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Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security

Address   654 13th Street, Preservation Park
          Oakland, CA  94612
Voice     (510) 251-1600
Fax       (510) 251-2203
Email     info(at)

Founded in 1987, the Pacific Institute works to create a healthier planet and sustainable communities. We conduct interdisciplinary research and partner with stakeholders to produce solutions that advance environmental protection, economic development, and social equity—in California, nationally, and internationally. Our aim is to find real-world solutions to problems like water shortages, habitat destruction, global warming, and environmental injustice. Based in Oakland, California, we conduct research, publish reports, recommend solutions, and work with decision makers, advocacy groups, and the public to change policy.

Index Keys
climate change       conservation       development       environmental justice       sustainability       water

This entry's contact information was last verified in April of 2008.

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