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Foods Linked with Cancer
Illnesses Linked with Highly Processed Food

Highly Processed Food Linked with Cancer

webNina AvramovaCNN2019-07-10
webMaggie FoxNBC News2016-03-08
webMD Anderson Cancer Center2015-12-31
webLewis C CantleyBMC Biol2013-01-31
webChan JM, Wang FCancer Causes Control2009-03-11
webSmith TJ, Wolfson JA, Jiao DPLoS One2015-02-18
webHengel M, Shibamoto TJ Agric Food Chem2013-01-15
webJacobson MFInt J Occup Environ Health2012-07-01
webChan PC, Hill GDArch Toxicol2007-07-10
webKiara Chang, Marc J. GuntereClinicalMedicine2023-01-31
webMaggie FoxNBC News2018-02-16
webMichelle RobertsonSan Francisco Chronicle2017-01-11
webWang Q, Wang Y, Ji ZCancer Epidemiol2012-06-04
webRainbow Vogt, Deborah BennettEnvironmental Health2012-11-09