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Kresge Food Co-op

Address   600 Kresge Court
          Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Voice     (831) 426-1506

A non-profit student owned and run grocery store / community space operating at Kresge College, UC Santa Cruz.

We are a group of students whose goal is to run a natural foods store through consensus decision-making and group responsibility. We embrace cooperation as our tool for social change. We are not for profit, we are for collective power. As a cooperative business we seek to educate all members of the community, including ourselves. We use our buying power to reflect our ideals regarding ecological, social, and political issues. For this reason, we carry healthy, locally based, cruelty-free, organic products. We focus on products that are good for the Earth, the people who produce them, and the people who consume them. Open to all, we provide a space where good food and revolutionary action meet at the checkout line.

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This entry's contact information was last verified in January of 2006.

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