela Partners     Building local wealth by sourcing from sustainable farmers, creating affordable food access points, incubating community businesses, and increasing capital for BIPOC entrepreneurs.     Address: 3100 East 10th Sreet, Unit B, Oakland CA 94601     Voice: (510) 433-0993     Email: info@mandelapartners.org     Web: https://www.mandelapartners.org/     [16 Aug 2024]
Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)     The number one organization in the U.S. dedicated to legalizing cannabis. We've passed 15 medical cannabis laws, and we've run winning campaigns and legislative efforts in 13 of the 23 legalization states. No organization in the movement has changed as many cannabis laws, impacted as many patients and consumers, created as many new markets, or done more to end cannabis prohibition in the U.S. than MPP.     Web: https://www.mpp.org/     [08 Jul 2023]
Marin City Community Development Corporation (MCCDC)     Established 1979, the Marin City Community Development Corporation (MCCDC) came together to address the growing disparity between the small community of Marin City and the broader county. Since then we have become the employment experts for the city, Marin County, and beyond. Our mission is to enhance community development and economic self-sufficiency through employment services, mental health, and financial education. Our goal is to prepare and empower lower income and less advantaged individuals for the workforce and long-term economic self-sufficiency.     Address: 441 Drake Avenue, Marin City CA 94965     Voice: (415) 339-2837     Fax: (415) 332-0337     Email: info@marincitycdc.org     Web: https://www.marincitycdc.org/     [02 Jul 2022]
Marin Conservation League (MCL)     Serving as both watchdog and advocate, MCL’s hard-working and vigilant committees monitor a broad range of planning and land use decisions county-wide to ensure Marin’s ecological values are maintained and restored. The work depends on the dedication of volunteers to carefully study development proposals and government initiatives that have county-wide implications and then work to influence decision makers to ensure that planning, policies, and actions are consistent with a healthy environment.     Address: 175 North Redwood Drive, San Rafael CA 94903     Voice: (415) 485-6257     Email: mcl@marinconservationleague.org     Web: https://www.marinconservationleague.org/     [29 Jan 2023]
Marin County Bicycle Coalition (MCBC)     Mission is to create a healthy, connected, and sustainable Marin by promoting bicycling for everyday transportation and recreation. We advocate vigorously for increased bicycle and pedestrian funding, interconnected routes, and policies to enable a great ride. We help build new rider confidence through safety and skills education – from classes teaching parents how to share the joy of cycling with their children, to programs demonstrating the benefits of green transportation. We provide the opportunities and environment to support Marin’s diverse cycling community. Our network of events is a central hub for cyclists of all ages and skill levels to connect, learn, ride, and have fun.     Address: PO Box 695, Fairfax CA 94978     Voice: (415) 456-3469     Email: info@marinbike.org     Web: https://www.marinbike.org/     [01 Apr 2022]
Marin Open Space Trust     Works to preserve Marin’s most important remaining open space lands at risk of development. Although thousands of acres in Marin have been protected, more than 15,000 acres of significant lands remain at risk of development. These unprotected properties, mostly in the county’s eastern urbanized corridor, are important for close-to-home recreational opportunities, scenic viewsheds, watershed protection, and wildlife corridors.     Address: PO Box 4133, San Rafael CA 94913     Voice: (415) 884-2270     Email: info@mostmarin.org     Web: https://marinopenspacetrust.org/     [29 Jan 2023]
Marin Treatment Center (MTC)     A State of California licensed substance abuse service provider, certified by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). We are a community based non-profit outpatient clinic and have been providing effective, affordable and quality outpatient substance use treatment services since 1976. We specialize in Opioid Addiction and provide Medication Assisted Treatment in a harm reduction setting and we provide outpatient mental health services.     Address: 1466 Lincoln Avenue (near Linden Lane), San Rafael CA 94901-2021     Voice: (415) 457-3755     Fax: (415) 457-0849     Email: office@mtcinc.org     Web: https://marintreatmentcenter.org/     [27 Apr 2024]
Marin Vegetarian Education Group     Promotes plant-based eating and provides information, inspiration and community to help people move toward a healthier and more compassionate lifestyle. Our monthly newsletter points readers to resources, events, group meetings, and news stories that support our goal. There are no membership fees or dues, and anyone who wants to belong to MarinVEG may do so simply by contacting us. You will receive a monthly e-mail newsletter and be kept abreast of events that support you in eating a healthy and delicious diet.     Address: 12 Rally Court, Fairfax CA 94930     Voice: (415) 459-1666     Email: VegetariansInMarin@Earthlink.net     Web: http://www.marinveg.org/     [08 Jul 2023]
The Marine Mammal Center     Advances global ocean conservation through rescue and rehabilitation, scientific research, and education. The ocean is in trouble. From the depletion of fish stocks to increasing ocean temperatures, human activity threatens marine ecosystems that are vital to the health of our ocean and all life on earth. As a critical first responder to these threats, The Marine Mammal Center is leading the field in ocean conservation through marine mammal rescue, veterinary medicine, science, and education.     Address: 2000 Bunker Road, Fort Cronkhite, Sausalito CA 94965-2619     Voice: (415) 289-7325     Email: info@tmmc.org     Web: https://www.marinemammalcenter.org/     [22 Oct 2022]
Marine Science Institute (MSI)     Provides engaging and interactive hands-on adventures with San Francisco Bay Area marine life. Led by a team of expert marine science educators, these experiences impact students of all ages, inspiring respect and stewardship for the marine environment.     Address: 500 Discovery Parkway, Redwood City CA 94063-4715     Voice: (650) 364-2760     Email: info@sfbaymsi.org     Web: https://www.sfbaymsi.org/     [09 Nov 2024]
MarinLink     Serves as an incubator for social entrepreneurs and fiscal sponsor for community-based projects inspired by social entrepreneurs to generate positive change in the Arts, Community, Education, Environment and Health.     Web: http://www.warmwishes.org/     [24 Jan 2025]
Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Center     Collaborates with educational, public service, and community-based initiatives. Our mission is to advance youth and family civic engagement, ethical leadership, and economic and educational equity. We aim to create change through personal transformation and direct action in the most vulnerable high-poverty communities of the East Bay Region and Northern California. Located at 12500 Campus Drive, Bldg. D, Rm 187, Oakland, CA 94619.     Address: 333 East 8th Street, Oakland CA 94606     Voice: (510) 434-3988     Web: https://mlkfreedomcenter.org/     [18 May 2024]
Media Alliance (MA)     Formed in 1976 by a group of media workers to unite the professional media community with the public interest communities of the Bay Area. MA was founded with the belief that in order to ensure the free and unfettered flow of information and ideas necessary to maintain a truly democratic society, media must be accessible, accountable, decentralized, representative of society’s diversity and free from covert or overt government control and corporate dominance. Media Alliance is a Northern California democratic communications advocate that focuses on policy and regulation for legacy broadcast media and digital platforms in the interests of peace, justice and social responsibility.     Address: 2830 20th Street, Suite 201 (at Bryant Street), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 746-9475; (510) 684-6853 (Mobile/Cell)     Email: information@media-alliance.org     Web: https://media-alliance.org/     [29 Jan 2023]
Media Matters for America     A web-based, not-for-profit, 501 (c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media. Media Matters for America put in place, for the first time, the means to systematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation - news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda - every day, in real time.     Web: https://www.mediamatters.org/     [29 Jan 2023]
Mendocino Land Trust (MLT)     Conserves and restores habitat, scenic areas, and working lands while also providing public access to beautiful places. What we do: Conservation of land for its environmental, scenic, and recreational values. Construction of trails so that people can have a direct connection to beautiful landscapes. Protection and restoration of waterways and forests which provide critical wildlife habitat. Preservation of family farms and ranchlands for generations to come. Stewardship of the lands we have protected, in perpetuity.     Address: PO Box 2058, Fort Bragg CA 95437     Voice: (707) 962-0470     Email: info@mendocinolandtrust.org     Web: https://www.mendocinolandtrust.org/     [02 Feb 2025]
The Metaphor Project     Today it’s vital for our future that we learn to frame our messages in ways more Americans can get. To succeed, we must present our ideas about peace, justice, and a healthy, sustainable environment as part of the best American dream– a fair, just, and prosperous nation that does the right thing at home and abroad. That ideal still carries the finest American values, uniting left, center, and moderates on the other side–much needed common ground now. Moreover, we ourselves represent a basic American phenomenon–people led by the desire for a new and better society. To this end, The Metaphor Project (MP) has been building the capacity of cutting edge American progressive and liberal activists to ‘speak American’ since 1997.     Address: PO Box 892, Orinda CA 94563     Email: metaphorproject@earthlink.net     Web: https://metaphorproject.org/     [09 Apr 2022]
Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco (MCCSF)     We are a House of Prayer for All People and a Home for Queer Spirituality. We see a transformed world, where every life matters and every person belongs. We, of the Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco, are a beloved community joining together from diverse spiritual backgrounds and ministering primarily within the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Community as a house of prayer of all people and a home for queer spirituality. We are called to a prophetic ministry of peace and social justice. Therefore, we see as equally important the nurturance and growth of our congregation and communities, and our active involvement in the society around us.     Address: 1300 Polk Street, San Francisco CA 94109     Voice: (415) 863-4434     Web: http://mccsf.org/     [09 Apr 2022]
Metta Center for Nonviolence     We provide educational resources on the safe and effective use of nonviolence, with the recognition that it’s not about putting the right person in power but awakening the right kind of power in people. We advance a higher image of humankind while empowering people to explore the question: How does nonviolence work, and how can I actively contribute to a happier, more peaceful society? The Metta Center for Nonviolence has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations.     Address: Box 98, Petaluma CA 94953     Voice: (707) 235-3176     Email: info@mettacenter.org     Web: https://www.mettacenter.org/     [13 Oct 2023]
Michael Parenti Political Archive     Michael Parenti is an internationally known award-winning author and lecturer. He is one of the nation’s leading progressive political analysts. His highly informative and entertaining books and talks have reached a wide range of audiences in North America and abroad.     Web: https://web.archive.org/web/20210826095924/http://www.michaelparenti.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue     Most of our volunteers and foster birds live in the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento Valley. We are dedicated to rescuing companion birds (parrot-type and other commonly domesticated birds) who have been neglected, abused, injured or surrendered to us. Our goals are: To ensure that birds in our care will have a safe, loving environment for life. To educate bird owners on the most current standard of care, so that the medical, emotional, and dietary needs of their birds will be met.     Address: PO Box 697, San Jose CA 95106-0697     Voice: (650) 450-9104 (voicemail)     Fax: 1-866-201-4199     Web: https://mickaboo.org/     [13 Oct 2023]
Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA)     A nonprofit organization working for the rights and the well-being of children in the Middle East. MECA supports dozens of community projects for Palestinian children and refugees from Syria. Since 1988 we have delivered $29 million in food and medical aid to Palestine, Iraq, and Lebanon. MECA welcomes the support of all people who care about children and their future.     Address: 1101 8th Street, Suite 100, Berkeley CA 94710     Voice: (510) 548-0542     Fax: (510) 548-0543     Email: meca@mecaforpeace.org     Web: https://www.mecaforpeace.org/     [08 Jul 2023]
Midpeninsula Community Media Center (Midpen Media)     A nonprofit agency with digital media resources and training available to the public. Use the Midpen Media Center to: Learn Video Production and Other Digital Media Craft and Distribute Your Message, Performance, Story, etc. Make Shows on Local Cable TV Access Channels View Videos and Photography in our Online Gallery, or Cable Channels or Web Streams Build Community through the Media You Create Build Community as a Media Center Volunteer Participating on Production Teams     Address: 900 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto CA 94303-4917     Voice: (650) 494-8686     Web: https://midpenmedia.org/     [17 Feb 2024]
Military Families Speak Out (MFSO)     An organization of military families across the US and around the world who have a loved one who has served in the military since 9-11. Our membership includes Gold Star Families. We oppose the wars in Iraq and Syria, and speak out against other unjust military interventions. As families with loved ones who were or are in the military, we have both a unique voice and role to play in speaking out. It is our loved ones who are, have been, or will be on the frontlines. It is our loved ones who are risking injury and death. It is our loved ones who are returning scarred both physically and emotionally.     Web: https://militaryfamiliesspeakout.com/     [29 Jan 2023]
The Millet Project     Our goal is to diversify agriculture and our diet by the cultivation and consumption of lesser-known grains such as millets. With a generous Seed Grant from the Berkeley Food Institute in 2015, we are beginning to explore the traditions of cultivating millets, and further introducing them into the community and in our diets. We conducted a study at the UC Gill Tract Farm in Albany, California in 2015. Millets are a group of gluten-free cereal grains that are highly nutritious and commonly contain higher protein, mineral and vitamin and fiber levels, compared to corn, rice and wheat. Millets can grow with little water compared to most other grains, and are very well suited to drought-like conditions.     Web: https://themilletproject.org/     [17 Feb 2024]
Doug Minkler     A San Francisco Bay Area printmaker, Doug specializes in fund raising, outreach and educational posters. Past collaborations include work with ILWU, Rain Forest Action Network, SF Mime Troupe, ACLU, The Lawyers Guild, CISPES, United Auto Workers, Africa Information Network, Ecumenical Peace Union, ADAPT, Cop Watch, Street Sheet, and Veteran's for Peace. Though this web site was designed to facilitate free distribution of his graphics, those interested in purchasing original hand made screen prints can contact Doug to do so.     Address: 1715 Ward Street, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 548-7119     Email: dminkler@dminkler.com     Web: https://dminkler.com/     [16 Nov 2024]
Mission Bay Community Church (MBCC)     A Progressive San Francisco Church Proclaiming Christ's love to the world. Cares about one thing more than anything else, the teachings of Jesus Christ. Mission Bay is a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus, through thinking critically about our faith, having fun and simply want as many people as possible to experience that exact same freedom. Mission Bay Community Church was started in 2001 by a few founding folks and two young pastors. Back then, these folks imagined a church that was truly welcoming to everyone - where everyone had a seat at the table regardless of personal history, family background, ethnicity, sexuality or gender. Mission Bay hosted its first gathering in late 2001.     Address: 32 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco CA 94112     Voice: (415) 787-4751     Email: mbccadmin@gmail.com     Web: https://www.missionbaycc.org/     [08 Jul 2023]
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA)     Established in 1977 by artists and community activists with a shared vision to promote, preserve and develop the cultural arts that reflect the living tradition and experiences of the Chicano, Central and South American, and Caribbean people, and to make arts accessible as an essential element to community development and well-being. MCCLA is a multicultural, multidisciplinary arts organization committed to the collaborative artistic vision of the Latino art forms. MCCLA provides the community with an arena in which to develop new artistic skills, as well as support local and established artists that serve their community. MCCLA collaborates with other arts, social and humanitarian groups to provide the widest range of programming possible.     Address: 2868 Mission Street (near 24th Street), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 821-1155     Email: info@missionculturalcenter.org     Web: https://missionculturalcenter.org/     [09 Apr 2022]
Mission Economic Development Association (MEDA)     Since our inception in 1973, MEDA’s work has centered on equity. We envision generations of Latino families choosing where to call home, thriving economically, succeeding in learning opportunities, and leading policy and social change toward a more equitable society. To make that a reality, we assess need, incorporate our vision, implement best practices and work toward capacity-building. MEDA is also committed to maintaining the cultural identity and enhancing the resources of the Mission District, as we help every student achieve and every family succeed as the lead agency of the Mission Promise Neighborhood.     Address: Plaza Adelante, 2301 Mission Street, Suite 301, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 282-3334     Email: rjaquez@medasf.org     Web: https://medasf.org/     [13 Oct 2023]
Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal     Mumia Abu-Jamal is an award-winning Pennsylvania journalist who exposed police violence against minority communities. On death row from 1982 to 2012, he was wrongfully sentenced for the shooting of a police officer. New evidence, including the recantation of a key eyewitness, new ballistic and forensic evidence and a confession from Arnold Beverly (one of the two killers of Officer Faulkner) points to his innocence! Mumia had no criminal record.     Address: PO Box 10328, Oakland CA 94610     Voice: (510) 268-9429     Email: alerts@freemumia.org     Web: http://www.free-mumia.org/     [16 Nov 2024]
Frank Moore     Frank Moore was a performer, director, writer, and teacher of shamanistic art. He conducted performance rituals throughout the year and performed with his band, "The Cherotic All-Stars." An independent candidate for President of the U.S. He published 'The Cherotic rEvolutionary', a zine about "the edge".     Web: https://www.eroplay.com/   https://www.frankmooreforpresident08.com/     [09 Apr 2022]
Mother Jones (MoJo)     A reader-supported investigative news organization honored as Magazine of the Year by our peers in the industry. Our nonprofit newsroom goes deep on the biggest stories of the moment, from politics and criminal and racial justice to education, climate change, and food/agriculture. We reach more than 10 million people each month via our website, social media, videos, podcasts, email newsletters, and print magazine. Our fellowship program is one of the premier training grounds for emerging investigative storytellers.     Address: PO Box 584, San Francisco CA 94104-0584     Voice: (415) 321-1700     Web: https://www.motherjones.com/     [02 Jul 2022]
Mount Diablo Peace and Justice Center (MDPC)     We exist to offer Contra Costa County residents a choice – a choice in how to view the world through peaceful eyes, to view Contra Costa County as part of the global family. Showing support for community programs allows the Center to work towards engendering new ways of thinking in every citizen. That choice includes how we spend our time and money, and the picture of what peace looks like gets clearer as we take actions that reflect our resolve to be the change we want to see.     Address: 1035 Carol Lane, Lafayette CA 94549     Voice: (925) 933-7850     Email: info@ourpeacecenter.org     Web: https://ourpeacecenter.org/     [16 Aug 2024]
Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project     Inspires and engages in transformative action towards the liberation and restoration of land, labor, and culture. We have engaged hundreds of organizations and thousands of community leaders, activists, and organizers through intensive retreats, political education, hands-on skills workshops, peer exchange, campaign development, alliance building, strategic support, and fostering MG as a political home.     Address: PO Box 102, Berkeley CA 94701     Voice: (510) 649-1475     Email: info@movementgeneration.org     Web: https://movementgeneration.org/     [26 May 2024]
Movement Labs     An incubator and consulting firm using technology and experimentation to stop fascism and build progressive power. We focus on finding new ways to use technology to achieve tangible outcomes in areas like voter registration, candidate recruitment, and elections. We’re able to rapidly incubate ideas, train volunteers, and deploy a team. Our projects focus on experimenting and sharing learnings to help progressives best optimize their growth and communications strategies.     Web: https://movementlabs.com/     [02 Feb 2025]
Mujeres Unidas y Activas (San Francisco office) (MUA)     A membership-based Latina immigrant community organizing and empowerment program. Over 30 years later, MUA is a grassroots organization with a budget of over $3 million and a staff of 30+ that reaches thousands of Latina immigrant women throughout the San Francisco Bay Area each year. MUA has a dual mission of promoting personal transformation and building community power for social and economic justice.     Address: 3543 18th Street #23 (at Valencia), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 621-8140     Web: https://mujeresunidas.net/     [02 Jul 2022]
Multicultural Institute (MI)     Since 1991, under the leadership of its Founder, Rigoberto Calocarivas, MI has worked with different immigrant communities in three areas; Alameda, San Mateo and Contra Costa counties. Its strongest niche is with Latino immigrants, particularly those from Mexico and Central America and its core constituents include day laborers, low-income immigrant adults and youth. Since its inception MI has envisioned a community in which immigrants, regardless of their immigration status, are embraced and valued in the communities in which they live and work.     Address: 1920 Seventh Street, Berkeley CA 94710     Voice: (510) 848-4075     Email: info@mionline.org     Web: https://mionline.org/     [13 Oct 2023]
Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice (MVPJ)     We come together from many diverse faith communities and spiritual traditions to put our convictions into action by saying NO to war and YES to peace and justice.     Address: c/o First Presbyterian Church, 1140 Cowper Street, Palo Alto CA 94301     Email: info@multifaithpeace.org     Web: http://www.multifaithpeace.org/     [09 Apr 2022]
Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture (MESA)     MESA cultivates a global grassroots network of food and farming leaders dedicated to reviving community food systems. Through experiential learning in agroecology and horizontal exchanges for food sovereignty, MESA links ancestral knowledge with innovation rooted in earth stewardship, equitable economies, and multicultural alliances worldwide. Located at 2222 Harold Way, Berkeley, CA 94704.     Address: PO Box 40113, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 654-8858     Email: mesa@mesaprogram.org     Web: https://mesaprogram.org/     [16 Nov 2024]
Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD)     Celebrates Black cultures, ignites challenging conversations, & inspires learning through the global lens of the African Diaspora.     Address: 685 Mission Street (at Third Street), San Francisco CA 94105     Voice: (415) 318-7215     Email: communications@moadsf.org     Web: https://www.moadsf.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Musicians Action Group (MAG)     An ad-hoc group of musicians, horn players and percussionists, who have played at Bay Area actions and events for progressive political causes for over thirty-five years. We started in the early 1980’s, participating with the Livermore Action Group protesting nuclear weapons research. We are amateur and professional musicians who make music for marches, rallies, boycotts, picket lines, block parties, neighborhood actions and celebrations. We use our music to mobilize for union causes, against war, for civil rights, against fascism, for women’s rights, against police brutality, for the rights of immigrants, and with left/progressive movements in our local communities and around the world.     Web: https://musiciansactiongroup.org/     [02 Jul 2022]
NamasteDirect     A non-profit organization that is laser-focused on empowering Guatemalan women who run small businesses to lift themselves out of poverty. Our mission is to directly contribute to women´s economic empowerment by providing business development programs that increase the business cash flow of low-income women. Namaste Direct has been in operation since 2004 and since then has empowered over 4,000 women through our signature Creating Prosperity Program (CPP). The CPP combines personalized mentorship, financial literacy training, and customized microloans to help women entrepreneurs formalize their business models, manage their finances, and dramatically increase their profits.     Address: POBox 521, San Francisco CA 94104-0521     Voice: (415) 412-2057     Email: info@namaste-direct.org     Web: https://namastedirect.org/     [05 Feb 2023]
Narika     Founded in 1992 by immigrant women who identified the need for culturally responsive and linguistically diverse domestic violence services in the Bay Area. Embracing the notion of safety, empowerment and wellness, Narika addresses the unmet needs of survivors of abuse by providing advocacy, support, information, and referrals within a culturally sensitive and linguistically diverse model. Narika has helped thousands of individuals put abuse and violence behind them and build new lives for themselves.     Address: PO Box 1708, Fremont CA 94538     Voice: (510) 444-6068     Email: narika@narika.org     Web: https://www.narika.org/     [05 Feb 2023]
The Nation     Principled. Progressive. The Nation speaks truth to power to build a more just society. Home to tenacious muckraking, provocative commentary, and spirited debate about politics and culture, The Nation empowers readers to fight for justice and equality for all. By providing a deeper understanding of the world as it is—and as it could be—we drive bold ideas into the conversation and ignite debates far beyond our pages. We believe in intellectual freedom. We value facts and transparency. We argue that dissent is patriotic and we hold the powerful to account, no matter their political persuasion. We raise up the promise of a radical tomorrow while we agitate for meaningful change today.     Web: https://www.thenation.com/     [09 Apr 2022]
Nation of Change     Our mission is to help people create a more compassionate, responsible, and value-driven world, powered by communities that focus on positive solutions to social and economic problems.     Web: https://www.nationofchange.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
National Abortion Federaion (NAF)     The professional association of abortion providers. We unite, represent, serve, and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care.     Web: https://prochoice.org/     [09 Apr 2022]
National AIDS Memorial     Healing, hope, remembrance, and history about the AIDS epidemic in America. By sharing the story of the struggle against HIV/AIDS, we remember, in perpetuity, the lives lost, we offer healing and hope to survivors, and we inspire new generations of activists in the fight against stigma, denial, and hate, for a just future. Our work helps ensure that the lives of people who died from AIDS are not forgotten and the story of AIDS is known by future generations - so that never again will a community be harmed because of fear, silence, discrimination, or stigma.     Address: PO Box 2270, San Francisco CA 94126-2270     Email: info@aidsmemorial.org     Web: https://www.aidsmemorial.org/     [09 Apr 2022]
National Black Farmers Association (NBFA)     A non-profit organization representing African American farmers and their families in the United States. As an association, it serves tens of thousands of members nationwide. NBFA's education and advocacy efforts have been focused on civil rights, land retention, access to public and private loans, education and agricultural training, and rural economic development for black and other small farmers.     Web: https://www.nationalblackfarmersassociation.org/     [15 Jul 2023]
National Black Food and Justice Alliance (NBFJA)     A coalition of Black-led organizations aimed at developing Black leadership, supporting Black communities, organizing for Black self-determination, and building institutions for Black food sovereignty & liberation. The Alliance seeks to achieve this by engaging in broad based coalition organizing for Black food and land, increasing visibility of Black-led narratives and work, advancing Black-led visions for just and sustainable communities, and building capacity for self-determination within our local, national, and international food systems and land rights work.     Web: https://www.blackfoodjustice.org/     [15 Jul 2023]
National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO)     We are a nonprofit organization that has been supporting the employee ownership community since 1981. Our mission is to help employee ownership thrive. We have thousands of members because we help people make smart decisions about employee ownership, with everything from reliable information on technical issues to inspiration to help companies reach the full potential of employee ownership. We generate original research, facilitate the exchange of best practices at our live and online events, feature the best and most current writing by experts in our publications, and help employee ownership companies build ownership cultures where employees think and act like owners.     Voice: (510) 208-1300     Email: customerservice@nceo.org     Web: https://www.nceo.org/     [04 May 2024]
National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)     A national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families through litigation, legislation, policy, and public education. As the first national LGBTQ legal organization founded by women, NCLR is a non-profit, public interest law firm that litigates precedent-setting cases at the trial and appellate court levels; advocates for equitable public policies affecting the LGBTQ community; provides free legal assistance to LGBTQ people and their legal advocates; and conducts community education on LGBTQ issues.     Address: 870 Market Street, Suite 370, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 392-6257 (392-NCLR)     Fax: (415) 392-8442     Email: Info@NCLRights.org     Web: https://www.nclrights.org/     [05 Feb 2023]
National Center for Science Education (NCSE)     Promotes and defends accurate and effective science education because everyone deserves to engage with the evidence. NCSE works with teachers, parents, scientists, and concerned citizens at the local, state, and national levels to ensure that topics including evolution and climate change are taught accurately, honestly, and confidently.     Address: 230 Grand Avenue, Suite 101, Oakland CA 94610     Voice: (510) 601-7203     Email: info@ncse.ngo     Web: https://ncse.ngo/     [22 Oct 2022]
National Center for Youth Law (NCYL)     Believes in the incredible power, agency, and wisdom of youth. For more than 50 years, we have worked to center the voices and experiences of youth blocked from educational, health, and social well-being opportunities, particularly Black youth and youth of color, LGBTQ youth, disabled youth, immigrant youth, and youth in child welfare and juvenile justice systems. We are transforming systems – classrooms, courts, the justice system, and health care spaces – to extend equity, dignity and care for children and youth.     Address: 1212 Broadway, Suite 600, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 835-8098     Web: https://youthlaw.org/     [17 Feb 2024]
National Center on Disability and Journalism (NCDJ)     The goal of the NCDJ is to provide support and guidance for journalists as they cover people with disabilities. Group picturePeople with disabilities make up at least 19 percent of the U.S. population or 54.4 million people. However, it is widely acknowledged that people with disabilities are frequently under-covered by the mainstream press or that coverage is inaccurate or incomplete.     Web: https://ncdj.org/     [14 Apr 2022]
National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC)     Every generation of Americans faces new and significant challenges to free expression. For almost 50 years, NCAC has acted as a first responder to protect this freedom, which is both a fundamental human right and a keystone of democracy in the ever-changing American nation. We promote freedom of thought and inquiry and oppose censorship. When controversy occurs, we encourage and facilitate dialogue between divergent voices and perspectives, including those that have historically been silenced. We envision an American society that understands, values, defends, and vigorously exercises free expression in a just, egalitarian, diverse, and inclusive democracy.     Web: https://ncac.org/     [04 May 2024]
National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH)     A national network of people who are currently experiencing or who have experienced homelessness, activists, and advocates, community-based and faith-based service providers, and others committed to a single mission: To end and prevent homelessness while ensuring the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness are met and their civil rights are respected and protected. We envision a world where everyone has a safe, decent, accessible and affordable home.     Web: https://nationalhomeless.org/     [16 Nov 2024]
National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE)     A coalition of women's and civil rights organizations; labor unions; religious, professional, legal, and educational associations, commissions on women, state and local pay equity coalitions and individuals working to eliminate sex- and race-based wage discrimination and to achieve pay equity. NCPE's purpose is to close the wage gap that still exists between women, as well as people of color, and men. In 1963, when the Equal Pay Act was signed, women made 59 cents on average for every dollar earned by men (based on Census figures of median wages of full-time, year-round workers). By 2012, women earned 77 cents to men's dollar, a narrowing of the wage gap by less than half a cent a year.     Web: https://www.pay-equity.org/     [05 Feb 2023]
National Compadres Network (NCN)     Mission is to strengthen and re-root the capacity of individuals, families, and communities to honor, rebalance, and redevelop the authentic identity, values, traditions, and indigenous practices of Chicano, Latino, Native, Raza, and other communities of color as the path to the honoring of all their relations and lifelong well-being. Believes re-rooting the generational extended kinship Compadre and Comadre network will have an impact on reducing the incidence of substance abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, teen pregnancy, gang violence, heterosexism, racial inequity, and other individual, family, community, and societal issues.     Address: 1550 The Alameda, Suite 320, San Jose CA 95126     Voice: (408) 484-4191     Fax: (408) 693-3735     Web: https://nationalcompadresnetwork.org/     [03 Jun 2023]
National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA)     Mission is to develop, advance and protect cooperative enterprise. Works to build a better world and a more inclusive economy that empowers people to contribute to shared prosperity and well-being for themselves and future generations. By leveraging the shared resources of the cooperative movement, we seek to engage, partner with and empower people from all walks of life—particularly those left behind by a shifting economy and facing the greatest economic and societal barriers. We achieve this vision through collaborative partnerships in development, advocacy, public awareness and thought leadership.     Web: https://ncbaclusa.coop/     [16 Nov 2024]
National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC)     Mobilizes family farmers and ranchers to achieve fair prices, vibrant communities, and healthy foods free of corporate domination. NFFC supports family farmers, fishers, and ranchers taking action in their communities and ensures their voices are represented in Washington, DC, and beyond. Our members represent farmers, ranchers, and fishers who are learning from each other and taking action to change the inequities in our farm and food system. Our work is always driven by these grassroots organizations and guided by a firm commitment to racial equity.     Web: https://nffc.net/     [22 Oct 2023]
National Freedom of Information Coalition (NFOIC)     A national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of state and regional affiliates representing 39 states, commonwealths, territories and districts including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam. Through our programs and services and national member network, NFOIC promotes press freedom, legislative and administrative reforms, dispute resolutions and litigation (when needed) to ensure open, transparent and accessible state and local governments and public institutions. We are proactively working to integrate new voices into the government transparency world, recognizing that information is critical to empowering marginalized groups, and that new perspectives are essential to healthy civic engagement and democracy.     Web: https://www.nfoic.org/     [02 Feb 2025]
National Homelessness Law Center (NHLC)     We are a national organization dedicated to using the power of the law to end and prevent homelessness and to protect the rights of people experiencing homelessness. The only national organization dedicated solely to using the power of the law to end and prevent homelessness through training, advocacy, impact litigation, and public education.     Web: https://homelesslaw.org/     [17 Feb 2024]
National Housing Trust (ICE)     The nation’s leading expert in preserving, improving and maintaining affordable housing – ensuring that privately owned rental housing remains in our affordable housing stock and is sustainable over time. Using the tools of real estate development, rehabilitation, finance, policy advocacy in conjunction with sustainable practices, the Trust is responsible for saving more than 36,000 affordable homes in all 50 states, leveraging more than $1.2 billion in financing.     Web: https://www.nationalhousingtrust.org/     [14 Apr 2022]
National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN)     A coalition of immigrant rights, labor, human rights, religious, and student activist organizations from across the country. We work with leading immigrant rights, students and labor groups. In solidarity with their campaigns, and organize community immigrant rights education campaigns.     Web: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/     [01 Jun 2024]
National Immigration Law Center (Berkeley office) (NILC)     One of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of immigrants with low income. At NILC, we believe that all people who live in the U.S. should have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Over the years, we’ve been at the forefront of many of the country’s greatest challenges when it comes to immigration issues, and we play a major leadership role in addressing the real-life impact of policies that affect the ability of low-income immigrants to prosper and thrive.     Voice: (510) 663-8282     Fax: (510) 663-2028     Web: https://www.nilc.org/     [15 Jul 2023]
National Lawyers Guild - San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (NLG-SFBA)     Since its inception, NLG-SFBA has been dedicated to mass defense and protecting the rights of demonstrators as the legal arm of the movement. NLG-SFBA membership currently comprises movement and jailhouse lawyers, legal workers and paralegals, community organizers, activists, volunteers, and law and other students working for prison and police abolition, migrant justice, housing justice, labor rights, and environmental justice, among other struggles. To this day, NLG-SFBA is committed to uplifting human rights over property rights, serving communities in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond through our projects, programs, and committees.     Voice: (415) 285-5067     Email: contact@nlgsf.org     Web: https://nlgsf.org/     [02 Jul 2022]
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)     Works to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees, regardless of immigration status. Since its founding in 1986, the organization has drawn membership from diverse immigrant communities, and actively builds alliances with social and economic justice partners around the country. As part of a global movement for social and economic justice, NNIRR is committed to human rights as essential to securing healthy, safe and peaceful lives for all.     Address: 310 Eighth Street, Suite 310, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 465-1984     Email: nnirr@nnirr.org     Web: https://nnirr.org/     [16 Nov 2024]
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, California Chapter (California NORML)     A non-profit, membership organization dedicated to reforming California’s marijuana laws. We are the only state organization advocating for sensible and fair cannabis laws and regulations on behalf of consumers. We lobby lawmakers, promote events, publish newsletters, offer legal and consumer health advice, and sponsor scientific research.     Address: 2261 Market Street #278A, San Francisco CA 94114     Voice: (415) 563-5858     Web: https://www.canorml.org/     [14 Apr 2022]
National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM)     Provides information and support for men who have concerns about being circumcised, are considering foreskin restoration, or are in the process of restoring their foreskins. NORM is dedicated to providing a place where circumcised men can share their concerns without fear of being ridiculed for a desire to be intact and whole again. A safe place is provided to discuss goals and learn about methods and techniques of restoration and to discover those methods that will work best for each individual.     Web: https://norm.org/     [16 Aug 2024]
National Security Archive     Founded in 1985 by journalists and scholars to check rising government secrecy, the National Security Archive combines a unique range of functions: investigative journalism center, research institute on international affairs, library and archive of declassified U.S. documents ("the world's largest nongovernmental collection" according to the Los Angeles Times), leading non-profit user of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, public interest law firm defending and expanding public access to government information, global advocate of open government, and indexer and publisher of former secrets.     Web: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/     [04 May 2024]
National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)     Seeks to empower, unify, and support student organizers as they push forward demands for Palestinian liberation & self-determination on their campuses. Supports over two hundred Palestine solidarity organizations on college campuses across occupied Turtle Island (U.S. and Canada). We promote an agenda grounded in freedom, solidarity, equality, safety, and historical justice, and we seek to elevate the student movement for Palestinian liberation to a higher level of political engagement. We aim to develop a connected, disciplined movement that is equipped with the tools necessary to contribute to the fight for Palestinian liberation.     Web: https://nationalsjp.org/     [17 Nov 2023]
National Writers Union (NWU)     The National Writers Union is more than just another writers’ organization. It is the only labor union that represents freelance writers working in all genres, formats, and mediums. As freelancers we may value our autonomy, but we are united by the fact that we work independently. We face the same challenges, file the same income tax forms, and often suffer the same frustrations. Whether you’re a journalist, a book author, a technical or business writer, a screenwriter or blogger – whether you write poetry or proposals – the NWU is already working to improve your professional life.     Web: https://nwu.org/     [04 May 2024]
Native American Health Center (NAHC)     A nonprofit, Federally Qualified Health Center proudly serving California’s Bay Area Native Population and other underserved communities. Caring for the Bay Area since 1972, NAHC has worked at local, state, and federal levels to deliver resources and services for the urban Native community. As an Urban Indian Health Project through our relationship with the Indian Health Service (IHS), we are dedicated to providing high quality medical, dental, behavioral health, community wellness, and social service programs.     Address: 3124 International Blvd, Oakland CA 94601     Voice: (510) 434-5421     Web: https://www.nativehealth.org/     [04 May 2024]
Native Seeds / SEARCH (NS/S)     A nonprofit seed conservation organization based in Tucson, Arizona. Our mission is to conserve and promote the arid-adapted crop diversity of the Southwest in support of sustainable farming and food security. Native Seeds/SEARCH seeks to find, protect and preserve the seeds of the people of the Greater Southwest so that these arid adapted crops may benefit all peoples and nourish a changing world.     Web: https://www.nativeseeds.org/     [14 Apr 2022]
Nature in the City     Rapidly urbanizing San Francisco is a biodiversity hotspot. With so many colorful plants and animals sharing our home, we're dedicated to educating our community about urban wildlife and pioneering projects that encourage exploring and caring for local habitats. As a grassroots environmental nonprofit, we empower local communities—people of all ages, ethnicities, and socio-economic strata by organizing habitat restoration stewardship projects; leading nature walks & events; offering habitat gardening services; and providing tools and educational resources for people to participate in citizen science and lifelong learning. Our open space advocacy work serves diverse San Francisco neighborhoods.     Address: PO Box 170088, San Francisco CA 94117     Voice: (415) 564-4107     Email: info@natureinthecity.org     Web: http://natureinthecity.org/     [22 Oct 2023]
Naturist Society     Promoting a culture of body acceptance through clothing-optional recreation, education, and community outreach.     Web: https://naturistsociety.com/     [14 Apr 2022]
Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives (NoBAWC)     A grassroots organization of democratic workplaces dedicated to building workplace democracy in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. NoBAWC is comprised primarily of worker cooperatives. NoBAWC is comprised of small and medium-sized workplaces with a few to over 200 worker-owners, representing diverse industries and sectors of the economy. All are democratic, however, their legal and organizational structures vary. Most are businesses while some are non-profits; most provide a living for their workers while some are volunteer-run; many utilize direct democracy while others use both direct and representational structures.     Address: c/o Sustainable Economies Law Center, 1428 Franklin Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 736-2667 (voice message)     Email: info@nobawc.org     Web: https://nobawc.org/     [22 Oct 2023]
Nevada Desert Experience (NDE)     Using a campaign of prayer, education, dialogue, and nonviolent direct action, our mission is to stop modern weapons development, including the end of automated warfare and nuclear weaponeering in Southern Nevada. We support personal renewal through desert spirituality and we mobilize people of faith as our primary methods to prevent the return of full-scale nuclear testing.     Address: 1420 West Bartlett Avenue, Las Vegas NV 89106-2226     Voice: (702) 646-4814     Email: info@nevadadesertexperience.org     Web: http://nevadadesertexperience.org/     [25 Feb 2024]
New Day Films     Offers streaming films and DVDs to educators, community groups, public libraries, and other institutions. Our collection includes many groundbreaking social issue films, winners of Academy Awards and other prestigious honors, and new films from an upcoming generation of independent filmmakers. We focus on distributing educational documentaries, but we want our films to reach the widest possible audience: if you are an individual or a group looking for one of our films, don’t hesitate to contact us.     Web: https://www.newday.com/     [04 May 2024]
New Door Ventures (GGCI)     An early-intervention employment and education program for Bay Area youth age 17-24 who are disconnected from — or weakly connected to — work and school. Since 1981, New Door has been serving Bay Area communities facing systemic racism, structural inequities, and other barriers to economic opportunity. Our services are focused on the critical transition period between childhood and adulthood, when skill development and work readiness become key to lifelong employability and financial independence.     Address: 3221 20th Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 920-9200     Email: intake@newdoor.org     Web: https://www.newdoor.org/     [16 Nov 2024]
New Economy Coalition (NEC)     A membership-based network representing the solidarity economy movement in the United States. We exist to organize our members into a more powerful and united force, in order to accelerate the transition of our economic system from capitalism to a solidarity economy. NEC’s members are a cross section of nonprofits, mission-driven businesses, grassroots community organizations, and sectoral associations. While many groups are focused on a particular strategy or are based in a specific geographic region, they join NEC to be part of a network that is cross-sectoral and national in scope. Together, we understand ourselves as part of an international social movement ecosystem that includes tens of thousands of groups using varied and different strategies to build a more just, liberatory, and democratic world.     Web: https://neweconomy.net/     [15 Jul 2023]
New Field Foundation     Since 2004, New Field Foundation has supported rural women's organizations to overcome poverty, violence, and injustice in their communities. Please note that as of 2017, New Field Foundation has completed its funding of the Rural Women Creating Change program. Currently, New Field is the Advisor to the Seeds, Soil, and Culture fund managed by RSF Social Finance.     Email: info@newfieldfound.org     Web: https://www.newfieldfound.org/     [09 Jul 2022]
New Israel Fund (San Francisco Regional Office) (NIF)     Helps Israel live up to its founders’ vision of a society that ensures complete equality to all its inhabitants. Our aim is to advance liberal democracy, including freedom of speech and minority rights, and to fight the inequality, injustice and extremism that diminish Israel.     Voice: (415) 543-5055     Fax: (415) 543-6066     Email: sf@nif.org     Web: https://www.nif.org/     [05 Feb 2023]
New Roots Institute     Empowering the next generation with knowledge and training to end factory farming. Through interactive, high school and college lessons, we inspire critical thinking and dynamic discussions about the connections between industrial animal agriculture and current key issues impacting us all—like animal welfare, climate change and environmental sustainability, human rights, and personal and public health.     Web: https://www.newrootsinstitute.org/     [02 Feb 2025]
New Society Publishers (NSP)     We are an activist, solutions-oriented publisher focused on bringing you tools for a world of change. New Society Publishers has published over 600 books, available as both print and ebooks. We care deeply about both what we publish and how we do business and so the same thinker and doer approach permeates our in-house work and the books themselves. A certified B Corporation, we print on 100% post-consumer recycled paper, we are carbon neutral, and we print only in North America, never offshore.     Web: https://newsociety.com/     [05 Feb 2023]
New Village Press     A publisher in the humanities and social sciences since 2005, best known for transdisciplinary books in urban sociology, community cultural development, and healthy city design. Our titles aim to animate emerging movements in societal transformation with true stories about collaborative community building and the creative new roles that artists and scholars, citizens and planners can play in public life. The press crosses boundaries between professional, academic, and informal education with books that engage scholars, practitioners, and community activists alike. Most significantly, New Village books go beyond abstract policy and polemics to present the human motivations and nitty-gritty work for making a certain part of the world a better place.     Web: https://www.newvillagepress.org/     [22 Oct 2023]
News from Native California     A quarterly magazine devoted to the vibrant cultures, arts, languages, histories, social justice movements, and stories of California’s diverse Indian peoples. We strive to preserve the cherished knowledge of an older generation, provide opportunities for a younger generation making a place for Indian ways in the modern world, and illuminate the beauty of Native cultures to all of California.     Web: http://newsfromnativecalifornia.com/     [14 Apr 2022]
NewspaperIndex.com     A list of the most important online newspapers and other news sources in all countries in the world. All the newspapers focus on general news, politics, debate and economy and they are free to access online. The newspapers are chosen in order to give journalists, researcher and others an overview of how the national media edit current topics.     Web: https://www.newspaperindex.com/     [22 Oct 2022]
The Next Generation (TNG)     An award-winning political consulting and issue advocacy firm based in Oakland, California. We specialize in progressive and environmental candidates and causes in the Bay Area and across the state. As a boutique firm, we focus on a select few campaigns each election cycle, so we can guarantee our clients hands-on service with a personal touch. We are deeply involved in every aspect of a campaign from start to finish, anticipate our clients’ concerns, and can promise full access to the knowledge, skills, and network our team has developed over a combined 50+ plus years in the business.     Address: 520 3rd Sreet #208, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 444-4710     Fax: (510) 444-4743     Email: info@nextgeneration.org     Web: https://www.nextgeneration.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library     Aims to help working people understand and create our role in history by maintaining and building an accessible library and archive, by organizing classes and discussions, and by providing community space and resources to promote culture and critical thinking. We are inclusive, independent, nonsectarian, anti-capitalist and committed to struggle for democracy and against all forms of discrimination.     Address: 6501 Telegraph Avenue (just north of Alcatraz), Oakland CA 94609-1113     Voice: (510) 517-0150     Email: NPML@marxistlibr.org     Web: http://marxistlibr.org/     [14 Apr 2022]
Nine Lives Foundation     We are a community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization operating a no-kill, cat-only clinic and adoption center. We rescue at-risk cats and kittens, provide them with clinical care and nurturing to address their medical and behavioral needs — great or small — and find them loving forever homes. We are committed to addressing the overpopulation of homeless cats by providing low-cost spay and neuter services for those in our community.     Address: 3137 Jefferson Avenue, Redwood City CA 94062     Voice: (650) 368-1365     Email: contact@ninelivesfoundation.org     Web: https://ninelivesfoundation.org/     [05 Feb 2023]
Ninth Street Independent Film Center     Provides a permanent home for independent media in the San Francisco Bay Area. We have transformed nearly 22,000 square feet of industrial space into a publicly accessible nonprofit film center. We see this building as a power plant that generates independent media on a local and national level—a facility created to promote and preserve public-interest media within an increasingly homogenous telecommunications landscape.     Address: 145 Ninth Street, Suite 250, San Francisco CA 94103     Web: https://www.ninthstreet.org/     [22 Oct 2022]
No Coal in Oakland     A grassroots organization campaigning to stop the threat of coal being transported by rail into Oakland for export overseas. Though the Oakland City Council, the city’s Mayor, and politicians at the state and local levels are on-record opposing coal passing through Oakland, the proposal to build a massive coal terminal at the foot of the Bay Bridge remains tied up in both Federal and California lawsuits, and decidedly on the table.     Web: https://nocoalinoakland.info/     [13 Feb 2022]
No Death Penalty (CEDP)     This site is being developed as a resource for those searching the internet for anti-death penalty information and resources. Capital punishment is a topic that brings up deep emotional reactions for those on both sides of the issue and conflict for those who are undecided how they feel. In 2018, the United States executed 25 people and over 2,700 prisoners remain on “death row.” It is one of only 56 nations in the world that still practice capital punishment. At a time when the rest of the world has all but abandoned capital punishment as barbaric, not only does the United States carry on the practice – it carries it out in a way that echoes the racism and discrimination that the civil rights movement was fought to combat.     Web: https://nodeathpenalty.org/     [11 Sep 2022]
No Fly Climate Sci     We are scientists, academics, and members of the public who either don’t fly or who fly less. We feel that global warming poses a clear, present, and dire danger for humanity. In an era of obvious climate change, we feel a need to ramp down unnecessary fossil fuel use. Actions speak louder than words. We try to fly as little as possible while pushing for systemic change, especially through our home institutions. These are our stories: why we fly less, and what that means in a society that still, insanely, rewards frequent flying.     Web: https://noflyclimatesci.org/     [14 Apr 2022]
No Kill Advocacy Center     Through legislation, litigation, consultation, education, direct assistance, and rescue, The No Kill Advocacy Center has been the leading force in the creation of hundreds of No Kill communities across the country for the better part of two decades. The Center was founded in 2004 by Nathan J. Winograd — who serves as the Executive Director. Since our founding, there’s been a 90% drop in the killing of dogs and cats in American pounds.     Address: PO Box 182, Canyon CA 94516     Web: https://nokilladvocacycenter.org/     [22 Oct 2023]
Noam Chomsky Archive     Noam Chomsky is one of America's most prominent political dissidents. A renowned professor of linguistics at MIT, he has authored over 30 political books dissecting such issues as U.S. interventionism in the developing world, the political economy of human rights and the propaganda role of corporate media.     Web: https://chomsky.info/     [16 Nov 2024]
Nolo     Mission is to help consumers and small businesses find answers to their everyday legal and business questions. Thousands of do-it-yourself products, including legal forms, online documents, books and ebooks, and software. Generate a customized estate planning form like a will, a living trust, or a power of attorney in just minutes. Get all the most common business forms you'll need to operate your business, or create an LLC yourself. Our products are in plain English, created and updated by attorneys and legal editors.     Web: https://www.nolo.com/     [04 May 2024]
Non-GMO Project     A mission-driven nonprofit organization dedicated to building and protecting a non-GMO food supply. We do this through consumer education and outreach programs; marketing support provided to Non-GMO Project Verified brands; and training resources and merchandising materials provided to retailers. Non-GMO Project Verified remains the market leader for GMO avoidance and one of the fastest growing labels in the retail sector. We offer North America’s most trusted third-party verification for non-GMO food and products.     Web: https://www.nongmoproject.org/     [14 Apr 2022]
Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)     The proud voice of affordable housing across the Bay Area. Our members, partners, and supporters stand strong together to develop and pass critical policies to create change for our communities. Our events, programs, and trainings bring people together to grow our industry’s capacity, advance equity, foster connections and community, and ensure that we’re working collaboratively to develop, pass, and implement critical housing solutions for all of our community members, regardless of race, income, and personal background.     Address: 49 Stevenson Street, Suite 500, San Francisco CA 94105     Voice: (415) 989-8160     Web: https://nonprofithousing.org/     [12 Jan 2025]
NorCal Resilience Network     Mission is to catalyze a just transition to an equitable and regenerative region by supporting and activating community-based and ecological solutions in Northern California. Our regional network increases capacity for grassroots projects and programs; helps to build out model sites for permaculture and resilience; and builds solidarity across divides of race, class, sector and region. We work with organizations, businesses and leaders committed to growing thriving, resilient communities through collaboration and collective impact.     Email: info@norcalresilience.org     Web: https://norcalresilience.org/     [22 Oct 2023]
NorCal Sabeel     Dedicated to organizing and participating in events that advance peace and justice for Palestinians. Our mission is to advocate for Palestinian human rights and amplify the voices of Palestinians. We are affiliated with Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA), a Christian ecumenical non-profit organization. We condemn all acts of violence against human life, whether committed by states, individuals, or groups.     Address: PO Box 9301, Berkeley CA 94709     Email: SabeelTree@gmail.com     Web: https://www.norcalsabeel.org/     [24 Jan 2025]
NorCal4OurRevolution     We are friends, neighbors, volunteers that are supporting #OurRevolution with progressive candidates.     Web: https://www.facebook.com/NorCal4OurRevolution   https://ourrevolution.com/     [15 Jul 2023]
North Atlantic Books (NAB)     An independent nonprofit publisher committed to a bold exploration of the relationships between mind, body, spirit, culture, and nature. Founded in Vermont in 1974 and operating in Berkeley since 1977, NAB has been at the forefront of publishing a diverse range of original books in bodywork and somatics, ecology and sustainability, health and healing, Indigenous cultures and anthropology, psychology and personal growth, social justice and engaged activism, and spirituality and liminality. NAB’s Blue Snake Books imprint is one of the largest sources of internal and historical martial-arts books in the world.     Address: 2526 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 549-4270     Web: https://www.northatlanticbooks.com/     [22 Oct 2022]
North Beach Citizens     Utilizes the talents of the community to innovatively address the needs of its homeless and low-income citizens in an atmosphere of trust, integrity, and respect. Our programs are designed with a holistic focus on the well-being of those that we serve, bringing food, housing, and stability to those who need it most. Since 2001, we have helped hundreds of our neighbors transition from homelessness to housing and from crisis to community.     Address: 1034 Kearny Street, San Francisco CA 94133     Voice: (415) 772-0918     Fax: (415) 358-5893     Email: info@northbeachcitizens.org     Web: https://www.northbeachcitizens.org/     [12 Mar 2022]
Northern California 911 Truth Alliance     Our mission is to seek and disseminate truths about the terrible crimes committed on September 11, 2001, exposing gaps and deceptions in the official story. Our goal is to inspire more eyewitness revelations, truthful media coverage, and a movement that will bring the responsible criminals to justice and eliminate governmental and corporate policies that enable criminal elements to commit such acts.     Web: https://sf911truth.org/     [22 Oct 2023]
Northern California Land Trust (NCLT)     We’re a Community Land Trust (CLT) committed to stewarding and expanding permanently affordable community owned and governed land. Community Land Trusts (CLTs) acquire, maintain, and permanently own the land underneath housing to ensure long-term affordability of housing. Via long-term ground leases, CLTs disentangle the ownership of land from the ownership of housing. This insulates housing from the impacts of market speculation, allowing for housing to remain permanently affordable.     Address: 3120 Shattuck Avenue (near Woolsey), Berkeley CA 94705     Voice: (510) 548-7878     Email: nclt@nclt.org     Web: https://www.nclt.org/     [16 Aug 2024]
Northern California Recycling Association (NCRA)     An association of recycling businesses, community groups, municipalities, and individuals committed to promoting, expanding, and institutionalizing recycling. Founded in 1978, NCRA is a nonprofit trade organization for recyclers with around 200 members, the majority of whom are located in Northern California. Boat rockers, we are active locally, regionally, state-wide and nationally depending on what needs to be done. NCRA promotes waste reduction, reuse, salvaging, recycling, and composting as vital tools for resource and energy conservation, and as cost-effective, environmentally sound methods of disposing of discarded materials.     Web: https://ncrarecycles.org/     [04 May 2024]
Northern California Solar Energy Association (NorCal Solar)     A nonprofit, member-supported association that provides education on the many aspects of solar energy. Since 1975, NorCal Solar has served as a leading clearinghouse of unbiased information for solar professionals and newcomers, the general public, policymakers, grassroots organizations, advocacy groups, and the media in Northern California.     Address: 340 Village View Court, Orinda CA 94563     Email: info@norcalsolar.org     Web: https://www.norcalsolar.org/     [22 Oct 2022]
Northern Sun Merchandising     We're a small group of individuals who work for a company that sells progressive, message-oriented t-shirts, button, stickers, etc. through a paper catalog and on our website. Northern Sun also does events, mostly done by Scott, the owner. Northern Sun donates to local community radio (kfai.org), the Midwest Renewable Energy Assoc (midwestrenew.org), the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (ijdh.org), Women Against Military Madness (wamm.org), the Resource Center of the Americas (americas.org) and others.     Web: https://www.northernsun.com/     [04 May 2024]
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP)     The leading Northwest voice for non-toxic pest and weed solutions. We promote safe pest and weed alternatives for the health of people and the environment.     Web: https://www.pesticide.org/     [05 Feb 2023]
Not In Our Town (NIOT)     A movement to stop hate, racism and bullying, and build safe, inclusive communities for all. With film, social media, and organizing tools, Not In Our Town helps local leaders build vibrant, diverse cities and towns, where everyone is encouraged to participate.     Address: PO Box 70232, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 268-9675     Email: info@niot.org     Web: https://www.niot.org/     [15 Jul 2023]
Nourish California     Shapes the programs and policies that should connect—but sometimes stand between—people and the food they need to thrive. We work with an urgent focus on improving access to food for Californians who face the greatest needs and the starkest inequities. Our team leads statewide advocacy efforts to end hunger, disrupt poverty, and ensure that all Californians are well nourished. Our work also contributes to a larger movement of individuals, communities, and organizations fighting for human rights, dignity, and justice, both within California and beyond.     Address: 1736 Franklin Street, Suite 550, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 433-1122     Email: hello@nourishca.org     Web: https://nourishca.org/     [11 Sep 2022]
Nova Ukraine     A 501(c)3 registered non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about Ukraine in the US and throughout the world and providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine. We work closely with non-profits and volunteers focused on helping Ukraine. We organize fundraisers, meetings with Ukrainian famous people, round tables discussions dedicated to Ukraine and Ukrainian culture and participate in various cultural events.     Address: 767-B Loma Verde Avenue, Palo Alto CA 94303     Voice: (650) 690-6194     Fax: (484) 204 4323     Email: contact@novaukraine.org     Web: https://novaukraine.org/     [27 Feb 2022]
Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS)     A national non-profit organization devoted to a nuclear-free, carbon-free world. We have served as the information and networking hub for people and organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues since 1978. We work internationally to create a sustainable energy future without nuclear power, and are affiliated with the World Information Service on Energy (WISE) International.     Web: https://www.nirs.org/     [25 Feb 2024]
Nursing Home & Elder Abuse Law Center     We specialize in elder abuse and elder neglect lawsuits against nursing homes and other long term care facilities throughout California. Our mission is to obtain justice for our clients when there has been neglect or abuse by a nursing home. As experienced elder abuse attorneys in California, we’ve successfully fought for justice in cases of neglect, financial exploitation, and physical abuse.     Address: 1600 South Main Street Suite 185, Walnut Creek CA 94596     Voice: (925) 820-4700     Web: https://www.noelderabuse.com/     [16 Aug 2024]
NutritionFacts.org     A science-based nonprofit organization founded by Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, that provides free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos with captions offered in multiple languages, blogs, and infographics. We are a strictly non-commercial public service health charity. Nearly 2,000 videos on virtually every aspect of healthy eating are already available online, and new videos and blogs are uploaded every day. We also disseminate fact-based information through social media on the benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet for wellness, disease prevention, healthy weight management, and longevity, as well as maintain a Spanish-language site and operate several Chinese platforms.     Web: https://nutritionfacts.org/   https://drgreger.org/     [11 Sep 2022]
Oakland Abolition & Solidarity     A grassroots organization dedicated to abolishing incarceration. Our ultimate goal is not an acceptably comfortable prison life, it is the end of prison – not only prisons, jails, and detention centers, but an end to the entire punitive model of justice and everything that makes it possible. We advocate the abolition of incarceration, white supremacy, and capitalism. We focus on solidarity work, offering our support to prisoners in their efforts to liberate themselves and organize for their own self-defense against inhumane treatment.      Address: PO Box 12594, Oakland CA 94604     Email: admin@oaklandabosol.org     Web: https://oaklandabosol.org/     [20 Dec 2024]
Oakland Climate Action Coalition (OCAC)     The mission of the OCAC—a cross-sector coalition dedicated to racial and economic justice—is to engage Oakland residents in creating and implementing climate solutions that strengthen the environmental, economic, and social resilience of frontline communities. The OCAC pursues this mission by: Developing a comprehensive agenda and program for addressing the impact of climate change on frontline communities Bringing together and supporting grassroots campaigns and initiatives that build community resilience Amplifying community voices and building grassroots power to shape public resilience plans and policies Strengthening community resources through neighborhood-based climate education, planning, and organizing     Web: http://oaklandclimateaction.org/     [29 Oct 2023]
Oakland Institute     Change begins with informed and active citizens. The Oakland Institute is an independent policy think tank, bringing fresh ideas and bold action to the most pressing social, economic, and environmental issues of our time. We have a reputation for meticulous research and analysis. Our work is referenced by policymakers, academics, and the media. Many of our campaigns have resulted in international policy changes.     Address: PO Box 18978, Oakland CA 94619     Voice: (510) 474-5251     Email: info(at)oaklandinstitute.org     Web: https://www.oaklandinstitute.org/     [15 Jul 2023]
Oakland Kids First (OKF)     Increases youth voice, leadership, and power to create engaging and equitable public schools where all students learn and lead. Founded in 1995 by a multi-racial coalition of youth serving community-based organizations, Oakland Kids First (OKF) trains hundreds of high-school leaders each year who work to advance safe and caring school cultures, academic success, and educational equity campaigns that center the needs of underserved Oakland students. We believe students are the experts of their own experience and therefore equipped to evaluate, innovate, and govern the institutions that are supposed to serve them.     Address: 1445 34th Avenue, PO Box 17131, Oakland CA 94601     Voice: (510) 452-2043     Email: Info@kidsfirstoakland.org     Web: https://www.oaklandkidsfirst.org/     [24 Apr 2022]
Oakland Liberation Center     A socialist, working class community center in Fruitvale for education & organizing, staffed by the Party for Socialism and Liberation.     Web: https://www.instagram.com/oaklandliberationcenter/     [20 Jan 2025]
Oakland Pride     Mission is to celebrate the cultures and diversity of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) community in Oakland and the East Bay. We are dedicated to educating the greater community, promoting equality, civic involvement and responsibility within Oakland and neighboring communities. Oakland Pride is committed to facilitating leadership and coalition building for the funding and development of the first LGBTQ community center in Oakland for everyone.     Web: https://www.oaklandpride.org/     [09 Jul 2022]
Oakland Privacy     A citizens’ coalition that works regionally to defend the right to privacy and enhance public transparency and oversight regarding the use of surveillance techniques and equipment. We were instrumental in the creation of the first standing municipal citizens’ privacy advisory commission in the City of Oakland, and we have engaged in privacy enhancing legislative efforts with the Counties of Alameda and Santa Clara and several Northern California cities and regional entities. As experts on municipal privacy reform, we have written use policies and impact reports for a variety of surveillance technologies, conducted research and investigations, and developed frameworks for the implementation of equipment with respect for civil rights, privacy protections and community control.     Web: https://oaklandprivacy.org/   https://www.facebook.com/oakprivacy     [15 Jul 2023]
Oakland Rising     As a collaborative of racial, economic, and environmental justice organizations, Oakland Rising uses the civic process to build political power for and with BIPOC, working-class, immigrant, and formerly incarcerated community members to bring about systemic change. By flexing people power, aligning like-minded forces, and developing values-based leaders, we are dismantling systems of oppression and building a real Democracy that is inclusive of and led by the communities who have historically and systemically been left out of the political and policy decisions.     Address: 570 14th Street, Suite 6, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 261-2600     Email: Info@OaklandRising.org     Web: https://www.oaklandrising.org/     [22 Jul 2023]
Oakland Socialist     Dedicated to trying to understand the world in order to change it. We are a Marxist blog site. We believe that capitalism is destroying the planet and that only the working class can save it through building (or rebuilding) its own independent organizations. Oaklandsocialist is edited by John Reimann, who is the author of all the articles here unless otherwise noted. John is a retired carpenter, the former recording secretary of Carpenters Local 713 and an expelled member of that union.     Web: https://oaklandsocialist.com/     [07 May 2022]
Oakland Tenants Union (OTU)     An organization of housing activists. OTU's core values are to protect and expand tenant rights and interests. OTU works directly with tenants in their struggle with landlords, impacts legislation and public policy about housing, community education, and works with other organizations committed to furthering renters’ rights. The Oakland Tenants Union is open to anyone who shares its core values and believes that tenants have the power and responsibility to advocate on their own behalf.     Address: PO Box 10573, Oakland CA 94610     Voice: (510) 704-5276     Email: info@oaklandtenantsunion.org     Web: https://www.oaklandtenantsunion.org/     [16 Aug 2024]
Occidental Arts and Ecology Center (OAEC)     An 80-acre research, demonstration, education, advocacy and community-organizing center in West Sonoma County, California that develops strategies for regional-scale community resilience and the restoration of biological and cultural diversity. OAEC trains and supports “whole communities” — schools, public agencies, Native American tribes, urban social justice organizations, watershed groups and others — to design and cultivate resilience to mounting ecological, social and economic challenges.     Address: 15290 Coleman Valley Road, Occidental CA 95465     Voice: (707) 874-1557     Email: oaec@oaec.org     Web: https://oaec.org/     [24 Apr 2022]
Occupy Oakland     Occupy Oakland’s first encampment launched on October 10th, 2011 in front of City Hall at 14th and Broadway in downtown Oakland. After the encampments were forcibly removed from the plaza by OPD it evolved into a group of committees and caucuses, and General Assemblies that met twice a week, then once a week, on Sundays at OGP until the March, 2020 pandemic. The GA has been meeting once every two weeks online since then. We reclaimed, for a time, public space to use as a forum for the people to come together, meet one another, listen to each other, and build power for ourselves. Occupy Oakland was more than just a speak out or a camp out. The purpose of our gathering was to plan actions, mobilize real resistance, and defend ourselves from the economic and physical war that is being waged against our communities.     Web: https://occupyoakland.org/     [24 Apr 2022]
Occupy the Farm - The Film     Tells the story of a community’s fight to save public land for urban farming. When 200 farmers march to the gates of the last farmland in the urban East Bay near Oakland, they don't carry signs protesting University of California’s plans to build a shopping center. Instead, they carry tents, tools and 15,000 seedlings. They clip the padlock off the gate and march onto the fields. What happens next will change the fate of the land and introduce a new strategy for activism.     Web: https://occupythefarmfilm.com/     [22 Jul 2023]
Occupy Wall Street     A people-powered movement that began on September 17, 2011 in Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District, and has spread to over 100 cities in the United States and actions in over 1,500 cities globally. #ows is fighting back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process, and the role of Wall Street in creating an economic collapse that has caused the greatest recession in generations. The movement is inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, and aims to fight back against the richest 1% of people that are writing the rules of an unfair global economy that is foreclosing on our future.     Web: http://occupywallst.org/     [24 Apr 2022]
Ocean Voyages Institute (OVI)     A 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1979 by a group of international sailors, educators, and conservationists with a mission of teaching maritime arts and sciences and preserving the world’s oceans. OVI is dedicated to providing sail training opportunities to youth on a worldwide basis as well as providing access to the ocean world and educational programs. In 2009, Project Kaisei was launched to focus on major ocean clean-up and to raise awareness regarding the global problem of marine debris/ocean trash.     Address: 1709 Bridgeway, Sausalito CA 94965     Voice: (415) 332-4681     Email: info@oceanvoyagesinstitute.org     Web: https://www.oceanvoyagesinstitute.org/     [05 Nov 2022]
October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality     Mission is to mobilize those directly under the gun of police terror, alongside those who are relatively immune to state violence, to derail the atrocities of police brutality, mass incarceration, and political repression. Since 1996, this has been realized through organizing for a National Day of Protest every year on October 22nd. In a time when we are witnessing a sharp return to open white supremacy, and a fascist movement both inside and outside of government, the Coalition is building a network to respond quickly across the country through protests and other actions, strengthening people's ability to resist, and creating better conditions for fundamental social change.     Web: https://www.october22.org/     [10 May 2024]
OHIAS (Our Health Is At Stake)     Mission is to educate and empower people and community to live more responsibly, just and sustainable as our finite living world requires. And by opening minds to the needs of our living world through education, example, demonstration, responsible commentary, and theater. In addition to our work we do in pursuit of our mission we will also take on organization work (projects) were there's significant waste and opportunity to create new green jobs, products and business opportunities, and reducing local greenhouse emissions (footprint), while helping to make local economies more circular and just. We are guided by precautionary principals and respect all life.     Web: https://www.ohias.org/     [12 Jan 2025]
Oil & Gas Action Network (OGAN)     A small and nimble organization that works to support grassroots and frontline movements taking action for a just world beyond fossil fuels. We train organizers to catalyze actions that build the movement capacity we need to combat the climate crisis. Since 2021, we have trained over 5,000 grassroots activists, supported over 200 powerful actions for climate justice, and built a network of over 30 allied projects. Our focus is on supporting the actions-led side of social movements - with a core theory-of-change that taking collective action is the critical pathway to counter the power of Big Oil; can inspire more people to become actively engaged in social movements; and builds the bottom-up skills, leadership and resiliency necessary for navigating the climate crises.     Web: https://www.oilgasaction.org/     [12 Jan 2025]
Oil & Gas Watch     A free, public inventory that tracks the rapid expansion of oil, gas, and petrochemical infrastructure throughout the United States. It maps new and expanding oil, gas, and petrochemical infrastructure projects across the country and monitors each project’s construction status so the public can stay informed about major oil and gas developments being proposed in their communities. The Oil & Gas Watch News website and newsletter build on our oil and gas database by providing in-depth analyses and timely reports based on the public records and data we have collected. The news site features original reporting, research, interviews in the field, and photos by the journalists, analysts, and experts in the Environmental Integrity Project’s Center for Environmental Investigations.     Web: https://oilandgaswatch.org/     [15 Aug 2024]
Oil Change International     A research, communications, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating the ongoing transition to clean energy. Rooted in community solidarity and principled policy analysis, we work within larger movements to build a fossil free future. Founded in 2005, Oil Change International now has a talented, experienced, and dedicated international team of twenty, backed by hundreds of thousands of supporters. We are data driven and people powered.     Web: https://priceofoil.org/about/     [12 Feb 2023]
Oilwatch     A network of resistance to the impacts of fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) industries on people’s and their environments. Oilwatch’s creation was inspired by the need to develop global strategies for the communities affected by oil activities, support their resistance processes, and work for sustainability and collective rights. We facilitate the exchange of information on oil activities in each country, the different resistance movements and the international campaigns against specific companies.     Web: http://www.oilwatch.org/     [05 Nov 2022]
Older Women's League (OWL-SF)     A diverse and energetic group dedicated to improving the quality of life as we age. There are no age or gender requirements to join. Together we can make a difference! OWL SF educates and advocates on many quality of life issues that affect midlife and older women. In our monthly meetings and other actions we address housing, transportation, pedestrian safety, aging in place, mental and physical health, nutrition, caregiving, climate change, and racial justice. We address the financial impact of aging, present educational programs on financial planning, and are very involved with efforts to preserve and improve Social Security and Medicare. How to survive and thrive in the City are priorities for OWL SF.     Address: PO Box 170622, San Francisco CA 94117     Voice: (415) 712-1695     Email: info@owlsf.org     Web: https://www.owlsf.org/     [16 Nov 2024]
Omni Commons     What if one of the largest community centers and venue spaces in the Bay Area was run in a spirit of care, social justice and radical generosity, by a grassroots collective where anybody can be a leader? We've been trying to do that since 2014, and we're getting closer every day. We are home to Bay Area projects with a shared political vision of more equitable commoning of resources and meeting human needs over private interests or corporate profit.     Address: 4799 Shattuck Avenue (at 48th Street), Oakland CA 94609     Email: info@omnicommons.org     Web: https://omnicommons.org/     [23 Nov 2024]
One Brick (95123)     A community of volunteers that support other local nonprofits by creating a friendly and social atmosphere around volunteering. After each volunteer event our volunteer team invites everyone to gather at a local restaurant or coffee shop where they can get to know one another in a relaxed social setting. Additionally we host regular social events for our volunteers to connect to one another and to welcome new volunteers to our community.     Address: 851 White Moonstone Loop, San Jose CA 95123     Email: sf-events@onebrick.org     Web: https://onebrick.org/     [29 Oct 2023]
OneJustice     Mission is to strengthen the legal services sector’s expertise and capacity to advance justice and equity. OneJustice works mainly with legal services organizations and pro bono lawyers and their employers, sharing best practices, providing leadership development opportunities, convening the legal services sector, and offering a vast array of legal services and pro bono trainings.     Address: 548 Market Street, #27400, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 834-0100     Email: info@one-justice.org     Web: https://onejustice.org/     [22 Jul 2023]
Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)     Has worked since 2004 at the intersection of cutting-edge digital tools and a distributed network of communities and movements to serve the public interest with open knowledge. We create digital tools, equip people with skills, and expand digitally savvy networks that understand the transformative power of openness. Confronting the multi-complex challenges that the planet is facing today, we're working for open knowledge to be a guiding principle in designing the infrastructures and organisations of the future, inspiring and guiding those who want to transform our digital and physical world by building a free, sustainable and inclusive future. ‘Open knowledge’ is any content, information or data that people are free to use, re-use and redistribute — without any legal, tech or social restriction.     Web: https://okfn.org/     [22 Jul 2023]
OpenSecrets (Center for Responsive Politics)     Nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, our mission is to serve as the trusted authority on money in American politics. We pursue our mission by providing comprehensive and reliable data, analysis and tools for policymakers, storytellers and citizens. Our vision is for Americans to use data on money in politics to create a more vibrant, representative and responsive democracy. We pursue our mission largely through our award-winning website, OpenSecrets.org, which is the most comprehensive resource for campaign contributions, lobbying data and analysis available anywhere.     Web: https://www.opensecrets.org/     [23 Nov 2024]
Operation Dignity     Our mission is to create pathways to health and housing for the most vulnerable individuals experiencing homelessness in our community, with a special focus on veterans and people living in encampments. We help participants reach their housing goals by providing a continuum of service from comprehensive street outreach and shelter to permanent supportive housing. Among our core values are meeting people where they are while cultivating a strong peer community, inclusive of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and disability.     Address: 318 Harrison St., Suite 302, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 287-8465     Email: info@operationdignity.org     Web: https://operationdignity.org/     [29 Oct 2023]
Organic Consumers Association (OCA)     Mission is to protect and advocate for consumers’ right to safe, healthful food and other consumer products, a just food and farming system and an environment rich in biodiversity and free of pollutants. OCA educates and advocates on behalf of organic consumers, engages consumers in marketplace pressure campaigns, and works to advance sound food and farming policy through grassroots lobbying. We address crucial issues around food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability, including pesticide use, and other food- and agriculture-related topics.     Web: https://organicconsumers.org/     [29 Oct 2023]
Organic Seed Alliance     Advances ethical seed solutions to meet food and farming needs in a changing world. Our work ensures an abundant and diverse supply of ecologically grown seed, tended in perpetuity by skilled and diverse communities of seed stewards. To advance this mission, we serve growers working with seed across the US at any scale through participatory research, practical education, policy advocacy, and network development. We prioritize partnerships with organizations and individuals aligned with our values, and we convene spaces where divergent viewpoints can be expressed and explored. In all our work, we ally ourselves with and embrace opportunities to amplify movements for community sovereignty, racial equity, and social justice.     Web: https://seedalliance.org/     [22 Jul 2023]
Our City     A progressive grassroots network dedicated to linking families, neighbors, communities and elected officials with a shared vision of a better San Francisco and California. We support universal human and civil rights; economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice; full LGBT rights; open, well run, and responsive government; a clean environment with safe, healthy, food and water; 100% clean, renewable energy and a Green New Deal; Medicare for All; free public education and college; universal and free public transportation; fair treatment and full empowerment for workers; affordable housing as a right and an end to homelessness; empowered neighborhoods; and decent, intelligent elected officials, who will work hard for the people they represent.     Address: 1450 Sutter Sreet #325, San Francisco CA 94109     Voice: (415) 756-8844     Email: info@our-city.org     Web: http://our-city.org/     [24 Aug 2024]
our developing world (odw)     Dedicated to bringing the realities of the “third world” and the richness of diverse cultures to North Americans, our developing world(odw) provides teacher training and materials, and programs for community groups and classes, reality tours, a tri–annual newsletter — our developing world(odw)´s voices and a lending resource library free to local teachers.     Address: 13004 Paseo Presada, Saratoga CA 95070-4125     Voice: (408) 379-4431     Email: odw@magiclink.net     Web: http://blank.hypersurf.com/~odw/     [05 Nov 2022]
Our Family Coalition     Advances equity for the full and expanding spectrum of LGBTQ families and children through support, education, and advocacy.     Address: 1385 Mission Street, Suite 330, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 981-1960     Fax: (415) 981-1962     Email: info@ourfamily.org     Web: https://ourfamily.org/     [10 May 2024]
Our World     Launched in 2008 as UNU's online magazine sharing expert views on, and solutions to, global development challenges. The award-winning platform exchanged these insights through articles, video briefs, debates, photo essays and public events. With the launch of the new UNU global website platform in May 2023, Our World has been integrated into the UNU website and will shift to become a curated collection of UNU's latest commentary, news, multimedia, and event-related content. As UNU institute websites join the new UNU platform, the Our World section will offer a growing collection of content. The previous Our World website will remain available during this transition process.     Web: https://unu.edu/our-world     [23 Nov 2024]
OutRight Action International     Works with partners around the globe to strengthen the capacity of the LGBTIQ movement. We document and amplify human rights violations and advocate for inclusion and equality.     Web: https://outrightinternational.org/     [10 May 2024]
Pachamama Alliance     A global community that offers people the chance to learn, connect, engage, travel and cherish life for the purpose of creating a sustainable future that works for all. With roots deep in the Amazon rainforest, our programs integrate Indigenous wisdom with modern knowledge to support personal, and collective, transformation that is the catalyst to bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet.     Address: Presidio Bldg 1009, PO Box 29191, San Francisco CA 94129-9191     Voice: (415) 561-4522     Web: https://pachamama.org/     [12 Feb 2023]
Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association (PCFMA)     Our mission is to connect California farmers’ to their local communities. One way that we achieve this is by operating a variety of farmers’ markets across the bay area. PCFMA currently manages over 30 farmers’ markets, making us the oldest and largest farmers’ market association on the West Coast!     Address: 5060 Commercial Circle, Suite A, Concord CA 94520     Voice: (925) 825-9090; (800) 949-FARM     Web: https://www.pcfma.org/     [10 May 2024]
Pacific Environment     Every day community leaders around the Pacific Rim are finding ways to protect our planet from climate breakdown, air pollution, water loss and plastic waste. Pacific Environment nurtures these community solutions by providing local leaders with funding and expertise. We complement this movement-building by putting direct pressure on international decision-makers to amplify local voices and advance systemic environmental reform.     Address: 473 Pine Street, Third Floor, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 399-8850     Web: https://www.pacificenvironment.org/     [10 May 2024]
Pacific Institute     Creates and advances solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges. Our vision is to create a world in which society, the economy, and the environment have the water they need to thrive now and in the future.     Address: 344 20th Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 251-1600     Email: info@pacinst.org     Web: https://pacinst.org/   https://www.worldwater.org/     [09 Jul 2022]
Pacifica Gardens     A 30,000 sq. ft. urban agricultural project located on an abandoned soccer field at Linda Mar School, 830 Rosita Road, Pacifica, CA. Projects underway: biointensive food gardens, permaculture food forest, native plants, herbs, fruit tree mini-orchard, large-scale composting, elementary school field trips, youth community service program, food donation program.     Address: PO Box 883, Pacifica CA 94044     Email: general@pacifica-gardens.org     Web: https://www.pacifica-gardens.org/     [12 Feb 2023]
Palestine Diaspora Movement     A grassroots organization led by the Palestinian diaspora, embracing our heritage and the struggle of our ancestors. Joined by our allies, our enduring fight unites us for a free Palestine; we embody the resilience and aspirations of Palestinians who were forcibly displaced from their homes by the Zionist occupation starting in 1948. As the children and grandchildren of exiled Palestinians, we carry forward the torch of resistance and remembrance. Our mission is anchored in advocating for the Palestinian right of return, an inherent right for those violently uprooted and scattered across the globe.     Web: https://www.palestinediasporamovement.com/     [01 Jun 2024]
Palestine Legal     Our mission is to bolster the Palestine solidarity movement by challenging efforts to threaten, harass and legally bully activists into silence and inaction. We provide legal advice, Know Your Rights trainings, advocacy and litigation support to college students, grassroots activists and affected communities who stand for justice in Palestine. Palestine Legal also monitors incidents of suppression to expose trends in tactics to silence Palestine activism.     Web: https://palestinelegal.org/     [22 Jan 2024]
Palestinian Feminist Collective (PFC)     A body of Palestinian/Arab feminists primarily located on Turtle Island (the unceded lands known as North America). We are an intergenerational collective of activists, organizers, practitioners, creators, thinkers, artists, scholars, healers, water and land protectors, life-givers, and life-sustainers. We are committed to achieving Palestinian social and political liberation by confronting systemic gendered, sexual, and colonial violence, oppression, and dispossession.     Web: https://palestinianfeministcollective.org/     [14 Jan 2025]
Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)     A transnational, independent, grassroots movement of young Palestinians in Palestine and in exile worldwide as a result of the ongoing Zionist colonization and occupation of our homeland. Our belonging to Palestine and our aspirations for justice and liberation motivate us to assume an active role as a young generation in our national struggle for the liberation of our homeland and people. Irrespective of our different political, cultural and social backgrounds, we strive to revive a tradition of pluralistic commitment toward our cause to ensure a better future, characterized by freedom and justice on a social and political level, for ourselves and subsequent generations.     Web: https://palestinianyouthmovement.com/     [05 Nov 2023]
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG San Francisco)     Works to create an equitable, inclusive world where every LGBTQ+ person is safe, celebrated, empowered, and loved. Through support to cope with an adverse society, education to enlighten an ill-informed public, and advocacy to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights, we provide the opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity and act to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity.     Address: 584 Castro Street #758, San Francisco CA 94114-2512     Voice: (415) 921-8850     Email: support@pflagsf.org     Web: https://pflagsf.org/   https://pflag.org/     [23 Nov 2024]
San Jose/Peninsula Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG)     Supports, educates, and advocates for LGBTQ+ people and their parents, families, friends, and allies. Founded in 1973, PFLAG is the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families. Started in 1985, the PFLAG San Jose / Peninsula chapter meets people where they are and collaborates with others to realize its vision through:     Address: PO Box 2718, Sunnyvale CA 94087     Voice: (408) 270-8182     Email: info@pflagsanjose.org     Web: https://pflagsanjose.org/     [25 Feb 2024]
Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF)     A public interest legal organization that brings a unique and cutting edge approach dedicated to the defense of human and civil rights secured by law, the protection of free speech and dissent, and the elimination of prejudice and discrimination. Among the PCJF cases are constitutional law, civil rights, women's rights, economic justice matters and Freedom of Information Act cases.     Web: https://www.justiceonline.org/     [22 Jul 2023]
Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI)     Uses science, litigation, policy analysis and strategic communications to promote policies that protect climate, ecosystems, and people. We demonstrate the real environmental impact of devastating industries and equip advocates with the tools to fight back and protect the communities they love.     Web: https://www.pfpi.net/     [14 Jul 2023]
Party for Socialism and Liberation (San Francisco office) (PSL)     Believes that the only solution to the deepening crisis of capitalism is the socialist transformation of society. Driven by an insatiable appetite for ever greater profits regardless of social cost, capitalism is on a collision course with the people of the world and the planet itself. Imperialist war; deepening unemployment and poverty; deteriorating health care, housing and education; racism; discrimination and violence based on gender and sexual orientation; environmental destruction—all are inevitable products of the capitalist system itself.     Voice: (415) 821-6171     Email: sf@pslweb.org     Web: https://www.pslweb.org/     [10 May 2024]
Pathways to Peace (PTP)     An international Peace-building, educational, and consulting organization. For over four decades, PTP has been actively making Peace a lived reality. PTP is an UN-designated Peace Messenger Organization and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). PTP works locally and globally, inter-generationally and multi-culturally, to support Peacebuilding, Peacebuilders, and to collaborate with other organizations in initiatives that advance the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI).     Web: https://pathwaystopeace.org/     [10 May 2024]
Peace Action West     A national, grassroots organization committed to organizing a powerful peace movement. Works for smarter approaches to global problems. If we want to address problems like war, the nuclear threat, poverty, climate change, and terrorism – the U.S. needs to work together, cooperatively, with other nations. We also need to overcome the partisan politics and divisive rhetoric that often drown out alternatives to war. By getting people and communities around the country involved, we build the political will needed to break through that deadlock. Our success comes from empowering people to engage in foreign policy issues like no other organization.     Voice: (800) 949-9020     Web: https://www.peaceaction.org/     [24 Apr 2022]
The Peace Alliance     We are an alliance of organizers and advocates taking the work of peacebuilding from the margins of society into the center of national discourse and policy priorities. We champion a comprehensive, collaborative approach to peace and peacebuilding.     Web: https://peacealliance.org/     [05 Nov 2022]
Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party     Committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism and racial equality. We represent the working class, those without capital in a capitalist society. We organize toward a world where cooperation replaces competition, a world where all people are well fed, clothed and housed; where all women and men have equal status; where all individuals may freely endeavor to fulfill their own talents and desires; a world of freedom and peace where every community retains its cultural integrity and lives with all others in harmony.     Address: PO Box 24764, Oakland CA 94623     Voice: (510) 465-9414     Web: http://www.peaceandfreedom.us/     [29 Oct 2023]
Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County     Mission is to inform, support and energize the Sonoma County community to create peace and social justice through active nonviolence. Envisions a world of Peace & Justice, where differences are respected, conflicts are addressed nonviolently, oppressive structures are dismantled, and people live in harmony with the earth and one another.     Address: 467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa CA 95401     Voice: (707) 575-8902     Web: https://www.pjcsoco.org/     [24 Aug 2024]
Peace Brigades International (PBI)     Human rights defenders are at the heart of all we do at PBI. We provide protection, support and recognition to local human rights defenders who work in areas of repression and conflict and have requested our support. We believe that lasting transformation of conflicts cannot come from outside, but must be based on the capacity and desires of local people. We avoid imposing, interfering or getting directly involved in the work of the people we accompany. Our work is effective because we take an integrated approach, combining a presence alongside human rights defenders on the ground with an extensive network of international support.     Web: https://peacebrigades.org/en     [23 Nov 2024]
Peace Resource Project     Sells fundraising and promotional items including bumperstickers, posters, t-shirts, and buttons. Our hope is for a world of peace, social justice and ecological harmony. We strive to encourage and build faith in our own abilities to create the world we want to see. We always have been committed to empowering grassroots groups by providing these educational, fundraising and visibility resources as reasonably priced as we can.     Address: PO Box 1122, Arcata CA 95518-1122     Voice: (888) 822-7075     Web: https://www.peaceproject.com/     [18 May 2024]
Peninsula Family Service     Strengthens our community by providing children, families, and older adults the support and tools to realize their full potential and lead healthy, stable lives. Peninsula Family Service provides comprehensive services that support individuals and families at various stages of life. Originally a small organization founded in 1950, Peninsula Family Service has grown to recognize the need for innovative, professionally-led, locally-targeted solutions to secure the wellness and stability of our neighbors. The community has rallied behind this mission, providing fundraising support and volunteers to establish and grow expert-led programs.     Address: 24 Second Avenue, San Mateo CA 94401     Email: info@peninsulafamilyservice.org     Web: https://www.peninsulafamilyservice.org/     [09 Jul 2022]
Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST)     Protects open space on the Peninsula and in the South Bay for the benefit of all. POST is creating a network of protected lands where people and nature connect and thrive. These lands are preserved forever so present and future generations benefit from the careful balance of rural and urban landscapes that makes our region extraordinary.     Address: 222 High Street, Palo Alto CA 94301     Voice: (650) 854-7696     Email: post@openspacetrust.org     Web: https://openspacetrust.org/     [05 Nov 2022]
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center (PPJC)     Committed to: Changing U.S. foreign and domestic policies to ones that meet human needs and human rights. A demilitarized society and economy. True justice for all, at home and abroad, regardless of economic status or beliefs. An end to racism, sexism and all forms of discrimination. Giving ordinary people the information and opportunity they need to be involved and effective in the efforts to change our country and our world.     Address: 4546 El Camino Real #B10-335, Los Altos CA 94022     Voice: (650) 326-8837     Web: https://peaceandjustice.org/   https://www.facebook.com/penin.pjc/     [18 May 2024]
People for the American Way (PFAW)     Engages cultural and community leaders and individual activists in campaigns promoting freedom of expression, civic engagement, fair courts, and legal and lived equality for LGBTQ people. Together we have battled voter suppression, censorship, and injustice in our justice system. Today, our future as a diverse democratic society is threatened by a new rising tide of anti-democratic forces, including cultural and political leaders promoting authoritarianism, white nationalism, and Christian nationalism.     Web: https://www.pfaw.org/     [12 Feb 2023]
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)     The largest animal rights organization in the world, and PETA entities have more than 9 million members and supporters globally. PETA opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview, and focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment business. We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of rodents, birds, and other animals who are often considered “pests” as well as cruelty to domesticated animals. PETA works through public education, investigative newsgathering and reporting, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns.     Web: https://www.peta.org/     [12 Feb 2023]
People Organized to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights (PODER)     PODER’s mission is to organize with Latinx immigrant families and youth to put into practice people-powered solutions that are locally based, community led and environmentally just. We nurture everyday people’s leadership, regenerate culture, and build community power. PODER’s vision is a society where everyday people can shape their neighborhoods and economies. We organize with Latinx immigrant families, along with Black, Indigenous and other underinvested communities of color, to cultivate community rooted solutions. These solutions create a society where immigrants have the rights to social, racial, economic, and environmental justice and these are central to the world in which we live.     Address: 255 Shotwell Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 431-4210     Email: info@podersf.org     Web: https://podersf.org/     [29 Oct 2023]
People's Park Committee     Founded in 1969, People’s Park in Berkeley, California is a gathering place for Community, History, Free Speech, Social Justice, Civil Rights, Gardens, Music, Education, Recreation, Ecology, Sports, and more. People’s Park is located in the City of Berkeley, a few blocks South of the University of California campus. The Park is bounded on the East by Bowditch St., on the South by Dwight Way, on the North by Haste St. and on the West, it’s a short half block from Telegraph Avenue. This site, PeoplesPark.org, features a huge collection of historical and contemporary photos of the founding of the park, and activities such as music, art, gardening, sports, and having fun!     Address: c/o Grassroots House, 2022 Blake Street, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 390-0830     Email: charles@well.com     Web: https://www.peoplespark.org/wp/     [24 Aug 2024]
People's Park Historic District Advocacy Group     Historians, preservationists, students, neighbors and concerned citizens have come together to form the People’s Park Historic District Advocacy Group to document and preserve the open space of People’s Park and the historic resources encircling it. Although there is no denying that truly affordable housing is needed, People’s Park is Berkeley’s most famous landmark and is valuable, irreplaceable public open space for the densely populated south campus area. We oppose construction on People’s Park. Our group was formed in the summer of 2019.     Address: PO Box 1234, Berkeley CA 94701-1234     Voice: (510) 684-0414 (voicemail)     Email: peoplesparkhxdist@gmail.com     Web: https://www.peoplesparkhxdist.org/     [24 Aug 2024]
Permaculture Action Network     A continent-wide collective that mobilizes thousands of people to take direct action on regenerative projects with a diversity of groups and organizations. We collaborate with performing artists and cultural events to invite people into hands-on work that regenerates ecosystems and catalyzes the movement for a just transition. We work at the edge of art, music, culture, and the regenerative community movement, offering people a pathway to take action locally where they live through Permaculture Action Days, Permaculture Action Hubs, and Permaculture Action Courses; our approach is to create events that are easy to engage in and sprout long-lasting movement involvement.     Web: https://www.permacultureaction.org/     [05 Nov 2022]
Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)     We work to create a just, healthy, and equitable food system. For too long, pesticide and biotech corporations have dictated how we grow food, placing the health and economic burdens of pesticide use on farmers, farmworkers and rural communities. PAN works with those on the frontlines to tackle the pesticide problem — and reclaim the future of food and farming.     Address: 2029 University Avenue, Suite 200, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 788-9020     Web: https://www.panna.org/   https://pesticideinfo.org/     [25 Feb 2024]
Petaluma Bounty     Mission is healthy food for everyone through collaboration, education and promoting self-reliance. Vision is to grow a thriving local food system where consumers make informed decisions; farmers make a decent living while prioritizing ecological stewardship of the land; and all people – regardless of income – have access to healthy food. We push beyond the immediate demands of hunger relief toward community food security (and hunger prevention) with programming that expands our community’s capacity to feed each other today and into the future.     Address: 1500 Petaluma Blvd, South, Petaluma CA 94952     Voice: (707) 364-9118     Email: suzi@petalumabounty.org     Web: http://www.petalumabounty.org/     [05 Nov 2022]
Petaluma Community Access (PCA)     A non-profit public access television station in Petaluma. Through community programming, member production services, and partnerships with local businesses, PCA promotes diversity and free speech for Petaluma. Our mission is to promote freedom of expression, provide access to communication tools, and foster the use of visual media and technology. PCA broadcasts through Comcast on Petaluma’s local channels 26, 27, and 28. With AT&T U-Verse, PCA’s channels are accessible through channel 099. DISH network does not currently syndicate PCA’s broadcasts. The best way to view PCA’s programming with DISH is by installing a freestanding antenna to your home TV.     Address: 205 Keller Street, Suite 203, Petaluma CA 94952     Voice: (707) 773-3190     Email: kpca@pca.tv     Web: https://petalumacommunityaccess.org/pca/     [12 Feb 2023]
Pets Are Wonderful Support (PAWS)     Keeps people and their companion animals together. PAWS believes that no one should have to make the difficult choice of caring for themselves or caring for their beloved pets. We provide free comprehensive support services for pets of older adults and individuals living with disability or illness.     Address: 3170 23rd Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 979-9550     Fax: (415) 979-9269     Web: https://www.shanti.org/programs-services/pets-are-wonderful-support/     [24 Apr 2022]
PFLAG Oakland/East Bay (PFLAG)     A local chapter of PFLAG National, celebrating 50 years as the nation’s largest family and ally organization uniting people who are LGBTQ+ with families, friends, and allies. PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education, and advocacy.     Address: PO Box 21195, Oakland CA 94620-1195     Voice: (510) 562-7692     Email: support@pflag-eastbay.org     Web: http://pflag-eastbay.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Phat Beets Produce     Aims to create a healthier, more equitable food system in North Oakland. Our programs include two certified, clinic-based farmers’ markets, one youth-led school farm stand and community nutrition hub, and a youth market garden & orchard in partnership with a local hospital obesity prevention clinic, and the "Beet Box" Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Share.     Address: 4799 Shattuck Avenue, Oakland CA 94609     Voice: (510) 250-7957     Email: info@phatbeetsproduce.org     Web: https://www.facebook.com/Phat.Beets.Produce/     [24 Aug 2024]
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)     Combines the clout and expertise of more than 17,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of nearly one million members and supporters worldwide. Our efforts are dramatically changing the way doctors treat chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer. By putting prevention over pills, doctors are empowering their patients to take control of their own health. And we are also building a new way of viewing research. Since 1985, the Physicians Committee has worked tirelessly for alternatives to the use of animals in medical education and research and for more effective scientific methods.     Web: https://www.pcrm.org/     [18 May 2024]
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)     Guided by the values and expertise of medicine and public health, PSR works to protect human life from the gravest threats to health and survival. PSR mobilizes physicians and health professionals to advocate for climate solutions and a nuclear weapons-free world. PSR’s health advocates contribute a health voice to energy, environmental health and nuclear weapons policy at the local, federal and international level.     Web: https://www.psr.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Pipeline Fighters Hub     Provides technical, legal, story-telling, and organizing assistance to any community fighting pipelines and other fossil fuel infrastructure, with the goal of protecting the land and water. We believe unlikely alliances of landowners, Tribal Nations, and climate advocates are the ones closest to the pain, and should also be closest to the solutions.     Web: https://pipelinefighters.org/     [14 Aug 2022]
PLACE for Sustainable Living (People Linking Art, Community & Ecology)     We're a volunteer-run community hub that nurtures regenerative living practices through People Linking Art, Community & Ecology. As an educational and maker-space organization, we have been extending community space as a tool and resource for healing, organizing, and co-creating art, visions, and equitable systems. This includes everything from community organizing, regenerative building, political education, cooking and medicine making demonstrations, hands-on gardening, solidarity fundraisers, cultural gatherings, spiritual ceremonies, song circles, community clay making, dance workshops, meditation classes, film screenings, local concerts and jams, and many other things that paint the intersectionality of the movement.     Address: 1121 64th Street, Oakland CA 94608     Email: hi@place.community     Web: https://www.place.community/     [05 Nov 2022]
Planet Drum Foundation     Mission is to promote awareness of sustainable strategies for human inhabitation of the earth based on the bioregions where people live. We seek to enhance the intimate connection with life-places by spreading the ideas and activities of "living in place" through publications, workshops, formal curricula, and hands-on demonstration projects. This work is motivated by our vision of a truly sustainable world in which humans are harmonious with and respectful of the natural environment.     Address: PO Box 31251, San Francisco CA 94131     Voice: (415) 285-6556     Email: mail@planetdrum.org     Web: http://www.planetdrum.org/     [24 Apr 2022]
Planned Parenthood Northern California     Champions healthy communities and increases access to quality health care, information and reproductive freedom by providing medical services, education, and advocacy.     Web: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-northern-california     [09 Jul 2022]
Planning and Conservation League (PCL)     Since 1965, PCL has changed the landscape of California through supporting measures that have preserved its iconic forests, coastlines, mountains, and watersheds. We support legislation that protects our environment and we work to promote open space, habitat, and healthy communities.     Web: https://www.pcl.org/     [24 Apr 2022]
Plant Based Foods Association     We are the community that is catalyzing a future of food that is more delicious, sustainable, and nutritious for all. Our large, diverse community represents companies of every size and product category—from national names to regional ventures, scrappy startups to well-established institutions—and by uniting through PBFA, they gain a formidable representative everywhere from supermarkets to cafeterias to Congress, one that works together with them to strengthen our industry, ensure all consumers have access to a wide array of delicious plant-based foods, and secure much-needed change in our food system.     Address: 4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 1400, San Francisco CA 94111     Voice: (415) 236-5048     Web: https://plantbasedfoods.org/     [12 Jan 2025]
Planting Justice (PJ)     Since 2009 Planting Justice has built over 550 edible permaculture gardens in the San Francisco Bay Area, worked with five high-schools to develop food justice curricula and created over 40 green jobs in the food justice movement for people transitioning from prison. We work to address the structural inequalities embedded in the industrialized food system: • The systemic exploitation of food system workers (especially undocumented farm and kitchen workers) • The lack of access to fresh, nutritious food in low-income communities of color • Our culture’s over-reliance on packaged, processed food that is killing our bodies and our environment We are transforming the food system one garden at a time.     Address: 319 105th Avenue, Oakland CA 94603     Voice: (510) 756-6965     Email: orders@plantingjustice.org     Web: https://plantingjustice.org/     [12 Feb 2023]
Ploughshares Fund     A relentless force committed to eliminating the threat of nuclear weapons. As the largest foundation singularly focused on reducing this danger, we grow and amplify the impact of the most effective advocates and organizations in the world through critical funding and trusted field building support. Nuclear war affects everyone. We raise much-needed awareness to the perils of nuclear weapons development, testing, and use. We are a hub where thought leaders, innovators, campaigners, and activists convene and take action to move us closer to a world free from nuclear threats.     Address: 315 Bay Street, Suite 400, San Francisco CA 94133     Voice: (415) 668-2244     Fax: (415) 668-2214     Web: https://www.ploughshares.org/     [18 May 2024]
Point of View Productions (Karil Daniels)     I am a film and video writer/ producer/ director/ cinematographer/ editor. Working through my production company, Point of View Productions, I have made various films and tapes which together have won over 30 festival awards. I have a special interest in programs about democracy and freedom, health and wellness, ecology and environment, education, sustainable business and social responsibility, peace, anti-nuclear issues, international topics, social justice, the arts, and subjects of importance to women.     Voice: (415) 821-0435     Fax: (415) 821-0434     Email: karil@karildaniels.com     Web: http://www.karildaniels.com/   https://twitter.com/karildaniels     [12 Feb 2023]
Political Asylum/Immigration Representation Project (PAIR)     Provides free legal services to asylum seekers and promotes the rights of detained immigrants.     Web: https://www.pairproject.org/     [22 Jul 2023]
Political Economy Research Institute (PERI)     Promotes human and ecological well-being through our original research. Our approach is to translate what we learn into workable policy proposals that are capable of improving life on our planet today and in the future. In the words of the late Professor Robert Heilbroner, we at PERI “strive to make a workable science out of morality.” PERI has become a leading source of research and policy initiatives on issues of globalization, unemployment, financial market instability, central bank policy, living wages and decent work, and the economics of peace, development, and the environment.     Web: https://peri.umass.edu/     [14 May 2022]
Political Research Associates (PRA)     A social justice research and strategy center. Over the past four decades, PRA has researched, monitored, and publicized the agenda and strategies of the U.S. and global Right, revealing the dangerous intersections of Christian nationalism, White nationalism, and patriarchy. PRA produces investigative reports, articles, and tools; publishes the peer-reviewed quarterly magazine The Public Eye; advises social justice movement organizers; offers expert commentary for local and national media outlets; and is the publisher of online outlet Religion Dispatches. Our core issue areas span reproductive justice, LGBTQ rights, racial and immigrant justice, civil liberties, and economic justice.     Web: https://politicalresearch.org/     [18 May 2024]
Pollinate Farm & Garden     Rooted in urban farming, beekeeping, backyard chicken keeping, and food preserving, Pollinate Farm & Garden is your online destination for everything DIY food. We inspire you to grow food wherever you are. We believe that everyone deserves fresh, local and healthy food. In 2013, we opened our doors as a plant nursery, urban farm supply, demonstration garden and learning space in the Fruitvale District of Oakland, CA. In 2020, like many small businesses, we closed the doors to our brick-and-mortar shop. While we have scaled down our retail operations to focus primarily on supplies for your backyard farm or edible garden, we now offer consulting, mentoring and edible garden design and installation services.     Voice: (510) 686-3493     Email: hello@pollinatefarm.com     Web: https://www.pollinatefarm.com/   https://www.yelp.com/biz/pollinate-farm-and-garden-supply-oakland-2     [12 Aug 2023]
The Pollination Project (TPP)     A global community of over 5,000 grassroots changemakers in 120 countries. These visionary servant leaders bring their hopes for a kinder, more compassionate world. In return, we offer seed funding, capacity-building support, belief, and connectivity with other aligned leaders. Working in this bottom-up, people-centered way is meaningful and in many ways, revolutionary.     Web: https://thepollinationproject.org/     [29 Oct 2023]
POOR News Network     A poor people–led/Indigenous people–led, grassroots, non-profit arts organization dedicated to providing revolutionary media access, art, education, and advocacy to silenced youth, adults, and elders in poverty across the globe. All of POOR's programs are focused on providing non-colonizing, community-based and community-led media, art and education with the goals of creating access for silenced voices, preserving and degentrifying rooted communities of color and re-framing the debate on poverty, landlessness, indigenous resistance, disability and race locally and globally.     Address: PO Box 5474, Oakland CA 94605     Voice: (510) 435-7500 (message only)     Email: poormag@gmail.com     Web: https://www.poormagazine.org/     [09 Jul 2022]
Population Connection     Overpopulation threatens the quality of life for people everywhere. Population Connection is the national grassroots population organization that educates young people and advocates progressive action to stabilize world population at a level that can be sustained by Earth’s resources. Our public outreach, alongside that of our dedicated members and supporters, informs Americans about the challenges population growth poses for efforts around poverty alleviation, women’s empowerment, natural resource availability, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity preservation.     Web: https://populationconnection.org/     [18 May 2024]
Population Services International (PSI)     Makes it easier for all people to lead healthier lives and plan the families they desire. Yes, we’re a nonprofit, but don’t think of us as a charity. Like a Fortune 500 company, we take a business approach to saving lives. We provide real solutions to complex health problems. And, we measure our results. Made stronger by the combined power of a network of 8,000 local experts in more than 50 countries.     Web: https://www.psi.org/     [05 Nov 2022]
Post Carbon Institute     Mission is to lead the transition to a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable world by providing individuals and communities with the resources needed to understand and respond to the interrelated ecological, economic, energy, and equity crises of the 21st century.     Web: https://www.postcarbon.org/     [18 May 2024]
PowerPAC     Believes that the most effective way to build political power for historically underrepresented constituencies is to invest in long-term political infrastructure that can be mobilized for short-term and long-term victories. Our process includes conducting research and analysis on the political landscape, and identifying critical social justice issues to bring more voters–particularly voters of color–into the political process. From there, PowerPAC directs financial and human resources to strategic local and state legislative fights, ballot initiatives, and other campaigns by organizing donors who are committed to social justice politics. We believe that we will only have a true democracy when the electorate is engaged and representative of the population.     Address: 456 Montgomery Street Suite 1350, San Francisco CA 94104     Voice: (415) 442-0940     Email: info@powerpac.org     Web: http://www.powerpac.org/     [29 Jul 2023]
PowerSwitch Action     A national community of leaders, organizers, and strategists forging multiracial feminist democracy and economies in our cities and towns. Our network of 21 grassroots affiliates weaves strategic alliances and alignments amongst labor, neighborhood, housing, racial justice, faith, ethnic-based, and environmental organizations. Together, we’re building people power and people’s institutions. We win innovative public policy and rein in greedy corporations to realize our collective freedom and liberation.     Address: 1305 Franklin Street, Suite 501 , Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 201-0081     Email: info@powerswitchaction.org     Web: https://www.powerswitchaction.org/     [11 Oct 2024]
PRC     Has been transforming the Bay Area for decades, helping those affected by HIV/AIDS, substance use, or mental health issues realize their best selves by providing the support and services they need to reclaim their lives. Services include emergency financial assistance for short-term security; legal representation for access to basic income and healthcare benefits; and residential treatment, supportive housing, and employment training for longer-term social rehabilitation.     Address: 170 9th Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 777-0333     Web: https://prcsf.org/     [26 May 2024]
Precita Eyes Mural Arts & Visitors Center     As an inner-city, community-based, mural arts organization, Precita Eyes Muralists work to enrich and beautify urban environments and educate the public about the process and history of community mural art. Working with a wide variety of neighborhoods and communities, we nourish one’s inherent creativity and celebrate the beauty of their community. We maintain a deep commitment to collaboration. This dedication to the collaborative process ensures that the creative work produced is accessible, both physically and conceptually, to the people whose lives it impacts. We bring art into the daily lives of people through a process which allows them to celebrate their beauty, discover their creativity, and reflect their concerns, joys and triumphs.     Address: 2981 24th Street (at Harrison), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 285-2287     Email: info@precitaeyes.org     Web: https://www.precitaeyes.org/     [12 Feb 2023]
Prescott-Joseph Center for Community Enhancement, Inc. (PJC)     A multi-cultural, multi-service community resource center organized in 1995 in the Prescott district of West Oakland. It evolved out of the conceptual scheme for the adaptive re-use of the former Saint Joseph's Convent (St. Patrick Convent) as a center for community services, education, culture and development in West Oakland. Today, we serve West Oakland and surrounding cities and communities. All services are offered by PJC staff in English and Spanish, with other languages available by translators. We are also home to the Northern California Breathmobile Project, the West Oakland Food Pantry, the Father Charles D. Burns Pre preschool, and the Washington Burns Youth Mentoring & Computer Learning Program.     Address: 920 Peralta Street, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 835-8683     Fax: (510) 208-3195     Email: info@prescottjoseph.org     Web: https://www.prescottjoseph.org/     [24 Apr 2022]
Presidio Graduate School (PGS)     Misson is to educate changemakers to build a flourishing future for all. At Presidio, we look for students who are inspired and committed to creating a better world and healthier planet. We educate and equip those whose decisions and actions can transform society as emerging leaders in business, government, nonprofits, and education. And, we provide an outstanding education that enables our students to develop practical skills, forward-looking competencies, and the power to influence and lead.     Address: 649 Mission Street, Suite 500, San Francisco CA 94105     Voice: (415) 561-6555     Email: info@presidio.edu     Web: https://www.presidio.edu/     [25 Feb 2023]
Pride At Work     A nonprofit organization that represents LGBTQ union members and their allies. We are an officially recognized constituency group of the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations) that organizes mutual support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBTQ Community to further social and economic justice. We seek full equality for LGBTQ Workers in our workplaces and unions. We work towards creating a Labor Movement that cherishes diversity, encourages openness, and ensures safety & dignity. We aim to educate the LGBTQ Community about the benefits of a union contract for LGBTQ working people, and to build support and solidarity for the union movement in the LGBTQ community.     Web: https://www.prideatwork.org/     [26 May 2024]
Priority Africa Network (PAN)     An Oakland-based non-profit that supports and advocates for Black immigrant communities, working as 'bridge builder' between Black immigrants and African Americans. Through providing access to information, networking and capacity building; uplifting cultural beauty and vibrancy, PAN empowers and makes visible the presence and contributions of Black immigrants. PAN’s unique African Diaspora Dialogues program makes vital connections between Black immigrants and African Americans, paving consistent path towards intentional integration, and identifying a common agenda towards the struggle for racial equity and immigration-justice.     Address: 1721 Broadway Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 384-9713     Email: info@priorityafrica.org     Web: https://www.priorityafrica.org/     [02 Feb 2025]
Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC)     A prison abolitionist group committed to exposing and challenging all forms of institutionalized racism, sexism, able-ism, heterosexism, and classism, specifically within the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC). PARC believes in building strategies and tactics that build safety in our communities without reliance on the police or the PIC. We produce a directory that is free to prisoners upon request, and seek to work in solidarity with prisoners, ex-prisoners, their friends and families. We also work with teachers and activists on many prison issues.     Address: PO Box 70447, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 893-4648     Email: prisonactivist-at-gmail-dot-com     Web: https://www.prisonactivist.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Prison Radio     We are an independent multimedia production studio producing content for radio, television, and films for 30 years and distributing throughout the world. We stream our high-quality audio material to media outlets and the general public in order to add the voices of people most impacted by the prison industrial complex. We challenge unjust police and prosecutorial practices which result in mass incarceration, racism and gender discrimination by bringing the voices of incarcerated people into the public debate. Our radio broadcasts examine core issues that create crime and disenfranchise communities. Our educational materials serve as a catalyst for public activism; strengthening movements for social change.     Address: PO Box 411074, San Francisco CA 94141     Voice: (415) 648-4505     Email: info@prisonradio.org     Web: https://www.prisonradio.org/     [26 May 2024]
Prisoners Literature Project (PLP)     An inclusive, all-volunteer, grassroots nonprofit whose purpose is to encourage reading, the pursuit of knowledge, and self-determination among incarcerated people. By sending free reading materials to those behind bars, PLP aims to foster learning and critical thinking and help prepare people to lead successful lives after incarceration. We believe that all people have a right to read. We recognize that many incarcerated people lack formal education, and the PLP strives to remedy that by providing books that impart knowledge. We also provide genre fiction because we understand that incarcerated people need to pass the time. Through the books that we send, we demonstrate that there are many possibilities for how to live.     Address: Grassroots House, 2022 Blake Street, Berkeley CA 94704     Email: PrisonLit@gmail.com     Web: https://www.prisonlit.org/     [05 Nov 2022]
Privacy International (PI)     Governments and corporations are using technology to exploit us. Their abuses of power threaten our freedoms and the very things that make us human. That’s why PI is here: to protect democracy, defend people's dignity, and demand accountability from institutions who breach public trust.     Web: https://www.privacyinternational.org/     [29 Oct 2023]
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse     As a nonprofit organization protecting privacy for all by empowering individuals and advocating for positive change, we have focused exclusively on consumer privacy rights and issues since 1992. We strive to provide clarity on complex topics by publishing extensive educational materials and helping people find answers to their questions. We also amplify voices often underrepresented in policy discussions in our work championing strong privacy protections.     Web: https://privacyrights.org/     [30 Apr 2022]
Pro Bono Project Silicon Valley     Equal justice under the law is more than just a phrase; it is a notion fundamental to our democracy. Without access to courts or legal services, low-income Californians may not have the protection afforded by a civil society. Those who suffer the most are often the most vulnerable among us – victims of domestic violence, immigrants, children, and the homeless. Since its founding in 1986, Pro Bono Project has been dedicated to representing clients of limited means and improving access to justice. Pro Bono Project utilizes talented and caring attorneys who volunteer their time and energy to work on full and limited scope pro bono cases in family law, domestic violence, and consumer law. “Justice for all” is not a vague concept, but our mission.     Address: 25 North 14th Street, Suite 506, San Jose CA 95112     Voice: (408) 998-5298     Web: https://www.probonoproject.org/     [25 Feb 2024]
Pro-Choice Public Education Project (PEP)     A national reproductive justice organization that works to engage and inform organizations, young women, transgender and gender non-conforming young people, ages 16-25, especially those whose voices are not heard in spaces where sexual and reproductive health and rights are addressed. We do this through research, leadership development, movement building, raising unheard voices, and changing the conversation.     Web: https://www.protectchoice.org/     [26 May 2024]
Progressive Asset Management (PAM)     A national, independent financial advisor network dedicated to building strong, enduring relationships with the individuals and organizations we serve. Our knowledgeable and certified advisors assist clients in working toward their investment goals--whether that's saving for a college fund or developing a strong financial plan for retirement--while at the same time giving them the opportunity to invest in ways that reflect their values.     Address: 1814 Franklin Street, Suite 503, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (800) 786-2998     Email: info@progressiveassetmanagement.com     Web: http://www.progressiveassetmanagement.com/     [30 Apr 2022]
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)     Founded in 2004 to transform the Democratic Party and our country. We seek to build a party and government controlled by citizens, not corporate elites-with policies that serve the broad public interest, not just private interests. As a grassroots organization operating inside the Democratic Party, and outside in movements for peace and justice, PDA has played a key role in the rise of the progressive movement. Our inside/outside strategy is guided by the belief that a lasting majority will require a revitalized Democratic Party built on firm progressive principles.     Web: https://pdamerica.org/     [23 Nov 2024]
Progressive Populist     Believes people are more important than corporations. Reports from the heartland of America on issues of interest to workers, small-business owners and family farmers and ranchers. It serves as "The People's Voice in a Corporate World."     Web: http://www.populist.com/     [30 Apr 2022]
Project Censored     Mission is to promote critical media literacy, independent journalism, and democracy. We educate students and the public about the importance of a truly free press for democratic self-government. Censorship undermines democracy. We expose and oppose news censorship and we promote independent investigative journalism, media literacy, and critical thinking.     Address: PO Box 1177, Fair Oaks CA 95628     Voice: (707) 241-4596     Email: info@projectcensored.org     Web: https://www.projectcensored.org/     [25 Feb 2024]
Project for Public Spaces (PPS)     We bring public spaces to life by planning and designing them with the people who use them every day. Our knowledge, skills, and strategies equip people to fuel lasting change. Together, we create community-powered public spaces around the world.     Web: https://www.pps.org/about     [13 Feb 2022]
Project Gutenberg     A library of over 60,000 free eBooks Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for you to enjoy.     Web: https://www.gutenberg.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Project HIRED     A free, all-inclusive employment services agency, offering advocacy and empowerment programs to individuals with disabilities. Our clients face formidable barriers, and we help them achieve job security and long-term success through job search, training and placement services. Embodying the region’s innovative energy, Project HIRED continues to evolve and meet the ever-changing needs of our clients and has delivered expert services since our founding.     Voice: (408) 557-0880     Email: frontdesk@projecthired.org     Web: https://www.projecthired.org/     [17 Jul 2022]
Project On Government Oversight (POGO)     A nonpartisan independent watchdog that investigates and exposes waste, corruption, abuse of power, and when the government fails to serve the public or silences those who report wrongdoing. We champion reforms to achieve a more effective, ethical, and accountable federal government that safeguards constitutional principles.     Web: https://www.pogo.org/     [17 Jul 2022]
Project Open Hand (Alameda County)     Provides meals with love to critically ill neighbors and seniors. Our food is like medicine, helping clients recover from illness, get stronger, and lead healthier lives. Every day, we prepare 2,500 nutritious meals and provide 200 bags of healthy groceries to help sustain our clients as they battle serious illnesses, isolation, or the health challenges of aging. We serve San Francisco and Oakland, engaging more than 125 volunteers daily to nourish our community.     Address: 1921 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland ca 94612     Voice: (510) 622-0221     Email: info@openhand.org     Web: https://www.openhand.org/     [29 Jul 2023]
Project Open Hand (San Francisco)     Address: 730 Polk Street (near Ellis), San Francisco CA 94109     Voice: (415) 447-2300     Web: https://www.openhand.org/     [29 Jul 2023]
Project Read     The adult literacy program of the San Francisco Public Library. Trained volunteer tutors provide free one-on-one tutoring to English-speaking adults who want to improve their basic reading and writing skills.     Address: San Francisco Public Library, Fifth Floor, 100 Larkin Street (corner of Larkin & Grove at Civic Center), San Francisco CA 94102-4733     Voice: (415) 557-4388     Web: https://sfpl.org/locations/main-library/bridge-main-5th-floor/project-read     [30 Apr 2022]
Project Sentinel Fair Housing     Mission is to develop and promote fairness and equality of housing for all persons and to advocate peaceful resolution of disputes for community welfare and harmony. Our primary function is to assist individuals with housing problems such as discrimination, mortgage foreclosure & delinquency, rental issues including repairs, deposits, privacy, dispute resolution, home buyer education, post purchase education and reverse mortgages.     Address: 1490 El Camino Real, Santa Clara CA 95050     Voice: (408) 720-9888     Email: info@housing.org     Web: https://www.housing.org/     [05 Nov 2023]
Project Vote Smart     Mission is to provide free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials to ALL Americans. Vote Smart is a historic undertaking. Citizens come together, not in selfish interest or to support one candidate over another, but to defend democracy. It is an extraordinary gathering of people committed to one purpose: to strengthen the most essential component of democracy -- access to information -- even as it suffers grave attacks from candidates and political parties, many who are now willing to manipulate information and deceive voters.     Web: https://justfacts.votesmart.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Prometheus Radio Project     A non-profit organization founded by a small group of radio activists in 1998. Prometheus builds, supports, and advocates for community radio stations that bring together and empower local, participatory voices and movements for social change. To that end, we demystify technologies, the political process that governs access to our media system, and the effects of media on our lives and our communities.     Web: https://www.prometheusradio.org/     [30 Apr 2022]
ProPublica     An independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force. We dig deep into important issues, shining a light on abuses of power and betrayals of public trust — and we stick with those issues as long as it takes to hold power to account. With a team of more than 150 editorial staffers, ProPublica covers a range of topics including government and politics, business, criminal justice, the environment, education, health care, immigration, and technology. We focus on stories with the potential to spur real-world impact. Among other positive changes, our reporting has contributed to the passage of new laws; reversals of harmful policies and practices; and accountability for leaders at local, state and national levels.     Web: https://www.propublica.org/     [25 Feb 2024]
Prospera     Advances Latina economic empowerment through leadership development, entrepreneurship and cooperative business ownership. We believe that when women are at the forefront of our local economies, entire communities thrive. Prospera partners with Latina entrepreneurs to launch social enterprises that foster cooperation, economic independence, and well-being in immigrant communities. Our comprehensive, culturally specific programs address the unique challenges and the immense resourcefulness that Latina immigrants bring. Through our programs, Latina entrepreneurs come together in a safe space to take risks and access the tools and the capital they need to achieve economic independence and well-being.     Address: 1072 60th Street, #3, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (510) 695-2270     Email: info@prosperacoops.org     Web: https://prosperacoops.org/     [29 Jul 2023]
Prosthetics for Palestine     Formed to help address the exponentially growing demand of amputees in Palestine, specifically in Gaza. Our goal is to work collaboratively, as a multi-sector group of professionals, to source and build sustainable prosthetics. We are absolutely appalled by the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the expanding humanitarian crisis in the region. We are mobilizing to help support the people most impacted.     Web: https://www.prostheticsforpalestine.org/     [24 Jan 2025]
Public Advocates, Inc.     A nonprofit law firm and advocacy organization that challenges the systemic causes of poverty and racial discrimination by strengthening community voices in public policy and achieving tangible legal victories advancing education, housing, transportation equity, and climate justice. We spur change through collaboration with grassroots groups representing low-income communities, people of color and immigrants, combined with strategic policy reform, media advocacy and litigation, “making rights real” across California since 1971.     Address: 131 Steuart Street, Suite 300 (at 11th Street), San Francisco CA 94105-1241     Voice: (415) 431-7430     Fax: (415) 431-1048     Web: https://www.publicadvocates.org/     [17 Jul 2022]
Public Citizen     A nonprofit consumer advocacy organization that champions the public interest in the halls of power. We defend democracy, resist corporate power and work to ensure that government works for the people – not for big corporations. Founded in 1971, we now have 500,000 members and supporters throughout the country. We use every tool at our disposal to take on big fights – and win . We mobilize activists to grow democratic movements, watchdog Congress, sue the government when it fails to do its job, petition regulatory agencies to safeguard the public and engage in cutting-edge research that effects change.     Web: https://www.citizen.org/     [25 Feb 2023]
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER)     Supports current and former public employees who seek a higher standard of environmental ethics and scientific integrity within their agencies. We do this by defending whistleblowers, shining the light on improper or illegal government actions, working to improve laws and regulations, and supporting the work of other organizations. All our services are provided pro bono, without charge. Through PEER, public servants can choose to work as “anonymous activists” so that public agencies must confront the message, rather than the messenger.     Web: https://peer.org/     [26 May 2024]
Queer Cultural Center (QCC)     Promotes social justice and the artistic and financial development of queer art and culture. With a focus on the Bay Area’s queer arts community, QCC seeks to achieve national visibility and recognition by employing the arts to advance cultural equity and social justice. We believe that community building is key to social change and that we can envision this change through the arts. Queer Cultural Center has long played a prominent role in the frontlines of queer culture in the Bay Area.     Web: https://queerculturalcenter.org/     [25 Feb 2024]
Queer Things To Do in the San Francisco Bay Area     What I list is basically events that I'm interested in. It's not a complete list of gay-related events in San Francisco, nor are all these events strictly about promoting the homosexual agenda, whatever that is. I tend to list events that are about people creating local, direct live entertainment, especially as related to spoken word, rock, hip-hop, and electronic music, art events, and so on. While I like to get email about events, I can't promise to list everything in this calendar that I'm told about. I prefer to publicize events that are gender-inclusive for attendees.     Web: http://www.sfqueer.com/     [25 Feb 2023]
The Rabbit Haven     Rescues abandoned rabbits and accepts surrendered rabbits from the general public, from shelters and from other rescue organizations in the counties of Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Sonoma, Sacramento, San Benito, Yolo, Contra Costa, and Monterey, and San Mateo. The Rabbit Haven works in the community, at schools, with shelters and with other education groups to provide education on rabbit care, feeding, grooming, medical, social and behavioral needs.     Address: PO Box 66594, Scotts Valley CA 95067     Voice: (831) 600-7479 (office); (831) 239-7119 (mobile)     Email: director@therabbithaven.org     Web: https://therabbithaven.org/     [23 Nov 2024]
Radical Elders     We are elders living in the United States and its colonies whose lives have been immersed in the struggles to replace a failing and oppressive social system with a society that is just, stable and sustainable. Our experience has taught us that, to be successful, those struggles must clearly oppose capitalism, colonialism and imperialism, and specifically target their enabling forms of oppression such as racism and white supremacy; sexism and homophobia; ageism and ableism; and the dehumanization of systematically excluded or oppressed populations. That’s why we pay close attention to the issues confronting these oppressed groups and intentionally seek leadership from within those groups.     Web: https://radicalelders.net/     [01 Jun 2024]
Rafiki Coalition for Health and Wellness     Mission is to eliminate health inequities in San Francisco’s Black and marginalized communities through education, advocacy, and by providing holistic health and wellness services in a culturally affirming environment. Rafiki Coalition strives to achieve its focus by providing health and wellness services including, but not limited to, health education, movement classes, health screenings, advocacy, transitional housing and case management services for people living with HIV/AIDS, trauma resiliency and mental health circles, and other health-promoting activities.     Address: 601 Cesar Chavez Street, San Francisco CA 94124     Voice: (415) 615-9945     Fax: (415) 615-9943     Email: mmatthews@rafikicoalition.org     Web: https://rafikicoalition.org/     [13 Feb 2022]
Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa County (RCC)     Builds community, equity, and well-being among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning and Intersex (LGBTQI+) people & our allies. Envisions a society that advocates for and celebrates gender and sexual diversity, racial justice, safety, and liberation for all through healing centered engagement. Rainbow transcends its vision from inclusive to expansive, as we will be able to represent by centering and reaching a wider scope of Marginalized LGBTQI+ and Intersectional Identities more effectively.     Address: 2118 Willow Pass Road, Suite 500, Concord CA 94520     Voice: (925) 692-0090     Email: rcc@rainbowcc.org     Web: https://www.rainbowcc.org/     [19 Feb 2022]
Rainforest Action Network (RAN)     Preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns. RAN works toward a world where the rights and dignity of all communities are respected and where healthy forests, a stable climate and wild biodiversity are protected and celebrated.     Address: 425 Bush Street, Suite 300, San Francisco CA 94108     Voice: (415) 398-4404     Email: answers@ran.org     Web: https://www.ran.org/     [26 May 2024]
Ted Rall     Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication, WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a frequent contributor to The Wall Street Journal, a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "The Stringer."     Web: https://rall.com/     [05 Nov 2023]
Rape Trauma Services (RTS)     Mission is to eliminate all forms of violence, with a special focus on sexual assault and abuse. Informed by our understanding of traumatic experiences and cycles of violence, we facilitate healing and the prevention of violence through the provision of counseling, advocacy, and education. We promote and adopt policies, practices, and social values rooted in fairness, equity, and inclusiveness. RTS has improved the health and quality of life for 200,000 survivors of sexual assault/abuse and their loved ones for over 25 years. We make our services accessible to all residents by minimizing economic and cultural barriers to participation. Services are free and delivered with linguistic and cultural competence.     Address: 1860 El Camino Real, Suite 406, Burlingame CA 94010     Voice: (650) 652-0598 (office); (650) 692-7273 (24 hour crisis line)     Email: info@rapetraumaservices.org     Web: https://www.rapetraumaservices.org/     [05 Nov 2023]
Raphael House     Mission is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness strengthen family bonds by achieving stable housing and financial independence. Since 1971, Raphael House has been at the forefront of providing homeless and low-income families in the San Francisco Bay Area the personalized family-centered solutions they need to build brighter futures. Raphael House is a 100% community-supported organization. On average, 90% of the families we serve in our Residential Shelter achieve stable housing, and 93% maintain that stability long-term through our Bridge Program.     Address: 1065 Sutter Street, San Francisco CA 94109     Voice: (415) 345-7200     Fax: (415) 345-7299     Email: info@raphaelhouse.org     Web: https://www.raphaelhouse.org/     [26 May 2024]
The Raucous Rooster     A free range Petaluma, California inequality report with roots extending all the way to Appalachia, the Raucous Rooster is a radical, unconventional holler at the working-class to recall its history, and has been the North Bay's abattoir for sacred cows since 2013. Reporting for an engaged citizenry, compost for feeding the soil and sowing the seeds of a sustainable democracy of, by, and for the people.     Web: http://theraucousrooster.com/     [05 Nov 2022]
REACH Shirati     Mission is to provide life-changing opportunities for rural Tanzanians through Education, Health Care, and Community Development. We work primarily in the impoverished village of Nyamagongo, near Shirati in the Rorya district of northern Tanzania, close to Lake Victoria and the Kenyan border. Tanzania has a population of about 50 million and the official languages are Swahili and English. After independence in 1961, under President Nyerere's leadership, the country benefited from decades of stability and peace. Tanzania remains a model of political and social stability in the region. However lack of economic development and investment remains a challenge.     Address: PO Box 7776, Berkeley CA 94707-0776     Voice: (510) 273-9044     Web: https://www.reachshirati.org/     [05 Nov 2023]
The Real News     Produces independent, verifiable, fact-based journalism that engages ordinary people in solving the critical problems of our times. As legendary journalist Ida B. Wells said, “The people must know before they can act, and there is no educator to compare with the press.” We examine the underlying causes of the chronic problems, and investigate and report on effective solutions and models for change. We don’t just cover people in high office or limit news to the partisan horse race for power. People who fight for human rights and work for solutions are newsmakers. We believe that real change will be driven by the people who need it most.     Web: https://therealnews.com/     [05 Nov 2023]
RealClimate     A commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists and has been operating since Dec 2004. We aim to provide the context sometimes missing in mainstream commentary on climate science. The discussion here is mostly restricted to scientific topics though we maintain open threads for the political or economic implications of the science and for discussions of possible solutions. All posts are signed by the author(s), except ‘group’ posts which are collective efforts from the whole team. Please note this is a moderated forum.     Web: https://www.realclimate.org/     [17 Jul 2022]
The Rebuilding Alliance     Dedicated to advancing equal rights for Palestinians through education, advocacy, and support that assures Palestinian families the right to a home, schooling, economic security, safety, and a promising future.     Address: 50 Woodside Plaza, Suite 627, Redwood City CA 94061     Voice: (650) 440-9667     Email: contact@rebuildingalliance.org     Web: https://www.rebuildingalliance.org/     [25 Feb 2024]
Rebuilding Together San Francisco (RTSF)     Mission is repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives. Founded in 1989 in response to the Loma Prieta earthquake, we’ve worked in partnership to preserve affordable housing in San Francisco addressing home safety repairs, deferred maintenance, and code violations. We have served over 4,000 low-income families and worked with over 300 community spaces in San Francisco. As a result of our work, RTSF stabilizes residents and prevents displacement of San Francisco’s most vulnerable populations. We are committed to help our communities rebuild through Community Revitalization.     Address: Pier 28 (near Bryant on the Embarcadero), San Francisco CA 94105     Voice: (415) 905-1611     Web: https://rebuildingtogethersf.org/     [19 Feb 2022]
ReCARES     Collects, redistributes, and encourages reuse throughout its 3 Bay Area locations. Our volunteers receive and redistribute donations of clean, gently used medical equipment and unused home health care supplies each week. These are provided free of charge to those in need who visit our sites. Every week in Oakland, San Francisco, and Marin volunteers gather at our sites to accept donations of durable medical equipment and supplies. We provide the items we collect to people who need them.     Address: 2619 Broadway, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 251-2273     Web: https://www.homecares.org/     [05 Nov 2022]
Reclaim Democracy!     Works to create a more democratic republic, where citizens don’t merely choose from a menu of options determined by elites, but play an active role in shaping our communities, states, and nation. We believe every person’s influence should be a direct result of the quality of one’s ideas, skills and energy, independent of wealth, race, gender, location and other factors.     Web: https://reclaimdemocracy.org/     [19 Feb 2022]
Recycle for Change     At Recycle for Change, we want to empower everyone to be a part of positive change in the world. Recycle for Change was started with the idea that it not only makes sense to transfer surplus from our part of the world to people and countries in need, it is also the right thing to do. Why should we throw perfectly good clothes out to rot in landfills when, on the other side of the world, there are people wearing only rags? Most of us realize that we have a great deal of excess and a genuine problem with waste and overconsumption.     Address: 1081 Essex Avenue, Richmond CA 94801     Voice: (510) 932-3839     Fax: (510) 439-2748     Web: https://www.recycleforchange.org/     [02 Feb 2025]
Redwood Community Radio, Inc. (KMUD 91.1 FM)     Encourages a communication center of open airways (KMUD) for all voices to inform, educate, entertain and inspire the listening community through quality programming. Envisions a community of listeners who, guided by example of RCR programming, work together to create better, more just and sustainable world systems to ensure that all human and other living species on earth move toward higher quality of life and are able to survive the challenges in the times ahead.     Address: PO Box 135, 1144 Redway Drive, Redway CA 95560-0135     Voice: (707) 923-2513; (707) 923-3911 (studio)     Web: https://kmud.org/     [26 May 2024]
Redwood Empire Food Bank (REFB)     Since 1987, the Redwood Empire Food Bank has been feeding our neighbors in need and leading the community to end hunger. We distribute food through our own programs and our partner organizations in Sonoma, Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt, and Del Norte counties. As the largest hunger-relief organization in our area, we work on the front lines of emergency food assistance in our region, playing a crucial role in helping individuals, families, seniors, and children.     Address: 3990 Brickway Blvd, Santa Rosa CA 95403     Voice: (707) 523-7900     Fax: (707) 523-7901     Web: https://refb.org     [12 Nov 2022]
Reef Relief     A nonprofit membership organization dedicated to improving and protecting our coral reef ecosystem. Our Goals Focus on rigorous science to educate the public & advocacy toward policymakers to achieve conservation, protection, and restoration of coral reefs Increase public awareness of the importance and value of living coral reef ecosystems Increase scientific understanding and knowledge of living coral reef ecosystems Strengthen grassroots community-based efforts to protect coral reef ecosystems Design, develop, support, and implement strategies for marine protected areas associated with coral reef ecosystems Encourage and support eco-tourism as part of sustainable community development that protects and preserves coral reef ecosystems Strengthen our organizational capacity to carry out our mission     Web: https://www.reefrelief.org/     [05 Nov 2023]
Reel Work Labor Film Festival     The Reel Work May Day Labor Film Festival takes place in California's central coast communities in and around Santa Cruz each year during the week of May First. Reel Work presents cultural events, bringing together award-winning documentary film producers, workers, activists, students, and the public with the goal of increasing community awareness of the central role of work in our lives, to discuss economic and global justice issues, and to bring alive the history and culture of the labor movement in the US and abroad. We highlight how workers and community members band together in united effort for mutual benefit to achieve justice and dignity in the streets, fields, and workshops.     Address: 170 Hagemann Avenue, Santa Cruz CA 95062     Email: info@reelwork.org     Web: http://www.reelwork.org/     [05 Nov 2023]
Refugee & Immigrant Transitions (RIT)     Provides free education, family engagement, and community leadership programs. Our students have sought refuge due to war, violence, persecution, or economic duress. Our mission is to welcome and partner with people who have sought refuge, employing strengths-based educational approaches and community supports so they may thrive in our shared communities.     Address: 870 Market Street #558 (near Powell), San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 989-2151     Email: info@reftrans.org     Web: https://www.reftrans.org/     [25 Feb 2023]
Refuse Fascism (Bay Area group)     Exposes, analyzes, and stands against the very real danger and threat of fascism coming to power in this country. Seventy-four million people voted for Trump in 2020. The Republi-fascist Party has been purged of dissenting voices. The mass fascist movement has hardened in the wake of their January 6 coup attempt. Fascist initiatives around restricting voting, immigration and abortion rapidly advance in statehouses across the country. The election of Biden has not eliminated the danger, it has only bought some time.     Voice: (510) 926-8144     Email: NorCal[at]refusefascism.org     Web: https://refusefascism.org/     [17 Jul 2022]
Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN)     Provides an international base of support for Israeli war-resistance. Since 2003, Refuser Solidarity Network has amplified Israeli war resisters’ voices and provided them crucial support in the toughest of political circumstances. We provide funds for demonstrations outside prison, legal fees, media campaigns that tell war resisters’ stories to the general public, and education programs for Israeli and global audiences about their important resistance to the occupation. Israeli war resisters work to end the Israeli occupation and create a just peace for Palestinians and Israelis, and Refuser Solidarity Network is here for them.     Web: https://www.refuser.org/     [24 Aug 2024]
Reimagine Richmond     We are community members pushing our city to invest in the life-affirming resources and services that Richmond, California needs. We are not an organization; we are a movement. We come to Reimagine Richmond with many identities, from many communities, in response to the historic over-policing and impacts of the Prison Industrial Complex on our community. We research policies, build life-affirming resources and services, and organize on behalf of city and community programs that will improve public safety and better serve those who live and work here.     Web: https://www.reimaginerichmond.org/     [26 May 2024]
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC)     Rooted in sacred, moral, and reproductive justice values, RCRC is a multifaith, intersectional, and antiracist movement for reproductive freedom and dignity leading in spiritual companionship, curating frameworks for faith leaders, and training the next generation of activists. RCRC is unique in the reproductive health, rights and justice movements because it draws on the moral power of diverse religious communities.     Web: https://rcrc.org/     [01 Jun 2024]
Renew Computers     The largest independent electronics recycling company in Marin County, California. We have a warehouse facility and service center centrally located in downtown San Rafael where computers and electronics are collected, sorted, repaired, reused or properly recycled. We have a staff of qualified technicians that work hard to bring these computers back to life and fortunately we are able to reuse many quality products that would otherwise go to landfill or be scrapped. In addition to our recycling center, we operate a discount parts warehouse, retail store and service department. We are proud to qualify as a Microsoft Registered Refurbisher.     Address: 446 DuBois Street, San Rafael CA 94901     Voice: (415) 457-8801     Email: info@renewcomputers.com     Web: https://www.renewcomputers.com/     [05 Nov 2023]
Renters' Legal Assistance     An undergraduate student organization at UC Berkeley that provides information to the community regarding rental issues. If you have a problem with your landlord, your lease, or anything concerning your rights as a renter, we are here to help! Our student interns have been carefully trained in California rent law to help you out. Note: Our in person office is temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we are still available to assist via email.     Address: Cubicle 65, 312 Eshleman Hall, Berkeley CA 94720     Email: asucrla@gmail.com     Web: http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~asucrla/     [19 Feb 2022]
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press     Provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists. The Reporters Committee serves news organizations, reporters, editors, documentary filmmakers, media lawyers, and many more who use our online resources.     Web: https://www.rcfp.org/     [17 Jul 2022]
Reporters Without Borders (RWB)     Defends the right of every human being to have access to free and reliable information. This right is essential to know, understand, form an opinion and take action on vital issues in full awareness, both individually and collectively. Works in all terrains, from the office of the UN Secretary General to the valleys of Afghanistan. Our work covers a range of activities: field interventions, advocacy, and major initiatives to change the course of international law.     Web: https://rsf.org/en     [09 Feb 2024]
Reproductive Freedom for All      Organizes and mobilizes our 4 million members to fight for access to abortion, birth control, paid parental leave, and protections from pregnancy discrimination. Since 1969, our campaigns have created political and cultural change at every level, from the statehouse to the White House. We work at both the state and national level to pass proactive policies for reproductive freedom and hold anti-abortion extremists accountable. We represent the 8 in 10 Americans who believe in the legal right to abortion. And we fight for a future where reproductive freedom is a reality for everybody. Formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America.     Web: https://reproductivefreedomforall.org/     [27 Apr 2024]
Research Unit for Political Economy (RUPE-INDIA)     R.U.P.E. is concerned with analysing, at the theoretical and empirical levels, various aspects of the economic life of India and its institutions. It aims to compile, analyse, and present information and statistics so as to enable people to understand the actual mechanics of their every day economic life. And, in this, it aims to take the assistance and insights of people engaged in every sphere of productive work and society.     Web: https://www.rupe-india.org/     [01 Jun 2024]
Resilience.org     Aims to support building community resilience in a world of multiple emerging challenges: the decline of cheap energy, the depletion of critical resources like water, complex environmental crises like climate change and biodiversity loss, and the social and economic issues which are linked to these. We like to think of the site as a community library with space to read and think, but also as a vibrant café in which to meet people, discuss ideas and projects, and pick up and share tips on how to build the resilience of your community, your household, or yourself.     Web: https://www.resilience.org/     [01 Jun 2024]
Resource Renewal Institute (RRI)     Mission is to strengthen society’s ability to secure the future health of the planet by fostering innovative solutions to increasingly complex environmental problems. RRI combines education, advocacy, organizational development, and sustainability analysis to leverage the global adoption of long-term environmental management strategies to benefit natural resources, wildlife, and society. As a lean organization with a small staff, one key RRI strategy is to incubate new initiatives that are each focused on a specific issue which later become separate organizations.     Address: 8 Bolinas Road, Suite 3A, Fairfax CA 94930     Voice: (415) 928-3774     Email: ccutrano@rri.org   debmosk@gmail.com     Web: https://www.rri.org/     [12 Nov 2022]
Resources for Community Development (RCD)     For 40 years, Resources for Community Development has created and preserved affordable housing for very low- and low-income individuals and families, to build community and enrich lives. The problem we continue to address is how low-income individuals and families can continue to live and work in an increasingly expensive Bay Area. RCD’s affordable housing and community services make a difference in the lives of seniors, lower wage working families, and people with special needs. At the same time, our work supports inclusiveness, builds economic strength, and improves environmental quality and sustainability throughout the community.     Address: 2220 Oxford Street, Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 841-4410     Fax: (510) 548-3502     Email: contact@rcdhousing.org     Web: https://rcdhousing.org/     [02 Feb 2025]
Restore Hetch Hetchy     Vision is to return to the people Yosemite Valley’s lost twin, Hetch Hetchy – a majestic glacier-carved valley with towering cliffs and waterfalls, an untamed place where river and wildlife run free, a new kind of national park. Mission is to return the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park to its natural splendor ? while continuing to meet the water and power needs of all communities that depend on the Tuolumne River.     Address: 3286 Adeline Street Suite 7, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 893-3400     Web: https://hetchhetchy.org/     [17 Jul 2022]
Revolution Books     A bookstore about the world and for a radically different world. At a moment when the planet and future of humanity are in peril...when so many are agonizing over where things are headed yet dreaming of something far better...Revolution Books is where you find the way out of the madness. Here the search for the truth meets the poetic spirit— with books, authors, films, and performance. Here you find the most radical revolution in the work and leadership of Bob Avakian who has developed the new communism aimed at the emancipation of humanity. A revolution to overthrow this system, and create a society and world in which human beings can truly flourish and the imagination can soar. Welcome to Revolution Books.     Address: 2444 Durant Avenue (near Telegraph), Berkeley CA 94704     Voice: (510) 848-1196     Web: https://www.revolutionbooks.org/     [24 Aug 2024]
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)     The oldest political/social organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy and women's rights in fundamentalism-blighted Afghanistan since 1977.     Web: http://www.rawa.org     [25 Feb 2023]
Rich City Rays     A non-violent direct action grassroots organization dedicated to climate justice. In an ever-changing environment, unprecedented levels of ecological devastation call upon us to connect within our local water communities through "kayaktivism". As "kayak-tivists" we bridge together the fundamentals of activism with the logistics of kayaking, ultimately harnessing boats as vessels of action and change. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, California.     Web: https://www.richcityrays.com/     [26 May 2024]
Richmond Art Center     Has been sharing art and creating with community since 1936. Our programs encompass classes, exhibitions and events at our facility, as well as off-site activities that bring free, high-quality art making experiences to WCCUSD schools, community centers, and Richmond Public Library.     Address: 2540 Barrett Avenue (at 25th street), Richmond CA 94804-1600     Voice: (510) 620-6772     Web: https://richmondartcenter.org/     [19 Feb 2022]
Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library     A seed lending library is a place where you can borrow seeds for free. You may be asking, “How can you ‘borrow’ seeds?” The basic is idea is that you plant the seeds, let some go to seed, then return some of these next generation seeds for others to borrow. (Don’t worry. We don’t have fines if you don’t return seeds.)     Address: Richmond Public Library, 325 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond CA 94804     Web: https://www.richmondgrowsseeds.org/     [24 Aug 2024]
Richmond LAND     A member-based organization led by women of color dedicated to creating pathways for everyday people to organize, acquire, and co-steward land and properties as community assets to build staying power, now and for the future. As a community land trust, we work together to take land and housing out of the for-profit market so that local residents — not private developers – are in control of critical community assets, permanently. We disrupt extractive real estate forces, promote lasting affordability, protect and develop homes for working class residents who would otherwise be priced out of the market, conserve land for long-term community needs, and build collective wealth for generations to come.     Address: 2163 Meeker Avenue, #117, Richmond CA 94804     Email: info@richmondland.org     Web: https://www.richmondland.org/     [26 May 2024]
Richmond Our Power Coalition (ROPC)     A network of local community organizations combating the many intersections of oppression facing our city. We fight for sustained access and control over our housing, food, air, land and water, while engaging in the meaningful practice of co-governance that centers the most marginalized members of our communities, who are enduring environmental, social, and political inequities produced by the extractive economy. With the leadership of our local community members, we are proud to model a Just Transition in Richmond.     Address: 323 Brookside Drive, Richmond CA 94801     Email: richmondourpower.org     Web: https://www.ourpowerrichmond.org/     [26 May 2024]
Richmond Progressive Alliance (RPA)     The RPA has this explicit goal: to take political decision-making back from corporations and put power in the hands of the people. The RPA mobilizes people in support of progressive policies and candidates, often in alliance with other local groups.     Address: 12929 San Pablo Avenue, Richmond CA 94805     Voice: (510) 412-2260     Email: info@richmondprogressivealliance.org     Web: https://www.richmondprogressivealliance.net/     [26 May 2024]
Richmond Shoreline Alliance     An alliance of Richmond, California area residents, organizations, and allies dedicated to environmental justice, environmental protection, and an accessible and healthy Richmond shoreline now and for future generations.     Web: https://richmondshorelinealliance.org/     [20 Apr 2023]
Riseup     Provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change. We are a project to create democratic alternatives and practice self-determination by controlling our own secure means of communications. The Riseup Collective is an autonomous body based in Seattle with collective members world wide. Our purpose is to aid in the creation of a free society, a world with freedom from want and freedom of expression, a world without oppression or hierarchy, where power is shared equally. We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression.     Web: https://riseup.net/     [29 Jul 2023]
Rising Sun Energy Center     We’re building career pathways for economic equity and climate resilience in the California Bay Area and San Joaquin County. With offices in Oakland and Stockton, our workforce development programs specialize in preparing youth, women, and individuals in reentry for high-road careers and green pathways that offer family-sustaining wages.     Address: 1116 36th Street, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (510) 665-1501     Fax: (510) 665-1502     Email: info@risingsunopp.org     Web: https://risingsunopp.org/     [01 Jun 2024]
Rock the Bike     We’re bike people. We’re inventors and advocates working away in a sweet workshop in Oakland, California, pushing the limits of bike culture. Our mission is to get people in touch with their ability to make a real, lasting impact in the ongoing climate crisis, through Pedal Powered event activities and products that help Bike People shine in their communities. We want lots more people to think “Pedaling is cool. I want to ride a bike.” Our dream is to help spread the spirit of the bike into the broader culture by organizing, entertaining, inspiring, educating, and inventing new ways to get the message out there. And more importantly, we help our customers spread the message in their communities. We continue to foster a thread of idealism in our work.     Address: 6323 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (510) 338-3326; (888) 354-2453 (toll-free)     Fax: (510) 735-9838     Email: customerservice@rockthebike.com     Web: https://rockthebike.com/shop/     [29 Jul 2023]
Rocket Dog Rescue (RDR)     Saves dogs from abuse, neglect, and death at overcrowded shelters and places them in loving homes. We support pet owners in need in our community, and serve as first responders in emergency animal situations and natural disasters. Funded entirely by donations, we are a volunteer-run, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.     Address: PO Box 460826, San Francisco CA 94146     Voice: (510) 698-4161     Email: info@rocketdogrescue.org     Web: https://www.rocketdogrescue.org/     [11 Nov 2023]
Rodale Institute     A nonprofit dedicated to growing the organic movement through rigorous research, farmer training, and consumer education. Widely recognized as a founder of the modern organic movement, Rodale Institute has been a global leader in regenerative organic agriculture for over 70 years.     Web: https://rodaleinstitute.org/     [17 Jul 2022]
Roots Community Health Center     Mission is to uplift those impacted by systemic inequities and poverty. We accomplish this through medical and behavioral health care, health navigation, workforce enterprises, housing, outreach, and advocacy.     Address: 7272 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland CA 94605     Voice: (510) 533-1248     Web: https://rootsclinic.org/     [01 Jun 2024]
Roots of Change (ROC)     A think and do tank. We have spent over a decade analyzing the food system from soil to table and know the intervention points for making change. By working with food and farming entrepreneurs, policy makers, and food system change advocates, we are using the power of relationships, strategy and expertise to create a 21st century food system that will offer all communities better health and resilience.     Address: 555 12th Street, Oakland CA 94607     Email: mail@rootsofchange.org     Web: https://www.rootsofchange.org/     [25 Feb 2023]
Rose Foundation     We support grassroots initiatives that help build a world in which individuals, organizations, and communities are empowered to promote stewardship of nature, inspire people to take action, and hold government and corporations accountable. Our Programs New Voices Are Rising strives to develop young leaders in low-income communities and communities of color in Oakland by helping young people gain the skills and experience in civic engagement required to tackle the many problems – especially environmental health problems – that disproportionately impact their communities. Grantmaking programs support community-based projects and organizations that are building long-term solutions that benefit people, the environment and the economy.     Address: 201 4th Street, Suite 102, Oakland CA 94607     Voice: (510) 658-0702     Fax: (510) 658-0732     Web: https://rosefdn.org/     [26 May 2024]
Rosenberg Fund for Children (RFC)     Provides for the educational and emotional needs of children whose parents have suffered because of their progressive activities and who, therefore, are no longer able to provide fully for their children. The RFC also provides grants for the educational and emotional needs of targeted activist youth. Professionals and institutions will be awarded grants to provide services to beneficiaries.     Web: https://www.rfc.org/     [01 Jun 2024]
The Ruckus Society     A multi-racial network of trainers dedicated to providing the necessary tools, preparation, and support to build direct action capacity for ecological justice and social change movements. We work with Indigenous communities and other communities of color working to preserve their homes and environments and for climate justice.     Address: PO Box 28741, Oakland CA 94604     Voice: (510) 931-6339     Fax: (866) 778-6374     Web: https://ruckus.org/     [19 Nov 2023]
Russian Riverkeeper     Mission is to Inspire the Community to Protect the Russian River Forever. Russian Riverkeeper has been fighting since 1993 to ensure a thriving river system and your rights to fishable, swimmable and drinkable waters. Unfortunately, clean water is under new attacks from a rapidly warming climate and unsustainable water use. This is a pressing issue because our river and community both rely on clean and reliable water. Now, more than ever, your river needs vigilant enforcement of environmental laws and the care and commitment of people like you.     Address: PO Box 1335, Healdsburg CA 95448     Voice: (707) 433-1958     Email: info@russianriverkeeper.org     Web: http://russianriverkeeper.org/     [30 Apr 2022]
Safe Return Project (SRP)     Since our inception, we have worked with formerly incarcerated residents to carry out critical participatory action research, community organizing, and policy advocacy to build community power, foster healing, and address issues impacting individuals in reentry. In addition to developing the leadership and accountability of those returning home from incarceration, we also work to improve their quality of life by reducing barriers to quality programs, economic dignity, housing, and family reunification. The work of the Safe Return Project not only transforms the lives of many individuals but has an impact on the culture of the broader community, as well as the national narrative around incarceration, reentry, and public safety.     Voice: (510) 890-5518     Email: info@safereturnprj.org     Web: https://www.safereturnprj.org/     [26 May 2024]
Saint Anthony Foundation     The most comprehensive safety net service center in San Francisco. Every day, we provide essential services, health care, and gateways to stability to families and individuals in need. Everyone who comes through our doors joins the St. Anthony’s family and helps us create a future where all people flourish. In the spirit of the Gospel, inspired by the joy and compassion of Francis and Clare of Assisi, in solidarity with all who hunger and thirst for justice and peace, and together with those we serve, our mission is to feed, heal, shelter, clothe, lift the spirits of those in need, and create a society in which all persons flourish.     Address: 150 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 241-2600     Email: info@stanthonysf.org     Web: https://www.stanthonysf.org/     [23 Nov 2024]
Samaritan House     For 50 years, Samaritan House has been leading the fight against poverty in San Mateo County. We are the only organization that delivers essential services and personalized support to connect the people living in poverty among us to the full range of resources and services they need. More than just ensuring our clients are fed, clothed, healthy, and housed, we help them create their own stability and remain an active, successful part of the community. As a professionally led, volunteer-supported, and client-centered organization, Samaritan House is focused on lifting everyone we serve out of poverty. We work closely with our partners to provide basic services and address clients’ unique and complex needs to help them achieve financial independence.     Address: 4031 Pacific Blvd, San Mateo CA 94403     Voice: 650) 347-3648     Email: info@samaritanhousesanmateo.org     Web: https://samaritanhousesanmateo.org/     [30 Nov 2024]
San Bruno Mountain Watch (SBMW)     Helps the public learn about and explore San Bruno Mountain’s history and environment, works with local communities to restore the mountain’s native habitats and cultivate its flora at the Mission Blue Nursery, and protects its open space.     Address: 44 Visitacion Avenue, Suite 206, Brisbane CA 94005     Voice: (415) 467-6631     Email: info@mountainwatch.org     Web: https://www.mountainwatch.org/     [12 Nov 2022]
San Carlos Foundation     We provide health and educational assistance to refugees and other people living in extreme poverty in the developing world, particularly in Central America. We grant minimal living expenses—currently $6,000 a year—to doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, teachers and other professionals who volunteer their time, live in primitive conditions and train local people to continue their work when they leave.     Address: 1612 Virginia Street, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 540-8474     Email: sancarlosfoundation18@gmail.com     Web: http://www.sancarlosfoundation.org/     [07 May 2022]
San Franciscans for Police Accountability (SFPA)     Formed to address the need for transformational SFPD reform. We're policy wonks AND street activists. We do our homework. We show up. Join us.     Web: https://www.facebook.com/sfpa4reform/     [29 Jul 2023]
San Francisco AIDS Foundation     Promotes health, wellness, and social justice for communities most impacted by HIV, through sexual health and substance use services, advocacy, and community partnerships.     Address: 1035 Market Street, Fourth Floor, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 487-3000     Web: https://www.sfaf.org/     [11 Nov 2023]
San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition     An alliance of SF Bay Area organizations, groups, and individuals working to stop the genocide in Darfur, end war in Sudan, and promote anti-genocide strategies.     Address: 3053 Fillmore Sreet #308, San Francisco CA 94123     Voice: (415) 776-7601     Web: https://www.facebook.com/DarfurSF     [11 Nov 2023]
San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR)     A nonprofit public policy organization. We bring people together from across the political spectrum to develop solutions to the big problems cities face. Based in San Francisco, San José, and Oakland, we are recognized as a leading civic planning organization and respected for our independent and holistic approach to urban issues.     Address: 654 Mission Street, San Francisco CA 94105-4015     Voice: (415) 781-8726     Email: info@spur.org     Web: https://www.spur.org/     [11 Nov 2023]
San Francisco Bay Area Wheelchair Accessible Trails     On these pages you will find access information about SF Bay Area parks I've explored or tried to explore, intended to help other wheelchair users tell whether they want to try them.They range from 100% ADA accessible with good public transit to the kind of perverse undertakings that may make you roll your eyes--unless you have been frustrated looking for information about undesignated but useable trails.     Web: http://www.wheelchairtrails.net     [01 Jun 2024]
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory (SFBBO)     A team comprised of scientists, outreach specialists, and volunteers dedicated to the conservation of birds and their habitats through science and outreach. Founded in 1981, we have produced 40 years of scientific research on local bird populations, working with community scientists, government agencies, and partner organizations. We share our research with resource managers, universities, conservation groups, and the public to help people make informed decisions that affect birds and have offered environmental education activities that showcase our research to teach the public about avian science and conservation.     Address: 524 Valley Way, Milpitas CA 95035     Voice: (408) 946-6548     Email: outreach@sfbbo.org     Web: https://www.sfbbo.org/     [07 May 2022]
San Francisco Bay View     A communications network for the Black community worldwide, with its website, www.sfbayview.com, the most visited Black newspaper on the web, second only to the Final Call, and one of a kind print edition that’s distributed throughout the Bay Area and mailed to subscribers, including thousands of prisoners all over the country. Exciting, thought-provoking stories and commentary on the full range of Black trials and triumphs – covering the Black economy, politics, arts, education, history, current events, health, religion – and those of other communities, along with stunning color photography, fill the website and the pages of each paper, a paper so popular that it disappears within hours of hitting the stands.     Address: 4917 Third Street, San Francisco CA 94124-2309     Voice: (415) 671-0789     Email: editor@sfbayview.com     Web: https://sfbayview.com/     [30 Nov 2024]
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition (SFBC)     Transforming San Francisco streets and neighborhoods into more livable and safe places by promoting the bicycle for everyday transportation. We are one of the largest and most effective bicycle advocacy groups in the country. Through our day-to-day advocacy, education and working partnerships with City and community agencies, the SF Bicycle Coalition creates safer streets and more livable communities for all San Franciscans.     Address: PO Box 425959, San Francisco CA 94142-5959     Voice: (415) 431-2453 (431-BIKE)     Email: info@sfbike.org     Web: https://sfbike.org/     [08 Mar 2024]
San Francisco Bike Party (SFBP)     A monthly CELEBRATION of biking! SFBP is for ALL RIDERS of different ages, types, and skill levels to enjoy. SFBP encourages people to bring POSITIVITY and CONTRIBUTE to good times while being RESPECTFUL to others. SFBP rides FUN and SAFE with stops to DANCE and SOCIALIZE along the way. SFBP follows PLANNED ROUTES exploring all different parts of the city each month.     Web: https://sfbikeparty.wordpress.com/     [09 Feb 2025]
San Francisco Black Film Festival (SFBFF)     Mission is to celebrate African American cinema and the African cultural Diaspora and to showcase a diverse collection of films – from emerging and established filmmakers. This is accomplished by presenting Black films, which reinforce positive images and dispel negative stereotypes, and providing film artists from the bay area in particular and around the world in general, a forum for their work to be viewed and discussed. SFBFF believes film can lead to a better understanding of and communication between, peoples of diverse cultures, races, and lifestyles, while simultaneously serving as a vehicle to initiate dialogue on the important issues of our times.     Web: https://www.sfbff.org/     [07 Aug 2022]
San Francisco Community Health Center     Mission is to transform lives by advancing health, wellness, and equality. We are an LGBTQ and people of color health organization that believes EVERYONE deserves access to high quality health care. We foster resilience, strength, connection, health, and wellness for all communities. To us, health care will always be grounded in social justice.     Address: 730 Polk Street, Fourth Floor (between Ellis and Eddy streets), San Francisco CA 94109     Voice: (415) 292-3400     Fax: (415) 292-3404     Web: https://sfcommunityhealth.org/     [11 Nov 2023]
San Francisco Community Land Trust     A nonprofit organization whose mission is to create permanently affordable housing for low-to-moderate-income people through community ownership of the land. Guided by the principles of anti-displacement and racial justice, SFCLT stabilizes neighborhoods, and creates greater access to housing and homeownership opportunities with a focus on BIPOC communities previously excluded from access to wealth, and in particular, access to homeownership opportunities.     Address: 44 Page Street, Suite #401, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 399-0943     Web: https://www.sfclt.org/     [07 May 2022]
San Francisco Conservation Corps (SFCC)     Motivates and connects youth with inspiring work, quality education, and a better future. SFCC has grown from a basic education and training program into a robust academic, job training, work readiness, and life skills experience for over 100 young adults each year.     Address: 3450 Third Street, Building 1D, San Francisco CA 94124     Voice: (415) 928-7322     Email: admin@sfcc.org     Web: https://www.sfcc.org/     [07 Jun 2024]
San Francisco Environment Department (SF Environment)     Advances climate protection and enhances quality of life for all San Franciscans.     Address: 1155 Market Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 355-3700     Email: environment@sfgov.org     Web: https://sfenvironment.org/     [26 May 2023]
San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP)     A part of the National Estuary Program, a non-regulatory program of the EPA created through the Clean Water Act. Our planning area encompasses the San Francisco Estuary and its watersheds, from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to the San Francisco Bay. We lead a regional strategy, the Estuary Blueprint (also known as the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, or CCMP) to protect and restore the water quality and ecological integrity of the Estuary from the Golden Gate to the Sacramento Delta.     Address: 375 Beale Street, Suite 700, San Francisco CA 94105     Voice: (415) 820-7900     Web: https://www.sfestuary.org/     [30 Nov 2024]
San Francisco Forest Alliance (SFFA)     A 501(c)4 not-for-profit organization with a mission of inclusive environmentalism. We fight to protect our environment through outreach and providing information. We oppose the unnecessary destruction of trees, oppose the use of toxic herbicides in parks and public lands, and support public access to our parks and conservation of our tree canopy. We stand for transparency in the use of public funds.     Address: 1683 34th Avenue, San Francisco CA 94122     Email: SFForestNews-at-gmail.com     Web: https://sfforest.org/     [07 May 2022]
San Francisco Freecycle Network     The Freecycle Network™ is made up of 5,352 Town Groups with 10,327,975 members across the globe. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns and thus keeping good stuff out of landfills. Membership is free, and everything posted must be FREE, legal and appropriate for all ages. To view the items being given away or sought in San Francisco, you must be a member of the local Town Group.     Web: https://www.freecycle.org/town/SanFrancisco     [12 Nov 2022]
San Francisco Immigrant Legal & Education Network (SFILEN)     A unique collaboration of legal and service organizations dedicated to aiding the immigrant community in San Francisco. We represent immigrants from African and Afro-Caribbean, Arab, Asian, and Latino communities, providing free immigrant legal assistance and community education to low-income immigrants in San Francisco. Collectively the Network provides services in over 20 languages and dialects. The San Francisco Immigrant Legal & Education Network is funded by the Mayor’s Office of Housing, Community Development Division (MOH-MOCD).     Address: 938 Valencia Street, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 282-6209     Fax: (415) 282-2826     Email: info@sfilen.org     Web: https://sfilen.org/     [29 Jul 2023]
San Francisco Immigrant Legal Defense Collaborative     We provide legal representation and support to adults, families, and children residing in San Francisco who are facing removal proceedings at the San Francisco Immigration Court or have been detained within its jurisdiction. We represent detained and non-detained individuals. We provide full legal representation for court cases and provide limited legal assistance to others through the Attorney of the Day Program at the San Francisco Immigration Court and the San Francisco Rapid Response Network. We strive to protect immigrants’ due process rights and ensure that no one appears before an immigration judge and prosecutor without an attorney.     Web: https://sfildc.org/     [14 Jan 2025]
San Francisco League of Pissed Off Voters     We're a bunch of political geeks in a torrid but troubled love affair with San Francisco. The League formed in 2004 with the goal of building a progressive governing majority in our lifetime. Our contribution is this voter guide--a secret decoder ring for SF politics. All of us lucky enough to enjoy the San Francisco magic owe it to our City to fight to keep it diverse, just, and healthy. We've made a voter guide for every SF election since 2004. We like to say it's thoroughly researched and thoroughly biased. It’s how we educate our friends on the issues, excite pissed-off progressive voters, and remind sellout politicians that we’re paying attention.     Web: https://www.theleaguesf.org/     [29 Jul 2023]
San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community Center (SF LGBT Center)     The SF LGBT Center is not just the bright purple building that catches your eye at 1800 Market Street, it is a focal point for the LGBT community of San Francisco, where individuals who need resources, support, or a safe space to gather can find comfort and celebration. Our mission is to connect our diverse community to opportunities, resources and each other to achieve our vision of a stronger, healthier, and more equitable world for LGBTQ people and our allies. We host over 200 programs and welcome more than 9,000 individuals each month, in addition to providing affordable office space.     Address: 1800 Market Street, San Francisco CA 94102     Voice: (415) 865-5555     Email: info@sfcenter.org     Web: https://www.sfcenter.org/     [06 Aug 2023]
San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration Committee (San Francisco Pride)     Mission is to educate the world, commemorate our heritage, celebrate our culture, and liberate our people. With over 200 parade contingents and exhibitors, and more than twenty community-run stages and venues, the San Francisco Pride Celebration and Parade is the largest gathering of the LGBT community and allies in the nation. Our Pride Celebration begins on a Saturday in Civic Center Plaza in downtown San Francisco the last full weekend of June each year. The Parade, which takes place the Sunday morning of the event, kicks off from Beale Street along Market and ends at Market and 8th St. in the heart of downtown San Francisco.     Address: 1663 Mission Street, Suite 305, San Francisco CA 94103-1112     Voice: (415) 864-0831     Email: info@sfpride.org     Web: http://www.sfpride.org/     [12 Nov 2022]
San Francisco Living Wage Coalition     A grassroots movement of low-wage workers and their allies fighting for economic justice. We believe that everyone who works full time should be able to survive on what they earn and support their families. The Living Wage Coalition was initiated in 1998 by labor unions, religious congregations and community organizations to develop a movement led and democratically run by low-wage workers.     Address: 2973 16th Street, Suite 300, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 863-1225     Email: sflivingwage@riseup.net     Web: https://www.livingwage-sf.org/     [07 Jun 2024]
San Francisco Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (SFLTCOP)     A federally-mandated visiting advocacy program. Professional staff and volunteers receive and investigate complaints regarding the health, safety, welfare, and rights of older adults and people with disabilities living in long-term care facilities. It is the only long-term care advocacy program in the United States. Our mission is to advocate for the dignity, quality of life, and quality of care for residents living in long-term care facilities.     Address: 6221 Geary Blvd, 3rd Floor, San Francisco CA 94121     Voice: (415) 751-9788     Fax: (415) 751-9789     Email: ombudsman@felton.org     Web: https://www.sfltcop.net/     [12 Nov 2022]
San Francisco Mime Troupe (SFMT)     Mission is to create and produce theater that presents a working-class analysis of the events that shape our society, that exposes social and economic injustice, that demands revolutionary change on behalf of working people, and to present this analysis before the broadest possible audience with artistry and humor. The collective of the San Francisco Mime Troupe exists not only to create this activist art but also to embody our ideals of combating the fragmentation of the working class: we are a democratically run, multi-ethnic, multi-generational, multi-cultural, gender-balanced theater of social justice that by its very existence sustains a vision of community governance of, by, and for the people.     Address: 855 Treat Avenue, San Francisco CA 94110-2723     Voice: (415) 285-1717     Email: info@sfmt.org     Web: https://www.sfmt.org/     [07 Aug 2022]
San Francisco Parks Alliance     Partners with communities and public agencies to create, sustain, and advocate for parks and public spaces that welcome and belong to everyone. We believe that our community-centered approach for transforming spaces cultivates local leaders, builds a broad coalition of supporters, and strengthens our social bonds and shared responsibilities.     Address: 1074 Folsom Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 621-3260     Email: feedback@sfparksalliance.org     Web: https://sanfranciscoparksalliance.org/     [12 Nov 2022]
San Francisco Permaculture Guild     Permaculture is the harmonious integration of landscape and people. Permaculture, being bounded by the ethics of care of people, care of earth and reinvestment of surplus, can provide food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. The specific purpose of the SF Permaculture Guild is to support a local community of those interested in permaculture by producing educational and social events, enabling permaculture projects and providing opportunities to exchange information related to permaculture design.     Web: https://www.permaculture-sf.org/     [07 May 2022]
San Francisco Pride Band (SFLGFB)     The first openly-gay musical organization in the world, inspiring the formation of LGBTQ+ bands, choruses, and performing groups around the globe. Provides for the education and musical development of its members, promotes visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, and with its allies, fosters understanding among diverse communities through public performance.     Address: 584 Castro Street, PMB 841, San Francisco CA 94114-2594     Voice: (415) 255-1355     Web: https://sfprideband.org/     [31 Aug 2024]
San Francisco Public Bank Coalition (SFPBC)     Mission is to educate San Franciscans about the social and environmental costs associated with the City and County of San Francisco’s private banking relationships, and ensure a future public bank of San Francisco abides by principles of racial, social, economic, and environmental justice. In addition, SFPBC works with statewide partners to educate people across the state on the benefits of public banking.     Web: https://www.sfpublicbank.org/     [30 Nov 2024]
San Francisco Public Bank Coalition (SFPBC)     Mission is to educate San Franciscans about the social and environmental costs associated with the City and County of San Francisco’s private banking relationships, and ensure a future public bank of San Francisco abides by principles of racial, social, economic, and environmental justice. In addition, SFPBC works with statewide partners to educate people across the state on the benefits of public banking.     Web: https://www.sfpublicbank.org/     [19 Feb 2022]
San Francisco Rapid Response Network     A collaboration between the SF Immigrant Legal and Education Network (SFILEN) and the SF Immigrant Legal Defense Collaborative (SFILDC). Operating a 24/7 hour hotline; providing ICE enforcement verification, emergency attorney activation, and wrap-around service connection. Our mission is to serve and stand in solidarity with the immigrant community affected by increasingly severe ICE tactics, and to expose ICE abuses.     Voice: (415) 200-1548 (hotline)     Web: https://www.sfrrn.org/     [14 Jan 2025]
San Francisco Rescued Orphan Mammal Program (SF ROMP)     A non-profit, community-based organization that helps injured and orphaned wildlife in the City of San Francisco. We provide a humane alternative to poisoning, trapping, or killing wildlife. We provide biological information as well as recommendations to exclude animals from areas where they are causing a problem, or deter their undesirable behavior.     Voice: (415) 350-WILD (9453)     Web: https://www.sfromp.org/     [07 Aug 2022]
San Francisco Rising (SFR)     Builds the political power of working-class communities and communities of color in San Francisco to lead the way for democratic governance that prioritizes racial, economic and environmental justice. We are an alliance of grassroots organizations led by people of color, and a political home for San Franciscans who care about justice and sustainability. We build power through deepening multiracial solidarity, educating and mobilizing voters, working closely with policymakers, organizing, and developing leaders of color.     Web: https://www.sfrising.org/     [06 Aug 2023]
San Francisco Senior and Disability Action     Mobilizes and educates seniors and people with disabilities to fight for individual rights and social justice. Through individual support and collective action, we work together to create a city and world in which seniors and people with disabilities can live well and safely.     Address: PO Box 423388, San Francisco CA 94142-3388     Voice: (415) 546-1333     Web: https://sdaction.org/     [16 Nov 2024]
San Francisco SPCA     Since 1868, the San Francisco SPCA has been advocating for animals. Today, we continue transforming how pet guardians and their furry friends access lifesaving care through our world-class veterinary hospital, adoption center, and community medicine programs. Vision 2030 builds on our groundbreaking work to provide access to care for animals throughout California, especially in regions like the Central Valley. Our goal is to positively impact the lives of five million animals in the next ten years.     Address: 201 Alabama Street, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 554-3000     Email: publicinfo@sfspca.org     Web: https://www.sfspca.org/     [07 Jun 2024]
San Francisco Tenants Union (SFTU)     For more than 50 years, the city’s renters have turned to the San Francisco Tenants Union, a mostly volunteer-run organization, for advice on how to secure and maintain habitable and affordable housing. Through counseling services and the distribution of the Tenants Rights handbook, the SFTU has educated thousands of San Francisco renters on their rights under local, state and federal law, and empowered residents to assert those rights in an informed and dignified manner.     Address: 558 Capp Street (near Mission and 21st), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 282-6622     Web: https://sftu.org/     [31 Aug 2024]
San Francisco Tomorrow (SFT)     Founded in 1970 by neighborhood activists who joined together to fight the neighborhood zoning battles of the 1960s. A City-wide urban environmental organization, SFT is dedicated to promoting environmental quality, neighborhood livability and good government in San Francisco. We concentrate on environmental issues because we believe a good environment is the necessary foundation upon which to build a good society. We participate actively in the City’s political scene, endorese candidates and issues, draft initiatives for the ballot, and lend our support, when we can, to those individuals and groups who share our concerns.     Address: 5537 Mission Street #201, San Francisco CA 94112     Voice: (415) 585-9489     Email: president-at-sftomorrow.org     Web: http://www.sftomorrow.org/     [07 May 2022]
San Francisco Vegan Society (SFVS)     We promote the adoption of a plant-based diet and a vegan lifestyle for healthy, ethical and sustainable living. Based in the historically progressive city of San Francisco, we offer a community for people to meet, learn, exchange ideas and information, and interact with others interested in compassionate living for a better world. A non-profit, volunteer-run organization founded in 1968.     Address: PO Box 210370, San Francisco CA 94121     Web: https://www.sfvs.org/     [11 Nov 2023]
San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR)     Provides resources, support, advocacy and education to strengthen the work of all individuals, and communities in San Francisco that are responding to, healing from, and struggling to end sexual violence.     Address: 3543 18th Street, Suite 7, San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 861-2024     Fax: (415) 861-2092     Email: info@sfwar.org     Web: https://sfwar.org/     [19 Nov 2022]
San Francisco-Marin Food Bank     Our mission is to end hunger in San Francisco and Marin. We address hunger head-on – from our food pantry network and home-delivered groceries to CalFresh (food stamp) enrollment. Every week, over 50,000 households count on us for food assistance. Nearly 60% of what we distribute to them is fresh fruit and vegetables. Our efforts focus on the immediate distribution of food while simultaneously working on long-term strategies to address hunger and empower neighbors in need.     Address: 900 Pennsylvania Avenue , San Francisco CA 94107     Voice: (415) 282-1900     Fax: (415) 453-6636     Email: info@sfmfoodbank.org     Web: https://www.sfmfoodbank.org     [07 May 2022]
San Jose Bike Party (SJBP)     San Jose is the largest city in Northern California, but we are hidden in the suburban sprawl. It’s time to enjoy the South Bay, ride the streets, and make this place the active and exciting city we want it to be. San Jose Bike Party is a place to ride bikes, make friends, and have a good time. We meet the third Friday of each month at 8:00pm.  The start up location and route is rotated monthly. Building community through cycling.     Web: https://www.sjbikeparty.org/     [09 Feb 2025]
San Jose Peace & Justice Center, a project of Collins Foundation     We serve as a resource and action center for progressive activism, seeking to develop and nurture the growing community of people who work to create and participate in a just, peaceful, and non-violent society, one that ensures human rights for all people and ensures the continuation of, and respect for, all life on earth.     Address: 48 South 7th Street #101, San Jose CA 95112     Voice: (408) 297-2299     Web: https://sanjosepeace.org/     [09 Feb 2025]
San Mateo County Democracy for America (SMCDFA)     A Chartered Democratic Club Working for Progressive Change Our goals include promoting peace, social and economic justice, campaign finance reform, healthcare for all, and protecting the environment, Social Security and Medicare. In pursuit of these goals, we have mounted very successful informational public forums, candidate debates and fundraisers, meetings with elected officials, voter registration drives, and campaign support for progressive candidates. We support local charities. Our meetings feature speakers who are recognized experts in various areas of progressive policy.     Web: https://www.smcdfa.org/     [25 Feb 2023]
San Mateo County Edison STD Clinic     Works to prevent STD/HIV infection and care for individuals and families affected by HIV in San Mateo County. The Program provides comprehensive, community-based prevention and testing services, STD/HIV related health care, social services, advocacy, and referrals to community agencies providing drug treatment, housing, food, dental care and other services.     Address: 222 West 39th Avenue, San Mateo CA 94403     Voice: (650) 573-2385     Web: https://www.smchealth.org/hivstds     [09 Feb 2025]
San Pablo Watershed Neighbors Education & Restoration Society (SPAWNERS)     Mission is to protect the San Pablo Creek Watershed and inspire community appreciation and stewardship through advocacy, education, and habitat restoration. SPAWNERS formed in the spring of 2000, when we brought together local residents to remove invasive ivy and trash from the creek banks at the El Sobrante Library. From there, our scope has grown to include restoring creek banks, removing invasive plant species, planting native species, hosting educational programs for students and adults alike, monitoring creek water quality, and making sure that all interested parties can learn about and appreciate the San Pablo Creek Watershed.     Address: c/o The Watershed Project, 1327 South 46th Street, Building 155, Richmond CA 94804     Voice: (510) 326-1191     Email: cdiamant@thewatershedproject.org     Web: http://www.spawners.org/     [12 Nov 2022]
Satellite Affordable Housing Associates (SAHA)     Provides quality affordable homes and services that empower people and strengthen neighborhoods. SAHA’s innovative properties provide more than 4,000 residents in seven counties in northern California with much-needed affordable housing and services. With a commitment to high-quality design and thoughtful, ongoing supportive services, we empower our residents to build better lives and create healthier, safer communities.     Address: 1835 Alcatraz Avenue, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 647-0700     Web: https://www.sahahomes.org/     [09 Feb 2025]
Save Knowland Park Coalition     An association of environmentalists, neighborhood groups, and concerned citizens throughout the Bay Area, brought together by the common effort to preserve an amazing piece of Oakland open space. The Coalition includes Friends of Knowland Park, the California Native Plant Society (East Bay Chapter), the California Native Grasslands Association, the Sierra Club (San Francisco Bay Chapter), the Center for Biological Diversity, the California Wildlife Foundation/California Oaks, Defense of Place (project of the Resource Renewal Institute), and the California Chaparral Institute.     Web: http://www.saveknowland.org/     [07 May 2022]
Save Mount Diablo (SMD)     A nationally accredited land trust and conservation organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Save Mount Diablo has been preserving lands on and around Mount Diablo and educating the public to the mountain’s natural values since 1971. We are biologists, conservationists, hikers, bikers, equestrians, bird watchers, and people who just love to look at the mountain. Our mission is to forever preserve the remaining natural lands on and around Mount Diablo, and to protect Mount Diablo's connection to its sustaining Diablo Range.     Address: 201 North Civic Drive, Suite 190, Walnut Creek CA 94596     Voice: (925) 947-3535     Email: smdinfo@savemountdiablo.org     Web: https://www.savemountdiablo.org/     [31 Aug 2024]
Save Mount Sutro Forest     IN THE HEART of the city, blanketing a steep hill, is one of San Francisco’s best-kept secrets: its very own temperate cloud forest. It’s a century-old forest of eucalyptus trees as tall as 200 feet high, growing on 80 acres of mountainside. Sutro Forest is being cut down. As a consequence of both UCSF’s “Vegetation Management Plan” and the new Comprehensive Plan for Parnassus, we expect that the forest will be gone within 2-3 years. The felling is happening now, and trees are being fed into the BANDIT Intimidator.     Web: https://sutroforest.com/     [11 Nov 2023]
Save Nubia Project (SNP)     Mission is to help raise national and international awareness about the pending flooding of the central areas of the ancient Kushite and Nubian civilizations in the Sudan. There are a series of dams (from the 2nd through 5th cataracts) along the Nile completed or scheduled for construction, each of which will create a large reservoir and flood countless ancient archaeological sites and displace hundreds of thousands of people. Thus, the Save Nubia Project’s task is to document that the dam construction areas in northern and eastern Sudan are valuable World Heritage Areas that are in danger of being destroyed, and should be preserved.     Address: PO Box 18623, Oakland CA 94619     Voice: (510) 273-2456     Email: info@savenubia.org     Web: https://www.savenubia.org/     [12 Nov 2022]
Save the Bay (Save San Francisco Bay Association)     Our mission remains constant, to protect and restore the Bay for people and wildlife. In an era of climate change, growing populations and environmental injustices it will take all of us to change the tides. With a 60-year history of unparalleled impact in environmental protection, we are the only organization that combines political advocacy, wetland restoration and environmental education to drive positive change for San Francisco Bay and its communities.     Address: 560 14th Street #400, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 463-6850     Email: info@saveSFbay.org     Web: https://savesfbay.org/     [06 Aug 2023]
Save the Berkeley Post Office     The USPS wants to sell Berkeley's historic main post office. Citizens to Save the Berkeley Post Office is a grassroots group that has come together to block the sale of our heritage, stop service cut backs, and preserve living wage postal jobs. Our fight is not unique. Thousands of post office closures across the country mean the largest private auction of public history our nation has ever seen. Join the movement and spread the word. Our post office is not for sale.     Web: http://www.savethebpo.com/     [19 Nov 2023]
SaveNature.Org (SNO)     We are committed to inspiring participation and awareness in the preservation of fragile ecosystems by providing opportunities for personal direct action to save the diversity of life on Earth. We work to conserve biologically diverse ecosystems worldwide through our Adoption Programs and Conservation Meters. We also educate and raise awareness for the importance of conservation through our Insect Discovery Lab. By partnering with like-minded organizations like schools, zoos, museums, science centers, businesses, and more, we ensure that fragile ecosystems are conserved for all future generations.     Address: 699 Mississippi Street, Suite 106, San Francisco CA 94107     Voice: (415) 648-3392     Email: info@savenature.org     Web: https://www.savenature.org/     [09 Feb 2025]
School of the Americas Watch (SOA Watch)     A nonviolent grassroots movement working to close the SOA / WHINSEC and similar centers that train state actors such as military, law enforcement and border patrol. We strive to expose, denounce, and end US militarization, oppressive US policies and other forms of state violence in the Americas. We act in solidarity with organizations and movements working for justice and peace throughout the Americas.     Web: https://soaw.org/     [19 Nov 2023]
Scientist Rebellion     We are scientists, uniting against climate failure. As scientists we have tried writing reports and giving presentations about the climate and ecological crisis to those in power. We must now have the humility to accept these attempts have not worked. Now is the time for us to take action, so that we show how seriously we take our warnings.     Web: https://scientistrebellion.org/     [15 May 2023]
Sea Shepherd International     Sole mission is to protect and conserve the world’s oceans and marine wildlife. We work to defend all marine wildlife, from whales and dolphins, to sharks and rays, to fish and krill, without exception. Serving as the only fleet in the world whose sole purpose is to protect all marine wildlife, we are committed to the protection and enforcement of conservation law.     Web: https://seashepherd.org/     [19 Feb 2022]
Sea Turtle Restoration Project (STRP)     A leading advocate for the world’s oceans and marine wildlife. Our work is based on science, fueled by people who care, and effective at catalyzing long-lasting positive change that protects the likes of green sea turtles, whale sharks and coho salmon. By working with people and communities we preserve and restore critical habitats like the redwood-forested creekbanks of California to the biodiverse waters of Cocos Island. We accomplish our mission through grassroots empowerment, consumer action, strategic litigation, hands-on restoration, environmental education, and by promoting sustainable local, national and international marine policies.     Address: PO Box 370, Forest Knolls CA 94933     Voice: (415) 663-8590; (800) 859-7283     Email: info@seaturtles.org     Web: https://seaturtles.org/     [07 Aug 2022]
Seacology     Mission is to protect threatened island ecosystems all over the world. We do that by working directly with communities, helping them to preserve their cultures and improve their lives while saving precious island habitats.     Address: 1623 Solano Avenue, Berkeley CA 94707     Voice: (510) 559-3505     Email: islands@seacology.org     Web: https://www.seacology.org/     [30 Nov 2024]
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley     Our mission is to lead our community to ensure that anyone who needs a healthy meal can get one. Our volunteers, donors and supporters help us provide food to families, multi-generational households, seniors and college students. We offer more than just nourishment, we are helping people in our own community feel a little more secure and find joy in the pleasure of cooking and sharing a meal with loved ones.     Address: 750 Curtner Avenue, San Jose CA 95125     Voice: (408) 266-8866     Fax: (408) 266-9042     Web: https://www.shfb.org/     [25 Feb 2023]
Seed the Commons     Building a food system that is just, sustainable and independent of animal exploitation involves two things: resisting and dismantling the power of the agroindustrial complex, and creating a shift in social norms where non-human animals are no longer thought of as food. Our approach to these two goals is multi-pronged and includes building awareness around the corporate takeover of food systems; sharing information about alternatives such as agroecology and activist success-stories; working within the social norms of tomorrow instead of defaulting to those of today; and promoting animal liberation.     Web: https://seedthecommons.org/     [19 Nov 2023]
SEEDS Community Resolution Center     We cultivate positive communication and develop fundamental understanding so that all people can be in productive relationship with each other. We do this through mediation, facilitation, training and restorative practices. We see conflict as an opportunity for positive growth and transformation in our society. We envision a future in which all individuals, organizations and communities have the skills and capacity to engage in effective dialogue and promote peaceful resolution of issues and conflicts.     Address: 1721 Broadway Suite 201, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 548-2377     Email: info@seedscrc.org     Web: https://www.seedscrc.org/     [19 Nov 2023]
Self-Help Hunger Program     We represent a collective of folks who live in the South Berkeley/North Oakland neighborhood and community. Some of us are without homes or shelter; some of us were born and raised in the area — but ALL OF US are simply drawn together BONDING WITH EACH OTHER. Regardless of our present state or economic status, WE COME TOGETHER (not always easy — but we do it)! We believe that the positive energy, the drive and a divine inspiration lead us to pull together as a unified community of SELF-HELP (each one help one) thus, we endeavor to provide HELP & SERVICES to individuals and families not merely to help them survive but to help them THRIVE!     Web: https://www.selfhelphunger.org/     [14 Apr 2022]
Sempervirens Fund     California’s first land trust and the only organization dedicated exclusively to protecting the redwood forests of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Mission is to protect and permanently preserve redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) forests, wildlife habitat, watersheds, and other important natural and scenic features of California’s Santa Cruz mountains, and to encourage public appreciation and enjoyment of this environment.     Address: PO Box 1417, Los Altos CA 94023-1417     Voice: (650) 949-1453     Email: redwoods@sempervirens.org     Web: https://sempervirens.org/     [31 Aug 2024]
Seneca Family of Agencies     Founded in 1985 as a small Bay Area residential and day treatment program with a simple but powerful mission: to help children and families through the most difficult times of their lives. Since then, Seneca has expanded to provide a broad continuum of permanency, mental health, education, and juvenile justice services, which today reach over 18,000 youth and families throughout California and Washington State each year. The agency’s growth has been guided by a commitment to our Unconditional Care® model – doing whatever it takes to help children and families thrive, even when faced with tremendous challenges.     Address: 8945 Golf Links Road, Oakland CA 94605     Voice: (510) 654-4004     Email: info@senecacenter.org     Web: https://senecafoa.org/     [31 Aug 2024]
Seva Foundation     A global nonprofit eye care organization that works with local communities around the world to develop self-sustaining programs that preserve and restore sight. Seva builds sustainable eye care systems worldwide by creating equitable access to eye care, building capacity of new and existing eye hospitals and systems, and collecting and learning from evidence. Since 1978, Seva has empowered underserved communities and provided eye care services to 57 million people around the world.     Address: 1786 Fifth Street (between Hearst and Virginia; enter in alley between 4th & 5th), Berkeley CA 94710     Voice: (510) 845-7382 (845-SEVA)     Fax: (510) 809-3364     Web: https://www.seva.org/     [08 Mar 2024]
Seven Stories Press     Whether political or literary or both together, Seven Stories is as well known for publishing on human rights, social and economic justice, and media as for its prize-winning American fiction, literature in translation, and poetry collections. We believe that the mix here of politics and fiction, of protest and celebration, of militancy and tenderness is important. Our credo is that publishers have a special responsibility to defend free speech and human rights, and to celebrate the gifts of the human imagination wherever we can.     Web: https://www.sevenstories.com/     [06 Aug 2023]
Sex Worker's Education Network     Provides information for sex workers, sex worker rights advocates and students about diverse sex industries. BAYSWAN links individuals to resources provided by sex workers and other rights based organizations. Highlights legislative and cultural issues as they impact prostitutes and other sex workers. The service is comprised of information for sex workers and activists/educators who study issues of decriminalization, human rights in the context of prostitution, violence against prostitutes and women, trafficking issues from a sex worker rights perspective, sex workers and pornography, as well as current trends in legislation and social policy in the U.S. and internationally.     Address: Carol Leigh, BAYSWAN, Box 210256, San Francisco CA 94121     Voice: (415) 751-1659     Email: info@bayswan.org     Web: http://www.bayswan.org/penet.html     [07 Aug 2022]
Sex Workers Outreach Project USA (SWOP)     A national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of people involved in the sex trade and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy. On the national level, SWOP helps build stronger communities and a stronger movement through technical assistance, funding, and direct support and advocacy. On a local level, our chapters address structural, cultural, and interpersonal violence individuals in the sex trade face by working to change attitudes, change policies, and create alternative community-led systems of support.     Web: https://swopusa.org/     [07 May 2022]
Sex, Gender, and Relationships Hotline (SGR)     We are a group of volunteers with comprehensive sex education providing accurate, non-judgmental, confidential information about sexuality, gender, and relationships. We welcome calls from people of all ages with all types of questions around sex, sexual health, gender expression, identity, and the ways sex and sexuality can impact relationships. At SGR, we strive to provide fact-based information to assist each person receiving information in making choices and decisions that feel right for them.     Web: https://sgrhotline.org/     [19 Nov 2022]
SF Urban Riders (SFUR)     Dedicated to creating more offroad cycling opportunities in San Francisco. Our goal is to build a city-wide network of trails where people of all ages and abilities can ride bikes for fun and as a way to experience the outdoors in an urban environment.     Address: c/o SF Parks Alliance, 1663 Mission Street, Suite 320, San Francisco CA 94103     Email: info@sfurbanriders.org     Web: https://sfurbanriders.org/     [25 Feb 2023]
SF-CAIRS     A coalition of organizations serving the San Francisco Bay Area asylee, immigrant and refugee community and service providers. SF-CAIRS is a multidisciplinary body of over 60 agencies and 240 members with representation from city, state and federal partners, community-based organizations, employment, immigration and health care providers, educational and vocational training organizations and other support services. We collaborate to ensure all immigrants live healthy and productive lives in a safe and inclusive environment by expanding resource knowledge among service providers about health, employment, social, education and legal services for recent refugees, political asylees and immigrants in San Francisco.     Web: http://sf-cairs.org/     [19 Nov 2023]
Shanti Project     A pioneering nonprofit that builds human connections to reduce isolation, enhance health and well-being, and improve quality of life. We believe that meaningful relationships are essential for navigating life’s most difficult challenges. Every day, we ease the invisible suffering that can accompany isolation or illness, and combat it through the power of personal connection. Because when we take care of each other, we make San Francisco a healthier and more compassionate community, for everyone.     Address: 730 Polk Street, Third Floor, San Francisco CA 94109-7813     Voice: (415) 674-4700     Fax: (415) 674-0370     Web: https://www.shanti.org/     [05 Mar 2023]
Shareable     A nonprofit news and action hub that empowers communities to share for a more resilient, equitable, and joyful world. We believe there is no power greater than collective action. Compassion and belonging generate resilient communities and shared prosperity, and they lay the foundation for justice and equity. Shareable facilitates connection and collaboration across geographic boundaries, creating a broad ecosystem of support and resources necessary for sustainable change.     Web: https://www.shareable.net/     [07 Jun 2024]
ShelterOak     Advocating policy and action leading to solutions for homelessness. * Holding Oakland & Alameda County Officials accountable for improving services * Tracking how and where allocated City and County homeless funding is being spent * Disseminating and distributing current information affecting the unsheltered population     Web: https://www.shelteroak.org/     [07 Jun 2024]
Showing Up for Racial Justice, Bay Area (SURJ Bay Area)     Part of a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice. There are over 150 chapters and affiliates nationwide. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice, with passion and accountability.     Web: https://www.surjbayarea.org/     [19 Nov 2023]
Shut it down for Palestine     An international call to action. There is a growing global movement for a Free Palestine. Across the world, millions of people are engaging in demonstrations and organizing major marches in solidarity with Palestine. Our demands for an immediate ceasefire, cutting all aid to Israel, and lifting the siege on Gaza have broader support than ever. We must keep building momentum and increase the pressure with more marches, walk-outs, sit-ins, and other forms of direct action directed at the political offices, businesses, and workplaces that fund, invest, and collaborate with Israeli genocide and occupation.     Web: https://www.shutitdown4palestine.org/     [25 Dec 2023]
Sidewalk Bubblegum     This is the complete archive for the legendary alternative political comic strip Sidewalk Bubblegum. Started in 1993 and retired in 2001, Clay Butler’s self-syndicated weekly political cartoon, Sidewalk Bubblegum, has been seen in hundreds of magazines, books, and zines including Z Magazine, Playboy, Funny Times, Comic Relief, Creative Loafing, Metro Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Sentinel and Finland’s largest Swedish-language daily newspaper, the HUFVUDSTADSBLADET.     Web: https://sidewalkbubblegum.com/     [05 Mar 2023]
Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter     We are the local face of the national Sierra Club, and as such we offer local members and supporters the opportunity to get involved and actively contribute of their talents and skills to the environmental work of the Sierra Club. A lot of other enviro organizations put your dues to work for the environment, but we offer you a way to do that plus physically make a difference. And the opportunities extend all the way from helping build hiking trails to helping haul trash out of a nearby creek to persuading legislators at a city council meeting to pass a riparian corridor ordinance to planning a campaign to get your neighbors involved in an action designed to improve public transit. Not to mention going hiking.     Address: 3921 East Bayshore Road, Suite 204, Palo Alto CA 94303     Web: https://www.sierraclub.org/loma-prieta     [07 Aug 2022]
Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC)     Mission is to build healthier and more just communities by making bicycling safe and accessible for everyone. We envision a community that values, includes, and encourages bicycling for all purposes for all people. Our overarching goal is to increase the number and diversity of people using bicycles for everyday transportation.     Address: PO Box 1927, San Jose CA 95109     Voice: (408) 287-7259     Web: https://bikesiliconvalley.org/     [30 Nov 2024]
Silicon Valley Climate Action Now! (SV-CAN!)     We’re a nonviolent direct action climate justice group. We’re consensus-driven & open to everyone. We both lead actions & join actions led by our allies. Money is the oxygen on which the fire of global warming burns. Mega-banks play a pivotal role in funding the climate crisis by providing loans to fossil fuel companies. We believe that if we can stop the flow of money, then we can stop the flow of oil. Our actions target two of the worst offenders, “Oily Wells” Fargo, because its global headquarters is in our backyard (San Francisco) and more recently, JPMorgan Chase, one focus of the nationwide Stop the Money Pipeline campaign. Our direct actions disrupt business as usual for corporate enablers of the fossil-fuel industry.     Address: 265 Cambridge Avenew #60723, Palo Alto CA 94306     Voice: (650) 383-8286     Web: https://sv-can.org/     [09 Feb 2025]
Silicon Valley De-Bug     A community organizing, advocacy, and a multimedia storytelling organization based out of San José, California. Since its inception in 2001, De-Bug has been a platform for Silicon Valley's diverse communities to impact the political, cultural, and social landscape of the region, while also becoming a nationally recognized model for community-based justice work.     Address: 701 Lenzen Avenue, San Jose CA 95126     Voice: (408) 971-4965     Email: info@siliconvalleydebug.org     Web: https://siliconvalleydebug.org/     [05 Mar 2023]
Silicon Valley Democratic Socialists of America (SVDSA)     We believe our economy and society should be run democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few. We’re not a political party. We’re a community organization that’s building working class power and fighting for radical change. It’s unusual for people to know their neighbors in our present society. It’s even more unusual to have meaningful conversations about politics with them. We want to break that mold: we’ve been staging public events and going door to door as volunteers to support key causes (like single payer healthcare!), but also to build solidarity where none existed.     Web: https://siliconvalleydsa.org/     [06 Aug 2023]
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC)     A cross-disability, intergenerational, multicultural disability justice organization that creates fully inclusive communities that value the dignity, equality, freedom, and worth of every human being. We do this by building disability identity; culture and pride; creating opportunities for personal and community transformation; and partnering with others to ensure that civil and human rights are protected.     Address: 25 North 14th Street, Suite 1000, San Jose CA 95112     Voice: (408) 894-9041     Fax: (669) 231-4795     Web: https://svilc.org/     [07 Jun 2024]
Silicon Valley Public Access Link (SVPAL)     A non-profit computer network which makes on-line information accessible to people living in the Silicon Valley (southern portion of the San Francisco Bay Area), regardless of financial status and educational level. We are an all-volunteer organization and focus on serving people who cannot afford commercial computer networks, do not have modern personal computers, or need additional help in getting started. SVPAL provides full access to the Internet. We also bring local community, government, education, and business information online. Because our operations depend on donations of state, county, and local resources, neither SVPAL nor its users can utilize these services for commercial purposes.     Address: PO Box 5052, San Jose CA 95150     Voice: (408) 448-3071     Web: https://www.svpal.org/     [05 Mar 2023]
Silicon Valley Rising     A coordinated campaign driven by a powerful coalition of labor, faith leaders, community-based organizations and workers. We aspire to a new vision for Silicon Valley where all workers, their families and communities are valued. We have high expectations for this Valley and for our communities: * We want to be a part of creating a new economic model that rebuilds the middle class. * We want to raise wages and standards for all workers so they can live and thrive here. * And we want to build housing that is affordable and accessible so that our families don't have to live in garages, in their cars, or near a creekbed.     Address: 2302 Zanker Road, San Jose CA 95131     Voice: (408) 809-2120     Email: updates@siliconvalleyrising.org     Web: https://www.siliconvalleyrising.org/     [13 May 2023]
Silicon Valley Transit Users     We are the kinds of people who use mass transit such as VTA buses, light rail, Caltrain, and ACE instead of a car to commute. However, there are numerous issues with mass transit in Santa Clara County that sometimes make us wonder if being another solo driver on our already crowded streets and highways really is more worthwhile than using mass transit. Whether it’s a bus line that stops running after certain hours (and/or doesn’t run often enough), ACE or Caltrain not running often enough, or light rail/rapid bus that does not run through an overcrowded corridor, many obstacles await those who choose mass transit in Santa Clara County instead of driving a car.     Address: PO Box 390069, Mountain View CA 94039-0069     Voice: (408) 888-2208     Email: info@svtransitusers.org     Web: http://www.svtransitusers.org/     [21 May 2022]
The Simpler Way     By now we all understand the importance of reducing resource and energy consumption and stepping more lightly on the planet. But figuring out exactly how to do this in a consumer society can be very challenging. The aim of this website is to provide a practical action plan for those people who wish to live a ‘simpler life’ of reduced and restrained consumption. If you start with the steps outlined on this website and enjoy the process of transition, soon enough a new way of life – the Simpler Way – will emerge. The Simpler Way represents a life with less clutter, less waste, and less fossil fuel use, but also a life with more time for the things that truly inspire and bring happiness.     Web: http://simplerway.org/     [07 Aug 2022]
Andy Singer     The cartoonist of "NO EXIT". His books include "CARtoons", a critique of our car-obsessed society.     Web: http://www.andysinger.com/     [05 Mar 2023]
Single Payer Now (SPN)     A statewide California grassroots advocacy group. We educate and train activists to advocate for healthcare minus the insurance industry. In California, we advocate for progressive health policies and educate individuals about single payer healthcare models, like Medicare and the VA. Nationally, we support HR 676, the U.S. National Healthcare Act. We are volunteers educating voters since 1994 to talk with their friends, co-workers, and neighbors about health care minus the insurance companies. We aim to build a network of 50,000 precinct organizers to win a California ballot initiative.     Web: https://singlepayernow.net/     [19 Nov 2023]
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc.     A leading-edge Order of queer and trans nuns. We believe all people have a right to express their unique joy and beauty. Since our first appearance in San Francisco on Easter Sunday, 1979, the Sisters have devoted ourselves to community service, ministry and outreach to those on the edges, and to promoting human rights, respect for diversity and spiritual enlightenment. We use humor and irreverent wit to expose the forces of bigotry, complacency and guilt that chain the human spirit.     Address: 584 Castro Street, #392, San Francisco CA 94114     Email: Sisters@thesisters.org     Web: https://www.thesisters.org/     [07 Jun 2024]
Slide Ranch     We connect children and people of all ages to the outdoors and partner with community groups, families and educators to provide transformative learning experiences on our organic farm and national park land along the California coast.     Address: 2025 Shoreline Highway, Muir Beach CA 94965     Voice: (415) 381-6155     Email: admin@slideranch.org     Web: https://www.slideranch.org/     [05 Mar 2023]
Slingshot     A quarterly, independent, radical, newspaper published in the East Bay since 1988 by the Slingshot Collective. We also publish the annual Slingshot Organizer radical calendar planner. We are an all volunteer, non-profit, tax exempt project of the Long Haul. Editorial decisions about Slingshot are made by the collective, but not all articles reflect the opinions of all collective members (i.e. we have no “party line.”) We welcome debate, constructive criticism and discussion. Located in the Long Haul at 3124 Shattuck Avenue (near Wollsery), Berkeley CA 94705.     Address: PO Box 3051, Berkeley CA 94703     Voice: (510) 540-0751     Email: slingshotcollective(at)protonmail(dot)com     Web: https://slingshotcollective.org/     [05 Mar 2023]
Small House Society     A cooperatively managed organization dedicated to the promotion of smaller housing alternatives which can be more affordable and ecological. Mission. Our desire is to support the research, development, and use of smaller living spaces that foster sustainable living for individuals, families, and communities worldwide.     Web: https://www.resourcesforlife.com/small-house-society     [31 Aug 2024]
Snitow-Kaufman Productions     Formed in 1993 to produce film, video and educational media for the general public on social issues from race relations to globalization.     Address: PO Box 7402, Berkeley CA 94707     Email: secrets@igc.org     Web: https://www.snitow-kaufman.org/     [05 Mar 2023]
Social Justice Center of Marin (SJCM)     Works to promote Social Justice in the Marin community, in our country and in the world. We work with individuals and other organizations as part of a progressive political movement to support peace, social and environmental justice locally and globally.     Address: PO Box 2409, San Anselmo CA 94979-2409     Voice: (415) 388-2821     Web: https://sjcm.ourproject.org/     [31 Aug 2024]
Socialist Action     A nationwide revolutionary socialist party made up of activists committed to the emancipation of workers and the oppressed. We work to revitalize the anti-war, labor, anti-racist, feminist, LGBTQI, student and other social movements, and build a revolutionary workers’ party deeply integrated into all the struggles of working people, that can successfully challenge the capitalist elite. Socialism is the only way to build a truly democratic society organized for the needs of the many, not the profits of the few.     Voice: (510) 268-9429     Email: socialistaction@lmi.net     Web: https://socialistaction.org/     [19 Nov 2022]
Socialist Alternative     A revolutionary organization working to build a movement for a democratic socialist society. We are campaigning for a new party of working people and fight for an end to all capitalist oppression and exploitation!     Web: https://www.socialistalternative.org/     [19 Nov 2023]
Socialist Viewpoint     Publishes Socialist Viewpoint in the interests of the working class. The editors take positions consistent with revolutionary Marxism. Within this context the editors will consider for publication articles, reviews or comments. The editors may publish comments to accompany these articles. Photographs and cartoons will be appreciated. Socialist Viewpoint reprints articles circulated on the Internet when we deem them of interest to our readers.     Address: 60 29th Street, #429, San Francisco CA 94110     Email: info@socialistviewpoint.org     Web: http://www.socialistviewpoint.org/     [12 Mar 2023]
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Alameda District Council     The largest Emergency shelter in the county, open 365 days a year. Our staff and volunteers in our free dining room and community center are dedicated to providing warm meals and supplementary programs for our unhoused/housing insecure, food insecure, and impoverished neighbors in Oakland.     Address: 2272 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 638-7600     Web: https://www.svdp-alameda.org/     [25 Nov 2023]
Sogorea Te’ Land Trust     An urban Indigenous women-led land trust based in the San Francisco Bay Area that facilitates the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous people. Through the practices of rematriation, cultural revitalization, and land restoration, Sogorea Te’ calls on Native and non-native peoples to heal and transform the legacies of colonization, genocide, and patriarchy and to do the work our ancestors and future generations are calling us to do. We envision a Bay Area in which Ohlone language and ceremony are an active, thriving part of the cultural landscape, where Ohlone place names and history is known and recognized and where intertribal Indigenous communities have affordable housing, social services, cultural centers and land to live, work and pray on.     Address: PO Box 6758, Oakland CA 94603     Email: info(at)rematriatetheland(dot)org     Web: https://sogoreate-landtrust.org/     [09 Feb 2025]
Solano Community Foundation (SCF)     Dedicated to building a stronger community and enhancing the quality of life in Solano County through the support of philanthropic activities that make a deep and lasting positive impact. As a grantmaker, we award grants and scholarships to improve the lives of Solano County residents. As a vehicle for philanthropy, we encourage private giving for public good. As a community leader, we inspire, educate, and cultivate a spirit of philanthropy. To respond to changing needs, we promote community involvement and collaboration.     Address: 744 Empire Street, Suite 240, Fairfield CA 94533     Voice: (707) 399-3846     Web: https://www.solanocf.org/Index.aspx   https://www.givelocalsolano.org/Index.aspx     [12 Mar 2023]
Solano Land Trust (SLT)     Mission is to inspire a love of the land and preserve it for people, food, and the natural environment. The work we do goes beyond conserving land; it’s also about ensuring people’s relationship to the land remains strong. We are committed to building a conservation and stewardship ethic in our community by supporting values based on common ground and engaging the future leaders and land stewards who will come after us to take care of this land. Working in close partnership with landowners, local, state and federal agencies, cattle and sheep grazers, nonprofits, our dedicated volunteers, and supporters like you, we will continue to protect and preserve Solano County’s farmland, ranchland, and open space well into the future.     Address: 198 Dobbins Street, Suite A, Vacaville CA 95688     Voice: (707) 432-0150     Fax: (707) 432-0151     Email: info@solanolandtrust.org     Web: https://solanolandtrust.org/     [09 Feb 2025]
Solidarity Collective (Witness for Peace)     Builds transnational grassroots solidarity to resist U.S. government and corporate policies that contribute to violence, poverty and oppression in the Americas. Our delegations take U.S.-based activists through an immersive and collectively transformative process with our local partners in Latin America and the Caribbean. Our delegations use a popular education pedagogy and focus on the struggle and principled leadership of Indigenous, African-descendant and Campesino land defenders, community organizers, and peacebuilders.     Web: https://www.solidaritycollective.org/     [22 Jun 2024]
Sonoma Clean Power     Serves the residents and businesses in Sonoma and Mendocino counties clean energy from more renewable resources, such as geothermal, wind, and solar. Powered by innovative thinking, SCP was formed to provide a choice beyond the for-profit, investor-owned utility (PG&E) and a customer-owned public utility. Today, SCP is a model for community choice programs throughout California. By providing higher percentages of renewable energy that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, our customers are helping to solve the climate crisis at the local level.     Address: PO Box 1030, Santa Rosa CA 95402     Voice: (855) 202-2139     Email: info@SonomaCleanPower.org     Web: https://sonomacleanpower.org/   https://scpadvancedenergycenter.org     [07 Jun 2024]
Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition (BikeSonoma)     Promotes healthy and safe riding for everyone through advocacy and education. Our vision: riding a bicycle becomes an everyday activity for transportation, recreation and exercise throughout Sonoma County for everyone. Bicycling is considered a standard form of transportation by local governments and safe transportation options for bicycle riders are always included in decision-making. As a result, the people of Sonoma County enjoy healthier lifestyles, a cleaner environment and safe cycling choices.     Address: PO Box 3088, Santa Rosa CA 95402     Voice: (707) 545-0153     Email: info@BikeSonoma.org     Web: https://www.bikesonoma.org/     [08 Mar 2024]
Sonoma County Conservation Action (SCCA)     The nonpartisan, political arm of Sonoma County’s environmental movement. SCCA’s full time organizing staff has knocked on more than 50,000 doors each year since 1991, identifying environmentally concerned county residents, distributing information and election endorsements, generating membership and mobilizing residents to write to decision-makers and to volunteer for electoral campaigns. The power of person-to-person, grassroots organizing makes Conservation Action the most politically effective organization in Sonoma County.     Address: 540 Pacific Avenue, Santa Rosa CA 95404     Voice: (707) 571-8566     Web: https://www.conservationaction.org/     [08 Mar 2024]
Sonoma County Conservation Council (SCCC)     Dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the quality of the environment for the general public in Sonoma County. To this end, members share organizational resources and coordinate study and action. Objectives shall include, but not be limited to, the protection of the natural environment, and the publication and dissemination of educational information relative to environmental concerns of its member organizations. Founded by a federation of local groups with the aim of pooling resources to protect and restore our environment. In 1984, SCCC became incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit. The Environmental Center of Sonoma County is a project of the SCCC. It is operated jointly with the Sierra Club’s Redwood Chapter, Sonoma Group, mainly by volunteers.     Address: PO Box 4346, Santa Rosa CA 95402     Voice: (707) 578-0595     Email: sccc2@sonic.net     Web: https://envirocentersoco.org/     [19 Nov 2022]
Sonoma County for Palestine     Web: https://www.sonomacountyforpalestine.com/     [22 Dec 2024]
Sonoma Ecology Center     Works to address challenges related to water supply and quality, open space, rural character, biodiversity, energy, climate change, and a better quality of life for all residents. Since 1990, we’ve worked to increase appreciation and stewardship of Sonoma Valley’s natural heritage and create measurable benefits in areas of land, water, climate change and biodiversity.     Address: PO Box 1486, Eldridge CA 95431     Voice: (707) 996-0712     Fax: (707) 996-2452     Email: info@sonomaecologycenter.org     Web: https://sonomaecologycenter.org/     [25 Nov 2023]
Sonoma Land Trust (SLT)     We conserve scenic, natural, agricultural, and open land for the future of Sonoma County. Working together to protect nature has a ripple effect—actions big and small help reduce climate impacts, restore habitats, and engage new voices in conservation for our future. Land is the heart of the community.     Address: 822 Fifth Street, Santa Rosa CA 95404     Voice: (707) 526-6930     Email: info@sonomalandtrust.org     Web: https://sonomalandtrust.org/     [14 Feb 2025]
Soul Flower Farm     Committed to empowering the socially disenfranchised and injecting balance in our food and social systems. We are a small organic farm located in the San Francisco East Bay Hills of California. We strive to incorporate biodynamic farming methods and permaculture design to be self sustaining. Our passion is living in connection with the land, giving back, sharing with community and practicing holistic medicine.     Web: http://soulflowerfarm.com/     [14 May 2022]
South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)     A national movement strategy and advocacy organization committed to racial justice through structural change, which means we focus on transforming institutions while leveraging incremental change as a means to shift conditions and power. We do this through federal policy and advocacy, local and national partnerships, coalition building (i.e. NCSO) and strategic communications. We convene dedicated spaces for South Asian organizations across the country to engage in political education leading to strategies and narratives to realize our vision.     Web: https://saalt.org/     [07 Aug 2022]
South Bay Progressive Alliance     An independent, politically unaffiliated organization with a mission to unite diverse individuals, communities, and organizations into an inclusive coalition that fights to elect local corporate-free candidates, enact progressive policies, and build institutions and a society based on democracy, equity, cooperation, compassion and sustainability.     Address: 76 South 16th Street, San Jose CA 95112     Voice: (408) 372-2901     Email: Info[at]SouthBayPA[dot]org     Web: https://southbaypa.org/     [30 Nov 2024]
South Bay Song Circle     We meet every Thursday to sing inspirational songs from the popular songbook Rise Up Singing. Songs of peace, harmony, and hope; freedom, fairness, and justice; nature and eco-care; community, friendship, love, and life; and American and world folk songs. We have copies of “Rise Up Singing”, but bring yours, if you have one; and your musical instrument if you play any.     Voice: (408) 390-7203     Email: SBsongcircle-owner@yahoogroups.com     Web: https://sanjosepeacechorale.wordpress.com/     [14 May 2022]
South of Market Community Action Network (SOMCAN)     A multi-racial, community-based organization, serving low-income immigrant youth and families in SOMA, Excelsior, and greater San Francisco since 2000. SOMCAN organizes, supports and informs the SOMA community through leadership development, advocacy, direct services, and referrals. SOMCAN believes in uplifting the voices of immigrant, people-of-color, and low-income communities, so they will be heard in local policy-making decisions and so civic offices are accountable to their needs.     Address: 1010 Mission Street (at 7th Street), San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 255-7693 (English); (415) 552-5637 (Tagalog)     Fax: (415) 552-5637     Web: https://www.somcan.org/     [25 Nov 2023]
Southern Center for Human Rights (SCHR)     Working for equality, dignity, and justice for people impacted by the criminal legal system in the Deep South. SCHR fights for a world free from mass incarceration, the death penalty, the criminalization of poverty, and racial injustice.     Web: https://www.schr.org/     [12 Mar 2023]
Southern Exposure (SoEx)     An artist-centered non-profit organization committed to supporting visual artists. Through our extensive and innovative programming, SoEx strives to experiment, collaborate and further educate while providing an extraordinary resource center and forum for Bay Area and national artists and youth in our Mission District space and off-site, in the public realm.     Address: 3030 20th Street (at Alabama), San Francisco CA 94110     Voice: (415) 863-2141     Fax: (415) 738-8018     Web: https://soex.org/     [14 May 2022]
Southern Poverty Law Center     A catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people. Our lawsuits have toppled institutional racism and stamped out remnants of Jim Crow segregation; destroyed some of the nation’s most violent white supremacist groups; and protected the civil rights of children, women, the disabled, immigrants and migrant workers, the LGBTQ community, prisoners, and many others who faced discrimination, abuse or exploitation.     Web: https://www.splcenter.org/     [25 Nov 2023]
Speak Out - Institute for Democratic Education and Culture     A mission-driven speakers agency and social justice education institute. SpeakOut's mission is to encourage critical and imaginative thinking to address the major inequities of our day and transform a fractured world. Our network of speakers, artists, and strategic partners provide experiential learning opportunities through lectures, workshops, film screenings, performances, consulting and professional development. SpeakOut works with colleges, universities, schools, organizations, government agencies and the private sector, promoting critical analysis, creativity and innovative strategies for 21st century problem-solving.     Address: PO Box 22748, Oakland CA 94609     Voice: (510) 647-9115     Email: info@speakoutnow.org     Web: https://www.speakoutnow.org/     [06 Aug 2023]
Speak Out Now / Revolutionary Workers Group     A revolutionary socialist group. We believe that a socialist world is possible and can be brought into being by the active struggles of the majority of the people of the world. We believe the international working class is the social force that can transform society and create a new world. But to do so, revolutionary organizations must be built in the working class. For this reason our group aims its activity primarily at large workplaces. Our newsletters are distributed at several workplaces every two weeks.     Voice: (510) 343-9105     Email: bayarea[at]speakoutsocialists[dot]org     Web: https://speakoutsocialists.org/     [21 Jan 2024]
Spiral Gardens Community Food Security Project     Strives to model and enable a healthy alternative to our current food economy. For almost two decades we have been part of the ever-growing movement to recreate a resilient and local food system that ties people directly to their sources of sustenance, and is proof against economic fluctuations and the corporatization of food systems. Spiral Gardens’ mission is to improve community health and sustainability by providing access to nutritious and affordable produce, promoting a strong local food system, and encouraging productive use of urban soil. Located on Sacramento and Oregon Streets in southwest Berkeley on two plots of public land, which were formerly a railroad right of way.     Address: 2838 Sacramento Street, Berkeley CA 94702     Voice: (510) 843-1307     Email: info@spiralgardens.org     Web: http://www.spiralgardens.org/     [07 Aug 2022]
Spokeland     We're more than a bike shop, we're a learning center! Spokeland is a community run non-profit. This space is offered as a resource where volunteers and staff reflect the many communities of Oakland. We are a collective that values all voices and is intentional about being the equity we wish to see. By joining our Membership Program, you support our ability to remain open and inclusive. By using our shop resources you allow us to give back and support those who rely on bicycles for transportation, because all of us have been or are still there.     Address: 813 37th Street, Oakland CA 94608     Voice: (510) 852-9253     Email: spokeland@gmail.com     Web: https://spokeland.square.site/     [12 Mar 2023]
STAND! For Families Free of Violence     Committed to promoting safe and strong families. Our approach to eliminating family violence is well-rounded and community-wide. In addition to providing a complete spectrum of prevention, intervention, and treatment programs, we also enlist the efforts of local residents, partners, and institutions, all of whom are striving with us to stop domestic violence and child abuse.     Address: 1410 Danzig Plaza, Concord CA 94520     Voice: (925) 676-2845     Fax: (925) 676-2326     Email: info@standffov.org     Web: https://www.standffov.org/     [14 Feb 2025]
Stand.earth (San Francisco office)     Delivering large-scale solutions to climate and environmental problems worldwide. We are a growing team of strategists, researchers, communicators, policy and issue experts — plus a powerful global network of donors, activists, and community members from every walk of life, united in our demand for transformational change. Our mission is to challenge corporations and governments to treat people and the environment with respect. We investigate, expose, organize, collaborate, and resolve – applying a just-right strategy to each issue we address. Our approach makes us one of the most efficient, effective problem-solving entities working on climate and environmental issues today.     Address: 548 Market Street, Suite 74196, San Francisco CA 94104-5401     Voice: (415) 863-4563     Web: https://stand.earth/     [14 Feb 2025]
Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL)     An interdisciplinary journal dedicated to civil rights and liberties issues–both domestic and international. Stanford Law School students founded CRCL in 2004 to explore the changing landscape of the civil rights and civil liberties dialogue, the real world implications of these changes on society, and the larger structural and systematic implications of these issues. CRCL publishes two issues per year, featuring articles, essays, reviews, and commentary from prominent and emerging scholars, practitioners, and students. In addition to organizing annual symposia on civil rights and civil liberties, CRCL invites speakers and panelists to engage with the Stanford community on topics of interest and importance.     Web: https://law.stanford.edu/stanford-journal-of-civil-rights-civil-liberties-sjcrcl/     [25 Nov 2023]
Starhawk     Starhawk is an author, activist, permaculture designer and teacher, and a prominent voice in modern earth-based spirituality and ecofeminism. She is the author or co-author of thirteen books, including The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess and the ecotopian novel The Fifth Sacred Thing, and its sequel City of Refuge. Her most recent non-fiction book is The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups, on group dynamics, power, conflict and communications. Starhawk founded Earth Activist Training, teaching permaculture design grounded in spirituality and with a focus on activism. She travels internationally, lecturing and teaching on earth-based spirituality, the tools of ritual, and the skills of activism.     Web: https://starhawk.org/     [25 Nov 2023]
Stop AI     We are a non-violent civil resistance organization working to permanently ban the development of smarter-than-human AI to prevent human extinction, mass job loss, and many other problems.     Web: https://www.stopai.info/     [30 Jan 2025]
StoptheDrugWar.org     Works for health and justice by seeking to end drug prohibition and its excesses, while positively impacting related issues. StoptheDrugWar.org is a primarily US-based organization that advocates on domestic drug policies and in the international sphere. We pick advocacy issues for which there are unfilled roles in which we and coalition partners can make a difference. One in which we played a leading role for over a decade was a successful effort to repeal a law that denied financial aid for college because of drug convictions.     Web: https://stopthedrugwar.org/     [10 Jun 2023]
StopWaste.Org     Since 1976, StopWaste has been helping Alameda County’s businesses, residents, and schools waste less, recycle better, and use water, energy and other resources efficiently. We’re a public agency governed by the Alameda County Waste Management Authority, the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling Board, and the Energy Council. With local partners, we helped launch the green building movement in California and organized one of the first and largest food scrap collection programs in the country. Our work helps people make better decisions everyday about the products they buy, the resources they use, and the stuff they no longer use.     Address: 1537 Webster Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 891-6500     Email: info@stopwaste.org     Web: https://www.stopwaste.org/     [14 Feb 2025]
The Story of Stuff     An environmental nonprofit fighting for systemic change. We make videos and launch campaigns to tackle environmental and social problems from plastic pollution to water privatization.     Address: 1442 A Walnut Street, #272, Berkeley CA 94709     Voice: (510) 883-1055     Email: info@storyofstuff.org     Web: https://www.storyofstuff.org/     [27 Feb 2022]
StoryCenter     We promote healing, growth, and social change by creating spaces for listening to and sharing stories. We believe that storytelling inspires connection and action, and we are committed to helping people from all walks of life use the power of their own voices and experiences to build a just and healthy world.     Address: 1442A Walnut Street, #417, Berkeley CA 94709     Voice: (510) 548-2065     Email: info@storycenter.org     Web: https://www.storycenter.org/   https://www.storycenter.org/silence-speaks/     [17 Sep 2023]
Streetsblog SF     A daily news source connecting people to information about sustainable transportation and livable communities. Since 2006, Streetsblog has covered the movement to transform our cities by reducing dependence on private automobiles and improving conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders. Our reporters have broken important stories about transit funding, pedestrian safety, and bicycle policy from day one. And our writing makes arcane topics like parking prices and induced traffic accessible to a broad audience.     Web: https://sf.streetsblog.org/     [07 Aug 2022]
Student Environmental Resource Center     Cultivates a collaborative space to strengthen the collective effectiveness of the sustainability community, and provides resources for students to actualize their visions of a more equitable, socially just, and resilient future.     Address: 2495 Bancroft Way, Suite 82C3, Berkeley CA 94720-4520     Email: serc@berkeley.edu     Web: https://serc.berkeley.edu/     [12 Mar 2023]
Students for a Free Tibet (SFT)     We work in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. We are a chapter-based network of young people and activists around the world. Through education, grassroots organizing, and nonviolent direct action, we campaign for Tibetans’ fundamental right to political freedom. Through education, grassroots organizing, and nonviolent direct action, we campaign for Tibetans’ fundamental right to political freedom.     Web: https://studentsforafreetibet.org/     [14 Feb 2025]
Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)     The largest national youth-led network dedicated to ending the War on Drugs. At its heart, SSDP is a grassroots organization, led by a Board of Directors primarily elected by and from our student and youth members. We bring young people of all political and ideological orientations together to have honest conversations about drugs and drug policy. We create change by providing a platform where members collaborate, communicate, share resources with, and coach each other to generate policy change, deliver honest drug education, and promote harm reduction. Founded in 1998, SSDP is comprised of thousands of members in hundreds of communities around the United States.     Web: https://ssdp.org/     [06 Aug 2023]
Success Centers     For nearly 40 years, Success Centers has worked with people living in difficult circumstances. We have positively impacted the lives of thousands of individuals, helping them to obtain employment, complete their education, and tap their creative power. But there’s more to it than that. Those who cross our threshold are making a conscious effort to change. We help them make changes that improve their lives and communities even as we demand change from within the system. And as long as inequality persists, we won’t stop. Many institutions have failed our participants. ?We are the last house on the block. With your help, we will always be here.     Address: 449 Webster Street, San Francisco CA 94115-3705     Voice: (415) 549-7000     Fax: (415) 529-2223     Email: careercenter@successcenters.org     Web: https://successcenters.org/     [07 Dec 2024]
Sudo Room     Our slogan is: HACK THE PLANET! We use and share technology to promote social justice, sustainability, education and solidarity. We strive to be an open, transparent, horizontal and welcoming community where all are supported and free to learn, create, gather, collaborate, work, play and more! We are exclusively volunteer-run and supported through donations!     Address: Omni Commons, 4799 Shattuck Avenue (at 48th Street, in the back of the building), Oakland CA 94609     Email: info[at]sudoroom[dot]org     Web: https://sudoroom.org/     [06 Aug 2023]
Sunflower Alliance     Committed to environmental justice and the health and safety of all Bay Area communities threatened by toxic pollution and climate change. We are fighting against the poisoning of our communities and the destruction of our planet, and for an equitable and sustainable economy fueled by renewable energy sources—wind, water and solar. We seek an end to the ruinous extractive economy and its replacement with a life-sustaining system that meets people’s real needs and nurtures the planet we live on.     Web: http://www.sunflower-alliance.org/     [30 Nov 2024]
Sunrise Bay Area     We are the Bay Area hub of Sunrise Movement. Sunrise is a youth-led movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.? We're building a movement of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people. We work to pass Green New Deal legislation at the local, state, and federal level that addresses climate change while ensuring that communities on the front lines of this crisis, including fossil fuel workers, are not left behind.     Web: https://sunrisebayarea.org/     [19 Oct 2024]
SunWork Renewable Energy Projects     Purpose is to empower people to adopt solar power where it hasn’t been economically practical in the past. Installing solar can be expensive for a homeowner due to costs of equipment, installation, and marketing costs in a competitive industry. By making solar more affordable for low-energy-footprint homeowners and for nonprofits, SunWork puts solar power within more people’s reach. Our volunteers are what makes SunWork work. And due to our nonprofit model, we don’t mark up equipment nor do we have many marketing costs.     Address: Sobrato Center for Nonprofits, 477 Valley Way, Milpitas CA 95035     Voice: (650) 520-9918     Fax: (650) 350-4331     Email: info@sunwork.org     Web: https://sunwork.org/   https://sunwork.org/solar-for-your-home/   https://sunwork.org/volunteer/     [06 Aug 2023]
Support for Families of Children with Disabilities (SFCD)     A parent-run San Francisco-based nonprofit organization founded in 1982. We support families of children with any kind of disability or special health care need as they face challenges. Our purpose is to ensure that families of children with any kind of disability or special health care need, and the providers who serve them, have the knowledge and support to make informed choices that enhance children's development and well-being. We promote partnership with families, professionals and the community at large, because it is through partnership that we create a community where our children can flourish.     Address: 1663 Mission Street, Suite 700, San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 282-7494     Fax: (415) 349-5194     Email: info@supportforfamilies.org     Web: https://www.supportforfamilies.org/     [25 Nov 2022]
Surface Transportation Policy Partnership (STPP)     A national collaborative working to ensure safer communities and smarter transportation choices that enhance the economy, improve public health, promote social equity, and protect the environment. STPP monitors trends, emerging issues, needs, and new policy proposals related to the planning and implementation of transportation in the United States. Of particular interest are issues related to safety, the environment, sound asset management, planning, and public policy.     Web: http://www.transact.org/     [08 Mar 2024]
Surfrider Foundation     Dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. Our irreplaceable national network of chapter volunteers serves as the first response to local threats in coastal communities across the US. They are the boots on the ground who collaborate on both the local and national level with regional staff and issue experts to carry out our mission through campaign, program and educational initiatives in their local communities. Our network grows stronger with every chapter we add.     Web: https://www.surfrider.org/     [31 Aug 2024]
Survival International USA     From the Amazon to the Kalahari, from the jungles of India to the Congo rainforest, we work in partnership with tribal peoples to protect their lives and land. They suffer racism, land theft, forced development and genocidal violence just because they live differently. It must stop. We fight for tribal peoples’ survival. We stop loggers, miners, and oil companies from destroying tribal lands, lives and livelihoods across the globe. We lobby governments to recognize Indigenous land rights. We document and expose the atrocities committed against tribal people and take direct action to stop them. We give tribal peoples a platform to speak to the world. We’ve had over 200 victories since 1969, but our work is far from over and we need your help.     Address: PO Box 26345, San Francisco CA 94126     Voice: (510) 858-3950     Email: info.usa@survivalinternational.org     Web: https://www.survivalinternational.org/     [06 Aug 2023]
Survivors International (SI)     Provides free psychosocial and psychological support to adult survivors of persecution and torture who reside in San Francisco. Our team works at the intersection of human rights advocacy and mental health to help immigrant survivors of severe traumas feel as healthy and safe as possible. Our multilingual and multicultural team offers free psychotherapy and case management support. We offer services in Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, and Hindi and, with the support of our trained interpreters, in many other languages, including Arabic, Russian, Cantonese, Mongolian, and Tigrinya.     Web: https://divisionoftraumarecoveryservices.org/trauma-recovery-center/survivors-international-program/     [31 Aug 2024]
Susan Ives Communications     We’re a versatile, creative team of senior-level professionals with decades of combined experience in public interest marketing and communications. Like our clients, we’re committed to making a positive difference through our work. Our goal is to help our clients have the greatest impact through well-conceived, well-planned, well-executed communications. Founded in 2003, Susan Ives Communications has formed lasting, collaborative relationships with clients and the media. We pride ourselves on cost-effective communications and personalized service.     Voice: (415) 381-4250; (415) 987-6764     Email: susan@susanivescommunications.com     Web: http://www.susanivescommunications.com/     [25 Nov 2023]
Sustainable Agriculture Education (SAGE)     Advances multi-benefit agriculture as a foundation for regional resilience, catalyzes place-based regenerative agriculture, and fosters vital, equitable food systems that connect urban and rural communities.     Address: David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Suite 320, Berkeley CA 94704-1381     Voice: (510) 526-1793     Email: info@sagecenter.org     Web: https://www.sagecenter.org/     [07 Jun 2024]
Sustainable City     Dedicated to achieving a sustainable future for San Francisco. Sustainable City's advocacy for a sustainable future -- one that provides for the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations and the natural world to provide for their own needs -- is embodied in the Sustainability Plan for the City of San Francisco, featured on this website.     Web: http://sustainablecity.org/     [27 Feb 2022]
Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC)     Cultivates a new legal landscape that supports community resilience and grassroots economic empowerment. We provide essential legal tools - education, research, advice, and advocacy - so communities everywhere can develop their own sustainable sources of food, housing, energy, jobs, and other vital aspects of a thriving community.     Address: 1428 Franklin Street, Oakland CA 94612     Voice: (510) 398-6219     Email: communications@theSELC.org     Web: https://www.theselc.org/     [12 Aug 2023]
Sustainable San Mateo County (SSMC)     Mission is to stimulate action to make San Mateo County more sustainable on economic, environmental, and social equity issues through empowering information and advocacy. We believe that the “three E’s” of sustainability, the Economy, the Environment and social Equity, must be in balance in order for communities to be healthy and thrive.     Address: 3182 Campus Drive #153, San Mateo CA 94403     Voice: (650) 918-1992     Email: info@sustainablesanmateo.org     Web: https://sustainablesanmateo.org/     [14 Feb 2025]
Swing Left San Francisco     Mobilizes Bay Area activists to support Democratic campaigns in swing districts through canvassing, phone banking, and other voter outreach methods. Our focus is primarily on the California Central Valley, Nevada and Arizona, and we also support some special elections nationwide. You're invited to our monthly meetings (some in person; some virtual), and we offer trainings in voter outreach techniques. Join our community of activists committed to taking back our democracy and growing Democratic power in the House of Representatives, the Senate, and state legislatures!     Web: https://swingleft.org/group/swing-left-san-francisco     [14 Feb 2025]
Swords to Plowshares     We are a community-based not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. We are dedicated to supporting nearly 3,000 homeless, low-income and at-risk veterans in the Bay Area every year. War causes wounds and suffering that last beyond the battlefield. Swords to Plowshares' mission is to support veterans as they navigate the challenges of post-military life, and to prevent and end veteran homelessness through wrap-around care and informed advocacy.     Address: 1060 Howard Street (between 6th and 7th Streets), San Francisco CA 94103     Voice: (415) 252-4788     Web: https://www.swords-to-plowshares.org/     [08 Mar 2024]
System Change Not Climate Change (SCNCC)     A network of North American ecosocialists united in the belief that capitalism is driving climate change and that a radical international grassroots movement can stop it. Green capitalism is a dead end. So are liberal parties like the US Democrats and Canadian Liberals and the corporate friendly approach of most Green NGOs. SCNCC believes the climate justice movement will unite with the labor movement, First Nations/indigenous and other struggles for liberation to create an alternative to the upside down world shaped by fossil fuels and corporate power. Another world is possible, but we need more ecosocialists to make it happen.     Web: https://systemchangenotclimatechange.org/   https://www.facebook.com/Bayecosocialists/     [13 Aug 2022]
Task Force on the Americas (TFA)     Originally named Marin Interfaith Task Force. The group began in 1985 with the sanctuary movement around El Salvador and focus on Central America in response to US funded counter-revolution and terrorism. Since then our scope has expanded to all of the Americas. We stand in solidarity with the social justice movements of Latin America and the Caribbean and in opposition to the US interference. TFA conducts public education events and publishes a quarterly newsletter. We monitor the U.S. role – military, economic and political – in Latin America and respond to human rights violations with appropriate actions, which include an urgent action network.     Address: PO Box 925, Larkspur CA 94977     Voice: (415) 578-7930     Email: taskforceontheamericas@gmail.com     Web: https://taskforceamericas.org/     [30 Nov 2024]
Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU)     A grassroots organization of thousands of members across North America, working together to rebuild Teamster Power. We’re truck drivers, dock workers, warehouse workers, clericals—every kind of Teamster, and retirees and spouses, too. We fight for good contracts and oppose concessions and benefit cuts. We bring Teamsters together to enforce our rights and to hold union officials accountable to the members.     Web: https://www.tdu.org/     [07 Sep 2024]
Teamsters Local 2010     The Union of 23,000 hard-working employees in California education. We are affiliated with the 1.4 million members of the Teamsters Union across the United States and Canada. Together we are building a strong Union with the power to win better wages, benefits, and working conditions. We protect workers’ rights through direct action and determined labor representation.     Address: 7730 Pardee Lane, Suite 2010, Oakland CA 94621     Voice: (510) 845-2221     Fax: (510) 845-7444     Email: info@teamsters2010.org     Web: https://teamsters2010.org/     [14 Feb 2025]
Tech Exchange     Dedicated to championing digital equity and accessibility for under connected families in the Bay Area and surrounding cities since 1995. Our unwavering commitment centers on a sustainable and eco-friendly model, where we refurbish donated computers and put them in the hands of families, schools, and community organizations. While also offering comprehensive digital training, promote broadband adoption and awareness, and provide multilingual tech support. Our mission is to empower communities through technological inclusion, while fostering a more equitable, sustainable, and connected futur