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Docosahexanoic Acid (DHA)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Cardiovascular Health

DHA May Not Be Effective for Cardiovascular Health

Subtopics and Documents:
webRich HaridyNew Atlas2021-07-08
webRizos EC, Ntzani EEJAMA2012-09-12
webKwak SM, Myung SKArch Intern Med2012-05-14
webKromhout D, Giltay EJN Engl J Med2010-11-18
webBurr MLProc Nutr Soc2007-02-01
webML Burr, PAL Ashfield-WattEuropean Journal of Clinical N...2003-01-01
webMarcia Wood, USDA Agricultural...Agricultural Research1998-09-01