8:00 Meet with Higgins 8:30 Present quarterly report 9:00 Board meeting 9:30 Meet with BiggerTheyCome CEO 10:00 Finalize company's new stock portfolio 10:30 Order new fleet of limos 11:00 Film TV commericial 11:30 Counter-sue GlobalGobble 12:00 Lunch with senators; find out their price 1:00 Move to penthouse 1:30 Accept Grammy 2:00 Have uppity leaders of small-time nations assassinated 3:00 Rotate harem 3:30 Accept Nobel Peace Prize 4:00 Send 40,000 to hell 4:30 Reverse all physical laws of universe 5:00 Destroy time 5:30 Leave this schedule open on desk to impress women 6:00 Turn the compost