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Association of Feminists Fighting Fascism, Imperialism, Refeudalization, and Marginalization (AF3IRM)


An organization of women engaged in transnational feminist, anti-imperialist activism and dedicated to the fight against oppression in all its forms. AF3IRM’s diverse, multi-ethnic membership is committed to militant movement-building from the United States and effects change through grassroots organizing, trans-ethnic alliance building, education, advocacy and direct action.

The SF Bay Area chapter participates in and plans International Women’s Day celebrations, 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, May Day, as well as anti-militarization rallies and forums, indigenous people’s ceremony, anti-colonial & anti-racist demonstrations, prison & police abolition protests, and immigrant rights actions.

Index Keys
direct action       feminism       imperialism       women

This entry's contact information was last verified in September of 2023.

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