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Plant-Based Diets for CVD Miscellany

Plant-Based Diets for CVD 2013 through 2017

webMonica Dinu, Rosanna AbbateCrit Rev Food Sci Nutr2017-11-22
webMonica Dinu, Rosanna AbbateCrit Rev Food Sci Nutr2017-11-22
webDagfinn Aune, Edward Giovannuc...Int J Epidemiol2017-06-01
webDagfinn Aune, Edward Giovannuc...Int J Epidemiol2017-06-01
webAndrew M. Freeman, Pamela B. M...Journal of the American Colleg...2017-02-27
webTuso P1, Stoll SRPerm J2014-11-24
webTurner-McGrievy G, Harris MCurr Diab Rep2014-01-01
webEsselstyn CB Jr, Gendy G, Doyl...J Fam Pract2014-07-01
webKim MS, Hwang SS, Park EJEnviron Microbiol Rep2013-07-19
webCrowe FL, Appleby PNAm J Clin Nutr2013-01-30