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Catholic Charities of San Jose (CCSJ)

Address   2625 Zanker Road (near Trimble)
          San Jose, CA  95134-2107
Voice     (408) 468-0100
Fax       (408) 944-0275

We help people of all cultures and beliefs rise up out of poverty and overcome the barriers to self-sufficiency and wellness. We do this in three ways. First, we alleviate the conditions of chronic poverty through food, housing assistance, access to benefits, senior services, and mental health services. Second, we reduce the effects of situational poverty by providing jobs, immigration legal services, refugee foster care, financial literacy, and asset development. Third, we prevent the cycle of generational poverty through early childhood development, parenting support, after-school enhanced learning, and youth empowerment.

Index Keys
policy       poverty       religion       Santa Clara County

This entry's contact information was last verified in April of 2021.

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